23 research outputs found

    Investigations about the quantitative changes of carbon dioxide production in humans. Report 2: Carbon dioxide production during fever and its relationship with heat production

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    Investigations are cited and explained for carbon dioxide production during fever and its relationship with heat production. The general topics of discussion are: (1) carbon dioxide production for alternating fever attacks; (2) heat balance during the perspiration phase; (3) heat balance during the chill phase; (4) the theory of fever; and (5) chill phase for other fever attacks

    A study of the electrolytic determination of lead

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    The electrolytic determination of lead is one of the most used methods, particularly for control work and where large numbers of analyses have to be run each day. The method is adopted because of its simplicity and because of the small amount of the chemist\u27s time required. It is particularly suited for the determination of small amounts of lead. However, it has been noted that deviations from certain conditions produce results which vary widely from the actual amount of lead present, though results which check with each other may be obtained. Certain elements interfere with the determination and must be absent or present only in small amounts...This investigation was suggested by the fact that students in the laboratory, working by the accepted procedure, obtained such varying results that the determination had to be abandoned. the writer, although he had run thousands of electrolytic leads in a commercial laboratory, had the same trouble and could not obtain correct results. This failure suggested an investigation to determine the reasons for the trouble and the correct conditions for the analysis --Introduction, page 3-4

    Las donaciones en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Málaga : Exposición el 21 de abril al 30 de junio de 2023. Salas de la Biblioteca General de la Universidad de Málaga

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    Las donaciones forman parte muy importante de las colecciones de la Biblioteca Universitaria y son de gran interés por su especialización y rareza. Los temas van desde la botánica, el diseño o la literatura. En esta exposición están presentes obras que proceden de pequeños donantes y también de grandes bibliotecas de investigadores sobresalientes como Juan Luis Alborg, literatos como Antonio Canales o cineastas como Julio Diamante. Están representados idiomas como el coreano, el eslovaco, el danés o el ruso

    Justiça Transicional e Desenvolvimento Sustentável: Desafios de Uma Paz Duradoura em um Mundo em Transformação

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    O presente artigo analisa a complexidade do fenômeno da globalização do mundo jurídico pela eficácia e legitimidade do Tribunal Penal Internacional (TPI), destacando, contudo, a politização de uma justiça seletiva, assimétricae discriminatória, menos universal, tendo em vista as contradições geradas pelos crimes cometidos pelos dirigentes das grandes potências, financiadores de conflitos armados no mundo afora. Destaca-se, desse modo, partindo de uma pesquisa explicativa assentada no método hipotético dedutivo, a necessidade da Justiça Transicional como contra ponto ao TPI em busca de uma paz duradoura e de um desenvolvimento sustentável baseada no resgate da memória das vítimas e da consciência coletiva na perspectiva de reescrever a história dos povos lesados e buscar a verdade mediante as Comissões Verdade e Reconciliação. DOI:10.5585/rdb.v4i3.1

    Justus Liebig: A szerveskémia alkalmazása az élettanban és a kórtanban

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    Sugli effetti chimici di una pila nel cui circuito è inserito un apparecchio d’induzione

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    Sulla decomposizione elettro-chimica di alcuni sali e particolarmente dei sali di piombo

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    Traité élémentaire de physique

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    par C. DespretzExlibrisetikette: "Legat von Herrn Professor J. G. Stocker." Exemplar der ETH-BI