1,751 research outputs found

    Chandra v. Schulte, 135 Nev. Adv. Op. 66 (December 26, 2019)

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    The Court determined that (1) the spousal exception bars recovery from the Nevada Real Estate Education, Research and Recovery Fund (“Fund”) for fraud incurred during the period of the marriage and (2) where a spouse co-owned the defrauded property, the surviving spouse may not recover from the Fund

    Pardee Homes of Nevada v. Wolfram, 135 Nev. Adv. Op. 22 (July 3, 2019)

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    The Court determined that (1) any party seeking attorney fees as special damages must comply with NRCP 9(g), (2) the prevailing party in a two-party breach of contract suit is not entitled to attorney fees as special damages, and (3) any party seeking attorney fees pursuant to express contractual provisions is so entitled upon prevailing in the suit

    Electronic states and optical properties of quantum well heterostructures with strain and electric field effects

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    The aim of this work was to develop an envelope function method to calculate the electronic states and optical properties of complex quantum well heterostructures, and to demonstrate its effectiveness by application to some device structures of topical interest. In particular, structures have been considered which might form the basis of intensity modulators and polarization insensitive amplifier devices for light at a wavelength of 1.55 µm. The modulator structures considered all have the general form of two coupled quantum wells of different widths as the active region. The application of an electric field in the growth direction is intended to result in a shift in the energy and spatial localisation of the confined states and produce an increase in the absorption coefficient at longer wavelengths than the zero field absorption edge. The effectiveness of certain structures is examined in terms of field induced absorption increase at 1.55 µm. A system which shows a significant increase in absorption coefficient at this wavelength on application of a practical electric field has been identified as a possible candidate for an intensity modulator. In the case of the amplifier, the active region of the most promising structure considered consists of a stepped well which comprises two layers, one with tensile and one with compressive strain. It is known that the presence of the two oppositely strained layers can result in the TE and TM gain peaks appearing at similar photon energies. Our calculations show that a suitable choice of strain and layer widths can result in a small or zero difference between the TE and TM gains at 1.55 µm, which can be important for the polarization insensitive operation of devices in optical communications applications. In order to predict the optical properties of quantum well devices it is necessary to calculate the electron and hole states for a range of in-plane wavevectors. The calculations developed and carried out in this work are based on a multi-layer (eight band) k.p model including strain effects. The interfacial boundary conditions which result from approximations to Burt's exact envelope function theory are included in the model. The effect of an electric field is modelled by including a potential energy term in each layer Hamiltonian which is equal to the average energy shift across the layer in question due to the presence of the field. The model has been developed with flexibility in mind and has applications beyond the specific devices considered in this thesis

    A biological treatment system for fellmongery wastes : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree Master of Technology in Biotechnology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    The fellmongery process involves the removal of wool from sheep and lamb skins prior to tanning. The pelts also must be free from epidermic, sweat and fat glands, muscle tissue, blood vessels, fat cells and collagen fibrous tissue. The process consists of the following operations:- (1) Washing of pelts. (2) Lime/Na2S paint application. (3) Wool removal; manual pulling. (4) Lining; removal of residual wool, pelt conditioning, carried out in a "dolly" or drum. (5) Deliming and bating; removal of lime liquor and extraneous pelt matter, "dolly" or drum processing. (6) Pickling; preservation; "dolly" or drum processing. Thirty-nine fellmongeries, which were operating in New Zealand at the end of 1972 (42), were all departments of meat processing works. [From Introduction

    A Survey of Search-Based Refactoring for Software Maintenance

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    Abstract This survey reviews published materials related to the specific area of Search-Based Software Engineering that concerns software maintenance and, in particular, refactoring. The survey aims to give a comprehensive review of the use of search-based refactoring to maintain software. Fifty different papers have been selected from online databases to analyze and review the use of search-based refactoring in software engineering. The current state of the research is analyzed and patterns in the studies are investigated in order to assess gaps in the area and suggest opportunities for future research. The papers reviewed are tabulated in order to aid researchers in quickly referencing studies. The literature addresses different methods using search-based refactoring for software maintenance, as well as studies that investigate the optimization process and discuss components of the search. There are studies that analyze different software metrics, experiment with multi-objective techniques and propose refactoring tools for use. Analysis of the literature has indicated some opportunities for future research in the area. More experimentation of the techniques in an industrial environment and feedback from software developers is needed to support the approaches. Also, recent work with multi-objective techniques has shown that there are exciting possibilities for future research using these techniques with refactoring. This survey is beneficial as an introduction for any researchers aiming to work in the area of Search-Based Software Engineering with respect to software maintenance and will allow them to gain an understanding of the current landscape of the research and the insights gathered

    Fluid source code views for just in-time comprehension

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    non-peer-reviewedThe use of modern programming paradigms and technologies,such as object orientation, inheritance, polymorphism and aspect orientation, facilitate a number of important software engineeringbenefits. Concerns can be better separated, software is more modular and reusable, and evolution is a simpler and less invasive process. However these advances in programming technology also negatively impact the ability of software engineers to read, navigate and comprehend source code. The definition and execution flow of program operations is more fragmented and relationships between software units are often implicit and difficult to determine. In this paper we propose and present some initial work on a new direction in source code document presentation called fluid source code views. Fluid source code views enable programmers working on a primary source code document to fluidly shift attention to related supporting material in a contextual manner. This reduces the need for programmers to navigate and presents code in a manner more efficient and fitting in terms of comprehension. We very briefly discuss the motivation behind fluid source code views, present the approach and discuss both the potential advantages and disadvantages of this technology
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