14 research outputs found

    The goliath project: Towards an internationally harmonised approach for testing metabolism disrupting compounds

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    Copyright © 2020 by the authors. The purpose of this project report is to introduce the European “GOLIATH” project, a new research project which addresses one of the most urgent regulatory needs in the testing of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), namely the lack of methods for testing EDCs that disrupt metabolism and metabolic functions. These chemicals collectively referred to as “metabolism disrupting compounds” (MDCs) are natural and anthropogenic chemicals that can promote metabolic changes that can ultimately result in obesity, diabetes, and/or fatty liver in humans. This project report introduces the main approaches of the project and provides a focused review of the evidence of metabolic disruption for selected EDCs. GOLIATH will generate the world’s first integrated approach to testing and assessment (IATA) specifically tailored to MDCs. GOLIATH will focus on the main cellular targets of metabolic disruption—hepatocytes, pancreatic endocrine cells, myocytes and adipocytes—and using an adverse outcome pathway (AOP) framework will provide key information on MDC-related mode of action by incorporating multi-omic analyses and translating results from in silico, in vitro, and in vivo models and assays to adverse metabolic health outcomes in humans at real-life exposures. Given the importance of international acceptance of the developed test methods for regulatory use, GOLIATH will link with ongoing initiatives of the Organisation for Economic Development (OECD) for test method (pre-)validation, IATA, and AOP development

    Being with other animals: transitioning toward sustainable food futures

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    How do non-human animals (hereafter animals) fit into sustainable food futures? This question prompts ethical reflection. However, especially in times of transformative change, one should not overlook ontological assumptions before engaging in ethics. We follow up on the work of the late Australian philosopher Val Plumwood as she prominently made this move to the ontological level when considering the edibility of animals. As she invites one (1) to listen to animals as well as (2) to embody one's own edibility, salient ontological assumptions about how humans relate to other animals, and the rest of reality, rise to the surface. While Plumwood also developed a modest ethical framework to address animal edibility, her ontological approach is highlighted here, especially as it appears to point toward moral relativism. Plumwood's ontological approach is further developed, notably by unraveling the dualism between self and other. Doing so results in a more non-conceptual way of relating to other animals. As a genuinely interdependent way of engaging with reality, it appears most relevant to considering what role animals might have in sustainable food futures

    Method Development for Effect-Directed Analysis of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in Human Amniotic Fluid

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    The developing fetus represents a highly sensitive period of exposure to endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs). However, risk assessment of EDCs is hampered by the lack of data on direct in utero exposure. In this study, we developed a robust analytical methodology for the identification of a wide range of known and unknown EDCs in full-term amniotic fluid (AF). First, a method for extraction and fractionation of a broad range of polar and nonpolar EDCs was developed and validated. Maximal recoveries of reference compounds and minimal interference from the matrix were achieved with a combination of solid phase extraction and dispersive liquid/liquid extraction. Bioassay analysis using cell-based reporter gene assays revealed estrogenic, androgenic, and dioxin-like activity in AF extract corresponding to 1.4 nmol EEQ/L, 76.6 pmol DHT-EQ/L, and 10.1 pmol TEQ/L, respectively. Targeted analysis revealed 13 xenobiotics, phytoestrogens, and endogenous hormones in the AF extract that partly contributed to the bioassay activity. Separation of the complex mixture of chemicals in the AF extract with reversed-phase chromatographic fractionation and subsequent bioassay analysis revealed activity in fractions over a wide range of polarity, indicating diverse (unidentified) substances with potential ED activity. The method developed here represents the first methodological step in an effect-directed analysis approach to identify unknown biologically active compounds in the fetal environment

    The effects of hexabromocyclododecane on the transcriptome and hepatic enzyme activity in three human HepaRG-based models

