66 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento de história em quadrinhos educacional: conservação ambiental

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    PCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Design.A partir do método Design Thinking, este projeto examinou possibilidades estruturais e visuais da arte sequencial em conjunto com a bibliografia teórica da área, a fim de servir como alicerce para o posterior desenvolvimento de uma história em quadrinhos com enfoque educacional na área de conservação ambiental. O projeto foi desenvolvido em parceria com a organização não governamental catarinense R3 Animal, que esforça-se para resgatar, reabilitar e reintroduzir na natureza animais da fauna brasileira.Based on Design Thinking, this project examines structural and visual possibilities of sequential art along with theoretical bibliography from this field in order to lay the foundations for the development of an educational comic book with an environmental conservation theme. The project is developed in partnership with R3 Animal, a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to rescue, rehabilitate and reintroduce to the wilderness a number of animals from the Brazilian fauna

    Anomalías de los miembros de larvas de Scinax nasicus (Cope, 1862) (Anura: Hyladae), de Corrientes, Argentina

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    This paper presents a description of limb anomalies observed on Scinax nasicus tadpoles. The most frequent skeletal malformations were detected on the autopodium of the hindlimb. Apody and ectrodactyly, and aphalangy were identified but we cannot establish a cause-effect relationship of the observed anomalies. This report highlights the importance of monitoring morphological anomalies of anurans at larval stages as a possible indicator of environmental disturbance e.g. the presence of contaminants in the water.En este artículo se describen anomalías observadas en las extremidades de renacuajos de Scinax nasicus. Las malformaciones esqueléticas más frecuentes se registraron en el autopodio del miembro posterior. Se identificó apodia, ectrodactilia, y afalangia, sin embargo no fue posible establecer una relación causa-efecto. Este trabajo destaca la importancia de monitorear las anomalías morfológicas de los anuros en estadios larvarios, como posible indicador de perturbaciones ambientales, por ejemplo, la presencia de contaminantes en el agua

    Electrochemical Oxidation of Ketenedithioacetals

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    The addition of allyltrimethylsilane to cyclic N-acyliminium ions derived from(S)-(+)-mandelic acid and cyclohexyl-based chiral auxiliaries

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    The TiCl4- promoted addition of allyltrimethylsilane to chiral 5- and 6-membered N-acyliminium ions employing (S)-(+)-mandelic acid, (1R,2S)-trans-2-phenyl-1-cyclohexanol and (1R,2S,5R)-8-phenylmenthol derivatives as chiral auxiliaries occurred with low to moderate diastereoisomeric ratios (1:1-6:1) to afford 2-substituted amides and carbamates in good yields. The best diastereoselection was observed with (1R,2S,5R)-8-phenylmenthol as the chiral auxiliary. The 2-substituted amides and carbamates were converted to the corresponding alkaloids (S)- and (R)-propyl pyrrolidine and coniine with efficient recovery of the chiral auxiliaries.A adição de aliltrimetilsilano, promovida por TiCl4, a íons N-aciliminios cíclicos de 5- e 6-membros derivados do ácido (S)-(+)-mandélico, (1R,2S)-trans-2-fenil-1-cicloexanol e (1R,2S,5R)-8-fenilmentol ocorreu com baixas a moderadas razões diastereoisoméricas (1:1-6:1) e forneceu as respectivas amidas e carbamatos em bons rendimentos. A melhor diastereosseleção facial foi observada com o uso de (1R,2S,5R)-8-fenilmentol como auxiliar quiral. As amidas e carbamatos 2-substituídos foram convertidos nos alcalóides (S)- e (R)-propil pirrolidina e coniina com eficiente recuperação dos auxiliares quirais.507513Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Relevant information for the accountability of private institutions of social solidarity: results from fieldwork

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    The social economy (SE) has emerged as an interesting alternative for dealing with social problems. However, there are some concerns related to the abilities of these institutions regarding accountability. Thus, the present work aimed to determine if private social solidarity institutions (IPSS) are prepared to meet management requirements by increasing their accountability. In Portugal, IPSS are social economy organisations. Using an exploratory focus, we conducted qualitative research on 31 Portuguese IPSS. Interviews with those responsible for these entities took place between June and July 2019. The interviews were guided based on a semistructured script that was created based on a literature review. After content analysis, it was found that, in most of the institutions interviewed, the board does not use management tools, such as performance analysis, social impact assessments, strategic planning, and quality management systems, even though they recognise the importance of using them. This is due to the lack of access or knowledge about their use. In addition, the majority of the IPSS interviewed showed concern about the transparency and ethics of managers. Current strategic management practices are remarkably targeted at companies in the for-profit sector and can compromise the principles of investment in human and social issues.publishe

    Accountability in the social economy: the case of private social solidarity institutions

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    Given the extreme importance of improving the accountability of private social solidarity institutions (IPSS), both for reasons of legal compliance and for reasons of improving legitimacy and notoriety among their stakeholders, in order to be accountable to them and in order to maintain their sustainability, this article aims to present a framework designed under a more comprehensive research project for the assessment of IPSS accountability, as well as the preliminary results of a pilot test of Portuguese IPSS. The framework was developed from a combination of methodologies that included a literature review, field work and a focus group, resulting in six dimensions with 76 indicators. For the pilot test, the data were collected by questionnaire for the years 2018, 2019 and 2020. The results of the pilot test, despite the limited number of entities, allowed the identification of some trends and indicators where entities show lower results and where they will have to focus to improve their accountability. Some possible effects of the COVID-19 pandemic were also identified. Therefore, we believe that the framework designed answers the research question: how can we promote accountability (social, financial and economic) in the social economy sector, in particular in the case of IPSS?publishe

    Can online transparency improve accountability? The case of portuguese private social solidarity institutions

