148 research outputs found

    Burkholderia cepacia complex taxon K : where to split?

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    The objective of the present study was to provide an updated classification for Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) taxon K isolates. A representative set of 39 taxon K isolates were analyzed through multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and phylogenomic analyses. MLST analysis revealed the presence of at least six clusters of sequence types (STs) within taxon K, two of which contain the type strains of Burkholderia contaminans (ST-102) and Burkholderia lata (ST-101), and four corresponding to the previously defined taxa Other Bcc groups C, G, H and M. This clustering was largely supported by a phylogenomic tree which revealed three main clades. Isolates of B. contaminans and of Other Bcc groups C, G, and H represented a first clade which generally shared average nucleotide identity (ANI) and average digital DNA-DNA hybridization (dDDH) values at or above the 95–96% ANI and 70% dDDH thresholds for species delineation. A second clade consisted of Other Bcc group M bacteria and of four B. lata isolates and was supported by average ANI and dDDH values of 97.2 and 76.1% within this clade and average ANI and dDDH values of 94.5 and 57.2% toward the remaining B. lata isolates (including the type strain), which represented a third clade. We therefore concluded that isolates known as Other Bcc groups C, G, and H should be classified as B. contaminans, and propose a novel species, Burkholderia aenigmatica sp. nov., to accommodate Other Bcc M and B. lata ST-98, ST-103, and ST-119 isolates. Optimized MALDI-TOF MS databases for the identification of clinical Burkholderia isolates may provide correct species-level identification for some of these bacteria but would identify most of them as B. cepacia complex. MLST facilitates species-level identification of many taxon K strains but some may require comparative genomics for accurate species-level assignment. Finally, the inclusion of Other Bcc groups C, G, and H into B. contaminans affects the phenotype of this species minimally and the proposal to classify Other Bcc group M and B. lata ST-98, ST-103, and ST-119 strains as a novel Burkholderia species is supported by a distinctive phenotype, i.e., growth at 42°C and lysine decarboxylase activity

    Особливості урбаністичного хронотопу в поезіях літугруповання “Бу-Ба-Бу”

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    Стаття присвячена дослідженню особливостей урбаністичного хронотопу в поезіях Ю. Андруховича, О. Ірванця, В. Неборака. Встановлено, що характерними модифікаціями урбаністичного хронотопу у творчості Ю. Андруховича є топографічний хронотоп із домінантами Львова й Станіслава та карнавалізоване Місто; у поезіях В. Неборака варіації урбаністичного хронотопу створюються за допомогою використання традиційних атрибутів міста, а також власне міських прошарків населення; урбаністичний хронотоп у поезіях О. Ірванця є найменше матеріалізованим і тяжіє до психологічно-метафізичного. Ключові слова: часопростір, хронотоп, топос, урбанізм, карнавалізація.Статья посвящена изучению особенностей урбанистического хронотопа в поэзиях Ю. Андруховича, А. Ирванца, В. Неборака. Так, в творчестве Ю. Андруховича были выявлены такие модификации урбанистического хронотопа, как топографический с доминантами Львова и Станислава и карнавальный Город; в поэзиях В. Неборака вариации урбанистического хронотопа осуществляются при помощи использования традиционных атрибутов города, а также собственно городских слоев населения; урбанистический хронотоп поэзий А. Ирванца наименее материализован и тяготеет к психологически-метафизическому. Ключевые слова: пространственно-временное единство, хронотоп, топос, урбанистичность, карнавальность.The article is dedicated to the study of the urbanism chronotope’s particularities in Yu. Andruhovicha, A. Irvanca, V. Neboraka poetry. So in Yu. Andruhovich’s work. Such modification urbanism chronotope as topographical one with the Livov and Stanislav’s dominant and the carnival one. In V. Neboraka’s variations of urbanism chronotope are realized using the traditional city attributes and town population layers as well. A. Irvanc’s poetry urbanism chronotope is less materialired and strongly attracted by psychological-metaphysical one. Keywords: space-time unity, chronotope, urbanism, carnivalization

    Meltwater produced by wind–albedo interaction stored in an East Antarctic ice shelf

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    Surface melt and subsequent firn air depletion can ultimately lead to disintegration of Antarctic ice shelves1,2 causing grounded glaciers to accelerate3 and sea level to rise. In the Antarctic Peninsula, foehn winds enhance melting near the grounding line4, which in the recent past has led to the disintegration of the most northerly ice shelves5,6. Here, we provide observational and model evidence that this process also occurs over an East Antarctic ice shelf, where meltwaterinduced firn air depletion is found in the grounding zone. Unlike the Antarctic Peninsula, where foehn events originate from episodic interaction of the circumpolar westerlies with the topography, in coastal East Antarctica high temperatures are caused by persistent katabatic winds originating from the ice sheet’s interior. Katabatic winds warm and mix the air as it flows downward and cause widespread snow erosion, explaining >3 K higher near-surface temperatures in summer and surface melt doubling in the grounding zone compared with its surroundings. Additionally, these winds expose blue ice and firn with lower surface albedo, further enhancing melt. The in situ observation of supraglacial flow and englacial storage of meltwater suggests that ice-shelf grounding zones in East Antarctica, like their Antarctic Peninsula counterparts, are vulnerable to hydrofracturing7

