13 research outputs found


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    Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis strategi hubungan dengan stakeholder untuk memfasilitasi akuisi atau merger dari perusahaan agar berjalan dengan baik. Masing-masing stakeholder ingin mengetahui bagaimana akuisisi akan mempengaruhi mereka sejak stakeholder dimaknai sebagai kelompok atau individu yang dapat berpengaruh pada pencapaian tujuan organisasi dan objektif organisasi. Perencanaan yang matang melalui strategi komunikasi untuk stakeholder perusahaan akan berkontribusi pada kesuksesan proses akuisisi itu sendiri


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    Karyawan  merupakan bagian yang  sangat penting bagi perusahaan untuk bertahan karena Mereka memiliki hubungan fungsional dengan  perusahaan. Karyawan memiliki fungsi karena mereka menyediakan tenaga kerja dan sumber daya untuk menciptakan  produk  atau jasa. Dengan adanya  masalah pada  karyawan, akan menyebabkan penurunan kinerja perusahaan, dan  pada akhirnya akan  berpengaruh terhadap image  perusahaan. Universitas Islam Sultan Agung sebagai penyelenggara pendidikan tinggi sangat memperhatikan karyawan sebagai sumber daya insani yang sangat penting untuk mencapai visi dan misi universitas, namun seiring pertumbuhan universitas maka permasalahan keterlibatan karyawan dalam komunikasi internal menjadi persoalan yang perlu dianalisis. Berangkat dari pemikiran pentingnya keterlibatan karyawan, maka penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2009 di Universitas Islam Sultan Agung (UNISSULA) Semarang.  Penelitian ini dilakukan  dengan tujuan untuk memberikan  rekomendasi terhadap pemecahan masalah dalam keterlibatan karyawan  di dalam komunikasi internal, dan memberikan  pemahaman  tentang  kriteria keterlibatan karyawan yang efektif dalam  komunikasi internal, agar dapat membantu memberikan solusi terhadap masalah keterlibatan karyawan di Universitas Islam Sultan Agung.   Key words : komunikasi internal, keterlibatan karyawan, image


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    Interpersonal Communication is the most important communication process for every human being. Family relationship is one of the examples where interpersonal communication happened between Parents and Child. Moreover, family is the most important “social network†for a child in their early life period so that relationship with family is a kind of base attitude to other people, things and life in general. Therefore interpersonal communication between parents and child has, a role in giving child understanding about the way of life that child must internalize through behavior norms that have been taught. On the other hand, autism disorder severely impairs development of a person’s ability to communicate both verbal and nonverbal, interact with other people, and maintain normal contact with the outside world. This condition needs serious attention for parents with autism child. The purpose of this research is to reveal about how interpersonal communication happened between parents and child in giving understanding about behavior norms to autism child. Theories that used in this research are interpersonal communication theories from Devito, Laing and Fisher, effectiveness interpersonal communication theory from humanistic perspective, child dependency theory from Jones and Gerard, child communication theory from schramm and phenomenology theory. Research method that used in this research is qualitative descriptive with phenomenology approach. From this research we may know that parents experience in communicating with autism child is different between one to another. Every parent’s interpretation about their experience is being infl uenced by their relation with time, their self, information about autism also child age and child condition. Regarding self in relation to time revealed that the more parents spent their time with their child the more parents understand about their child characteristic and child habit that leads to effectiveness communication. In relation to self revealed that after they knew about their child condition, they show empathy, supportiveness, positiveness in their attitudes. In brief, we can say that the parents’ willingness to confess that they have autism child is the most signifi cant step, whichhave great impact to their child development

    Da’wah in Household Product Advertisements: A Reception Study of Islamic Values in Nawaitu Sahaja TV Advertisements

