42 research outputs found

    Phospholipase C-γ2 and Vav cooperate within signaling microclusters to propagate B cell spreading in response to membrane-bound antigen

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    B cell receptor (BCR) recognition of membrane-bound antigen initiates a spreading and contraction response, the extent of which is controlled through the formation of signaling-active BCR-antigen microclusters and ultimately affects the outcome of B cell activation. We followed a genetic approach to define the molecular requirements of BCR-induced spreading and microcluster formation. We identify a key role for phospholipase C-γ2 (PLCγ2), Vav, B cell linker, and Bruton's tyrosine kinase in the formation of highly coordinated “microsignalosomes,” the efficient assembly of which is absolutely dependent on Lyn and Syk. Using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, we examine at high resolution the recruitment of PLCγ2 and Vav to microsignalosomes, establishing a novel synergistic relationship between the two. Thus, we demonstrate the importance of cooperation between components of the microsignalosome in the amplification of signaling and propagation of B cell spreading, which is critical for appropriate B cell activation

    Protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPN22 regulates LFA-1 dependent Th1 responses

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    A missense C1858T single nucleotide polymorphism within PTPN22 is a strong genetic risk factor for the development of multiple autoimmune diseases. PTPN22 encodes a protein tyrosine phosphatase that negatively regulates immuno-receptor proximal Src and Syk family kinases. Notably, PTPN22 negatively regulates kinases downstream of T-cell receptor (TCR) and LFA-1, thereby setting thresholds for T-cell activation. Alterations to the quality of TCR and LFA-1 engagement at the immune synapse and the regulation of downstream signals can have profound effects on the type of effector T-cell response induced. Here we describe how IFNγ+ Th1 responses are potentiated in Ptpn22−/− T-cells and in T-cells from mice expressing Ptpn22R619W (the mouse orthologue of the human genetic variant) as they age, or following repeated immune challenge, and explore the mechanisms contributing to the expansion of Th1 cells. Specifically, we uncover two LFA-1-ICAM dependent mechanisms; one T-cell intrinsic, and one T-cell extrinsic. Firstly, we found that in vitro anti-CD3/LFA-1 induced Th1 responses were enhanced in Ptpn22−/− T-cells compared to WT, whereas anti-CD3/anti-CD28 induced IFNy responses were similar. These data were associated with an enhanced ability of Ptpn22−/− T-cells to engage ICAM-1 at the immune synapse when incubated on planar lipid bilayers, and to form conjugates with dendritic cells. Secondly, we observed a T-cell extrinsic mechanism whereby repeated stimulation of WT OT-II T-cells with LPS and OVA323-339 pulsed Ptpn22−/− bone marrow derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) was sufficient to enhance Th1 cell development compared to WT BMDCs. Furthermore, this response could be reversed by LFA-1 blockade. Our data point to two related but distinct mechanisms by which PTPN22 regulates LFA-1 dependent signals to enhance Th1 development, highlighting how perturbations to PTPN22 function over time to regulate the balance of the immune response

    Dephosphorylation accelerates the dissociation of ZAP70 from the T cell receptor

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    Protein–protein binding domains are critical in signaling networks. Src homology 2 (SH2) domains are binding domains that interact with sequences containing phosphorylated tyrosines. A subset of SH2 domain–containing proteins has tandem domains, which are thought to enhance binding affinity and specificity. However, a trade-off exists between long-lived binding and the ability to rapidly reverse signaling, which is a critical requirement of noise-filtering mechanisms such as kinetic proofreading. Here, we use modeling to show that the unbinding rate of tandem, but not single, SH2 domains can be accelerated by phosphatases. Using surface plasmon resonance, we show that the phosphatase CD45 can accelerate the unbinding rate of zeta chain–associated protein kinase 70 (ZAP70), a tandem SH2 domain–containing kinase, from biphosphorylated peptides from the T cell receptor (TCR). An important functional prediction of accelerated unbinding is that the intracellular ZAP70–TCR half-life in T cells will not be fixed but rather, dependent on the extracellular TCR–antigen half-life, and we show that this is the case in both cell lines and primary T cells. The work highlights that tandem SH2 domains can break the trade-off between signal fidelity (requiring long half-life) and signal reversibility (requiring short half-life), which is a key requirement for T cell antigen discrimination mediated by kinetic proofreading.https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.02.12.945170v

