405 research outputs found

    Taro Tube Flour Modification Via Hydrogen Peroxide Oxidation

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    Colocasia esculentum (L) Schott known as “Talas bogor” in Indonesian language is easily grown in every island in Indonesia. It proved to have high content of carbohydrate as it can be utilize for wheat flour replacement in addition to prior modification using hydrogen peroxide. The objective of this research was to improve the quality of taro flour by assessing the effect of several parameter such as ratio of slurry, oxidation agent concentration, oxidation time and temperature. The result shows that using ratio of slurry 20% with 2% of H2O2 concentration in temperature of oxidation process 30oC and 60 min operation time can produced good quality of modified taro tube flour in terms of swelling power and water solubility with 7.2 g/g and 6.93% respectively. This condition has chosen by taking the technical and economic feasibility as consideration. This result also can be used as proof of evidence that using H2O2 as an oxidizing agent in the process of taro tube flour modification can improve the functional properties of the flour. As the swelling power and water solubility of original taro tube flour were 3.7 g/g and 1.8% respectively

    Exploring Preservice Teachers’ Still-Life Paintings of Crystals with Artist-Focused Compared to Science-Focused Introductions

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    This experimental study was undertaken with preservice teachers to test whether the use of science integration into arts education increases demonstration of science details and creative features in artwork. Two conditions were created: arts-focused and science-focused; gouache still-life paintings were produced and analyzed, and an attitude survey was completed. The results suggested that science integration into visual arts classes increased creativity for the arts-focused condition and increased science concepts in the science-focused condition. Participants in both conditions reported positive attitudes, specifically, high levels of enjoyment, alluded to lack of experience with arts and creative projects, and expressed desire for more exposure because of emotional benefits

    Perancangan Redesain Kemasan Makanan Ringan Roti Kecik Merk Ganep's Sebagai Buah Tangan Khas Kota Surakarta.

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    Perusahaan Ganep's sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1881, dengan produk awal mereka yaitu Roti Kecik yang hingga kini menjadi produk unggulan mereka. Perusahaan ini jugalah yang menciptakan Roti Kecik pertama kalinya. xsBeberapa makanan yang turut dijual berasal dari UKM yang berada di kota Surakarta. Permasalahannya ada di desain kemasan yang terlalu berbeda beda, sehingga kurang menunjukkannya identitas dan keseragaman dari Perusahaan ini, selain itu kemasan tersebut kurang menunjukkan kota Surakarta. Akibatnya, kemasan yang dihasilkan kurang menunjukkan ciri khas kota Surakarta, untuk itu perlu dilakukan redesain kemasan yang sesuai dengan standard kemasan, berkonsep dan memiliki identitas yang kuat

    Analysis on the Implementation of Community Empowerment by Midwives to Support Delivery Planning and Complication Prevention Program (P4K) at Primary Healthcare Centers in Kediri

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    Implementation of delivery planning and complication prevention program (P4K) could run if midwives could empower people to do P4K. However, implementation of P4K in Kediri city particularly in community empowerment was still below the target set by Kediri city health office. The objective of this study was to explain implementation of community empowerment by midwives to support P4K at primary healthcare centers in Kediri city, in 2011. This study was conducted in May – July 2011 in all primary healthcare centers in Kediri city. This was a qualitative study with cross sectional approach. Primary data were collected through in- depth interview technique, and secondary data were also used. Content analysis method was applied in the data analysis. Results of the study showed that tubulin was the community empowerment activity that was not implemented due to many options for health insurance in the community; basic indicator, purpose of the policy were not clear. Although human resources was appropriate, and there was a support from gerdu sehati; however, there was no funding and special facilities. Additionally, control management was not performed by primary healthcare center; supervision by midwife did not provide special forum for communication between cadres and people in the community. Although attitude of midwives was positive in doing their responsibilities but there was no support from the community, as a result the program would not run. Suggestions for district health office are to make clearly basic indicator and policy objective regarding P4K implementation; to conduct routine training for midwives and cadres regarding community empowerment. Primary healthcare center has to implement good control function; to improve communication done by midwives to implement community empowerment activities

    Les protéines de choc thermique (heat shock proteins). I : Classification, structure, fonctions et implications dans les processus pathologiques

