221 research outputs found
Asymmetric Analysis Of Okun’s Law: The Case For Turkey
This paper revisits Okun’s law under an asymmetric approach for Turkey applying structural threshold regression model that allows for endogeneity of the threshold variable that separates the dataset into low and high regime periods according to economic growth. Moreover, the theory is investigated taking subcategories of unemployment rate into account, such as age, education and gender. Empirical findings suggest that only the overall unemployment rate and female unemployment rate reflect significantly negative impacts in both periods. During deep recessions, unemployment rates are more responsive to economic growth. In order to consider nonlinearities, Kourtellos et al. (2016) structural threshold regression (STR) model is employed. STR model estimates the threshold parameter and it is not known which observation belongs to which regime. In addition to the threshold variable, the model allows the regressors to be endogeneous. This methodology also allows for regime-specific heteroskedasticity
Impact of the rapid increase in the number of universities on university structure and society
Universities are important units, which to enable transition from basic education to vocational field and consist of academicians, students, administrative staff, locates in campuses where are accepted as small-scale city. Campuses should provide user’s needs such as sociocultural improvement with its physical structure. In recent years, number of universities in Turkey has increased rapidly and uncontrollably. Buildings has constructed made without sufficient analysis of the area. It takes a lot of time to build the campuses and there is no space in the city, so instant solutions are created. Besides, buildings that are rised vertically in random areas occur. The aim of this study is to examine the development of university campuses and structures through examples, to determine the changes of structures and to reveal positive and negative effects of these changes on the social environment. In the method of study, the effects of the university campus and its structures on the society, is handled comparatively. Firstly, the parameters of the university buildings that affect the society were determined in line with the literature review. Thus, it has been evaluated in several universities in Turkey. Besides, the positive and negative effects of the university building types are given comparatively. In the study, it was concluded that university areas serving at structure scale are weak in supplying with community needs. Also, suggestions have been made to ensure that university structures can respond to the society needs. © 2021 ISEC Press
Biomimetic Design for a Bioengineered World
Biodesign can be explained as a method that includes various researches and applications related to taking inspiration from natural functions, systems, components, or processes in solving a problem. Accordingly, biodesign is commonly used in the design of artificial devices, structures, and buildings in the field of bioengineering. The recent developments in the field of biotechnology and bioengineering bring out various products that are designed in collaboration with different engineering disciplines. In this chapter, the possible use of bacteria, microalgae, and fungi for biomimetic design and the role of biomimicry for these designs will be briefly discussed
A Study of Research Assistants’ Perceptions about Academic Adviser and Academic Life through Metaphors
In current study research assistants’ perceptions about the concepts of ‘Academic adviser’ and ‘Academic life’ via metaphors were aimed which is conducted with qualitative research method. Participants of study consist of 82 research assistant (45 of them women) work in Educational Faculties in Turkey. In data collection, for academic advisers each participant is asked to complete the prompt “An academic adviser is like . . . because . . .” or “An academic adviser is analogous to . . . because . . .” For academic life each of them is asked to complete the promt “An academic life is like . . . because . . .” or “An academic life is analogous to . . . because . . .”. In analyzing data content analysis was used. Perceptions of research assistant for their academic advisers 7 categories is determined such that supervisor as loadstar/enlightening, supporter/protector, productive, director, neutral, colonist and changeable respectively. In academic life theme, seven categories were created as well as academic advisor theme. Considering academic life metaphor, hopeless period, rocky road, a period of development, fund of knowledge process, Deadweight, labor process and uncertainty process categories were created. Results were discussed and suggestions were given in line with findings. Keywords: Research assistant, metaphor, advisor, academic lif
Uluslararası Dergilerde Yayımlanan Türkiye Kaynaklı Eğitim Araştırmalarının Genel Görünümü: Bibliyometrik Analiz
