82 research outputs found

    Opiate withdrawal syndrome in buprenorphine abusers admitted to a rehabilitation center in Tunisia.

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    Background: Illicit use of high dosage buprenorphine has been well documented in several countries, including Tunisia. Objectives: The aim of this survey is to assess the buprenorphine withdrawal syndrome time course, and how it may be affected by the population characteristics among subjects admitted to a rehabilitation center in Tunisia. Methods: A prospective research has permitted study of the socio-demographic characteristics and assessment of buprenorphine withdrawal syndrome among 32 subjects admitted for buprenorphine dependence by using the clinical opiate withdrawal scale. An ANOVA was conducted to examine the effect of different factors on the withdrawal scores. Results: 32 subjects were included. Among them 30 were males, 27 had been injecting buprenorphine, 16 were poly-drug abusers and 2 had a history of mental disorders. Buprenorphine withdrawal syndrome was of a mild intensity and had a delayed onset. Withdrawal mean scores varied between 0 and 9, and maximum values were reached at day 21. These scores varied significantly over time (p<0,001). The sex v time interaction and the mode of consumption of buprenorphine had significant effects on the withdrawal scores (p<0,001). The poly-drug consumption and the history of mental disorders did not have any significant effect on the withdrawal scores. Conclusion: This study has permitted description of buprenorphine withdrawal syndrome among patients going through a detoxification treatment at a rehabilitation center. Understanding this syndrome would help elaborate effective and suitable buprenorphine dependence management plans

    Power Systems & Smart Energies

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    Используемые программы Adobe AcrobatВ книге представлены избранные, расширенные и рецензированные доклады Международной мультиконференции по системам, автоматизации и управлению, состоявшейся в Лейпциге в 2016 году. Они дополняются запрошенными материалами международных экспертов. Этот том посвящен силовой электронике в системах возобновляемой энергетики, а также гибридным системам использования возобновляемых источников энергии. Самые последние исследования в области энергетических систем и интеллектуальных источников энергии. Опытные авторы и известный редактор.The book presents selected, extended and peer reviewed papers from the International Multiconference on System, Automation and Control held Leipzig in 2016. These are complemented with solicited contributions by international experts. This volume is devoted to power electronics in renewable energy systems as well as to hybrid renewable energy systems.Most recent research on power electrical systems and smart energies.Expert authors and renowned editor

    An 868 MHz 7.5 µW wake-up receiver with −60 dBm sensitivity

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    In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), batteries are unlikely to be replaced or recharged once they get depleted, because of costs and feasibility. In a typical application, sensor nodes should be accessible and able to respond within a defined period of time, especially in real-time applications. However, the idle listening of the radio wastes most of the energy since the radio transceiver is constantly active. On the other hand, putting it into sleep state disconnects the node from the network. To cope with such a challenge, an ultra-low-power radio receiver referred to as a wake-up receiver (WuRx) handles the idle listening while keeping the main radio completely off. A WuRx consumes much less power than the main transceiver and triggers an interrupt only when a packet with a user-defined address is received. Embedding such a device enables better event-triggered applications where real-time behavior is required and a longer lifetime is mandatory. The proposed WuRx features practical sensitivity and includes the minimum number of active components in order to remain within the power budget. In this paper, an ultra-low-power WuRx with a power of 7.5 µW and a sensitivity of −60 dBm is developed. The decoding process of 16 bit of a wake-up packet (WuPt) takes less than 15 ms

    Delayed system control in presence of actuator saturation

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    The paper is introducing a new design method for systems’ controllers with input delay and actuator saturations and focuses on how to force the system output to track a reference input not necessarily saturation-compatible. We propose a new norm based on the way we quantify tracking performance as a function of saturation errors found using the same norm. The newly defined norm is related to signal average power making possible to account for most common reference signals e.g. step, periodic. It is formally shown that, whatever the reference shape and amplitude, the achievable tracking quality is determined by a well defined reference tracking mismatch error. This latter depends on the reference rate and its compatibility with the actuator saturation constraint. In fact, asymptotic output-reference tracking is achieved in the presence of constraint-compatible step-like references