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    In Indonesian contemporary society, spirituality and religion can be used to create Islamic brand identities. In order to promote the intended identity, marketers use advertisements to reach their target audience. Sahaja, an Indonesian brand of home care products, uses Islamic identity as part of their strategic communication. Using their Nawaitu Sahaja advertisements, they promote the da’wah (promotion of Islam) message. This research aimed to examine how a Muslim audience receives the Islamic da’wah used by Nawaitu Sahaja. To understand how audiences, receive the Islamic values portrayed in the Nawaitu Sahaja advertisements, seven women who are part of Nasyiatul Aisyiyah – an Islamic women’s organis ation – were interviewed in 2021. In order to promote their products, Nawaitu Sahaja advocates the importance of making a clean and hygienic home as part of one’s Islamic values. Baiti Jannati ("my home is my heaven") is the main message in these advertisements. Using Stuart Hall’s reception analysis, this research found different reading positions. Such reading positions were influenced by the audience's views on the message of Islamic values. Participants’ interpretations of the da’wah message in the Nawaitu Sahaja advertisements was found to be dominant. Using Islamic messages in advertisements is thus one way of engaging with consumers and encouraging them to purchase the products therein

    Bingkai Media di Masa Pra Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia (Studi Framing Pemberitaan Covid-19 di Portal Berita dan Akun Youtube Tribunnews Edisi Maret 2020)

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    Covid-19 menjadi suatu masalah kesehatan baru yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumya. Informasi mengenai isu kesehatan tersebut menjadi penting terutama di pra-pandemi untuk mengantisipasi menyebarnya wabah. Media sebagai sumber informasi utama memiliki peranan yang penting dalam penyampaian pesan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis bingkai media youtube dan portal berita tribunnews dalam pemberitaan awal covid-19 di Indonesia selama bulan Maret 2020. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis framing dari Robert Entman, melalui empat fungsi bingkai yaitu mendefinisikan sebuah masalah, memperkirakan sumber masalah, membuat keputusan moral, dan menekankan penyelesaian masalah. Terdapat 104 pemberitaan yang diteliti, 73 dari portal berita dan 31 dari akun youtube. Pemilihan pemberitaan melalui teknik purposive sampling Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam pemberitaan covid-19 di Indonesia menunjukkan informasi yang dinamis. Meskipun pemberitaan disajikan melalui dua platform yang berbeda yaitu portal berita dan youtube, tidak menunjukkan perbedaan isi informasi yang signifikan. Peneliti membagi pemberitaan menjadi tiga periode, periode pertama pada tanggal 1-10 Maret 2020 yang menunjukkan bingkai ketenangan dan membangun semangat dalam menghadapi pandemi, periode kedua 11-20 Maret bingkai covid-19 dirubah menjadi suatu ancaman dan resiko yang perlu diwaspadai, periode ketiga yakni 21-31 bingkai covid-19 menampilkan kewaspadaan dan ketakutan karena menunjukkan aspek korban, penurunan ekonomi dan berbagai ancaman lainnya

    Analisis Framing Pemberitaan Covid-19 Pada Akun Youtube dan Portal Berita Tribunnews.com : Edisi Maret 2020

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis bingkai media youtube dan portal berita tribunnews dalam pemberitaan covid-19 di Indonesia selama bulan Maret 2020. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis framing dari Robert Entman. Pemilihan pemberitaan melalui teknik purposive sampling. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah definisi masalah pada tanggal 1-10 Maret 2020 tribunnews lebih menekankan pada pemberitaan mengenai hoax dan pasien positif covid-19. Pada tanggal 11-20 pemberitaan mulai berkembang mengenai korban jiwa akibat covid-19. Sedangkan di tanggal 21-31 pemberitaan mengenai penurunan ekonomi di Indonesia, pembatalan perjalanan melalui transportasi pemerintah serta terus bertambahnya korban jiwa. Memperkirakan sumber masalah pada tanggal 1-10 Maret 2020 adalah isu covid-19 yang merupakan permasalahan baru sehingga mudah menyebarkan hoax. Pada tanggal 11-20 Maret banyaknya pasien positif sehingga banyak penularan. Tanggal 21-31 Maret 2020 penyebaran virus membuat pemerintah menutup beberapa gerai untuk meminimalisir penurunan kasus dan berdampak pada sektor ekonomi. Membuat keputusan moral atau nilai moral dari pemberitaan bulan Maret 2020 adalah pemerintah terus memberikan empati kepada masyarakat, baik yang terdampak ataupun tidak. Menekankan penyelersaian pemberitaan pada tanggal 1-10 Maret 2020 adalah dengan menindak pidana bagi pelaku hoax agar menimbulkan efek jera. Sedangkan pada periode 11-20 Maret pemerintah terus mempersiapkan rumah sakit untuk mengantisipasi adanya pelonjakan kasus. Yang terakhir tanggal 21-31 adalah pemerintah memberikan ganti rugi terhadap masyarakat yang keberangkatannya dibatalkan akibat pandemi, pemerintah juga memberikan pelatihan terhadap sektor yang dirugikan akibat pandemi. Rekomendasi dari riset ini adalah dilakukannya riset lanjutan untuk mengetahui respon dari publik dalam menghadapi suatu pandemi

