59 research outputs found

    Simulation study of the interaction between large-amplitude HF radio waves and the ionosphere

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    The time evolution of a large-amplitude electromagnetic (EM) wave injected vertically into the overhead ionosphere is studied numerically. The EM wave has a carrier frequency of 5 MHz and is modulated as a Gaussian pulse with a width of approximately 0.1 milliseconds and a vacuum amplitude of 1.5 V/m at 50 km. This is a fair representation of a modulated radio wave transmitted from a typical high-power HF broadcast station on the ground. The pulse is propagated through the neutral atmosphere to the critical points of the ionosphere, where the L-O and R-X modes are reflected, and back to the neutral atmosphere. We observe mode conversion of the L-O mode to electrostatic waves, as well as harmonic generation at the turning points of both the R-X and L-O modes, where their amplitudes rise to several times the original ones. The study has relevance for ionospheric interaction experiments in combination with ground-based and satellite or rocket observations.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Att vara eller inte vara - Agile : En kvalitativ studie av ett företags transformation mot agila förhållningssätt

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    Den här studien har undersökt implementeringen av och transformationen mot agila förhållningssätt på ICA Gruppen, i syfte att ta reda på varför implementeringen görs, hur det agila förhållningssättet tolkas på företaget samt vilka effekter förändringarna har på de anställda. Studien är en kvalitativ fallstudie med abduktiv ansats. Datainsamlingen har gjorts genom tio semistrukturerade intervjuer med anställda på ICA Gruppen samt interna dokument om transformationen, vilka ICA Gruppen själva tillhandahållit. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av termer som organisationsförändringar, trender, legitimitet och spridning av organisationsidéer. Resultatet visar att agila förhållningssätt implementerades hos ICA Gruppen som en respons på en föränderlig omvärld, med en förhoppning om en effektivare verksamhet och en ökad motivation hos företagets anställda. Studien visade även att implementeringen har resulterat i önskade effekter där de anställda upplever en stärkt motivation och en ökad effektivitet i arbetet, då de får utrymme att ta egna beslut i större utsträckning än innan transformationen. Utifrån studiens resultat kan slutsatsen dras, att implementeringen av agila förhållningssätt hos ICA Gruppen är väl grundad och förankrad i organisationens behov

    Att vara eller inte vara - Agile : En kvalitativ studie av ett företags transformation mot agila förhållningssätt

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    Den här studien har undersökt implementeringen av och transformationen mot agila förhållningssätt på ICA Gruppen, i syfte att ta reda på varför implementeringen görs, hur det agila förhållningssättet tolkas på företaget samt vilka effekter förändringarna har på de anställda. Studien är en kvalitativ fallstudie med abduktiv ansats. Datainsamlingen har gjorts genom tio semistrukturerade intervjuer med anställda på ICA Gruppen samt interna dokument om transformationen, vilka ICA Gruppen själva tillhandahållit. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av termer som organisationsförändringar, trender, legitimitet och spridning av organisationsidéer. Resultatet visar att agila förhållningssätt implementerades hos ICA Gruppen som en respons på en föränderlig omvärld, med en förhoppning om en effektivare verksamhet och en ökad motivation hos företagets anställda. Studien visade även att implementeringen har resulterat i önskade effekter där de anställda upplever en stärkt motivation och en ökad effektivitet i arbetet, då de får utrymme att ta egna beslut i större utsträckning än innan transformationen. Utifrån studiens resultat kan slutsatsen dras, att implementeringen av agila förhållningssätt hos ICA Gruppen är väl grundad och förankrad i organisationens behov

    Victim of the bullets of the law

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the media coverage of a police shooting in Bagarmossen, Stockholm. According to the news the police claimed it was an act of self-defense as a man fired a gun at them which is why the man was shot to death, but a month later stated that the man had not even been armed. The following study seeks to analyze the differences and similarities between articles published before and after the modified information. It also examines social actors present and how the media portrays them. We applied discourse analysis on sixteen news articles to answer our research questions. The prominent differences we found were in the portrayals of the incident and the most protrusive social actors in­volved. Before the police changed their state­ment, the man shot dead was portrayed as a criminal with deviant behavior. After the changed statement, the media portrayed him as a family man with strong ties to his hometown. The police were another social actor in our study, portrayed before the changed statements as efficient with a strong work ethic. After, the police were por­trayed as dishonest and lacking severely in their communica­tion as a legitimate authori­ty. One of the similarities found before and after the changed statement was the pres­ence of the local community as a social actor and its significance for the news media's portrayal of the incident.

    Engagement, Responsibility, Collaboration, and Abandonment : Nurses' Experiences of Assessing Suicide Risk in Psychiatric Inpatient Care

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    Suicide risk assessment is a complex task for nurses working in psychiatric inpatient care. This study explored psychiatric inpatient nurses' experiences of assessing suicide risk. A qualitative design was used, and 10 interviews were subjected to qualitative content analysis. Nurses described suicide risk assessments as requiring them to create caring alliances and to take responsibility. Collaborating with colleagues was another part of nurses' experiences, as was feeling abandoned. To make the assessment safely, nurses need a combination of caring alliances, support from colleagues, clear guidelines, training and time for collegial reflection to create a supportive working climate

    Nursing Staff’s Experiences of Caring for People with Mental Ill-Health in General Emergency Departments: A Qualitative Descriptive Study

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    While people with mental ill-health report unsatisfying experiences and poor treatment in general emergency departments, nursing staff report a lack of adequate knowledge and training. This study describes nursing staff’s experiences caring for people with mental ill-health in general emergency departments. A qualitative descriptive design was used and 14 interviews were subjected to qualitative content analysis. Results show that nursing staff are dealing with uncertainty and competing priorities when caring for people with mental ill-health. Nursing staff must both take and be given the opportunity to maintain and develop confidence and independence and need support in promoting mental health recovery.Funder: Foundation of Medical Research, Skellefteå</p

    ‘Acknowledge me as a capable person’ : How people with mental ill health describe their experiences with general emergency care staff – A qualitative interview study

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    People with mental ill health attend general emergency care more often than others for physical and psychiatric care needs. Staff in general emergency care report they lack knowledge and strategies to meet with and care for people with mental ill health. This study aimed to describe how people with mental ill health experience encounters with staff in general emergency care. We conducted individual semi-structured interviews with 11 people with mental ill health about their experiences in general emergency care and subjected the interview data to qualitative content analysis. Our results show the importance to people with mental ill health of being acknowledged as capable persons, and how this relates to their experiences of being recognized, ignored, or dismissed by staff in general emergency care. Even small, ordinary aspects of staff/patient interactions can have major impacts on a person’s recovery and well-being. The study is reported according to the consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ) guidelines.Validerad;2021;Nivå 2;2021-11-09 (johcin);Finansiär: Swedish Association of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurses</p