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    All living systems have evolved mechanisms to maintain homeostasis in the face of rapid environmental changes. When exposed to elevated temperatures, most of the cells activate the synthesis of a specific group of proteins called Heat Shock Proteins (Hsps). This heat shock response, under control of specific transcription factors, the Heat Shock factors (HSF), is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism, from bacteria to humans. Heat Shock Proteins are classified into families according to their molecular weight (Hsp 25, 40, 70, 90, 105). They play the role of molecular chaperones by binding and protecting other molecules (proteins, RNAs). The function of Hsp is to prevent accumulation of non-native proteins either by assisting proper folding of polypeptides or by driving them to proteosome pathway for degradation. Hsps are involved in various pathological processes that are accompanied by protein alterations such as chronic or degenerative diseases. This review describes structural and functional characteristics of the six main Hsps classes. It also focuses on their respective role in highly studied pathologies. The diversity of Hsps implications in these diseases explains that they became recently a strategic target in development of new therapeutic strategies.Tout organisme est doté de mécanismes lui permettant de résister à de brusques changements de son environnement. Exposées à une température anormalement élevée, la plupart des cellules activent l’expression d’une classe particulière de protéines appelées les protéines de choc thermique (Heat Shock Proteins, Hsps). Cette réponse cellulaire au choc thermique placée sous le contrôle de facteurs de trans-cription spécifiques, les facteurs de choc thermique (Heat shock factor, HSF) est un mécanisme conservé au travers de l’évolution depuis les bactéries jusqu’à l’homme. Les protéines de choc thermique qui sont divisées en familles désignées par leur masse moléculaire (Hsp25, 40, 70, 90, 105) font partie des molé-cules chaperons qui s’associent à d’autres molécules (protéines, ARNs) et en protègent la destinée. Le rôle des Hsp est d’empêcher l’accumulation de protéines anormales en aidant à conformer correctement les polypeptides ou en les dirigeant vers le protéosome qui les détruit. En tant que chaperons, les Hsp sont impliquées dans de nombreux processus pathologiques qui s’accompagnent d’altérations des protéines comme les maladies chroniques et dégénératives. Cette revue décrit les spécificités structurelles et fonc-tionnelles des six familles principales d'Hsp ainsi que leur intervention à différents niveaux dans les patho-logies les mieux étudiées. La multiplicité de l'implication des Hsp dans ces phénomènes pathologiques les désigne comme cibles privilégiées dans le développement de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques

    the use of poly lactic acid to improve projection of reconstructed nipple

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    Abstract Purpose Nipple-areola reconstruction represents an important step for final mammary reconstruction. Many techniques have been described. The drawback is the progressive nipple projection loss with time from 50% to over 70% of the initial projection. In this report, we evaluated the effect of injectable poly-lactic acid (PLLA) to improve projection of reconstructed nipples. Results We selected 12 patients with a residual nipple projection between 0.1 and 2 mm. The patients were injected locally inside the nipple with 0.5 ml of PLLA (dilution 1:4) every 4 weeks for 4 times. At the study end, patients were satisfied with results. No adverse effects were observed. After one year, an increase of nipple projection ranging from 0.5 to 3.5 mm was obtained with an average increase of 2.3 mm (282%) and this variation was statistically significant ( p Conclusion The use of injectable PLLA is a simple and effective procedure to improve projection of reconstructed nipple

    Dukungan Sosial Keluarga dalam Memenuhi Kebutuhan Sosial Lansia di Panti

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    Lanjut usia merupakan fase kehidupan yang umumnya akan dilalui oleh setiap manusia. Fase ini merupakan proses dari berkurang dan hilangnya beberapa sumber primer yang mendukung kehidupan lansia, baik sumebr biologis, ekonomi, soaial dan ekonomi. Panti Lansia (wreda atau jompo) disediakn dengan tujuan utama adalah menopang atau mendukung kehidupan lansia. Tidak sedikit para lanjut usia yang tinggal di Panti masih memiliki keluarga, baik keluarga keluarag inti atau keluarga besar. Namun demikian dukungan sosial keluarga tetap diperlukan bagi lansia walau lansia telah berada di Panti. Para lansia perlu dukungan perhargaan, masih membutuhkan informasi tentang perkembangan di luar panti, membutuhkan dukungan ekonomi dan penyaluran minat-bakat, serta masih membutuhkan dukungan sosial lainnya. Ssehingga dukungan sosial dari keluarga sangat penting dalam proses palayanan Lansia di Panti-panti yang ada


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    PT Bumi Merapi Energimerupakansalahsatuperusahaan dibidangusahapertambanganbatubara yang terletak di desa Ulak Pandan, Tanjung Baru, Talang Pandan, dan Gunung Agung, kecamatan Merapi Barat, Kabupaten Lahat.Aktivitas penambangan memerlukan sistem penyaliran agar tidak menganggu aktivitas produksi maupun tercemarnya air limbah ke lokasi lain. Debit total air  pit Serelo Utara dengan asumsi tidak terdapatnya saluran ke kolam pengendapan lumpur yaitu 9.528,493m3/ hari, sedangkan debit total air pit Serelo Utara dengan asumsi terdapat saluran langsung ke kolam pengendapan lumpur yaitu 4.892,632 m3/ hari. Pada pit Serelo Utara direncanakan dua saluran yang langsung mengalir ke muara kolam pengendapan lumpur untuk mengurangi jam kerja pompa. Rencana dimensi saluran terbuka 1 dengan lebar dasar saluran (B) sebesar 0,9 m ; tinggi jagaan (F) sebesar 0,16 m ; tinggi saluran (H) sebesar 0,94 m dan lebar permukaan saluran (L) sebesar 1,81 m. Rencana dimensi saluran terbuka 2 dengan lebar dasar saluran (B) sebesar 1,06 m ; tinggi jagaan (F) sebesar 0,18 m ; tinggi saluran (H) sebesar 1,1 m dan lebar permukaan saluran (L) sebesar 2,13 m. Perencanaan pompa yang digunakan yaitu pompa Multiflo tipe CF-48H sebanyak dua unit karena jam kerja rencana pada pompa sebesar 24,062jam/hari sedangkan dengan perencanaan saluran terbuka langsung menuju kolam pengendap lumpur hanya dibutuhkan satu unit dengan jam kerja pompa berkurang menjadi 12,355jam/hari. Sump didesain berbentuk trapesium dengan dimensi panjang dan lebar permukaan sump sebesar 82,73m, panjang dan lebar dasar sump sebesar 78,11m serta dengan kedalaman 4 m
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