1,613 research outputs found

    Bootstrapping the Coronal Magnetic Field with STEREO: I. Unipolar Potential Field Modeling

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    We investigate the recently quantified misalignment of αmis≈20∘−40∘\alpha_{mis} \approx 20^\circ-40^\circ between the 3-D geometry of stereoscopically triangulated coronal loops observed with STEREO/EUVI (in four active regions) and theoretical (potential or nonlinear force-free) magnetic field models extrapolated from photospheric magnetograms. We develop an efficient method of bootstrapping the coronal magnetic field by forward-fitting a parameterized potential field model to the STEREO-observed loops. The potential field model consists of a number of unipolar magnetic charges that are parameterized by decomposing a photospheric magnetogram from MDI. The forward-fitting method yields a best-fit magnetic field model with a reduced misalignment of αPF≈13∘−20∘\alpha_{PF} \approx 13^\circ-20^\circ. We evaluate also stereoscopic measurement errors and find a contribution of αSE≈7∘−12∘\alpha_{SE}\approx 7^\circ-12^\circ, which constrains the residual misalignment to αNP=αPF−αSE≈5∘−9∘\alpha_{NP}=\alpha_{PF}-\alpha_{SE}\approx 5^\circ -9^\circ, which is likely due to the nonpotentiality of the active regions. The residual misalignment angle αNP\alpha_{NP} of the potential field due to nonpotentiality is found to correlate with the soft X-ray flux of the active region, which implies a relationship between electric currents and plasma heating.Comment: 12 figures, manuscript submitted to ApJ, 2010 Apr 2

    Nonlinear force-free field modeling of a solar active region using SDO/HMI and SOLIS/VSM data

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    We use SDO/HMI and SOLIS/VSM photospheric magnetic field measurements to model the force-free coronal field above a solar active region, assuming magnetic forces to dominate. We take measurement uncertainties caused by, e.g., noise and the particular inversion technique into account. After searching for the optimum modeling parameters for the particular data sets, we compare the resulting nonlinear force-free model fields. We show the degree of agreement of the coronal field reconstructions from the different data sources by comparing the relative free energy content, the vertical distribution of the magnetic pressure and the vertically integrated current density. Though the longitudinal and transverse magnetic flux measured by the VSM and HMI is clearly different, we find considerable similarities in the modeled fields. This indicates the robustness of the algorithm we use to calculate the nonlinear force-free fields against differences and deficiencies of the photospheric vector maps used as an input. We also depict how much the absolute values of the total force-free, virial and the free magnetic energy differ and how the orientation of the longitudinal and transverse components of the HMI- and VSM-based model volumes compares to each other.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Structure and Evolution of Giant Cells in Global Models of Solar Convection

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    The global scales of solar convection are studied through three-dimensional simulations of compressible convection carried out in spherical shells of rotating fluid which extend from the base of the convection zone to within 15 Mm of the photosphere. Such modelling at the highest spatial resolution to date allows study of distinctly turbulent convection, revealing that coherent downflow structures associated with giant cells continue to play a significant role in maintaining the strong differential rotation that is achieved. These giant cells at lower latitudes exhibit prograde propagation relative to the mean zonal flow, or differential rotation, that they establish, and retrograde propagation of more isotropic structures with vortical character at mid and high latitudes. The interstices of the downflow networks often possess strong and compact cyclonic flows. The evolving giant-cell downflow systems can be partly masked by the intense smaller scales of convection driven closer to the surface, yet they are likely to be detectable with the helioseismic probing that is now becoming available. Indeed, the meandering streams and varying cellular subsurface flows revealed by helioseismology must be sampling contributions from the giant cells, yet it is difficult to separate out these signals from those attributed to the faster horizontal flows of supergranulation. To aid in such detection, we use our simulations to describe how the properties of giant cells may be expected to vary with depth, how their patterns evolve in time, and analyze the statistical features of correlations within these complex flow fields.Comment: 22 pages, 16 figures (color figures are low res), uses emulateapj.cls Latex class file, Results shown during a Press release at the AAS meeting in June 2007. Submitted to Ap

    The Influence of Spatial Resolution on Nonlinear Force-Free Modeling

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    The nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) model is often used to describe the solar coronal magnetic field, however a series of earlier studies revealed difficulties in the numerical solution of the model in application to photospheric boundary data. We investigate the sensitivity of the modeling to the spatial resolution of the boundary data, by applying multiple codes that numerically solve the NLFFF model to a sequence of vector magnetogram data at different resolutions, prepared from a single Hinode/SOT-SP scan of NOAA Active Region 10978 on 2007 December 13. We analyze the resulting energies and relative magnetic helicities, employ a Helmholtz decomposition to characterize divergence errors, and quantify changes made by the codes to the vector magnetogram boundary data in order to be compatible with the force-free model. This study shows that NLFFF modeling results depend quantitatively on the spatial resolution of the input boundary data, and that using more highly resolved boundary data yields more self-consistent results. The free energies of the resulting solutions generally trend higher with increasing resolution, while relative magnetic helicity values vary significantly between resolutions for all methods. All methods require changing the horizontal components, and for some methods also the vertical components, of the vector magnetogram boundary field in excess of nominal uncertainties in the data. The solutions produced by the various methods are significantly different at each resolution level. We continue to recommend verifying agreement between the modeled field lines and corresponding coronal loop images before any NLFFF model is used in a scientific setting.Comment: Accepted to ApJ; comments/corrections to this article are welcome via e-mail, even after publicatio

    Persistent neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio >3 during treatment with enzalutamide and clinical outcome in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer

