126 research outputs found

    Perception of the Risks Associated with Impaired Driving and Effects on Driving Behavior

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    This research studies the perception of the risks associated with impaired driving-probability of being apprehended or of having an accident-and the relation between the perception of risks and driving behavior. The most important determinants of perceptual biases are age, an accumulation of violations in the year preceding the survey, being a non-drinker, knowledge of the legal alcohol limit for driving, opinion about zero tolerance for impaired driving, and family income. Perceptual biases are shown to influence driving behavior, as captured by drivers' accumulated violations, demerit points and bodily injury accidents, in the years preceding and in the year following the survey. In conclusion, we analyze the results in terms of public policy for road safety.Risk perception, impaired driving, driving behavior, traffic violation, road accident, regulation, public policy

    Analysis of the Workforce and Workplace for Rheumatology, and the Research Activities of Rheumatologists Early in Their Careers

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    [Excerpt] The scope and scale of clinical research is unknown for any medical or surgical specialty beyond snapshots of the broad aims and expenditures of research programs sponsored by federal agencies or the pharmaceutical industry. As a consequence, the workforce and workplace for clinical investigation is enigmatic and unexamined even after explicit warnings that an essential arm for advancing clinical practice has been disabled. The present study was designed to assess the workforce and workplace for rheumatology, and the extent and type of research prevailing among rheumatologists early in their careers. Our findings provide fresh insights about the workforce and the workplace for rheumatology, and justify interventions to address gaps in both the scope and scale of clinical research in arthritis and rheumatism

    L'Ă©cole de demain sera celle d'antan /

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    The Scope and Scale of Clinical Research Accomplished by Rheumatologists Early in Their Careers

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    [Excerpt] The scope and scale of clinical research is unknown for any medical or surgical specialty beyond snap shots of the broad aims and expenditures of research programs sponsored by federal agencies or the pharmaceutical industry. As a consequence, the workforce and workplace for clinical investigation is enigmatic and unexamined even after explicit warnings that an essential arm for advancing clinical practice is disabled. The present study was designed to examine the nature and extent of investigative activity prevailing among rheumatologists early in their careers. This assessment provides a lens on: i) the fraction of early career rheumatologists who engage in investigative rheumatology, ii) the scope and scale of research in musculoskeletal diseases, iii) funding available for investigative work, iv) the impact of research-intensive institutions, and NIH-K-series awards on research, and v) the demographic backgrounds of early career rheumatologists. The results provide important new insights about the early career workforce for discovery and innovation in rheumatology. The findings integrate demographic, normative, and predictive data to provide the first estimate of the scope and scale of clinical investigation within rheumatology. The results also justify interventions for promoting investigative work, and ultimately advancing the clinical practice of rheumatology

    La sécurité alimentaire durable au Nunavik : les enjeux juridiques de la commercialisation de la viande de caribou et de ses sous-produits par les Inuits

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    Le rĂ©gime alimentaire des Inuits du Nunavik s’est modifiĂ© considĂ©rablement au cours des derniĂšres dĂ©cennies. Leur alimentation traditionnelle, constituĂ©e de viande et de poisson, a Ă©voluĂ© vers un rĂ©gime composĂ© majoritairement de produits alimentaires importĂ©s du Sud, bien que l’apport en protĂ©ines demeure largement basĂ© sur la consommation de gibier et de poisson. En raison du coĂ»t important liĂ© Ă  cette nouvelle forme d’alimentation, la transformation des habitudes alimentaires des Inuits modifie l’état de la sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire au Nunavik. Parce qu’elle permettrait de gĂ©nĂ©rer des revenus supplĂ©mentaires aux Inuits, la commercialisation de la viande de caribou et de ses sous-produits pourrait contribuer Ă  renforcer l’accessibilitĂ© Ă©conomique des Inuits aux produits du Sud et ainsi participer Ă  l’atteinte d’une sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire durable au Nunavik. La Convention de la Baie-James et du Nord quĂ©bĂ©cois et ses conventions complĂ©mentaires, qui Ă©tablissent le rĂ©gime de chasse des Inuits, permettent effectivement Ă  ces derniers de pratiquer la chasse commerciale du caribou tout en leur assurant un accĂšs sĂ©curisĂ© Ă  cette ressource faunique dans une perspective de dĂ©veloppement durable. Toutefois, certaines dispositions de ces conventions posent problĂšme, principalement en cas de diminution importante des populations de caribous. De plus, des difficultĂ©s sont prĂ©visibles quant au respect des rĂšgles nationales et internationales liĂ©es au commerce des produits alimentaires, notamment en ce qui a trait aux rĂšgles d’innocuitĂ© et de salubritĂ©.Over the past decades, the food patterns of the Inuit of Nunavik have undergone substantial changes. Their traditional diet, mainly of meat and fish, has evolved towards a regimen made up largely of food products imported from the south, despite the fact that their intake of proteins is mainly based on the consumption of game animals and fish. Owing to the high cost of their new eating habits, the change in diet among the Inuit has modified food security in Nunavik. Since this enables the Inuit to generate extra income, the marketing of caribou meat and its derivative products could contribute to reinforcing Inuit economic access to products from the south and thereby participate in the attainment of sustainable food security for Nunavik. The Agreement concerning James Bay and Northern QuĂ©bec and its complementary agreements, which establish the Inuit hunting regime, do in effect allow them to practice commercial hunting while ensuring for themselves secure access to this wildlife resource with a view to sustainable development. Nonetheless, some provisions of these agreements are problematical, especially in the case of a significant decline in caribou populations. Moreover, difficulties are foreseen regarding compliance with national and international rules relevant to the marketing of food products, particularly with regard to rules of safety and health

