3,174 research outputs found

    Spaces of the Past, Histories of the Present: An Interview with Stuart Elden and Derek Gregory

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    The ontologies of space and territory, our experience of them and the techniques we use to govern them, the very conception of the socio-spatial formations that we inhabit, are all historically specific: they depend on a genealogy of practices, knowledges, discourses, regulations, performances and representations articulated in a way that is extremely complex yet nevertheless legible over time. In this interview we look at the logic and the patterns that intertwine space and time — both as objects and tools of inquiry — though a cross-disciplinary dialogue. The discussion with Stuart Elden and Derek Gregory covers the place of history in socio-spatial theory and in their own work, old and new ways of thinking about the intersection between history and territory, space and time, the implications of geography and history for thinking about contemporary politics, and the challenges now faced by critical thought and academic work in the current neo-liberal attack on public universities and the welfare stat

    D03. OTC and SBDC: Services and Updates

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    Corresponding author (Office of Technology Commercialization): Gregory Sechrist, [email protected]://egrove.olemiss.edu/pharm_annual_posters/1025/thumbnail.jp

    The Effect of Thin Film Adhesives on Mode I Interlaminar Fracture Toughness in Carbon Fiber Composites with Shape Memory Alloy Inserts

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    Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) was placed within Polymer Matrix Composite (PMC) panels alongside film adhesives to examine bonding. Double cantilever beam (DCB) testing was performed using ASTM D5528. C-scanning was performed before testing, modal acoustic emissions (MAE) were monitored during testing, and microscopy performed post-test. Data was analyzed using modified beam theory (MBT), compliance calibration (CC) and modified compliance calibration (MCC) methods. Fracture toughness for control specimens was higher than previously reported due to fiber-bridging. Specimens with SMAs and adhesives stabilized crack propagation. Results revealed SMA-bridging; a phenomenon mimicking fiber-bridging which increased the load and fracture toughness of SMA specimens

    The Effect of Thin Film Adhesives on Mode II Interlaminar Fracture Toughness in Carbon Fiber Composites with Shape Memory Alloy Inserts

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    A single sheet of nickel-titanium (NiTi) shape memory alloy (SMA) was introduced within an IM7/8552 polymer matrix composite (PMC) panel in conjunction with multiple thin film adhesives to promote the interfacial bond strength between the SMA and PMC. End notched flexure (ENF) testing was performed in accordance to ASTM D7905 method for evaluation of mode II interlaminar fracture toughness (GIIC) of unidirectional fiber-reinforced polymer matrix composites. Acoustic emissions (AE) were monitored during testing with two acoustic sensors attached to the specimens. The composite panels examined using scanning electron microscopy techniques after part failure. GIIC values for the control composite samples were found to be higher than those of samples with embedded SMA sheets. The presence of adhesives bonded to SMA sheets further diminished the GIIC values. AE values revealed poor bonding of the panels, with little to no signals during testing

    Espacios del pasado, historias del presente: En torno a los rastros de la historia espacial