The purpose of this study is to examine educational research from Turkey published in international education journals with bibliometric analysis method. For this purpose, the documents published in journals covered by the Web of Science’s (WoS) SSCI, SCI-Expanded and AHCI indexes were reached. A total of 6312 articles were included in the analysis after the necessary exclusion criteria were applied for elimination. Descriptive analysis and bibliometric analysis methods were used to analyze the data. According to the analysis that are conducted based on the WoS citations of the reviewed articles, it is seen that the authors who work in the fields of educational technology and science education stand out in terms of productivity and impact. In terms of the institutions where the authors work, Hacettepe University ranked first regarding the number of articles and Middle East Technical University ranked first regarding the number of citations. According to the co-author analysis of institutions, it is seen that state universities that are based in Ankara form strong co-authorship ties with each other and with other Anatolian universities. Four major clusters emerged in the co-citation (author) analysis. The cluster located in the center of the map mostly consists of researchers working on research methods. The other dense cluster is seen to be composed of researchers focusing on educational psychology, measurement and evaluation, and statistics. It is seen that the third big cluster consists of researchers working on topics of self-regulation, motivation, self-efficacy, goal and achievement orientation and the fourth cluster consists of researchers working in the field of science education. The concepts that become apparent in the clusters emerged from the co-word analysis are student, education, attitude, technology, achievement, performance, science education, efficacy, teacher and knowledge. It is recommended that more detailed reviews of specific fields or subjects identified in this study should be carried out by field experts.Bu araştırmanın amacı uluslararası eğitim dergilerinde yayımlanan Türkiye kaynaklı eğitim araştırmalarının bibliyometrik analiz yöntemi ile incelenmesidir. Bu amaçla, Web of Science (WoS) SSCI, SCI-Expanded ve AHCI indekslerinde yer alan dergilerde yayımlanan dokümanlara ulaşılmıştır. Gerekli hariç tutma kriterleri uygulandıktan sonra toplam 6312 makale analizlere dahil edilmiştir. Verilerin analizinde betimsel analiz ve bibliyometrik analiz yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Analizlere dahil edilen makalelerin WoS üzerinden aldıkları atıflara dayalı olarak yapılan analizlere göre eğitim teknolojileri ve fen eğitimi alanlarında çalışmalar yapan yazarların üretkenlik ve etki açısından ön plana çıktıkları görülmektedir. Yazarların çalıştıkları kurumlar açısından Hacettepe Üniversitesi makale sayısı, Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi ise atıf sayı ile en üretken kurumlar olarak ilk sıralarda yer almıştır. Kurumlar arası ortak yazar analizine göre genel olarak Ankara’da bulunan devlet üniversitelerinin hem birbirleri ile hem de diğer Anadolu üniversiteleri ile güçlü ortak yazarlık bağları oluşturdukları görülmektedir. Ortak atıf (yazar) analizinde dört büyük küme ortaya çıkmış olup, haritanın merkezinde yer alan kümenin araştırma yöntemleri üzerine çalışan, bir diğer yoğun kümenin eğitim psikolojisi, ölçme ve değerlendirme ile istatistik alanlarına yoğunlaşan, üçüncü büyük kümenin öz düzenleme, motivasyon, öz yeterlik, amaç ve başarı yönelimi konularında çalışan ve dördüncü kümenin ise fen eğitimi alanında çalışan araştırmacılardan oluştuğu görülmektedir. Ortak kelime analizinde ortaya çıkan kümelerde belirginleşen kavramlar öğrenci, eğitim, tutum, teknoloji, başarı, performans, fen eğitimi, yeterlik, öğretmen ve bilgidir. Bu çalışmada ön plana çıkan alan veya konulara yönelik daha detaylı çalışmaların alan uzmanları tarafından yapılması tavsiye edilmektedir
A bibliometric analysis of publications within the scope of cultural heritage tourism and digitalization
In this study, it is aimed to reveal the current situation and development level of publications made within the scope of cultural heritage tourism and digitalization in international literature. Studies on cultural heritage tourism and digitalization in the international literature between 1975-2021 were examined within certain parameters. Scientific studies on the subject were revealed by scanning the Web of Science (WOS) database. As a result of the searches, a total of 264 scientific publications on "Cultural Heritage Tourism and Digital and Digitalization" were found. The data were subjected to bibliometric analysis using the VOSviewer program. All publications were classified according to many criteria such as "number of publications, publication types, publication years, authors, countries, languages, research areas, places of publication, citations, institutions" and the data obtained were tabulated. In addition, "the most collaborating authors, institutions, countries, the most used keywords, the most cited authors, documents, sources and countries" were subjected to bibliometric analysis in studies on the subject of "Cultural Heritage Tourism and Digital and Digitalization". It is thought that the findings obtained from the study will contribute to this field and shed light on the researchers who are interested in the subject, especially since a limited number of studies have been conducted within the scope of cultural heritage tourism and digitalization.Bu çalışmada, uluslararası yazında kültürel
miras turizmi ve dijitalleşme kapsamında
yapılan yayınların mevcut durumunun ve
gelişim düzeyinin ortaya konması
amaçlanmaktadır. Kültürel miras turizmi ve
dijitalleşme ile ilgili 1975-2021 yılları arasında
uluslararası yazında yer alan çalışmalar belirli
parametreler dâhilinde incelenmiştir. Konuya
ilişkin yapılan bilimsel çalışmalar, Web of
Science (WOS) veri tabanı taranarak ortaya
konmuştur. Yapılan aramalar sonucunda
“Cultural Heritage Tourism and Digital and
Digitalization” konulu toplam 264 bilimsel
yayına ulaşılmıştır. Veriler VOSviewer
programından yararlanılarak bibliyometrik
analize tabi tutulmuştur. Tüm yayınlar, “yayın
sayıları, yayın türleri, yayın yılları, yazarlar,
ülkeler, diller, araştırma alanları,
yayımlandıkları yerler, atıflar, kurumlar” gibi
birçok kritere göre sınıflandırılmış ve elde
edilen veriler tablolaştırılmıştır. Ayrıca
“Cultural Heritage Tourism and Digital and
Digitalization” konusuna ilişkin yapılan
çalışmalarda “en fazla iş birliği yapan yazarlar,
kurumlar, ülkeler, en fazla kullanılan anahtar
kelimeler, en fazla atıf alan yazarlar,
dokümanlar, kaynaklar ve ülkeler”
bibliyometrik analize tabi tutulmuştur.
