303 research outputs found

    QED and relativistic corrections in superheavy elements

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    In this paper we review the different relativistic and QED contributions to energies, ionic radii, transition probabilities and Land\'e gg-factors in super-heavy elements, with the help of the MultiConfiguration Dirac-Fock method (MCDF). The effects of taking into account the Breit interaction to all orders by including it in the self-consistent field process are demonstrated. State of the art radiative corrections are included in the calculation and discussed. We also study the non-relativistic limit of MCDF calculation and find that the non-relativistic offset can be unexpectedly large.Comment: V3, May 31st, 200

    The nonrelativistic limit of Dirac-Fock codes: the role of Brillouin configurations

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    We solve a long standing problem with relativistic calculations done with the widely used Multi-Configuration Dirac-Fock Method (MCDF). We show, using Relativistic Many-Body Perturbation Theory (RMBPT), how even for relatively high-ZZ, relaxation or correlation causes the non-relativistic limit of states of different total angular momentum but identical orbital angular momentum to have different energies. We show that only large scale calculations that include all single excitations, even those obeying the Brillouin's theorem have the correct limit. We reproduce very accurately recent high-precision measurements in F-like Ar, and turn then into precise test of QED. We obtain the correct non-relativistic limit not only for fine structure but also for level energies and show that RMBPT calculations are not immune to this problem.Comment: AUgust 9th, 2004 Second version Nov. 18th, 200

    Relativistic correlation correction to the binding energies of the ground configuration of Beryllium-like, Neon-like, Magnesium-like and Argon-like ions

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    Total electronic correlation correction to the binding energies of the isoelectronic series of Beryllium, Neon, Magnesium and Argon, are calculated in the framework of relativistic multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock method. Convergence of the correlation energies is studied as the active set of orbitals is increased. The Breit interaction is treated fully self-consistently. The final results can be used in the accurately determination of atomic masses from highly charged ions data obtained in Penning-trap experiments.Comment: version soumise 3/08/200

    Relativistic calculations of pionic and kaonic atoms hyperfine structure

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    We present the relativistic calculation of the hyperfine structure in pionic and kaonic atoms. A perturbation method has been applied to the Klein-Gordon equation to take into account the relativistic corrections. The perturbation operator has been obtained \textit{via} a multipole expansion of the nuclear electromagnetic potential. The hyperfine structure of pionic and kaonic atoms provide an additional term in the quantum electrodynamics calculation of the energy transition of these systems. Such a correction is required for a recent measurement of the pion mass

    Dielectronic Resonance Method for Measuring Isotope Shifts

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    Longstanding problems in the comparison of very accurate hyperfine-shift measurements to theory were partly overcome by precise measurements on few-electron highly-charged ions. Still the agreement between theory and experiment is unsatisfactory. In this paper, we present a radically new way of precisely measuring hyperfine shifts, and demonstrate its effectiveness in the case of the hyperfine shift of 4s_1/24s\_{1/2} and 4p_1/24p\_{1/2} in 207Pb53+^{207}\mathrm{Pb}^{53+}. It is based on the precise detection of dielectronic resonances that occur in electron-ion recombination at very low energy. This allows us to determine the hyperfine constant to around 0.6 meV accuracy which is on the order of 10%

    Tensorial form and matrix elements of the relativistic nuclear recoil operator

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    Within the lowest-order relativistic approximation (v2/c2\sim v^2/c^2) and to first order in me/Mm_e/M, the tensorial form of the relativistic corrections of the nuclear recoil Hamiltonian is derived, opening interesting perspectives for calculating isotope shifts in the multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock framework. Their calculation is illustrated for selected Li-, B- and C-like ions. The present work underlines the fact that the relativistic corrections to the nuclear recoil are definitively necessary for getting reliable isotope shift values.Comment: 22 pages, no figures, submitted to J. Phys.

    Coordinate-space approach to the bound-electron self-energy: Self-Energy screening calculation

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    The self-energy screening correction is evaluated in a model in which the effect of the screening electron is represented as a first-order perturbation of the self energy by an effective potential. The effective potential is the Coulomb potential of the spherically averaged charge density of the screening electron. We evaluate the energy shift due to a 1s1/21s_{1/2}, 2s1/22s_{1/2}, 2p1/22p_{1/2}, or 2p3/22p_{3/2} electron screening a 1s1/21s_{1/2}, 2s1/22s_{1/2}, 2p1/22p_{1/2}, or 2p3/22p_{3/2} electron, for nuclear charge Z in the range 5Z925 \le Z\le 92. A detailed comparison with other calculations is made.Comment: 54 pages, 10 figures, 4 table

    Reference-free measurements of the 1s 2s 2p 2PO1=2;3=2 ! 1s2 2s 2S1=2 and 1s 2s 2p 4P5=2 ! 1s2 2s 2S1=2 transition energies and widths in lithiumlike sulfur and argon ions

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    We have measured the widths and energies of the 1s2s2p 2 P 1/2,3/2 → 1s 2 2s 2 S 1/2 transitions in lithiumlike sulfur and argon, as well as the energies of the forbidden 1s2s2p 4 P 5/2 → 1s 2 2s 2 S 1/2 M2 transition in both elements. All measurements were performed with a double-flat crystal spectrometer without the use of any reference line. The transition energy measurements have accuracies ranging from 2.3 ppm to 6.4 ppm depending on the element and line intensity. The widths and the intensity ratios of the 1s2s2p 2 P 1/2,3/2 → 1s 2 2s 2 S 1/2 lines have also been measured. These are the first reference-free measurements of transitions in core-excited lithiumlike ions, and have an accuracy comparable to the best relative measurements. We have also performed multi-configuration Dirac-Fock calculations of the widths, energies and intensity ratios. Extensive comparison between existing experimental results and theory is performed, and Bayesian techniques employed to extract the energy of the 1s 2p 2 4 P 1/2 → 1s 2 2p 2 P 1/2 transition in sulfur and identify contaminant transitions

    Exploring Biorthonormal Transformations of Pair-Correlation Functions in Atomic Structure Variational Calculations

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    Multiconfiguration expansions frequently target valence correlation and correlation between valence electrons and the outermost core electrons. Correlation within the core is often neglected. A large orbital basis is needed to saturate both the valence and core-valence correlation effects. This in turn leads to huge numbers of CSFs, many of which are unimportant. To avoid the problems inherent to the use of a single common orthonormal orbital basis for all correlation effects in the MCHF method, we propose to optimize independent MCHF pair-correlation functions (PCFs), bringing their own orthonormal one-electron basis. Each PCF is generated by allowing single- and double- excitations from a multireference (MR) function. This computational scheme has the advantage of using targeted and optimally localized orbital sets for each PCF. These pair-correlation functions are coupled together and with each component of the MR space through a low dimension generalized eigenvalue problem. Nonorthogonal orbital sets being involved, the interaction and overlap matrices are built using biorthonormal transformation of the coupled basis sets followed by a counter-transformation of the PCF expansions. Applied to the ground state of beryllium, the new method gives total energies that are lower than the ones from traditional CAS-MCHF calculations using large orbital active sets. It is fair to say that we now have the possibility to account for, in a balanced way, correlation deep down in the atomic core in variational calculations