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    The disruption of thyroid hormone homeostasis by hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) in rodents is hypothesized to be due to HBCD increasing the hepatic clearance of thyroxine (T4). The extent to which these effects are relevant to humans is unclear. To evaluate HBCD effects on humans, the activation of key hepatic nuclear receptors and the consequent disruption of thyroid hormone homeostasis were studied in different human hepatic cell models. The hepatoma cell line, HepaRG, cultured as two-dimensional (2D), sandwich (SW) and spheroid (3D) cultures, and primary human hepatocytes (PHH) cultured as sandwich were exposed to 1 and 10 µM HBCD and characterized for their transcriptome changes. Pathway enrichment analysis showed that 3D models, followed by SW, had a stronger transcriptome response to HBCD, which is explained by the higher expression of hepatic nuclear receptors but also greater accumulation of HBCD measured inside cells in these models. The Pregnane X receptor pathway is one of the pathways most upregulated across the three hepatic models, followed by the constitutive androstane receptor and general hepatic nuclear receptors pathways. Lipid metabolism pathways had a downregulation tendency in all exposures and in both PHH and the three cultivation modes of HepaRG. The activity of enzymes related to PXR/CAR induction and T4 metabolism were evaluated in the three different types of HepaRG cultures exposed to HBCD for 48 h. Reference inducers, rifampicin and PCB-153 did affect 2D and SW HepaRG cultures’ enzymatic activity but not 3D. HBCD did not induce the activity of any of the studied enzymes in any of the cell models and culture methods. This study illustrates that for nuclear receptor-mediated T4 disruption, transcriptome changes might not be indicative of an actual adverse effect. Clarification of the reasons for the lack of translation is essential to evaluate new chemicals’ potential to be thyroid hormone disruptors by altering thyroid hormone metabolism

    The circulation of Anaplasma phagocytophilum ecotypes is associated with community composition of vertebrate hosts

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    Anaplasma phagocytophilum is a tick-borne pathogen that has been detected in many tick and vertebrate species. It is among the most widespread tick-borne pathogens in animals in Europe. The bacterium can be genetically divided into four ecotypes, which are linked to distinct but overlapping host species. However, knowledge about the transmission dynamics of the enzootic cycles of the different ecotypes is limited. Here, we quantified the link between the ecotypes of A. phagocytophilum, the different life stages of the tick Ixodes ricinus, and vertebrate host groups through a meta-analysis. We extracted data on the mean I. ricinus burden and the A. phagocytophilum infection prevalence in both hosts and feeding I. ricinus from 197 papers on 77 wildlife species. With this information, we modeled the relative importance of different host taxonomic groups for the circulation of the different ecotypes of A. phagocytophilum in a theoretical assemblage of hosts with varying presence of red deer (Cervus elaphus) and densities of small mammals. We showed that the composition of the vertebrate community affects the relative abundance of different ecotypes of A. phagocytophilum in the different life stages of I. ricinus. The presence of red deer is likely to increase the infection prevalence of Ecotype 1 in ticks, while small mammal densities drive the prevalence in ticks of mainly Ecotype 3, and to a lesser extent Ecotype 1. In Europe, vertebrate communities are changing, with an increase in red deer abundance and changes in the population dynamics of small mammals. Our results suggest that these changes could imply an increase in the circulation of A. phagocytophilum and thus an increase in the risk for public and veterinary health

    Identification of known and novel nonpolar endocrine disruptors in human amniotic fluid

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    Background: Prenatal exposure to endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) may contribute to endocrine-related diseases and disorders later in life. Nevertheless, data on in utero exposure to these compounds are still scarce. Objectives: We investigated a wide range of known and novel nonpolar EDCs in full-term human amniotic fluid (AF), a representative matrix of direct fetal exposure. Methods: Gas chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry (GC-HRMS) was used for the targeted and non-targeted analysis of chemicals present in nonpolar AF fractions with dioxin-like, (anti-)androgenic, and (anti-)estrogenic activity. The contribution of detected EDCs to the observed activity was determined based on their relative potencies. The multitude of features detected by non-targeted analysis was tentatively identified through spectra matching and data filtering, and further investigated using curated and freely available sources to predict endocrine activity. Prioritized suspects were purchased and their presence in AF was chemically and biologically confirmed with GC-HRMS and bioassay analysis. Results: Targeted analysis revealed 42 known EDCs in AF including dioxins and furans, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Only 30% of dioxin activity and <1% estrogenic and (anti-)androgenic activity was explained by the detected compounds. Non-targeted analysis revealed 14,110 features of which 3,243 matched with library spectra. Our data filtering strategy tentatively identified 121 compounds. Further data mining and in silico predictions revealed in total 69 suspected EDCs. We selected 14 chemicals for confirmation, of which 12 were biologically active and 9 were chemically confirmed in AF, including the plasticizer diphenyl isophthalate and industrial chemical p,p'-ditolylamine. Conclusions: This study reveals the presence of a wide variety of nonpolar EDCs in direct fetal environment and for the first time identifies novel EDCs in human AF. Further assessment of the source and extent of human fetal exposure to these compounds is warranted

