2,963 research outputs found

    Electroneutrality and Phase Behavior of Colloidal Suspensions

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    Several statistical mechanical theories predict that colloidal suspensions of highly charged macroions and monovalent microions can exhibit unusual thermodynamic phase behavior when strongly deionized. Density-functional, extended Debye-H\"uckel, and response theories, within mean-field and linearization approximations, predict a spinodal phase instability of charged colloids below a critical salt concentration. Poisson-Boltzmann cell model studies of suspensions in Donnan equilibrium with a salt reservoir demonstrate that effective interactions and osmotic pressures predicted by such theories can be sensitive to the choice of reference system, e.g., whether the microion density profiles are expanded about the average potential of the suspension or about the reservoir potential. By unifying Poisson-Boltzmann and response theories within a common perturbative framework, it is shown here that the choice of reference system is dictated by the constraint of global electroneutrality. On this basis, bulk suspensions are best modeled by density-dependent effective interactions derived from a closed reference system in which the counterions are confined to the same volume as the macroions. Linearized theories then predict bulk phase separation of deionized suspensions only when expanded about a physically consistent (closed) reference system. Lower-dimensional systems (e.g., monolayers, small clusters), depending on the strength of macroion-counterion correlations, may be governed instead by density-independent effective interactions tied to an open reference system with counterions dispersed throughout the reservoir, possibly explaining observed structural crossover in colloidal monolayers and anomalous metastability of colloidal crystallites.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. Discussion clarified, references adde

    Autonomous flight and remote site landing guidance research for helicopters

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    Automated low-altitude flight and landing in remote areas within a civilian environment are investigated, where initial cost, ongoing maintenance costs, and system productivity are important considerations. An approach has been taken which has: (1) utilized those technologies developed for military applications which are directly transferable to a civilian mission; (2) exploited and developed technology areas where new methods or concepts are required; and (3) undertaken research with the potential to lead to innovative methods or concepts required to achieve a manual and fully automatic remote area low-altitude and landing capability. The project has resulted in a definition of system operational concept that includes a sensor subsystem, a sensor fusion/feature extraction capability, and a guidance and control law concept. These subsystem concepts have been developed to sufficient depth to enable further exploration within the NASA simulation environment, and to support programs leading to the flight test

    Poisson-Boltzmann Theory of Charged Colloids: Limits of the Cell Model for Salty Suspensions

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    Thermodynamic properties of charge-stabilised colloidal suspensions are commonly modeled by implementing the mean-field Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) theory within a cell model. This approach models a bulk system by a single macroion, together with counterions and salt ions, confined to a symmetrically shaped, electroneutral cell. While easing solution of the nonlinear PB equation, the cell model neglects microion-induced correlations between macroions, precluding modeling of macroion ordering phenomena. An alternative approach, avoiding artificial constraints of cell geometry, maps a macroion-microion mixture onto a one-component model of pseudo-macroions governed by effective interactions. In practice, effective-interaction models are usually based on linear screening approximations, which can accurately describe nonlinear screening only by incorporating an effective (renormalized) macroion charge. Combining charge renormalization and linearized PB theories, in both the cell model and an effective-interaction (cell-free) model, we compute osmotic pressures of highly charged colloids and monovalent microions over a range of concentrations. By comparing predictions with primitive model simulation data for salt-free suspensions, and with predictions of nonlinear PB theory for salty suspensions, we chart the limits of both the cell model and linear-screening approximations in modeling bulk thermodynamic properties. Up to moderately strong electrostatic couplings, the cell model proves accurate in predicting osmotic pressures of deionized suspensions. With increasing salt concentration, however, the relative contribution of macroion interactions grows, leading predictions of the cell and effective-interaction models to deviate. No evidence is found for a liquid-vapour phase instability driven by monovalent microions. These results may guide applications of PB theory to soft materials.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, special issue of Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter on "Classical density functional theory methods in soft and hard matter

    Charge Renormalization, Effective Interactions, and Thermodynamics of Deionized Colloidal Suspensions