    Dissecting the Workforce and Workplace for Clinical Endocrinology, and the Work of Endocrinologists Early in Their Careers

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    [Excerpt] No national mechanism is in place for an informed, penetrating, and systematic assessment of the physician workforce such as that achieved by the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the periodic evaluation of the nation’s scientists and engineers. Likewise, knowledge of the workforce for clinical research is enigmatic and fragmentary despite the serial recommendations of “blue-ribbon” panels to establish a protocol for the recurrent assessment of clinical investigators early in their careers. Failure to adopt a national system for producing timely, high-quality data on the professional activities of physicians limits the application of improvement tools for advancing clinical investigation and ultimately improving clinical practice. The present study was designed as a pilot project to test the feasibility of using Web-based surveys to estimate the administrative, clinical, didactic, and research work of subspecialty physicians employed in academic, clinical, federal, and pharmaceutical workplaces. Physician members of The Endocrine Society (TES) were used as surrogate prototypes of a subspecialty workforce because of their manageable number and investigative tradition. The results establish that Web-based surveys provide a tool to assess the activities of a decentralized workforce employed in disparate workplaces and underscore the value of focusing on physician work within the context of particular workplaces within a subspecialty. Our report also provides a new and timely snapshot of the amount and types of research performed by clinically trained endocrinologists and offers an evidenced-based framework for improving the investigative workforce in this medical subspecialty

    Normal mode decomposition and dispersive and nonlinear mixing in stratified fluids

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    Motivated by the analysis of the propagation of internal waves in a stratified ocean, we consider in this article the incompressible Euler equations with variable density in a flat strip, and we study the evolution of perturbations of the hydrostatic equilibrium corresponding to a stable vertical strati-fication of the density. We show the local well-posedness of the equations in this configuration and provide a detailed study of their linear approximation. Performing a modal decomposition according to a Sturm-Liouville problem associated to the background stratification, we show that the linear approximation can be described by a series of dispersive perturbations of linear wave equations. When the so called Brunt-Vais{\"a}l{\"a} frequency is not constant, we show that these equations are coupled, hereby exhibiting a phenomenon of dispersive mixing. We then consider more specifically shallow water configurations (when the horizontal scale is much larger than the depth); under the Boussinesq approximation (i.e. neglecting the density variations in the momentum equation), we provide a well-posedness theorem for which we are able to control the existence time in terms of the relevant physical scales. We can then extend the modal decomposition to the nonlinear case and exhibit a non-linear mixing of different nature than the dispersive mixing mentioned above. Finally, we discuss some perspectives such as the sharp stratification limit that is expected to converge towards two-fluids systems

    Las interacciones entre el derecho estatal y la certificaciĂłn comercio justo fairtrade: garantĂ­a de una mejor protecciĂłn de los derechos de los trabajadores y del medio ambiente

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    El régimen de certificación Comercio Justo Fairtrade International es unmodelo de certificación de RSE interesante por su interacción con elderecho estatal porqué sus disposiciones y su funcionamiento favorecenuna mejor aplicación. La referencia al derecho estatal es un medio deincorporarlo al corpus normativo de la certificación Comercio JustoFairtrade. La reiteración de la obligación que tienen los productores derespetar la legislación nacional constituye igualmente un medio deasegurar que la certificación no tenga como consecuencia una nivelacióna la baja de las exigencias aplicables a los productores. La referencia a lalegislación y a las prácticas nacionales permite, inversamente, noimponer tampoco obligaciones desproporcionadas a los productores. Alinsistir sobre la necesidad de deber conformarse tanto a las normassurgidas de los estándares como a aquellas que provienen del derechoestatal, se favorece igualmente un mejor conocimiento del derechoestatal. A pesar de estas ventajas, la incorporación de normas de derechonacional es sin embargo portadora de un cierto riesgo que variará enintensidad en función a la manera en la que se lleva a cabo