    Inhibition of methyltransferase activity of enhancer of zeste 2 leads to enhanced lipid accumulation and altered chromatin status in zebrafish

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    BACKGROUND: Recent studies indicate that exposure to environmental chemicals may increase susceptibility to developing metabolic diseases. This susceptibility may in part be caused by changes to the epigenetic landscape which consequently affect gene expression and lead to changes in lipid metabolism. The epigenetic modifier enhancer of zeste 2 (Ezh2) is a histone H3K27 methyltransferase implicated to play a role in lipid metabolism and adipogenesis. In this study, we used the zebrafish (Danio rerio) to investigate the role of Ezh2 on lipid metabolism and chromatin status following developmental exposure to the Ezh1/2 inhibitor PF-06726304 acetate. We used the environmental chemical tributyltin (TBT) as a positive control, as this chemical is known to act on lipid metabolism via EZH-mediated pathways in mammals. RESULTS: Zebrafish embryos (0-5 days post-fertilization, dpf) exposed to non-toxic concentrations of PF-06726304 acetate (5 ÎĽM) and TBT (1 nM) exhibited increased lipid accumulation. Changes in chromatin were analyzed by the assay for transposase-accessible chromatin sequencing (ATAC-seq) at 50% epiboly (5.5 hpf). We observed 349 altered chromatin regions, predominantly located at H3K27me3 loci and mostly more open chromatin in the exposed samples. Genes associated to these loci were linked to metabolic pathways. In addition, a selection of genes involved in lipid homeostasis, adipogenesis and genes specifically targeted by PF-06726304 acetate via altered chromatin accessibility were differentially expressed after TBT and PF-06726304 acetate exposure at 5 dpf, but not at 50% epiboly stage. One gene, cebpa, did not show a change in chromatin, but did show a change in gene expression at 5 dpf. Interestingly, underlying H3K27me3 marks were significantly decreased at this locus at 50% epiboly. CONCLUSIONS: Here, we show for the first time the applicability of ATAC-seq as a tool to investigate toxicological responses in zebrafish. Our analysis indicates that Ezh2 inhibition leads to a partial primed state of chromatin linked to metabolic pathways which results in gene expression changes later in development, leading to enhanced lipid accumulation. Although ATAC-seq seems promising, our in-depth assessment of the cebpa locus indicates that we need to consider underlying epigenetic marks as well

    Uptake, Transport, and Toxicity of Pristine and Weathered Micro- and Nanoplastics in Human Placenta Cells

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    BACKGROUND: The first evidence of micro-and nanoplastic (MNP) exposure in the human placenta is emerging. However, the toxicokinetics and toxicity of MNPs in the placenta, specifically environmentally relevant particles, remain unclear. OBJECTIVES: We examined the transport, uptake, and toxicity of pristine and experimentally weathered MNPs in nonsyncytialized and syncytialized BeWo b30 choriocarcinoma cells. METHODS: We performed untargeted chemical characterization of pristine and weathered MNPs using liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry to evaluate compositional differences following particle weathering. We investigated cellular internalization of pristine and weathered polystyrene (PS; 0:05–10 lm) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE; 0–80 lm) particles using high-resolution confocal imaging and three-dimensional rendering. We investigated the influence of particle coating with human plasma on the cellular transport of PS particles using a transwell setup and examined the influence of acute MNP exposure on cell viability, damage to the plasma membrane, and expression of genes involved in steroidogenesis. RESULTS: Chemical characterization of MNPs showed a significantly higher number of unique features in pristine particles in comparison with weathered particles. Size-dependent placental uptake of pristine and weathered MNPs was observed in both placental cell types after 24 h exposure. Cellular transport was limited and size-dependent and was not influenced by particle coating with human plasma. None of the MNPs affected cell via-bility. Damage to the plasma membrane was observed only for 0:05 lm PS particles in the nonsyncytialized cells at the highest concentration tested (100 lg=mL). Modest down-regulation of hsd17b1 was observed in syncytialized cells exposed to pristine MNPs. DISCUSSION: Our results suggest that pristine and weathered MNPs are internalized and translocated in placental cells in vitro. Effects on gene expression observed upon pristine PS and HDPE particle exposure warrant further examination. More in-depth investigations are needed to better understand the potential health risks of MNP and chemicals associated with them under environmentally relevant exposure scenarios. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP10873