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    Thermodynamic properties of charge-stabilised colloidal suspensions depend sensitively on the effective charge of the macroions, which can be substantially lower than the bare charge in the case of strong counterion-macroion association. A theory of charge renormalization is proposed, combining an effective one-component model of charged colloids with a thermal criterion for distinguishing between free and associated counterions. The theory predicts, with minimal computational effort, osmotic pressures of deionized suspensions of highly charged colloids in close agreement with large-scale simulations of the primitive model.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Power Balance in Aerodynamic Flows

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    A control volume analysis of the compressible viscous flow about an aircraft is performed,including integrated propulsors and flow control systems. In contrast to most past analyses which have focused on forces and momentum flow, in particular thrust and drag, the present analysis focuses on mechanical power and kinetic energy flow. The result is a clear identification and quantification of all the power sources, power sinks, and their interactions which are present in any aerodynamic flow. The formulation does not require any separate definitions of thrust and drag, and hence it is especially useful for analysis and optimization of aerodynamic configurations which have tightly integrated propulsion and boundary layer control systems

    Field line distribution of density at \u3ci\u3eL\u3c/i\u3e=4.8 inferred from observations by CLUSTER

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    For two events observed by the CLUSTER space- craft, the field line distribution of mass density ρ was inferred from Alfve ́n wave harmonic frequencies and compared to the electron density ne from plasma wave data and the oxy- gen density nO+ from the ion composition experiment. In one case, the average ion mass M≡ρ/ne was about 5amu (28 October 2002), while in the other it was about 3 amu (10 September 2002). Both events occurred when the CLUSTER 1 (C1) spacecraft was in the plasmatrough. Nevertheless, the electron density ne was significantly lower for the first event (ne =8 cm−3 ) than for the second event (ne =22 cm−3 ), and this seems to be the main difference leading to a dif- ferent value of M. For the first event (28 October 2002), we were able to measure the Alfve ́n wave frequencies for eight harmonics with unprecedented precision, so that the er- ror in the inferred mass density is probably dominated by factors other than the uncertainty in frequency (e.g., mag- netic field model and theoretical wave equation). This field line distribution (at L=4.8) was very flat for magnetic lati- tude |MLAT|20◦ but very steeply increasing with respect to |MLAT| for |MLAT|40◦. The total variation in ρ was about four orders of magnitude, with values at large |MLAT| roughly consistent with ionospheric values. For the second event (10 September 2002), there was a small local maxi- mum in mass density near the magnetic equator. The in- ferred mass density decreases to a minimum 23% lower than the equatorial value at |MLAT|=15.5◦, and then steeply in- creases as one moves along the field line toward the iono- sphere. For this event we were also able to examine the spa- tial dependence of the electron density using measurements of ne from all four CLUSTER spacecraft. Our analysis in- dicates that the density varies with L at L∼5 roughly like L−4, and that ne is also locally peaked at the magnetic equa- tor, but with a smaller peak. The value of ne reaches a den- sity minimum about 6% lower than the equatorial value at |MLAT|=12.5◦, and then increases steeply at larger values of |MLAT|. This is to our knowledge the first evidence for a local peak in bulk electron density at the magnetic equa- tor. Our results show that magnetoseismology can be a useful technique to determine the field line distribution of the mass density for CLUSTER at perigee and that the distribution of electron density can also be inferred from measurements by multiple spacecraft

    The Effect of Sub-MIC β-Lactam Antibiotic Exposure of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strains from People with Cystic Fibrosis in a Desiccation Survival Model

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    Prior to modern typing methods, cross-infection of P. aeruginosa between people with cystic fibrosis (CF) was felt to be rare. Recently a number of studies have demonstrated the presence of clonal strains of P. aeruginosa infecting people with CF. The aim of this study was to determine whether strains of P. aeruginosa demonstrated differences in resistance to desiccation and whether preincubation in subminimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of β-lactam affected desiccation resistance. The experimental data were modelled to a first-order decay model and a Weibull decay model using least squares nonlinear regression. The Weibull model was the preferred model for the desiccation survival. The presence of a mucoid phenotype promoted desiccation survival. Preincubation with antibiotics did not have a consistent effect on the strains of P. aeruginosa. Meropenem reduced desiccation resistance, whereas ceftazidime had much less effect on the strains studied

    Nonlinear Screening and Effective Electrostatic Interactions in Charge-Stabilized Colloidal Suspensions

