115 research outputs found

    Динамика этнокультурной и гражданской идентичности выпускников Pоссийских вузов за рубежом

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    Emigration of graduates of the Russian higher education institutions abroad has become the constant phenomenon of modern life. Creation of the social mobility conditions by the higher school emphasizes the problem of preserving ethnocultural identity by emigrants and their positive attitude to Russia. The paper shows the results of the field sociological studies (internet poll and focus group) on the graduates of the Russian higher education institutions who currently live in Germany. The objective of these studies has been to investigate the tendencies of a change of the sociocultural and civil identity of the Russian-speaking youth abroad. The wave-like nature of the dynamics of the ethnocultural identification of the 8-year residence abroad is found, and four different models of the behavior of young migrants concerning the sociocultural adaptation and the preservation of ethnocultural identity are described. Two characteristics are used as the criteria for the models' identification: "success" and "not success" in the adaptation to the sociocultural life in Germany and a strategy of the preservation of enthocultural identity. Based on them, first, the small group of young migrants who experience problems in the intercultural communication and adaptation and who feel their Russianness, home-sickness is separated. Other three different models of behavior are typical for the young Russian-speaking migrants successful from a standpoint of adaptation but they demonstrate diverse forms of the preservation of enthocultural identity. One of these three groups additionally reveals a negative civil identity to Russia. The studies also reveal the negative attitude of the Russian-speaking youth to collective forms of preservation of cultural identity and to the Russian diaspora aged over 50 years old. The forms of the preservation of ethnocultural identity of the youth to a greater extent have individual character with use of modern communicative technologies. The majority of the respondents show a positive relation to Russia, its history and culture. At the same time a part of young migrants state a rejection of the political regime in the Russian Federation and consider a possibility of returning to Russia only after a change of the political regime in the country. (author's abstract

    Structural and tectonic analysis of the mesa in Polická basin

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    Oblast Polické pánve se nachází v oblasti průběhu zlomových a tektonických struktur. Tady dochází k neotektonickým a recentním dlouhodobým pohybům podél daných systémů. Hlavním spouštěčem aktivity je působení endogenních a exogenních procesů. Polická pánev a její vzhled je podmíněn a ovlivněn geomorfologickými procesy a představuje ideální prostor pro studium aktivních zlomových struktur a jejích průběhu. Tato oblast je vyznačena určitými fyzicko - geografickými charakteristikami, které odráží dlouhodobé procesy probíhající na území a předurčuje průběh vývoje dané lokality. Přes vybrané území probíhá dvě velké zlomové struktury Polického a Skalského zlomu. Průběh těchto systémů je potvrzen předchozími průzkumy a je vyznačen v geologických mapových podkladech. Průběh zlomů, oblast jejích interakcí je oblastí nejvíc ovlivněných geomorfologických prvků reliéfu. Oblast stolových hor Ostaše, Hejdy a Kočičích skal je velice ovlivněna průběhem Polického zlomového pásma, hlavně kvůli blízké poloze zlomu k vybraným geomorfologickým povrchovým tvarům. Důsledky působení tlaku zlomových pásem jsou pozorovány na různých strukturách. V průběhu analýzy a zkoumání reliéfu a povrchových prvků pomocí různých metod bylo možný potvrdit vliv zlomových pásem. Puklinové systémy prokazovaly stejnou orientaci průběhu se...The area of the Polická basin is in fault and tectonic structures region. Neotectonic and recent long-term movements occur along the geomorphological systems. Endogenous and exogenous processes are the main reason of tectonic activity in the area. Polická basin and its look is influenced by geomorphological processes and represents a perfect region for the study of active fault structures. This area is influenced by physical-geographic characteristics of the region and reflects with long-term processes which determine the development of this area. Two large systems of Polický and Skalský fault run across the selected area. The course of these systems is confirmed by previous studies, and it is indicated in geological maps. The area of faults crosses is area with the most affected geomorphological elements of the relief. Ostaš, Hejda and Kočičí skaly mesas is greatly influenced by Polický fault zone, mainly due to fault close location to the selected geomorphological surface forms. Result of the fault zones pressure is observed on various structures and their form. During the relief and surface features analysis and examination were used various methods, which confirmed the influence of fault zones. The fracture systems showed the same orientation as the Polický fault orientation (SSE - NNW)....Katedra fyzické geografie a geoekologieDepartment of Physical Geography and GeoecologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    The Role of Noncoding RNAs in Brain Cells during Rat Cerebral Ischemia

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    Ischemic brain stroke is one of the most serious and socially important medical conditions. Transcriptome analysis is a prospective approach to the study of the mechanisms of brain functioning, both under normal conditions and in ischemia. In addition to mRNA encoding proteins, the study of noncoding RNAs in ischemia has exceptional importance for the development of new strategies for neuroprotection. Of greatest interest are microRNAs (miRNAs) and circular RNAs (circRNAs). circRNAs have a closed structure and predominantly brain-specific expression. They can interact with miRNAs, diminish their activity, and thereby inhibit miRNA-mediated repression of mRNA. Recently, it has become clear that the analysis of circRNA-miRNA-mRNA interactions is an important requirement for the detailed study of the mechanisms of damage and regeneration during ischemia. This chapter reviews the most recent data on the role of circRNAs, miRNAs, mRNAs, and their interactions in brain cells under normal conditions and in cerebral ischemia

    The problems of coordination of the priorities of economic policy of the region and development of human capital (ulyanovsk region 2010-2015)