    Contribution Ă  l'analyse critique de la certification du commerce Ă©quitable depuis une perspective juridique : l'exemple du secteur viticole

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    Cette thĂšse s’attache Ă  dĂ©finir la certification Ă©quitable depuis une perspective juridique. Tant l’analyse de sa dimension formelle que matĂ©rielle permettent de conclure qu’elle est caractĂ©risĂ©e par un dualisme face au droit Ă©tatique. Elle entretient Ă  la fois une relation d’autonomie et d’hĂ©tĂ©ronomie Ă  l’égard des ordres juridiques Ă©tatiques. Sur le plan formel, le caractĂšre autonome du rĂ©gime Ă©quitable est rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© par l’existence d’un ordre juridique distinct des ordres Ă©tatiques. En effet, les institutions du rĂ©gime Ă©quitable jouent le rĂŽle de tiers neutre et dĂ©sintĂ©ressĂ© remplissant des fonctions lĂ©gislatives, exĂ©cutives et judiciaires Ă  l’égard des parties constituantes que sont les producteurs du Sud et les acheteurs du Nord. Le rapport d’hĂ©tĂ©ronomie se manifeste par l’intervention d’élĂ©ments provenant d’ordres juridiques Ă©tatiques au sein du rĂ©gime. D’une part, les relations entre les producteurs et le certificateur sont soumises au droit allemand par le biais des contrats de certification et de licence. D’autre part, les relations salariĂ©/employeur et acheteur/vendeur, centrales dans le commerce Ă©quitable, font intervenir le droit de la consommation des pays consommateurs et le droit du travail des pays producteurs. L’intervention d’élĂ©ments relevant d’autres ordres juridiques contribue Ă  sĂ©curiser et Ă  bonifier le rĂ©gime Ă©quitable. Sur le plan matĂ©riel, l’autonomie du rĂ©gime se traduit par des dispositions inĂ©dites. Bien qu’originales par rapport aux normes d’origine Ă©tatique, l’analyse de ces normes montre qu’elles ne se placent cependant pas en situation de concurrence face Ă  celles-ci. Elles interviennent plutĂŽt comme complĂ©ment dans des sphĂšres oĂč il s’avĂšre difficile pour les normes d’origine Ă©tatique d’intervenir, principalement en raison des limites intrinsĂšques du droit national et international. Les standards de la certification Ă©quitable ne comportent cependant pas que des normes inĂ©dites. Plusieurs reprennent textuellement des dispositions d’instruments juridiques internationaux et nationaux d’origine Ă©tatique, alors que d’autres les traduisent dans un langage plus accessible et adaptĂ© au contexte de leurs destinataires. Dans ces deux cas, il s’agit de rĂ©itĂ©rer le droit en vigueur plutĂŽt que de s’y opposer. Son principal attrait rĂ©side dans le fait qu’elle ne se limite pas Ă  le rĂ©pĂ©ter mais Ă  faciliter sa connaissance et sa mise en Ɠuvre par des mesures concrĂštes

    Does Early Mismatched Nutrition Predispose to Hypertension and Atherosclerosis, in Male Mice?

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    BACKGROUND: A link between early mismatched nutritional environment and development of components of the metabolic syndrome later in life has been shown in epidemiological and animal data. The aim of this study was to investigate whether an early mismatched nutrition produced by catch-up growth after fetal protein restriction could induce the appearance of hypertension and/or atherosclerosis in adult male mice. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Wild-type C57BL6/J or LDLr-/- dams were fed a low protein (LP) or a control (C) diet during gestation. Catch-up growth was induced in LP offspring by feeding dams with a control diet and by culling the litter to 4 pups against 8 in controls. At weaning, male mice were fed either standard chow or an obesogenic diet (OB), leading to 4 experimental groups. Blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) were assessed in conscious unrestrained wild-type mice by telemetry. Atherosclerosis plaque area was measured in aortic root sections of LDLr-/- mice. We found that: (1) postnatal OB diet increased significantly BP (P<0.0001) and HR (P<0.008) in 3-month old OB-C and OB-LP offspring, respectively; (2) that maternal LP diet induced a significant higher BP (P<0.009) and HR (P<0.004) and (3) an altered circadian rhythm in addition to higher plasma corticosterone concentration in 9 months-old LP offspring; (4) that, although LP offspring showed higher plasma total cholesterol than control offspring, atherosclerosis assessed in aortic roots of 6-mo old mice featured increased plaque area due to OB feeding but not due to early mismatched nutrition. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results indicate a long-term effect of early mismatched nutrition on the appearance of hypertension independently of obesity, while no effect on atherosclerosis was noticed at this age
