8 research outputs found


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    Due to the continuous need to improve the performance of Higher Educationprofessionals and to seek new alternatives in human improvement, this paperelaborates on the most competent training of graduates who are incorporatedas teachers in universities and tend to The future performance of management,feel the need to learn about pedagogical and didactic processes, which allowsperformance with quality in the future profession of the pedagogical field, witha critical and creative approach, which is based on scientific research , Politicaland ideological workforce and recognize the impact of training in each of theperformance areas.Por la continua necesidad de perfeccionar el desempe帽o de los profesionales dela Educaci贸n Superior y buscar nuevas alternativas en el mejoramientohumano, se elabora este trabajo que expone la formaci贸n m谩s competente delos egresados que se incorporan como docentes en las universidades y tendr谩na su cargo el futuro desempe帽o de la direcci贸n, sentir谩n la necesidad deaprender sobre los procesos pedag贸gicos y did谩cticos, que le permitandesempe帽arse con calidad en la profesi贸n futura del 谩mbito pedag贸gico, con unenfoque cr铆tico y creativo, que se sustenta en la investigaci贸n cient铆fica, lalabor pol铆tica e ideol贸gica y reconocer el impacto de su formaci贸n en cada unade las 谩reas de desempe帽o


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    The formative aspect in the companies is one of the main components of the organizational management as it becomes a nucleus of dynamism of the different dimensions of this management: security and health, communication, stimulation, environment.In this sense, promoting organizational development inevitably involves the design and application of these training processes in companies, being a process that engages all social actors of the organization.Organizational-human development is concretized insofar as its multiple levels (individual, group, institutional, eco-environmental) are harmoniously interrelated, from the consideration of labor organizations as open social systems that are in constant relation with the environment.Only with ecological and healthy organizations, as an expression of the level of development achieved at its different levels, synthesized in its harmonious relationship with the environment, it is possible to establish an ethical coexistence in a common enterprise project based on the relationship company-society-environment. These are the main objectives of environmental education from the organizational eco-environmental management.El aspecto formativo en las empresas es uno de los principales componentes de la gesti贸n organizacional al constituirse en un n煤cleo dinamizador de las diferentes dimensiones de dicha gesti贸n: seguridad y salud, comunicaci贸n, estimulaci贸n, medio ambiente.En este sentido promover el desarrollo organizacional pasa inevitablemente por el dise帽o y aplicaci贸n de estos procesos formativos en las empresas, siendo un proceso que compromete a todos los actores sociales de la organizaci贸n.El desarrollo organizacional-humano se concreta en la medida en que se interrelacionan arm贸nicamente sus m煤ltiples niveles (individual, grupal, institucional, eco-ambiental), desde la consideraci贸n de las organizaciones laborales como sistemas sociales, abiertos, que est谩n en constante relaci贸n con el medio ambiente.S贸lo con organizaciones ecol贸gicas y saludables como expresi贸n del nivel de desarrollo alcanzado en sus diferentes niveles, sintetizado en su relaci贸n arm贸nica con el medio ambiente, se puede establecer una convivencia 茅tica en un proyecto de empresa com煤n en base a la relaci贸n empresa-sociedad-medio ambiente. Estos constituyen los objetivos principales de la educaci贸n ambiental desde la gesti贸n eco-ambiental organizacional

    Metarregulated Learning Scale (MRL) in university students

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    El estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la validez de constructo de la escala de aprendizaje metarregulado (AMR) en estudiantes universitarios. Se desarroll贸 con 430 estudiantes universitarios en educaci贸n virtual de Lima, utilizando los paquetes estad铆sticos SPSS v26, AMOS v24 y el R-Project v.1.2, y aportando evidencia psicom茅trica del proceso de validaci贸n. Se realiz贸 an谩lisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio; el an谩lisis de fiabilidad y validez de constructo final se realiz贸 a partir del c谩lculo de las medidas del alfa de Cronbach, coeficiente Omega y coeficiente Theta. Los resultados constatan la estructura original de cinco factores, aunque con menos elementos que la versi贸n primaria; finalmente se obtiene un instrumento de 20 铆tems que comprende 5 dimensiones calificadas; el mismo se ofrece a la comunidad cient铆fica y educativa con el 谩nimo de contribuir a entender mejor el aprendizaje de los estudiantes universitarios, dinamizado desde procesos de colaboraci贸n, metarreflexi贸n, metacognici贸n, autorregulaci贸n y cognici贸n.The study aimed to determine the construct validity of the metaregulated learning scale (AMR) in university students. It was developed with 430 university students in virtual education in Lima, using the statistical packages SPSS v26, AMOS v24 and R-Project v.1.2, and providing psychometric evidence of the validation process. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was performed; the reliability and validity analysis of the final construct was performed from the calculation of the Cronbach's alpha, Omega coefficient and Theta coefficient measures. The results confirm the original structure of five factors, although with fewer elements than the primary version; Finally, a 20-item instrument is obtained that includes 5 qualified dimensions; It is offered to the scientific and educational community with the aim of contributing to a better understanding of the learning of university students, dynamized from processes of collaboration, meta-reflection, metacognition, self-regulation and cognition

    Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Spanish Burnout Inventory Among Professionals Across 17 Countries and Regions