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    Государственные программы экономического развития региона, усилия правительства Ульяновской области по созданию благоприятного инвестиционного климата встречают непонимание населения. Общественная поддержка деятельности губернатора последние три года неуклонно снижается. Существующие механизмы взаимодействия региональной власти и населения, формы согласования интересов выхолощены региональной элитой, не эффективны. Необходима дальнейшая модернизация политической системы страны, смена модели взаимодействия власти и институтов гражданского общества. The state programs of the economic development of the region and the efforts of the government of Ulyanovsk Region to create a favorable investment environment are misunderstood by the population. The public support of the governor’s work has been decreasing during the last three years. The existing mechanisms of interaction between regional authorities and population, the forms of coordination of interests are depressed by the local elite and ineffective. There is a demand for modernization of a political system of the country and for a change of the model of interaction between the authorities and civil society institutions

    Socio-Psychological Functions of Communication in the Media Language

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    The present study considers the socio-psychological functions of communication, which in the era of digitalization determine the specifics of the media. The results suggest that the social functions of communication are manifested primarily in the linguistic and speech options, the choice of which depends on the communication in virtual reality.В статье рассмотрены социально-психологические функции общения, которые в эпоху цифровизации обуславливают специфику подачи материала массмедийным пространством. В ходе исследования установлено, что социальные функции коммуникации проявляются прежде всего в языковых и речевых параметрах, от выбора которых зависит вектор развития коммуникации в виртуальной реальности

    Comparative analysis of the quality of life before and after various methods of invasive treatment of esophageal cancer

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    The aim of the work is to assess the quality of life before and after multistage and one-stage operations, palliative interventions performed with malignant neoplasms of the esophagus. Material and Methods. The quality of life was evaluated in 565 patients with esophageal cancer at various stages of surgical treatment by means of questionnaires for assessing the quality of life of GIQLI, GSRS, MOS SF-36 questionnaire. Results. When performing multi-stage operations before the end of treatment, the quality of life changes insignificantly, and is comparable with the quality of life after palliative operations. The study of the quality of life after the end of treatment with the use of endoscopic minimally invasive technologies in these questionnaires convincingly showed the advantage of this category of surgical interventions due to less trauma, better cosmetic effect, quick activation and rehabilitation in the postoperative period. Conclusion. Taking into account the results of the research, preference is given to one-stage operations with the use of minimally invasive endoscopic techniques, which in a short time can save the patient from cancer and significantly improve the quality of life.</p

    Molecular and cellular mechanisms of acute cytotoxic liver damage as potential biological targets for magnesium-containing cell-protective drug

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    Many anti-tumor drugs have a high potential for toxic damage to liver cells, which makes it necessary to identify molecular mechanisms of the development of the negative impact of drugs on the liver and to develop effective methods for preventing and correcting this adverse effec

    Клинико-морфологические и молекулярнобиологические предикторы метастатического поражения регионарных лимфатических узлов у больных раком молочной железы

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    Background. The article presents the results of our study aimed to identify predictors of metastatic regional lymph node involvement based on the biological characteristics of the primary tumor.Materials and methods. The study involved 200 female patients with histologically verified unicentric invasive breast cancer (BC) T1-4N0-3M0 who were treated in the state healthcare institution Regional Clinical Cancer Center of Ulyanovsk between 2012 and 2015. Clinical, morphological and molecular parameters of the tumor were analyzed.Results. A unifactorial statistical analysis has shown that the size of the primary tumor node (p = 0.027), histological variant (p &lt; 0.001), malignancy grade (p = 0.027), total malignancy score (TMS, p &lt; 0.001), lymphovascular invasion status (p &lt; 0.001), and HER2-status (p = 0.0002) are predictors of metastatic lymph node involvement. No significant relationship was found between age (p = 0.118), estrogen receptor status (ER, p = 0.092), progesterone receptor status (PR, p = 0.081), Ki-67 index (p = 0.132), molecular subtype of the tumor (p = 0.213) and presence of axillary lymph node metastases.Conclusion. The primary tumor size, histological variant, malignancy grade, TMS, lymphovascular invasion, and HER2-status are independent risk factors of metastatic involvement of regional lymph nodes and may be used by clinicians for axillary surgery planning in BC patients.Введение. В данной статье изложены результаты собственного исследования, целью которого стал поиск предикторов метастатического поражения регионарных лимфатических узлов на основании биологических характеристик первичной опухоли.Материалы и методы. В исследование были включены 200 пациенток с морфологически верифицированным уницентричным инвазивным раком молочной железы (РМЖ) ^-4N0-3M0, пролеченных в ГУЗ «Областной клинический онкологический диспансер» г. Ульяновска с 2012 по 2015 год. Анализ основан на клинико-морфологических и молекулярно-биологических параметрах опухоли.Результаты. По данным однофакторного статистического анализа было выявлено, что размер первичного опухолевого узла (р=0,027), гистологический вариант (р&lt;0,001), степень злокачественности (р=0,027), суммарный балл злокачественности (СБЗ, р&lt;0,001), лимфоваскулярная инвазия (р&lt;0,001) и HER2-статус (р=0,0002) являются предикторами метастатического поражения лимфатических узлов. Возраст (p=0,118), статус эстрогеновых рецепторов (ЭР, p=0,092), статус прогестероновых рецепторов (ПР, р=0,081), индекс Ki-67 (р=0,132), молекулярно-биологические подтипы (р=0,213) не имели статистически значимой связи с наличием метастазов в подмышечных лимфатических узлах.Вывод. Размер первичного опухолевого узла, гистологический вариант, степень злокачественности, СБЗ, лимфоваскулярная инвазия и HER2-статус первичной опухоли являются независимыми факторами риска метастатического поражения регионарных лимфоузлов и могут быть использованы клиницистами при планировании аксиллярной хирургии у больных РМЖ