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    A nonlinear response theory is developed and applied to electrostatic interactions between spherical macroions, screened by surrounding microions, in charge-stabilized colloidal suspensions. The theory describes leading-order nonlinear response of the microions (counterions, salt ions) to the electrostatic potential of the macroions and predicts microion-induced effective many-body interactions between macroions. A linear response approximation [Phys. Rev. E 62, 3855 (2000)] yields an effective pair potential of screened-Coulomb (Yukawa) form, as well as a one-body volume energy, which contributes to the free energy. Nonlinear response generates effective many-body interactions and essential corrections to both the effective pair potential and the volume energy. By adopting a random-phase approximation (RPA) for the response functions, and thus neglecting microion correlations, practical expressions are derived for the effective pair and triplet potentials and for the volume energy. Nonlinear screening is found to weaken repulsive pair interactions, induce attractive triplet interactions, and modify the volume energy. Numerical results for monovalent microions are in good agreement with available ab initio simulation data and demonstrate that nonlinear effects grow with increasing macroion charge and concentration and with decreasing salt concentration. In the dilute limit of zero macroion concentration, leading-order nonlinear corrections vanish. Finally, it is shown that nonlinear response theory, when combined with the RPA, is formally equivalent to the mean-field Poisson-Boltzmann theory and that the linear response approximation corresponds, within integral-equation theory, to a linearized hypernetted-chain closure.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, Phys. Rev. E (in press

    Fluorescence from a few electrons

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    Systems containing few Fermions (e.g., electrons) are of great current interest. Fluorescence occurs when electrons drop from one level to another without changing spin. Only electron gases in a state of equilibrium are considered. When the system may exchange electrons with a large reservoir, the electron-gas fluorescence is easily obtained from the well-known Fermi-Dirac distribution. But this is not so when the number of electrons in the system is prevented from varying, as is the case for isolated systems and for systems that are in thermal contact with electrical insulators such as diamond. Our accurate expressions rest on the assumption that single-electron energy levels are evenly spaced, and that energy coupling and spin coupling between electrons are small. These assumptions are shown to be realistic for many systems. Fluorescence from short, nearly isolated, quantum wires is predicted to drop abruptly in the visible, a result not predicted by the Fermi-Dirac distribution. Our exact formulas are based on restricted and unrestricted partitions of integers. The method is considerably simpler than the ones proposed earlier, which are based on second quantization and contour integration.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, RevTe

    Pharmacology of DB844, an orally active aza analogue of pafuramidine, in a monkey model of second stage human African trypanosomiasis

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    Novel drugs to treat human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) are still urgently needed despite the recent addition of nifurtimox-eflornithine combination therapy (NECT) to WHO Model Lists of Essential Medicines against second stage HAT, where parasites have invaded the central nervous system (CNS). The pharmacology of a potential orally available lead compound, N-methoxy-6-{5-[4-(N-methoxyamidino) phenyl]-furan-2-yl}-nicotinamidine (DB844), was evaluated in a vervet monkey model of second stage HAT, following promising results in mice. DB844 was administered orally to vervet monkeys, beginning 28 days post infection (DPI) with Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense KETRI 2537. DB844 was absorbed and converted to the active metabolite 6-[5-(4-phenylamidinophenyl)-furanyl-2-yl]-nicotinamide (DB820), exhibiting plasma C(max) values of 430 and 190 nM for DB844 and DB820, respectively, after the 14th dose at 6 mg/kg qd. A 100-fold reduction in blood trypanosome counts was observed within 24 h of the third dose and, at the end of treatment evaluation performed four days post the last drug dose, trypanosomes were not detected in the blood or cerebrospinal fluid of any monkey. However, some animals relapsed during the 300 days of post treatment monitoring, resulting in a cure rate of 3/8 (37.5%) and 3/7 (42.9%) for the 5 mg/kg×10 days and the 6 mg/kg×14 days dose regimens respectively. These DB844 efficacy data were an improvement compared with pentamidine and pafuramidine both of which were previously shown to be non-curative in this model of CNS stage HAT. These data show that synthesis of novel diamidines with improved activity against CNS-stage HAT was possible