16 research outputs found

    Les mesures privatives de liberté dans les centres de réadaptation pour jeunes : un urgent besoin d'examen des pratiques et des politiques en fonction du respect des droits

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    La rĂ©alitĂ© de l'enfermement des jeunes est multiple. Lorsqu'un jeune est hĂ©bergĂ© dans un centre fermĂ© de rĂ©adaptation, il subit une premiĂšre forme de privation de libertĂ©. Sa libertĂ© pourra par la suite ĂȘtre rĂ©duite davantage par l'application de diffĂ©rentes mesures disciplinaires ou cliniques: par exemple, programme d'encadrement intensif, arrĂȘt d'agir, isolement, mise en retrait. Nous nous proposons d'explorer dans le prĂ©sent texte ces diffĂ©rentes formes de privation de libertĂ© et de voir dans quelle mesure les jeunes jouissent des droits fondamentaux reconnus Ă  toute personne privĂ©e de libertĂ©, garantis dans les instruments internationaux des droits de la personne et dans les chartes canadienne et quĂ©bĂ©coise. L'analyse des textes juridiques et des politiques pertinentes nous porte Ă  croire que les droits des mineurs dĂ©tenus, pour ce qui est des mesures privatives de libertĂ©, disciplinaires ou Ă©ducatives, ne sont pas respectĂ©s dans les centres de rĂ©adaptation. Les mesures disciplinaires se confondent avec les mesures dites « cliniques ». À ce titre, elles Ă©chappent Ă  toutes les garanties procĂ©durales entourant le processus disciplinaire pour ĂȘtre laissĂ©es Ă  la discrĂ©tion quasi absolue des autoritĂ©s. La notion de « droits » semble perçue comme Ă©tant antinomique par rapport Ă  l'objectif de rĂ©habilitation liĂ© Ă  la dĂ©tention des mineurs.The reality underlying the detention of young people is a multifarious one. When a young person is admitted to a closed rehabilitation centre, he or she experiences a first level of constrained liberty. Thereafter, his or her freedom can be further restricted by applying various disciplinary or clinical measures such as intensive supervision programs, time-out, isolation. In this paper, we attempt to document these various forms of limited freedom and observe to what extent young people continue benefiting from the basic rights that are recognized for all people whose freedom is controlled yet guaranteed by international conventions and by the Canadian and Quebec charters protecting human rights. The analysis of relevant legal and political texts leads us to believe that the rights of detained minors as regards measures restraining freedom or imposing disciplinary or educational actions, are not respected in rehabilitation centers. The line separating disciplinary from so-called clinical measures becomes blurred. In these circumstances, the procedural guarantees that underpin the disciplinary process are overridden by the near absolute discretionary powers of authorities. The concept of« rights » would seem to be perceived as contrary to the objective of rehabilitation linked to young people's detention

    L’acquisition du vocabulaire chez les jeunes enfants au QuĂ©bec : le rĂŽle de l’environnement familial et Ă©conomique

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    Cette Ă©tude s’intĂ©resse aux facteurs associĂ©s Ă  l’acquisition du vocabulaire rĂ©ceptif des enfants d’ñge prĂ©scolaire en examinant plus spĂ©cifiquement la relation entre diverses caractĂ©ristiques de l’environnement familial et Ă©conomique dans lequel les enfants grandissent. Les analyses de cette Ă©tude reposent sur les donnĂ©es de l’Étude longitudinale du dĂ©veloppement des enfants du QuĂ©bec (ÉLDEQ), dont 1 782 enfants ĂągĂ©s d’environ 3 1/2 ans ont rĂ©pondu Ă  l’Échelle de vocabulaire en images Peabody (ÉVIP). Cette Ă©tude met d’abord en Ă©vidence le rĂŽle de la prĂ©caritĂ© Ă©conomique et des activitĂ©s de stimulation des parents sur l’acquisition du vocabulaire rĂ©ceptif chez les jeunes enfants. Elle fait Ă©galement ressortir l’importance des donnĂ©es longitudinales prospectives pour mieux cerner ce qui, dans l’environnement familial et Ă©conomique des enfants, peut contribuer Ă  favoriser le dĂ©veloppement des habiletĂ©s cognitives des enfants.This study addresses the factors associated with receptive vocabulary acquisition in children of preschool age. It specifically examines the link between various characteristics of the family and the economic environment in which children are growing up. The analyses in this study are based on data from the QuĂ©bec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (QLSCD), in which 1 782 children approximately 3Âœ years old were administered the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT). The study reveals the role of economic insecurity and parental stimulation activities in receptive vocabulary acquisition of toddlers. It also indicates the importance of prospective longitudinal data in gaining a better understanding of the family and economic factors that can help foster the development of cognitive skills in children