Çalışmadan elde edilen bulguların, özellikle
kültürel miras turizmi ve dijitalleşme
kapsamında sınırlı sayıda araştırma yapılmış
olması nedeniyle bu alana katkı sunacağı ve
konuya ilgi duyan araştırmacılara ışık tutacağı
Ratiometric Single-Molecule FRET Measurements to Probe Conformational Subpopulations of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
Over the past few decades, numerous examples have demonstrated that intrinsic disorder in proteins lies at the heart of many vital processes, including transcriptional regulation, stress response, cellular signaling, and most recently protein liquid-liquid phase separation. The so-called intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) involved in these processes have presented a challenge to the classic protein "structure-function paradigm," as their functions do not necessarily involve well-defined structures. Understanding the mechanisms of IDP function is likewise challenging because traditional structure determination methods often fail with such proteins or provide little information about the diverse array of structures that can be related to different functions of a single IDP. Single-molecule fluorescence methods can overcome this ensemble-average masking, allowing the resolution of subpopulations and dynamics and thus providing invaluable insights into IDPs and their function. In this protocol, we describe a ratiometric single-molecule F\uf6rster resonance energy transfer (smFRET) routine that permits the investigation of IDP conformational subpopulations and dynamics. We note that this is a basic protocol, and we provide brief information and references for more complex analysis schemes available for in-depth characterization. This protocol covers optical setup preparation and protein handling and provides insights into experimental design and outcomes, together with background information about theory and a brief discussion of troubleshooting. \ua9 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Basic Protocol: Ratiometric smFRET detection and analysis of IDPs Support Protocol 1: Fluorophore labeling of a protein through maleimide chemistry Support Protocol 2: Sample chamber preparation Support Protocol 3: Determination of direct excitation of acceptor by donor excitation and leakage of donor emission to acceptor emission channel
In vitro Antiprotozoal Activity of Extracts of five Turkish Lamiaceae Species
The in vitro antiprotozoal activities of crude methanolic extracts from the aerial parts of five Lamiaceae plants (Salvia tomentosa, S. sclarea, S. dichroantha, Nepeta nuda subsp. nuda and Marrubium astracanicum subsp. macrodon) were evaluated against four parasitic protozoa, i.e. Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, T. cruzi, Leishmania donovani and Plasmodium falciparum. The cytotoxic potentials of the extracts on L6 cells were also evaluated. Melarsoprol, benznidazole, miltefosine, chloroquine and podophyllotoxin were used as reference drugs. All crude MeOH extracts showed antiprotozoal potential against at least three parasites, so they were dispersed in water and partitioned against n-hexane and chloroform to yield three subextracts that were screened in the same test systems. The n-hexane extract of N. nuda was the most active against T. brucei rhodesiense while the CHCl3 extracts of S. tomentosa and S. dichroantha showed significant activity against L. donovani. All organic extracts displayed in vitro antimalarial and moderate trypanocidal activities against T. cruzi with the n-hexane extract of S. sclarea being the most active against the latter. The extracts displayed low or no cytotoxicity towards mammalian L6 cells
A Modular Bio-inspired Robotic Hand with High Sensitivity
While parallel grippers and multi-fingered robotic hands are well developed
and commonly used in structured settings, it remains a challenge in robotics to
design a highly articulated robotic hand that can be comparable to human hands
to handle various daily manipulation and grasping tasks. Dexterity usually
requires more actuators but also leads to a more sophisticated mechanism design
and is more expensive to fabricate and maintain. Soft materials are able to
provide compliance and safety when interacting with the physical world but are
hard to model. This work presents a hybrid bio-inspired robotic hand that
combines soft matters and rigid elements. Sensing is integrated into the rigid
bodies resulting in a simple way for pose estimation with high sensitivity. The
proposed hand is in a modular structure allowing for rapid fabrication and
programming. The fabrication process is carefully designed so that a full hand
can be made with low-cost materials and assembled in an efficient manner. We
demonstrate the dexterity of the hand by successfully performing human grasp
types.Comment: 7 pages, 13 figures, IEEE RoboSoft 202
Single-molecule fluorescence studies of intrinsically disordered proteins and liquid phase separation
Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are ubiquitous in proteomes and serve in a range of cellular functions including signaling, regulation, transport and enzyme function. IDP misfunction and aggregation are also associated with several diseases including neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. During the past decade, single-molecule methods have become popular for detailed biophysical and structural studies of these complex proteins. This work has included recent applications to cellular liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS), relevant for functional dynamics of membraneless organelles such as the nucleolus and stress granules. In this concise review, we cover the conceptual motivations for development and application of single-molecule fluorescence methods for such IDP studies. We follow with a few key examples of systems and biophysical problems that have been addressed, and conclude with thoughts for emerging and future directions
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