589 research outputs found

    Bliskość Pawła wobec Tesaloniczan w 1 Tes 2,7b-12

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    In one of the earliest documents of Christianity, in a highly patriarchal society, when addressing Gentile Christians, Paul did not hesitate to liken himself not only to a father, but also to a woman who cares for her own children. In contrast to itinerant philosophers, he did not only preach, but by the example of his life showed love for them, even to the point of sacrificing his being. The metaphor of the mother relates among other things with the admonition to avoid prostitution and the koinonia of all during and after the Last Judgment. In the oldest document of Christianity, Paul speaks to Christians of all nations and does not stop, in a upmost Patriarchal society, trying to assimilate himself with the image of a woman in the way she nurtures and cares for her own children. He does not simply preach, but unlike the wandering philosophers, he has such calmness, compassion and love for them in which he gives his soul, his being. Simultaneously, he is a father, since with his example and sayings, he teaches everyone, individually, to stay away from iniquity and prays unceasingly. The presentation of the sender as a mother and father of the recipients, brothers of the newborn Church of Thessaloniki, relates to the call to stay away from harlotry and that everybody will coexist during and after the Second Coming of our Lord. Translation by: Nikolaos GeorgantonisW jednym z najstarszych dokumentów chrześcijaństwa, w bardzo patriarchalnym społeczeństwie, apostoł Paweł zwracając się do Chrześcijan z pogan, nie waha się upodobnić nie tylko do ojca, ale także kobiety, która jako niania dba o własne dzieci. W przeciwieństwie do wędrownych filozofów, apostoł Paweł nie tylko nauczał słowem, lecz i przykładem swojego życia ukazywał łagodność, dobroczynność i miłość, ofiarowując swoją duszę i życie. Metafora matki związana jest między innymi z upomnieniem, aby unikać prostytucji i tworzyć wspólnotę wszystkich w trakcie życia doczesnego i po Sądzie Ostatecznym. W najstarszym dokumencie chrześcijaństwa, Paweł mówi do chrześcijan wszystkich narodów, nie zatrzymuje się na społeczeństwie patriarchalnym, lecz stara się zasymilować z obrazem kobiety - piastunki, i tak jak ona karmić i troszczyć się o własne dzieci. On nie tylko głosił, ale w przeciwieństwie do wędrujących filozofów, miał taki spokój, współczucie i miłość do tych ludzi, dla których oddawał swoją duszę i całe swoje istnienie. Jednocześnie, ukazuje się w postaci ojca, ponieważ jego przykład i słowa, uczyły wszystkich, indywidualnie, pozostawania z dala od nieprawości i nieustannej modlitwy. Prezentacja autora listu jako matki i ojca odbiorców, braci rodzącego się Kościoła w Salonikach, związane jest w związane było z wezwaniem do pozostawiania z dala od nierządu, i skłonienia adresatów do zgodnego współistnienia we wspólnocie zarówno przed, jaki i po drugim przyjściu naszego [email protected] Despotis was born in Athens in 1968. he studied Theology at the university of Athens. After his postgraduate in Germany (Mainz), he was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy. The title of his doctoral thesis was "The Heavenly Worship in John’s revelation", Chapters 4-5. In 2009 he was elected as Associate Prof. of the Department of Social Theology of Athens University. His object of research is the Interpretation of New Testament.Department of Social Theology of Athens University169911

    Assessing the cost-effectiveness of university academic recruitment and promotion policies

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    This paper develops an approach for higher education institutions to assess the economic efficiency of their recruitment and promotion practices concerning academic staff. Research output potential is a key criterion in most academic appointments. Generally, there is a long lead time between the conduct of research and its ultimate value in the form of disseminated knowledge. This means higher education institutions usually reward financially staff on the prospect of research output, albeit on the basis of research outputs achieved up to the point of recruitment or discretionary salary rise (e.g. through promotion). We propose a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model which can be used retrospectively to set salary costs against corresponding research outputs achieved as a measure of the financial efficacy of past recruitment and promotion practices. The analysis can identify potential issues with those practices and lead to improvements for the future

    Review and improvements on OECD better life index

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    The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has developed the Better Life Index (BLI) as part of the OECD Better Life initiative to facilitate the better understanding of what drives well-being of people and guide the policy-making. The BLI is a three-level hierarchical composite indicator which covers several socio-economic aspects. In this paper, we depart from the traditional approaches of building composite indices by introducing a hierarchical evaluation methodology for the assessment of BLI. We establish a common basis for fair and democratic evaluation as the aggregation schemes for both first and second level of BLI are determined jointly by the assessed countries through optimization process. We also incorporate into the assessment the public opinion that is captured from the worldwide responses in the web platform of OECD BLI. In addition, we enrich our methodology by incorporating the data from previous years into the normalization process of the indicators, thus smoothing the deviations of indicators’ values among the years. We apply our approach to the data of 38 countries for the year 2017. The robust results obtained from our approach provide insights about the key role that public opinion plays in the evaluation of BLI.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Additive decomposition in two-stage DEA: An alternative approach

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    Typically, a two-stage production process assumes that the first stage transforms external inputs to a number of intermediate measures, which then are used as inputs to the second stage that produces the final outputs. The three fundamental approaches to efficiency assessment in the context of DEA (two-stage DEA) are the simple (or independent), the multiplicative and the additive. The simple approach does not assume any relationship between the two stages and estimates the overall efficiency and the individual efficiencies for the two stages independently with typical DEA models. The other two approaches assume a series relationship between the two stages and differ in the way they conceptualize the decomposition of the overall efficiency to the efficiencies of the individual stages. This paper presents an alternative approach to additive efficiency decomposition in two-stage DEA. We show that when using the intermediate measures as pivot, it is possible to aggregate the efficiency assessment models of the two individual stages in a single linear program. We test our models with data sets taken from previous studies and we compare the results with those reported in the literature

    Additive decomposition in two-stage DEA: An alternative approach

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    Typically, a two-stage production process assumes that the first stage transforms external inputs to a number of intermediate measures, which then are used as inputs to the second stage that produces the final outputs. The three fundamental approaches to efficiency assessment in the context of DEA (two-stage DEA) are the simple (or independent), the multiplicative and the additive. The simple approach does not assume any relationship between the two stages and estimates the overall efficiency and the individual efficiencies for the two stages independently with typical DEA models. The other two approaches assume a series relationship between the two stages and differ in the way they conceptualize the decomposition of the overall efficiency to the efficiencies of the individual stages. This paper presents an alternative approach to additive efficiency decomposition in two-stage DEA. We show that when using the intermediate measures as pivot, it is possible to aggregate the efficiency assessment models of the two individual stages in a single linear program. We test our models with data sets taken from previous studies and we compare the results with those reported in the literature

    Additive decomposition in two-stage DEA: An alternative approach

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    Typically, a two-stage production process assumes that the first stage transforms external inputs to a number of intermediate measures, which then are used as inputs to the second stage that produces the final outputs. The three fundamental approaches to efficiency assessment in the context of DEA (two-stage DEA) are the simple (or independent), the multiplicative and the additive. The simple approach does not assume any relationship between the two stages and estimates the overall efficiency and the individual efficiencies for the two stages independently with typical DEA models. The other two approaches assume a series relationship between the two stages and differ in the way they conceptualize the decomposition of the overall efficiency to the efficiencies of the individual stages. This paper presents an alternative approach to additive efficiency decomposition in two-stage DEA. We show that when using the intermediate measures as pivot, it is possible to aggregate the efficiency assessment models of the two individual stages in a single linear program. We test our models with data sets taken from previous studies and we compare the results with those reported in the literature