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    Las ontologías de ciudad y territorio, la experiencia que de ellos tenemos y las técnicas que usamos para gobernarlos, la propia concepción de las formaciones socioespaciales que habitamos, son históricamente específicas, dependen de una genealogía de prácticas, saberes, discursos, regulaciones y representaciones articulados de forma compleja pero legible en el tiempo. Para inaugurar esta sección de historias urbanas hemos decidido dar un paso atrás, ampliar nuestro horizonte de reflexión e intentar aproximarnos a las lógicas y patrones por las que espacio y tiempo se entrelazan a través de un diálogo transdisciplinar. Para ello hemos invitado a dos autores de referencia en el campo de la geografía histórica y la historia espacial, Derek Gregory y Stuart Elden, miembros del Consejo Asesor Internacional de Urban, a entablar una conversación en torno a los espacios de la historia. Stuart Elden comenzó su carrera docente en la Universidad de Warwick y ha disfrutado de puestos como visitante en las universidades de Virginia, California, New York, Singapur, Washington o Londres, entre otras. En la actualidad es profesor en la Universidad de Durham. Fue uno de los editores fundadores de la revista Foucault Studies y en la actualidad es editor de Environment & Planning D: Society & Space. Ha publicado varios libros y numerosos artículos dedicados al análisis de la dimensión espacial en la obra de pensadores clave del siglo XX y a rastrear las intersecciones entre espacio y poder y la historia de nuestra concepción moderna del territorio. Su último libro como autor, Terror and Territory, ha ganado el Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography y el Julian Minghi Outstanding Research Award del Political Geography Speciality Group, ambos de la Association of American Geographers. Derek Gregory desempeñó diversos puestos docentes en la Universidad de Camdridge, ha sido profesor visitante en numerosos centros y organismos de todo el mundo y editor en diversas revistas de reconocido prestigio. En la actualidad es profesor en la University of British Columbia, donde ha recibido varios premios y la condición de Distinguished University Scholar. Además ha sido premiado por la Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, ha recibido la Founder’s Medal de la Royal Geographical Society, es miembro de la British Academy y la Royal Society of Canada y doctor honoris causa por las universidades de Roskilde y Heidelberg. Ha dedicado buena parte de su amplia trayectoria a recorrer y estudiar diversas geografías históricas y a reflexionar sobre las intersecciones posibles entre la geografía y la teoría social contemporánea; obras como Geographical Imaginations o The Colonial Present —con nueve ediciones publicadas– son ampliamente reconocidas como textos clave en la teoría geográfica del siglo XX. Ha sido además Managing Editor de la última edición de The Dictionary of Human Geography. Con ellos hemos debatido sobre el lugar de la historia en la teoría socioespacial y en su propio trabajo, sobre los viejos y nuevos modos de pensar la intersección entre historia y territorio, espacio y tiempo, sobre las implicaciones de la geografía y la historia para pensar la política contemporánea y los retos al pensamiento crítico y la labor académica en la actual encrucijada de ataque neoliberal a la universidad pública y al Estado de Bienestar

    Géographies du drone

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    L’année dernière, Apple a rejeté à trois reprises l’application Drones+ de Josh Begley. L’application avait pour fonctionnalité d’envoyer des messages d’alerte aux utilisateurs chaque fois qu’une attaque de drones provenant des Etats-Unis était signalée, mais Apple a décidé que de trop nombreuses personnes auraient trouvé cela « gênant » (les dirigeants d’Apple ne se sont pourtant nullement préoccupés des sentiments que ces attaques pouvaient susciter). Lorsqu’il soutenait sa thèse plus tôt c..

    Géographies du drone

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    A multi-centre study of adults with learning disabilities referred to services for antisocial or offending behaviour: demographic, individual, offending and service characteristics

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    This study was carried out as part of a larger study commissioned by the UK Department of Health to investigate the service pathways for offenders with learning disabilities (LD). The study covered three health regions in the UK and included 477 people with LD referred to services because of antisocial or offending behaviour during a 12-month period. Data were collected concerning demographic, individual, offending behaviour and service characteristics. The findings of the study are broadly consistent with contemporary research concerning this population, particularly in relation to the nature and frequency of offending, history of offending, psychopathology, age and gender distribution. However, very few of those referred had any form of structured care plan, despite having significant offending histories, and this may have compromised early identification of their needs and communication between the health, social and other services involved

    Growth with high planktonic biomass in Shewanella oneidensis fuel cells

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    Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 grew for over 50 days in microbial fuel cells, incompletely oxidizing lactate to acetate with high recovery of the electrons derived from this reaction as electricity. Electricity was produced with lactate or hydrogen and current was comparable to that of electricigens which completely oxidize organic substrates. However, unlike fuel cells with previously described electricigens, in which cells are primarily attached to the anode, at least as many of the S. oneidensis cells were planktonic as were attached to the anode. These results demonstrate that S. oneidensis may conserve energy for growth with an electrode serving as an electron acceptor and suggest that multiple strategies for electron transfer to fuel cell anodes exist