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    The baseline value of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) has been found to be prognostic in patients with metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). We evaluated the impact of baseline NLR and its change in patients receiving enzalutamide. We included consecutive metastatic CRPC patients treated with enzalutamide after docetaxel and studies the change of NLR (>3 vs ≤3) after week 4 and 12 weeks. Progression-free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS) and their 95% Confidence Intervals (95% CI) were estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method and compared with the log-rank test. The impact of NLR on PFS and OS was evaluated by Cox regression analyses and on prostate-specific antigen response rates (PSA RR; PSA decline >50%) were evaluated by binary logistic regression. Data collected on 193 patients from 9 centers were evaluated. Median age was 73.1 years (range, 42.8–90.7). The median baseline NLR was 3.2. The median PFS was 3.2 months (95% CI = 2.7–4.2) in patients with baseline NLR >3 and 7.4 months (95% CI = 5.5–9.7) in those with NLR ≤3, p < 0.0001. The median OS was 10.4 months (95% CI = 6.5–14.9) in patients with baseline NLR >3 and 16.9 months (95% CI = 11.2–20.9) in those with baseline NLR ≤3, p < 0.0001. In multivariate analysis, changes in NLR at 4 weeks were significant predictors of both PFS [hazard ratio (HR) 1.24, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.07–1.42, p = 0.003, and OS (HR 1.29, 95% CI 1.10–1.51, p = 0.001. A persistent NLR >3 during treatment with enzalutamide seems to have both prognostic and predictive value in CRPC patients

    Inferring Maps of the Sun's Far-side Unsigned Magnetic Flux from Far-side Helioseismic Images using Machine Learning Techniques

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    Accurate modeling of the Sun's coronal magnetic field and solar wind structures require inputs of the solar global magnetic field, including both the near and far sides, but the Sun's far-side magnetic field cannot be directly observed. However, the Sun's far-side active regions are routinely monitored by helioseismic imaging methods, which only require continuous near-side observations. It is therefore both feasible and useful to estimate the far-side magnetic-flux maps using the far-side helioseismic images despite their relatively low spatial resolution and large uncertainties. In this work, we train two machine-learning models to achieve this goal. The first machine-learning training pairs simultaneous SDO/HMI-observed magnetic-flux maps and SDO/AIA-observed EUV 304AËš\r{A} images, and the resulting model can convert 304AËš\r{A} images into magnetic-flux maps. This model is then applied on the STEREO/EUVI-observed far-side 304AËš\r{A} images, available for about 4.3 years, for the far-side magnetic-flux maps. These EUV-converted magnetic-flux maps are then paired with simultaneous far-side helioseismic images for a second machine-learning training, and the resulting model can convert far-side helioseismic images into magnetic-flux maps. These helioseismically derived far-side magnetic-flux maps, despite their limitations in spatial resolution and accuracy, can be routinely available on a daily basis, providing useful magnetic information on the Sun's far side using only the near-side observations.Comment: Accepted by Ap

    Simultaneous N-Deglycosylation and Digestion of Complex Samples on S-Traps Enables Efficient Glycosite Hypothesis Generation

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    N-linked glycosylation is an important post-translational modification that is difficult to identify and quantify in traditional bottom-up proteomics experiments. Enzymatic deglycosylation of proteins by peptide:N-glycosidase F (PNGase F) prior to digestion and subsequent mass spectrometry analysis has been shown to improve coverage of various N-linked glycopeptides, but the inclusion of this step may add up to a day to an already lengthy sample preparation process. An efficient way to integrate deglycosylation with bottom-up proteomics would be a valuable contribution to the glycoproteomics field. Here, we demonstrate a proteomics workflow in which deglycosylation and proteolytic digestion of samples occur simultaneously using suspension trapping (S-Trap). This approach adds no time to standard digestion protocols. Applying this sample preparation strategy to a human serum sample, we demonstrate improved identification of potential N-glycosylated peptides in deglycosylated samples compared with non-deglycosylated samples, identifying 156 unique peptides that contain the N-glycosylation motif (asparagine-X-serine/threonine), the deamidation modification characteristic of PNGase F, and an increase in peptide intensity over a control sample. We expect that this rapid sample preparation strategy will assist in the identification and quantification of both known and potential glycoproteins. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with the identifier PXD037921

    Coronal Loop Oscillations Observed with AIA - Kink-Mode with Cross-Sectional and Density Oscillations

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    A detailed analysis of a coronal loop oscillation event is presented, using data from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) for the first time. The loop oscillation event occurred on 2010 Oct 16, 19:05-19:35 UT, was triggered by an M2.9 GOES-class flare, located inside a highly inclined cone of a narrow-angle CME. This oscillation event had a number of unusual features: (i) Excitation of kink-mode oscillations in vertical polarization (in the loop plane); (ii) Coupled cross-sectional and density oscillations with identical periods; (iii) no detectable kink amplitude damping over the observed duration of four kink-mode periods (P=6.3P=6.3 min); (iv) multi-loop oscillations with slightly (≈10\approx 10%) different periods; and (v) a relatively cool loop temperature of T≈0.5T\approx 0.5 MK. We employ a novel method of deriving the electron density ratio external and internal to the oscillating loop from the ratio of Alfv\'enic speeds deduced from the flare trigger delay and the kink-mode period, i.e., ne/ni=(vA/vAe)2=0.08±0.01n_e/n_i=(v_A/v_{Ae})^2=0.08\pm0.01. The coupling of the kink mode and cross-sectional oscillations can be explained as a consequence of the loop length variation in the vertical polarization mode. We determine the exact footpoint locations and loop length with stereoscopic triangulation using STEREO/EUVI-A data. We model the magnetic field in the oscillating loop using HMI/SDO magnetogram data and a potential field model and find agreement with the seismological value of the magnetic field, Bkink=4.0±0.7B_{kink}=4.0\pm0.7 G, within a factor of two.Comment: ApJ (in press, accepted May 10, 2011
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