    Monitoring the referral system through benchmarking in rural Niger: an evaluation of the functional relation between health centres and the district hospital

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    BACKGROUND: The main objective of this study is to establish a benchmark for referral rates in rural Niger so as to allow interpretation of routine referral data to assess the performance of the referral system in Niger. METHODS: Strict and controlled application of existing clinical decision trees in a sample of rural health centres allowed the estimation of the corresponding need for and characteristics of curative referrals in rural Niger. Compliance of referral was monitored as well. Need was matched against actual referral in 11 rural districts. The referral patterns were registered so as to get an idea on the types of pathology referred. RESULTS: The referral rate benchmark was set at 2.5 % of patients consulting at the health centre for curative reasons. Niger's rural districts have a referral rate of less than half this benchmark. Acceptability of referrals is low for the population and is adding to the deficient referral system in Niger. Mortality because of under-referral is highest among young children. CONCLUSION: Referral patterns show that the present programme approach to deliver health care leaves a large amount of unmet need for which only comprehensive first and second line health services can provide a proper answer. On the other hand, the benchmark suggests that well functioning health centres can take care of the vast majority of problems patients present with

    Ice sheets as a missing source of silica to the polar oceans

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    Ice sheets play a more important role in the global silicon cycle than previously appreciated. Input of dissolved and amorphous particulate silica into natural waters stimulates the growth of diatoms. Here we measure dissolved and amorphous silica in Greenland Ice Sheet meltwaters and icebergs, demonstrating the potential for high ice sheet export. Our dissolved and amorphous silica flux is 0.20 (0.06-0.79) Tmol year(-1), ∼50% of the input from Arctic rivers. Amorphous silica comprises >95% of this flux and is highly soluble in sea water, as indicated by a significant increase in dissolved silica across a fjord salinity gradient. Retreating palaeo ice sheets were therefore likely responsible for high dissolved and amorphous silica fluxes into the ocean during the last deglaciation, reaching values of ∼5.5 Tmol year(-1), similar to the estimated export from palaeo rivers. These elevated silica fluxes may explain high diatom productivity observed during the last glacial-interglacial period

    Widespread movement of meltwater onto and across Antarctic ice shelves

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    Surface meltwater drains across ice sheets, forming melt ponds that can trigger ice-shelf collapse, acceleration of grounded ice flow and increased sea-level rise. Numerical models of the Antarctic Ice Sheet that incorporate meltwater’s impact on ice shelves, but ignore the movement of water across the ice surface, predict a metre of global sea-level rise this century5 in response to atmospheric warming. To understand the impact of water moving across the ice surface a broad quantification of surface meltwater and its drainage is needed. Yet, despite extensive research in Greenland and observations of individual drainage systems in Antarctica, we have little understanding of Antarctic-wide surface hydrology or how it will evolve. Here we show widespread drainage of meltwater across the surface of the ice sheet through surface streams and ponds (hereafter ‘surface drainage’) as far south as 85° S and as high as 1,300 metres above sea level. Our findings are based on satellite imagery from 1973 onwards and aerial photography from 1947 onwards. Surface drainage has persisted for decades, transporting water up to 120 kilometres from grounded ice onto and across ice shelves, feeding vast melt ponds up to 80 kilometres long. Large-scale surface drainage could deliver water to areas of ice shelves vulnerable to collapse, as melt rates increase this century. While Antarctic surface melt ponds are relatively well documented on some ice shelves, we have discovered that ponds often form part of widespread, large-scale surface drainage systems. In a warming climate, enhanced surface drainage could accelerate future ice-mass loss from Antarctic, potentially via positive feedbacks between the extent of exposed rock, melting and thinning of the ice sheet

    Društveno-ekonomski aspekti učiteljstva

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    U radu se prvo definira učiteljstvo kao profesija, zajednički stručni naziv – učitelj (i za učitelja, nastavnika, profesora i stručnog suradnika u školi). Zatim se govori o vrijednosti učiteljske profesije. Slijedi analiza materijalne osnove i financiranja učiteljstva, plaće učitelja i ostala materijalna prava. Potom slijedi prikaz učiteljskih udruga i učiteljske nagrade „Ivan Filipović“. Posebno se obrađuje pitanje – kakvi su učitelji potrebni novoj hrvatskoj školi. Hrvatskoj školi potrebni su sposobni, obrazovni, stručno pedagoško osposobljeni, motivirani, materijalno situirani, zadovoljni, samostalni, slobodni i demokratski učitelji. Svjetski dan učitelja prigoda je da se sjetimo svoje učiteljice-učitelja, njihovih riječi i djela koja su obilježila naše odrastanje i ostavili duboki trag u našim srcima