4 research outputs found

    The thyroid hormone triiodothyronine controls macrophage maturation and functions: protective role during inflammation.

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    The endocrine system participates in regulating macrophage maturation, although little is known about the modulating role of the thyroid hormones. In vitro results demonstrate a negative role of one such hormone, triiodothyronine (T 3 ), in triggering the differentiation of bone marrow–derived monocytes into unpolarized macrophages. T 3 -induced macrophages displayed a classically activated (M1) signature. A T 3 -induced M1-priming effect was also observed on polarized macrophages because T 3 reverses alternatively activated (M2) activation, whereas it enhances that of M1 cells. In vivo , circulating T 3 increased the content of the resident macrophages in the peritoneal cavity, whereas it reduced the content of the recruited monocyte-derived cells. Of interest, T 3 significantly protected mice against endotoxemia induced by lipopolysaccharide i.p. injection; in these damaged animals, decreased T 3 levels increased the recruited (potentially damaging) cells, whereas restoring T 3 levels decreased recruited and increased resident (potentially beneficial) cells. These data suggest that the anti-inflammatory effect of T 3 is coupled to the modulation of peritoneal macrophage content, in a context not fully explained by the M1/M2 framework. Thyroid hormone receptor expression analysis and the use of different thyroid hormone receptor antagonists suggest thyroid hormone receptor β1 as the major player mediating T 3 effects on macrophages. The novel homeostatic link between thyroid hormones and the pathophysiological role of macrophages opens new perspectives on the interactions between the endocrine and immune systems

    Sphingolipids and Brain Resident Macrophages in Neuroinflammation: An Emerging Aspect of Nervous System Pathology

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    Sphingolipid metabolism is deeply regulated along the differentiation and development of the central nervous system (CNS), and the expression of a peculiar spatially and temporarily regulated sphingolipid pattern is essential for the maintenance of the functional integrity of the nervous system. Microglia are resident macrophages of the CNS involved in general maintenance of neural environment. Modulations in microglia phenotypes may contribute to pathogenic forms of inflammation. Since defects in macrophage/microglia activity contribute to neurodegenerative diseases, it will be essential to systematically identify the components of the microglial cell response that contribute to disease progression. In such complex processes, the sphingolipid systems have recently emerged to play important roles, thus appearing as a key new player in CNS disorders. This review provides a rationale for harnessing the sphingolipid metabolic pathway as a potential target against neuroinflammation

    Nuova generazione di Internet e profili di organizzazione della PA nelle smart City. Aspetti etici e linee prospettiche di regolazione

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    Digitalizzazione, informatizzazione, innovazione ed integrazione tecnologica sono termini entrati prepotentemente a far parte del lessico quotidiano comune, contribuendo in modo radicale al cambiamento della vita di ciascun individuo ed al contempo proiettandolo verso una nuova dimensione sociale. Tale proiezione può essere definita come un passaggio obbligatorio dalla storia alla iperstoria (“La Quarta Rivoluzione. Come l’infosfera sta trasformando il mondo” (Floridi)). L’internet delle cose (IOT), il web 2.0, il cloud computing, i droni, la guida autonoma e le tante altre novità derivanti dall’ICT (Information Comunication Technology) ci stanno portando inesorabilmente verso la IV rivoluzione. Quindi, insieme alla biosfera, ci immergiamo nella infosfera, che ci avvolge e ci trasmette tutte le informazioni e i dati “processati” da montagne di algoritmi progettati per anticipare i nostri desideri e necessità. Ciò impone una maggiore cura delle questioni etiche, al fine di perseguire il necessario equilibrio tra le opportunità da cogliere e le inevitabili criticità connesse alla tecnologia adottata ed in continua evoluzione Il processo di digitalizzazione, ormai, permea ogni aspetto della vita quotidiana e, in questo quadro di profonda innovazione, anche le città sono destinate a cambiare in modo radicale