    Towards the westernized body: a popular narrative reinforced by men's lifestyle magazines in Indonesia

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    This paper will spotlight changing views with regard to Indonesian men's body aesthetics. It will explore how, in response to discourse contained in lifestyle magazines, the physical bodies of Indonesian men have become the primary mechanism through which to exercise agency. However, many local Indonesian customs consider men's agency to be dependent upon their ability to control bodily desire. The paper aims to give an overview of how modernization and westernization as contemporary conditions in postcolonial Indonesia serve as the background to the narratives provided by men's lifestyle magazines. In order to provide an insight into how modern white narratives are valued in Indonesia, I will begin by examining the history of Dutch colonialism as a basis for racial classification. Proceeding, I will discuss how that history relates to contemporary practices of social stratification: the belief that being married to a westerner will bring perfection to one's descendants’ genes; the trend of consuming special vitamins and formulas that will change particular parts of the body; and the assumption that having western genes will bring both success and wealth. Moreover, I will also discuss the ways in which the magazines define the “ideal” body, and how that “ideal” body thus becomes the hegemonic body–one that functions as the gateway for men to achieve a good life

    Towards the westernized body: a popular narrative reinforced by men's lifestyle magazines in Indonesia

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    This paper will spotlight changing views with regard to Indonesian men's body aesthetics. It will explore how, in response to discourse contained in lifestyle magazines, the physical bodies of Indonesian men have become the primary mechanism through which to exercise agency. However, many local Indonesian customs consider men's agency to be dependent upon their ability to control bodily desire. The paper aims to give an overview of how modernization and westernization as contemporary conditions in postcolonial Indonesia serve as the background to the narratives provided by men's lifestyle magazines. In order to provide an insight into how modern white narratives are valued in Indonesia, I will begin by examining the history of Dutch colonialism as a basis for racial classification. Proceeding, I will discuss how that history relates to contemporary practices of social stratification: the belief that being married to a westerner will bring perfection to one's descendants’ genes; the trend of consuming special vitamins and formulas that will change particular parts of the body; and the assumption that having western genes will bring both success and wealth. Moreover, I will also discuss the ways in which the magazines define the “ideal” body, and how that “ideal” body thus becomes the hegemonic body–one that functions as the gateway for men to achieve a good life

    Revitalization of Indonesian Navy Language School to Improve the Foreign Language Competence Supporting the Naval Defense Diplomacy

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    To result the foreign language competence for Indonesian Navy personnel, the education system in the Language School should be revitalized. The researcher found several problems causing the education process in the Language School not optimal in resulting the qualified graduates. They are lack of education programs, human resources management, education facilities, and cooperation with the other institutions. The research used qualitative method showing the phenomenon in the Language School, then compared to The Language Training and Education Center of Indonesian Defense Ministry and Australian Defence International Training Centre. To result the qualified graduates’ competence as expected, it can revitalize the education system of the Language School by using strategies to increase the human resources management of foreign languages instructors by increasing numbers of lecturers, enhancing the instructors’ ability and providing more welfare, upgrading the supporting education facilities by improving the quality of language laboratories, enhancing the library and procuring the guidebooks, improving the intensity of education programs by adding more foreign languages programs, and conducting more cooperations with the other language schools or education institutions. By revitalizing the education system, the Language School will be able to result the qualified graduates’ competence for foreign languages, so the fulfillment of highly-skilled Navy personnel can be manifested in order to support the diplomacy mission