    Zur vorbeugenden Instandhaltung von Planetengetrieben mit Beschleunigungssensoren in den Planetenrädern

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    Dieser Artikel präsentiert einen neuartigen Ansatz für die vorbeugende Instandhaltung von Planetengetrieben durch Integration von Beschleunigungssensoren in die Planeten. Die Beschleunigungssensoren zeichnen Daten von 36 Sekunden pro Stunde bei einer hohen Abtastrate von 10 kHz auf, was die Sammlung von hochauflösenden Vibrationsdaten zur Analyse ermöglicht. Ziel der Studie ist die Entwicklung eines Rahmens für die vorbeugende Instandhaltung unter Verwendung von Clustering- Techniken, analytischen Berechnungen und numerischen Simulationen sowie eines digitalen Zwillings für effektives Monitoring und die Instandhaltungsplanung von Planetengetrieben

    Le Pliocène marin du Cap Bon (Tunisie) : exemple de dépôts gravitaires

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    Marine Upper Pliocene of Cap-Bon (Tunisia) : Turbiditic deposits. The detailed study of some field sections in the Upper Pliocene of Nabeul-Hammamet sector revealed a turbitidic deposits of low thickness and extension, especially during the MPLS and MPL6 biozona. In the whole area, these turbitidic deposits are firstly transported toward the East (N70 to N80), mostly as soon as the apparition of MPL5 biozona. Secondly, the tuibitidic flow progrades, with the apparition of MPL6 biozona toward the East (N80) and the North Western (140). This last flow is limited to the middle-southern part of the area. North and South area of the same region the megaripples replace the turbidites : that is a possible tendance to the stabilisation of the system in the late pliocenic cycle. The transportation of these materials is probably induced by the syn-sedimentary tectonics related to N1 10 trending normal faults.L'étude détaillée de quelques coupes du Pliocène supérieur du Cap-Bon (secteur Nabeul-Hammamet) a révélé, pour la première fois, un mécanisme de dépôts tuibiditiques de faible épaisseur, peu étendu et affectant essentiellement les biozones MPLS et MPL6 du Pliocène supérieur. Dans l'ensemble du secteur, ces dépôts turbiditiques, transportés d'abord en direction de l'Est (N70 à N80), s'annoncent vraisemblablement dès l'apparition de la biozone MPLS. L'écoulement turbiditique se fait ensuite, avec l'apparition de la biozone MPL6, en direction de l'Est (N80) et du Nord-Ouest (N140). Ce dernier écoulement se localise dans la partie centro-méridionale du secteur, alors qu'au Nord et au Sud du même secteur les mégarides se substituent aux turbidites, ce qui pourrait traduire une tendance à la stabilisation de système en fin du cycle pliocène. Le transport de ces matériaux est vraisemblablement induit par une tectonique synsédimentaire liée au jeu de failles normales de direction N.l 10.Damak-Derbel F., Zaghbib-Turki Dalila, Yaich Chokri. Le Pliocène marin du Cap Bon (Tunisie) : exemple de dépôts gravitaires. In: Géologie Méditerranéenne. Tome 18, numéro 4, 1991. pp. 189-198

    Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Design of a SCARA Robot Manipulator System Under Parametric Variations

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    – The sliding mode control (SMC) has yet proven its efficiency through several theoretical researches. Indeed, the robotic field is recognized as one of the main SMC portals on practical implementations. The interest of this work consists in testing the SMC robustness and its reliability versus the parameters variation and model uncertainties. In this paper, an algorithm for trajectory tracking task of robot manipulators based on a SMC has been proposed. Then, aiming to deal with the presence of disturbances and parametric modeling uncertainties, the adopted control law has been extended to an adaptive SMC version based integral sliding surface, where the selection of the parameters adaptation law has been detailed. It has been proven that the adaptive control design can stabilize both position and velocity of the system, where the explicit use of the system dynamic model becomes no longer required. Simulation results performed on a SCARA robot manipulator reveal improving control acting clearly denoted by the introduction of the adaptive control desig