14 research outputs found

    The style and strategies of Albert Londres as an in-depth reporter

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    Si un vĂ©ritable mythe aurĂ©ole aujourd’hui le nom et la figure d’Albert Londres, la production journalistique du cĂ©lĂšbre grand reporter des annĂ©es vingt reste relativement mĂ©connue. Loin de se limiter aux enquĂȘtes sociales qui ont forgĂ© sa rĂ©putation de redresseur de torts, elle se compose d’une riche correspondance de guerre, de nombreux articles politiques et de plusieurs reportages d’évasion. Outre cette hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ©, l’Ɠuvre d’Albert Londres, qui oscille notamment entre argumentation et information, entre hĂ©ritage et modernitĂ©, rĂ©vĂšle nombre de tensions et de contradictions que la lĂ©gende qui l’entoure a contribuĂ© Ă  estomper. Il convient donc de redĂ©couvrir son Ɠuvre, de jeter sur elle un regard nouveau, de l’autopsier au sens Ă©tymologique du terme, pour diagnostiquer les raisons de son succĂšs et les causes de sa consĂ©cration. ParticuliĂšrement ancrĂ©s dans l’actualitĂ© de leur Ă©poque, conditionnĂ©s par la situation de communication et de publication dans laquelle ils s’inscrivent, les reportages de Londres mĂ©ritent d’ĂȘtre envisagĂ©s dans leur contexte, comme des discours traversĂ©s par de multiples stratĂ©gies. Outrepassant largement les seules intentions du journaliste, ces stratĂ©gies parcourent le reportage Ă  tous les niveaux, de la pratique de terrain au circuit de diffusion, de la relation au lecteur Ă  la posture du reporter. À la lumiĂšre de l’histoire de la littĂ©rature et du journalisme, de l’analyse du discours et de la sociologie de la littĂ©rature, nous tenterons donc de caractĂ©riser la poĂ©tique – au sens Ă©largi du terme – des reportages afin de mettre au jour l’ambivalence et l’efficacitĂ© du « style Albert Londres ».Albert Londres has become a household name and a mythical figure, however the journalistic work of this famous great reporter of the 1920s still remains unknown. This corpus extends far beyond his social ‘reportages’ that built his fame as a righter of wrongs and consists of a rich war correspondence, numerous political articles and several escapist reportages. To add to its diversity, the work of Albert Londres is always on the fence between argumentation and information, tradition and modernity. His work therefore reveals various tensions and contradictions which have been overshadowed by his myth. As a consequence, it is worth rediscovering his work, adopting a new point of view and performing an ‘autopsy’, that is, etymologically, a critical examination, in order to diagnose the reasons of its success and the causes of its critical acclaim. Deeply rooted in their time and strongly dependent on the communicational and publication context in which they appeared, Londres’ reports deserve to be seen against this background, as discourses informed by multiple strategies. Surpassing the sole intentions of a journalist, these strategies inform the reportages in all their dimensions, from the field research to the network of circulation and from the relationship with the reader to the ‘posture’ of the reporter. By drawing on the historiography of literature, journalism, discourse analysis and sociology of literature, this dissertation aims therefore to define the poetics – in the broad sense of this term – of these reports, in order to reveal the ambivalence and the effectiveness of the “Albert Londres style”

    L’ironie dans les grands reportages d’Albert Londres : analyse d’une stratĂ©gie argumentative

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    Today regarded as one of the masters of the great French reporters, Albert Londres was immensely popular in the Twenties. Published in the daily newspapers of the industrial press then (for some), in book form, his great investigations allured millions of readers and mobilized public opinion  in the face of several social scandals. Characterised by an assumed subjectivity, his reports have an undeniable argumentative aim and use various strategies to convince the reader. Among those procedures, irony is towards the top of the list. This paper aims at analyzing its forms, argumentative mechanisms and pragmatic challenges. Whether it is hetero or auto-irony, whether it is lenient or shingling, irony influences the images of the speaker and of the recipient, transforms their relation and thus supports in a decisive way the process of persuasion

    “Quatre mois parmi nos Noirs d’Afrique” Ă  la une du "Petit Parisien" : reprĂ©sentations de l’Afrique et de l’Africain Ă  la fin des annĂ©es vingt

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    International audienceL’article analyse le grand reportage d’Albert Londres tel qu’il est paru en 1928 dans les colonnes du Petit Parisien, premier quotidien français de l’époque. Il met en Ă©vidence les stratĂ©gies de promotion mobilisĂ©es par le quotidien (affiche publicitaire, publicitĂ© rĂ©dactionnelle, article-appĂąt, mise en page, habillage) et examine la maniĂšre dont elles vĂ©hiculent et confortent des reprĂ©sentations stĂ©rĂ©otypĂ©es de l’Afrique et de l’Africain. Il compare ensuite ces reprĂ©sentations conformes aux attentes prĂ©sumĂ©es du lectorat Ă  celles construites par le discours et le point de vue journalistique d’Albert Londres

    Albert Londres, romancier du reportage ?