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    Studies on the prevalence of burnout in professionals in service organizations who work in direct contact with the clients or users of the organization have concluded that burnout is a serious health disorder that has increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A significant advantage of the Spanish Burnout Inventory (SBI) over other instruments is that it provides a broader conceptualization of burnout by including feelings of guilt as a dimension of burnout to explain its development. However, the measurement invariance of the SBI across countries has not been investigated. The purpose of this study was to test the measurement invariance of the SBI among professionals across 17 countries and regions in Europe, Latin America, and Asia, and in different languages. All the countries showed a good fit to the four-factor model, except the Indian sample, which was excluded from the measurement invariance study. Using the alignment method, it was possible to verify the scalar measurement invariance of the four SBI factors across 15 countries and one Spanish region (16 samples). The comparison of estimated latent means indicates that France is the country with the lowest scores on the Enthusiasm factor and the highest scores on the negative factors (Exhaustion, Indolence, and Guilt). In contrast, the Andean countries, Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador, show the highest latent means on the Enthusiasm factor and the lowest means on the negative factors. These results support the validity of the SBI in the countries and regions in Europe and Latin America included in this study

    Estr茅s de rol: Aportaciones desde la intervenci贸n psicosocial educativa al logro de organizaciones laborales saludables

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    This research is part of a study currently being carried out on doctors and nurses from Santiago de Cuba. This article aims to systematize theoretical-methodological aspects to build an educational psychosocial intervention to promote the effective management of role stress in these professionals, with special emphasis on the approach of healthy labor organizations. The main methods used were analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive, and dialectical-hermeneutic, for the interpretation and clarification of different relationships that exist between the different models, conceptions and constructs. An educational psychosocial intervention is planned to amplify the positive core and effective subjective resources of doctors and nurses, thus contributing to the achieving prevention and mastering of role stress of these workers. The main results allow us to note that in order to achieve this intention, important nuclei are revealed in the contributions of positive organizational psychology, the management of formative potentialities and the psychologist's interventional competence, which is stimulated by a formative method of their professional practice. The organizational culture of psychosocial risk prevention is also revealed as a success factor for the effective management of role stress and the achievement of healthy work organizations.La presente investigaci贸n es parte de un estudio que se desarrolla actualmente en m茅dicos y enfermeras de la provincia Santiago de Cuba. Este art铆culo tiene como objetivo sistematizar aspectos te贸rico-metodol贸gicos para construir una intervenci贸n psicosocial educativa en pos de potenciar un manejo efectivo del estr茅sde rol en estos profesionales, con especial 茅nfasis en el enfoque de organizaciones laborales saludables. Los principales m茅todos utilizados fueron el de an谩lisis-s铆ntesis, inductivo-deductivo, y el hermen茅utico dial茅ctico, para la interpretaci贸n y clarificaci贸n de las diferentes relaciones que se dan en entre los diferentes modelos, concepciones y constructos. Se proyecta una intervenci贸n psicosocial educativa que permita amplificar el n煤cleo positivo y recursos subjetivos efectivos de m茅dicos y enfermeras, contribuyendo as铆 a que estos trabajadores logren la prevenci贸n y dominio del estr茅s de rol.Los principales resultados permiten connotar que para lograr esta intenci贸n se revelan n煤cleos importantes en las aportaciones de la psicolog铆a organizacional positiva, la gesti贸n de potencialidades formativas y la competencia interventiva del psic贸logo, que se dinamiza desde un m茅todo formativo de su pr谩ctica profesional. Se revela adem谩s la cultura organizacional de prevenci贸n de riesgos psicosociales como un factor de 茅xito para el manejo efectivo del estr茅s de rol y el logro de organizaciones laborales saludables

    El diplomado de Educaci贸n Superior para j贸venes docentes y su impacto en los procesos universitarios

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    Due to the continuous need to improve the performance of Higher Education professionals and to seek new alternatives in human improvement, this paper elaborates on the most competent training of graduates who are incorporated as teachers in universities and tend to The future performance of management, feel the need to learn about pedagogical and didactic processes, which allows performance with quality in the future profession of the pedagogical field, with a critical and creative approach, which is based on scientific research , Political and ideological workforce and recognize the impact of training in each of the performance areas.Por la continua necesidad de perfeccionar el desempe帽o de los profesionales de la Educaci贸n Superior y buscar nuevas alternativas en el mejoramiento humano, se elabora este trabajo que expone la formaci贸n m谩s competente de los egresados que se incorporan como docentes en las universidades y tendr谩n a su cargo el futuro desempe帽o de la direcci贸n, sentir谩n la necesidad de aprender sobre los procesos pedag贸gicos y did谩cticos, que le permitan desempe帽arse con calidad en la profesi贸n futura del 谩mbito pedag贸gico, con un enfoque cr铆tico y creativo, que se sustenta en la investigaci贸n cient铆fica, la labor pol铆tica e ideol贸gica y reconocer el impacto de su formaci贸n en cada una de las 谩reas de desempe帽o

    Teaching method in Psychology. A experience from Universidad de Oriente

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    The theoretical conception of the psychological science reveals a progressive approach at the present time among the person that investigates, and its study object: another person (in the聽 individual level, groups, or organizational-social), possessor of own potentialities to condition their development. It is possible to conceive, by the light of based "philosophies", in dialectical, complex, and holistic perspectives, a natural and objective cognitive relationship between the person and the object of the investigation, all time that they are accepted in such a process, in a dialectical contradiction, that marks the dynamics of the development. For what the notion of the method is revealed, like essence of the process formative of the Psychology, like science and profession, what is connoted as a necessary contribution to the improvement of the university processes

    Una mirada sist茅mica e integradora acerca del desarrollo persona-humano desde la psicolog铆a organizacional

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    Se parte de la valoraci贸n de las organizaciones laborales comosistema y de su responsabilidad en crear el ambiente o clima quepromueva el desarrollo del potencial humano, ofreciendo lascondiciones y oportunidades para que las personas, en unidad conla direcci贸n, participen en su proyecci贸n personal. Desde unamirada sist茅mica e integradora se destaca la importancia de losaspectos psicoorganizacionales para el logro de una subjetividadcomprometida con altos niveles de productividad y desarrollohumano y personal, puntos de partida para garantizar una intervenci贸n psicol贸gica organizacional potenciadora