    Effects of Intracellular Calcium and Actin Cytoskeleton on TCR Mobility Measured by Fluorescence Recovery

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    Background: The activation of T lymphocytes by specific antigen is accompanied by the formation of a specialized signaling region termed the immunological synapse, characterized by the clustering and segregation of surface molecules and, in particular, by T cell receptor (TCR) clustering. Methodology/Principal Findings: To better understand TCR motion during cellular activation, we used confocal microscopy and photo-bleaching recovery techniques to investigate the lateral mobility of TCR on the surface of human T lymphocytes under various pharmacological treatments. Using drugs that cause an increase in intracellular calcium, we observed a decrease in TCR mobility that was dependent on a functional actin cytoskeleton. In parallel experiments measurement of filamentous actin by FACS analysis showed that raising intracellular calcium also causes increased polymerization of the actin cytoskeleton. These in vitro results were analyzed using a mathematical model that revealed effective binding parameters between TCR and the actin cytoskeleton. Conclusion/Significance: We propose, based on our results, that increase in intracellular calcium levels leads to actin polymerization and increases TCR/cytoskeleton interactions that reduce the overall mobility of the TCR. In a physiological setting, this may contribute to TCR re-positioning at the immunological synapse

    Agile CD

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    B lymphocytes are key players in host defence, but also autoimmune diseases. Their survival depends upon tonic signals transduced by surface immunoglobulin (BCR) and the process leading to antibody secretion is initiated by interaction of BCR with a cognate antigen. CD22 limits signalling of the BCR to strike a balance between tonic signalling, reactivity to pathogens and prevention of autoimmunity. In this issue, Gasparrini et al (2016) combined super‐resolution imaging approaches with single‐particle tracking and simulations to show how CD22 controls the signalling state of the BCR. They demonstrated that small CD22 nanoclusters run rings around the BCR in confined steady state to maintain low tonic signals, but releasing BCR from these corrals allows BCR cluster growth, which overcomes the harrying inhibition from highly mobile CD22

    Nanoscale ligand spacing influences receptor triggering in T cells and NK cells

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    Bioactive nanoscale arrays were constructed to ligate activating cell surface receptors on T cells (the CD3 component of the TCR complex) and natural killer (NK) cells (CD16). These arrays are formed from biofunctionalized gold nanospheres with controlled interparticle spacing in the range 25-104 nm. Responses to these nanoarrays were assessed using the extent of membrane-localized phosphotyrosine in T cells stimulated with CD3-binding nanoarrays and the size of cell contact area for NK cells stimulated with CD16-binding nanoarrays. In both cases, the strength of response decreased with increasing spacing, falling to background levels by 69 nm in the T cell/anti-CD3 system and 104 nm for the NK cell/anti-CD16 system. These results demonstrate that immune receptor triggering can be influenced by the nanoscale spatial organization of receptor/ligand interactions

    Molecular Occupancy of Nanodot Arrays

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    Single-molecule nanodot arrays, in which a biomolecule of choice (protein, nucleic acid, etc.) is bound to a metallic nanoparticle on a solid substrate, are becoming an increasingly important tool in the study of biomolecular and cellular interactions. We have developed an on-chip measurement protocol to monitor and control the molecular occupancy of nanodots. Arrays of widely spaced nanodots and nanodot clusters were fabricated on glass surfaces by nanolithography and functionalized with fluorescently labeled proteins. The molecular occupancy was determined by monitoring individual fluorophore bleaching events, while accounting for fluorescence quenching effects. We found that the occupancy can be interpreted as a packing problem, and depends on nanodot size and binding ligand concentration, where the latter is easily adjusted to compensate the flexibility of dimension control in nanofabrication. The results are scalable with nanodot cluster size, extending to large area close packed arrays. As an example, the nanoarray platform was used to probe the geometric requirement of T-cell activation at the single-molecule level