1,213 research outputs found

    Intergovernmental relations for population and development

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    Miners shot down : a documentary on the Marikana massacre by Rehad Desai

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    A documentary on the Marikana massacre by Rehad Desai Followed by a discussion: Marikana – what it means for South Africa’s Future? Panelists for the discussion: Prof Peter Alexander, South Africa Research Chair in Social Change, University of Johannesburg Prof Mary Galvin, Department of Anthropology and Development, University of Johannesburg Mr Ronnie Kasril

    Using practice development methodology to develop children’s centre teams: Ideas for the future

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    The Children’s Centre Programme is a recent development in the UK and brings together multi-agency teams to work with disadvantaged families. Practice development methods enable teams to work together in new ways. Although the term practice development remains relatively poorly defined, its key properties suggest that it embraces engagement, empowerment, evaluation and evolution. This paper introduces the Children’s Centre Programme and practice development methods and aims to discuss the relevance of using this method to develop teams in children’s centres through considering the findings from an evaluation of a two-year project to develop inter-agency public health teams. The evaluation showed that practice development methods can enable successful team development and showed that through effective facilitation, teams can change their practice to focus on areas of local need. The team came up with their own process to develop a strategy for their locality

    Risk and teenage parenthood: an early sexual health intervention

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    Purpose - This paper outlines the development of a resource designed to support practitioners, who were not sexual health specialists, but who worked with young people who may be at risk of teenage pregnancy or parenthood. Its aim was to enable practitioners to carry out an assessment using a screening tool, and to use educational interventions designed to reduce risk-taking behaviour or refer to a sexual health specialist. We report a research project to examine the perceptions of practitioners who had used the resource. Design/methodology/approach – The resource was based on a local needs assessment and developed by a multi-agency working group. The research utilised an on-line questionnaire and telephone interviews with practitioners. Findings - Practitioners reported using the screening tool with young people with an average age of 13.1 years. They thought the educational interventions provided knowledge and helped with communication, self-awareness, reflection, confidence, attitudes and values clarification. Research limitations/implications - The project was based in one county in England. A sample of seventeen per cent of the practitioners responded to the questionnaire, and they might be those who had engaged most, or most positively, with the resource. Three practitioners undertook interviews. The views and behaviours of young people are yet to be evaluated. Originality/value - Within a climate of limited resources, the findings suggest that the project was providing an acceptable proportionate universalist, early sexual health intervention for young people

    A snapshot of early childhood care and education in South Africa: institutional offerings, challenges and recommendations

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    This article draws from a research report on the Project for Inclusive Early Childhood Care and Education (PIECCE), which surveyed attitudes, training strategies, materials and entrance requirements across most relevant higher education institutions (HEIs), non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and technical and vocational education and training colleges (TVETs). The aim of this study was to identify what institutions were offering in terms of training teachers in the birth-to-four age group, to identify the challenges and provide recommendations based on the findings

    Case Studies and the Teaching of Development

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    SUMMARY Case studies come in several forms and can be used for different pedagogic and academic purposes. The authors examine the role of case study in development studies teaching, reviewing definitions and actual usages. The experience of Harvard in the 1920s and 1930s is considered since there are parallels between business studies then and development studies today. Three dimensions of case study (not always clarified in the literature) relevant for development studies are considered: case study as a teaching method, particularly for small groups; case study as research activity; and case study and the process of generalisation in an interdisciplinary study area. The general argument is that there are good reasons for using case study, but for successful transcultural teaching, more attention needs to be given to educational issues where case study is used with students from a variety of different economic and cultural backgrounds. RESUME Les études de cas et l'enseignement du développement Les études de cas se présentent sous diverses formes et peuvent être utilisées à des fins pédagogiques et académiques différentes. Les auteurs examinent le rôle de l'étude de cas dans l'enseignement des études sur le développement, en passant en revue les définitions et les utilisations actuelles. Ils s'intéressent à l'expérience de Harvard dans les années 20 et 30 car il y a des parallèles entre les études de gestion d'alors et les études sur le développement d'aujourd'hui. Trois dimensions de l'étude de cas (pas toujours expliquées dans les textes) s'appliquant aux études sur le développement sont examinées ici: l'étude de cas en tant que méthode d'enseignement, en particulier pour les petits groupes; l'étude de cas en tant qu'activité de recherche; et l'étude de cas et le processus de généralisation dans un domaine d'étude interdisciplinaire. L'argument général est qu'il y a de bonnes raisons pour utiliser l'étude de cas, mais pour un bon enseignement transculturel, il faut prêter davantage d'attention aux problèmes d'éducation lorsque l'étude de cas est utilisée avec des étudiants venant de milieux culturels et économiques divers. RESUMEN Estudios de casos típicos y la enseñanza del desarrollo Los estudios de casos típicos se presentan de varias formas y se pueden utilizar para diversos fines pedagógicos y académicos. Los autores examinan la función del estudio de casos en la enseñanza de estudios sobre el desarrollo, reseñando las definiciones y las aplicaciones efectivas. Se considera la experiencia de Harvard en los decenios de 1920 y 1930, ya que existen similitudes entre los estudios sobre negocios en aquella época y los estudios sobre el desarrollo en la actualidad. Se consideran tres dimensiones del estudio de casos (no siempre puestas en claro en nivel informativo) que están relacionados con los estudios sobre el desarrollo: el estudio de casos típicos como método de enseñanza, especialmente para grupos pequeños; el estudio de casos típicos como actividad de investigación; y el estudio de casos típicos y el proceso de generalización en una esfera de estudios entre disciplines. El argumento general es que hay buenos motivos para utilizar el estudio de casos típicos, pero para que la enseñanza de las relaciones culturales recíprocas tenga éxito se tiene que prestar mayor atención a los aspectos docentes cuando el estudio de casos típicos se utilice con estudiantes de diversas procedencias culturales y económicas
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