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    The development of the non-profit sector (NPS) in Portugal has been gaining relevance in recent times, particularly in the form of institutions whose purpose is to broaden and increase the response to the needs of the most needy and socially vulnerable citizens. The financing of Portuguese non-profit sector entities is essentially made up of income from their activity, donations and public or governmental support. Therefore, these entities face increasing pressure from their funders, users and citizens in general for a greater dissemination of good practices regarding the social impact they have on the community; in particular, they are increasingly required to be transparent in their activities. The main objective of this study was to analyse the level of accountability and transparency of the private social solidarity institutions (IPSS) of the municipality of Porto. To this end, the websites of these institutions were analysed, using a qualitative and quantitative methodology, using the application of the transparency index Enhancement of an Accountability Guide for Learning E-Government. This analysis allowed us to verify that there are still a considerable number of entities that do not have an institutional website, and those that do, have a low level of transparency.publishe

    Fatores considerados pela população como mais importantes para manutenção da saúde

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze factors that adults and elderly individuals regard as the most important for health maintenance. METHODS: A cross-sectional study performed with 4,060 adults and 4,003 elderly individuals in areas covered by 240 primary health units in the Brazilian Southern and Northeastern regions, in 2005. A card with pictures and sentences about seven factors associated with the risk of non-communicable diseases and health problems was shown to individuals so they should point out the most relevant factor for health. These factors were as follows: to maintain a healthy diet, to exercise regularly, to avoid excessive drinking, to have regular medical check-ups, not to smoke, to maintain the ideal weight, and to control or avoid stress. Adjusted analysis was carried out by Poisson regression, with calculations of adjusted prevalence ratios, respective 95% confidence intervals and significance values, using Wald tests for heterogeneity and linear trend. RESULTS: Factors most frequently indicated by adults were the following: to maintain a healthy diet (33.8%), to exercise regularly (21.4%) and not to smoke (13.9%). Among the elderly, factors most frequently reported were: to maintain a healthy diet (36.7%), not to smoke (17.7%) and to have regular medical check-ups (14.2%). Differences among factors mentioned were observed, according to geographical region, and demographic, socioeconomic and health variables. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of adults and elderly individuals of both regions recognize and indicate the need to maintain a healthy diet and not to smoke as the most important health maintenance measures. Health education strategies should consider these characteristics to promote specific measures to be adopted for each population segment.OBJETIVO: Analisar os fatores que adultos e idosos consideram como mais importantes para manutenção da saúde. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado com 4.060 adultos e 4.003 idosos residentes em áreas de abrangência de 240 unidades básicas de saúde das regiões Sul e Nordeste, em 2005. Um cartão com figuras e frases referentes a sete fatores relacionados com o risco de doenças e agravos não transmissíveis era mostrado aos indivíduos para que indicassem o fator mais relevante para a saúde. Os fatores eram: manter uma alimentação saudável, fazer exercício físico regularmente, não tomar bebidas alcoólicas em excesso, realizar consultas médicas regularmente, não fumar, manter o peso ideal e controlar ou evitar o estresse. As análises foram ajustadas por regressão de Poisson com cálculo de razões de prevalência ajustadas, intervalos com 95% de confiança, e valores de significância usando os Testes de Wald para heterogeneidade e tendência linear. RESULTADOS: Os fatores mais freqüentemente indicados pelos adultos foram: alimentação saudável (33,8%), realizar exercício físico (21,4%) e não fumar (13,9%). Entre os idosos, os fatores mais relatados foram: alimentação saudável (36,7%), não fumar (17,7%) e consultar o médico regularmente (14,2%). Foram observadas diferenças entre os fatores citados conforme a região geográfica, variáveis demográficas, socioeconômicas e de saúde. CONCLUSÕES: A maioria de adultos e idosos, de ambas regiões, reconhece e indica a necessidade de manter uma alimentação saudável e de não fumar como medidas mais importantes para manutenção da saúde. Estratégias de educação em saúde devem considerar essas características dos indivíduos para estimular medidas específicas a serem adotadas para cada segmento populacional.OBJETIVO: Analizar los factores que adultos y ancianos consideran como más importantes para mantenimiento de la salud. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal realizado con 4.060 adultos y 4.003 ancianos residentes en áreas que abarcan 240 unidades básicas de salud de las regiones Sur y Noreste de Brasil, en 2005. Una tarjeta con figuras y frases referentes a siete factores relacionados con el riesgo de enfermedades y agravios no transmisibles era mostrada a los individuos para que indicaran el factor más relevante para la salud. Los factores eran: mantener una alimentación saludable, hacer ejercicio físico regularmente, no tomar bebidas alcohólicas en exceso, realizar consultas médicas regularmente, no fumar, mantener el peso ideal y controlar o evitar el estrés. Los análisis fueron ajustados por regresión de Poisson con cálculo de tasas de prevalencia ajustadas, intervalos con 95% de confianza, y valores de significancia usando las pruebas de Wald para heterogeneidad y tendencia linear. RESULTADOS: Los factores más frecuentemente indicados por los adultos fueron: alimentación saludable (33,8%), realizar ejercicio físico (21,4%) y no fumar (13,9%). Entre los ancianos, los factores más relatados fueron: alimentación saludable (36,7%), no fumar (17,7%) y consultar el médico regularmente (14,2%). Fueron observadas diferencias entre los factores citados conforme a la región geográfica, variables demográficas, socioeconómicas y de salud. CONCLUSIONES: La mayoría de los adultos y ancianos, de ambas regiones, reconoce e indica la necesidad de mantener una alimentación saludable y de no fumar como medidas más importantes para mantenimiento de la salud. Estrategias de educación en salud deben considerar esas características de los individuos para estimular medidas específicas a ser adoptadas para cada segmento poblacional