    Visuoperceptual deficits and participation in older adults after stroke

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    Introduction: Visuoperceptual deficits frequently occur after a stroke but little is known about how they evolve over time. These deficits may have an impact on participation in daily activities and social roles. Objectives: The aims were to 1) track changes over six months in the visual perception of older adults with persistent visuoperceptual deficits after a stroke; 2) examine if these changes differed between participants who had and had not received rehabilitation services; and 3) verify if participation differed between participants with and without visuoperceptual deficits. Methods: Visual perception as well as participation of 189 older adults who had had a stroke were evaluated in the first month (T1) after being discharged home from an acute care hospital (NO REHAB group) or rehabilitation unit (REHAB group). For visual perception, only participants presenting deficits at T1 were re-evaluated at 3 months (T2; n=93), and those with deficits at T2 were re-evaluated at 6 months (T3; n=61). Results: A total of 57 people (30.2%) had visuoperceptual deficits six months after discharge home. Despite persistent deficits, approximately 45% of the participants in the two groups improved while 50% of the NO REHAB group and 24.3% of the REHAB group deteriorated. Changes in the mean scores on the MVPT-V were similar in the two groups. Participation, and especially participation in social roles, was more restricted in participants with visuoperceptual deficits (p<0.001), whatever the severity of the stroke. Conclusion: Visuoperceptual deficits are common post-stroke. However, they evolve differently in different people and are associated with a reduction in participation

    Associations Between Perceived Proximity to Neighborhood Resources, Disability, and Social Participation Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Results From the VoisiNuAge Study

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine the associations between perceived proximity to neighborhood resources, disability and social participation, and the potential moderating effect of perceived proximity to neighborhood resources on the association between disability and social participation among community-dwelling older women and men. DESIGN: Cross-sectional. SETTING: Community. PARTICIPANTS: Older adults (296 women; 258 men). INTERVENTIONS: Not applicable. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Data on age, education, depressive symptoms, frequency of participation in community activities, perceived proximity to neighborhood resources (services and amenities), and functional autonomy in daily activities (disability) were collected by interviewer-administered questionnaire. RESULTS: Greater perceived proximity to resources and lower level of disability were associated with greater social participation for both women (R(2)=0.10; p<0.001) and men (R(2)=0.05; p<0.01). The association between disability and social participation did not vary as a function of perceived proximity to neighborhood resources among women (no moderating effect; p=0.15). Among men, however, greater perceived proximity to neighborhood resources enhanced social participation (p=0.01), but only among those with minor or no disability. CONCLUSIONS: Future studies should investigate why perceived proximity to services and amenities is associated with social participation among older men with minor or no disabilities and with women overall but has no association among men with moderate disabilities

    Supporting parents of preschool children in adopting a healthy lifestyle

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Childhood obesity is a public health epidemic. In Canada 21.5% of children aged 2–5 are overweight, with psychological and physical consequences for the child and economic consequences for society. Parents often do not view their children as overweight. One way to prevent overweight is to adopt a healthy lifestyle (HL). Nurses with direct access to young families could assess overweight and support parents in adopting HL. But what is the best way to support them if they do not view their child as overweight? A better understanding of parents’ representation of children’s overweight might guide the development of solutions tailored to their needs.</p> <p>Methods/design</p> <p>This study uses an action research design, a participatory approach mobilizing all stakeholders around a problem to be solved. The general objective is to identify, with nurses working with families, ways to promote HL among parents of preschoolers. Specific objectives are to: 1) describe the prevalence of overweight in preschoolers at vaccination time; 2) describe the representation of overweight and HL, as reported by preschoolers’ parents; 3) explore the views of nurses working with young families regarding possible solutions that could become a clinical tool to promote HL; and 4) try to identify a direction concerning the proposed strategies that could be used by nurses working with this population. First, an epidemiological study will be conducted in vaccination clinics: 288 4–5-year-olds will be weighed and measured. Next, semi-structured interviews will be conducted with 20 parents to describe their representation of HL and their child’s weight. Based on the results from these two steps, by means of a focus group nurses will identify possible strategies to the problem. Finally, focus groups of parents, then nurses and finally experts will give their opinions of these strategies in order to find a direction for these strategies. Descriptive and correlational statistical analyses will be done on the quantitative survey data using SPSS. Qualitative data will be analyzed using Huberman and Miles’ (2003) approach. NVivo will be used for the analysis and data management.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The anticipated benefits of this rigorous approach will be to identify and develop potential intervention strategies in partnership with preschoolers’ parents and produce a clinical tool reflecting the views of parents and nurses working with preschoolers’ parents.</p