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    Albert Londres par lui-mĂȘme

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    Regards croisés sur l'identité et l'altérité dans les Sciences de l'homme et de la société

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    International audienceComment dĂ©finir l'identitĂ© et l'altĂ©ritĂ© ? Il s'agit de deux concepts intimement liĂ©s, dont l'Ă©tude constitue un sujet vaste et passionnant pour les sciences humaines et sociales. Ces notions sont protĂ©iformes, de trĂšs nombreux facteurs les composent : l'histoire, les territoires, les langues, le discours, la littĂ©rature, la religion, l'activitĂ© professionnelle, l'Ă©conomie... De plus, l'identitĂ© n'est pas uniquement individuelle, elle se conçoit Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles : familiale, locale, rĂ©gionale, nationale, voire supranationale. L'inscription dans l'actualitĂ© et le traitement rĂ©servĂ© Ă  la question par la classe politique ne doivent pas masquer la richesse et la complexitĂ© des concepts d'identitĂ© et d'altĂ©ritĂ© qui, loin d'ĂȘtre figĂ©s, se rĂ©vĂšlent particuliĂšrement fluctuants, relatifs et problĂ©matiques

    Evidence of cerebral hypoperfusion consecutive to ultrasound‐mediated blood‐brain barrier opening in rats

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    International audiencePurpose This work aims to explore the effect of Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) opening using ultrasound combined with microbubbles injection on cerebral blood flow in rats. Methods Two groups of n = 5 rats were included in this study. The first group was used to investigate the impact of BBB opening on the Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) signal, in particular on the arterial transit time (ATT). The second group was used to analyze the spatiotemporal evolution of the change in cerebral blood flow (CBF) over time following BBB opening and validate these results using DSC‐MRI. Results Using pCASL, a decrease in CBF of up to was observed in the target hemisphere, associated with an increase in arterial transit time. The latter was estimated to be in the BBB opening impacted regions against in the contralateral hemisphere. The spatio‐temporal analysis of CBF maps indicated a nonlocal hypoperfusion. DSC‐MRI measurements were consistent with the obtained results. Conclusion This study provided strong evidence that BBB opening using microbubble intravenous injection induces a transient hypoperfusion. A spatiotemporal analysis of the hypoperfusion changes allows to establish some points of similarity with the cortical spreading depression phenomenon

    Genetic variants in BCMO1 and CD36 are associated with plasma lutein concentrations and macular pigment optical density in humans

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    International audienceLutein is recovered at high concentration in the human macula lutea. Recent studies suggest that this micronutrient might be implicated in prevention of age-related macular degeneration. Objective. To identify genes which affect blood and retina lutein concentrations among candidate genes (intestinal sterol transporters and carotenoid oxygenases). Design. A comparative plus an observational study. Participants. Twenty-nine healthy subjects for the comparative study and 622 subjects for the observational study. Intervention and methods. All the participants were genotyped for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the candidate genes. Fasting plasma lutein concentrations were measured in all the participants and after 6 months' supplementation, with either a lutein-rich supplement or a placebo, in the 29 subjects who participated in the comparative study. Macular pigment optical density (MPOD), which is a measure of macula concentration of lutein, was measured before and after the dietary intervention in the 29 subjects. Associations between SNPs and plasma lutein and MPOD were assessed by partial least square (PLS) regression followed by univariate analysis. Observed associations between SNPs and plasma lutein were verified by haplotype-based association analysis in the cohort of 622 subjects. Main outcome measures. Plasma lutein levels and MPOD. Results. Six SNPs in four genes (ABCG8, BCMO1, CD36, and NPC1L1) explained 25% and 38% of the plasma and MPOD variance, respectively. Subjects with TT at the BCMO1 rs7501331 locus had lower (P < 0.05) plasma lutein than CT subjects. Subjects with CC at the CD36 rs13230419 locus had lower (P < 0.05) plasma lutein than subjects who carried a T allele. The association between CD36 and plasma lutein was confirmed in the cohort of 622 subjects. Subjects with TT at the BCMO1 rs7501331 locus had a higher (P < 0.05) MPOD, and subjects with GG at rs1761667 CD36 locus had a higher (P < 0.05) MPOD than those with an A allele. Conclusions. These results suggest that BCMO1 and CD36 are implicated in plasma and retina concentrations of lutein and that genetic variants in these genes can modulate blood and retina concentrations of lutein