22,318 research outputs found

    Response to Deng

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    Ekonomia i polityka Wielkiej Zmiany: Michaił Gorbaczow versus Deng Xiaoping

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    In the history of mankind, there has never been a case where, in a brief episode of the life of one generation, mutual economic relations have changed on such a large scale for so many people as they did in China and Russia in 1989-2020. Both countries are undergoing profound structural and institutional changes, but while the former recorded impressive results in terms of developing and catching up with advanced economies, the latter’s achievements have been very modest. This happened due to many factors – from the traditional cultural heritage to geopolitical conditions, from the legacy from the previous state socialism to different natural resources bases – however, the nature and duration of the political leadership of Deng Xiaoping in China and Mikhail Gorbachev in Russia were of fundamental importance. Without taking into account the influence of the thoughts and actions of these two statesmen, it is impossible to understand the essence of tectonic changes that have occurred in the world economy recently.W historii ludzkości nie było takiego przypadku, by podczas krótkiego epizodu, jakim jest życie jednego pokolenia, wzajemne stosunki gospodarcze zmieniły się na tak dużą skalę dla tak wielu ludzi, jak to miało miejsce w Chinach i Rosji w latach 1989-2020. Oba kraje przechodzą głębokie zmiany strukturalne i instytucjonalne, tyle że o ile w pierwszym z nich w zakresie rozwoju i zmniejszania dystansu wobec krajów bogatych osiągnięto imponujące wyniki, to w drugim rezultaty są bardzo skąpe. Chociaż wynika to ze splotu różnych okoliczności – od dziedzictwa kulturowego po warunki geopolityczne, od spuścizny z okresu socjalizmu państwowego po zróżnicowanie w sferze posiadanych zasobów naturalnych – to charakter i długotrwałość politycznego przywództwa Deng Xiaopinga w Chinach i Michaiła Gorbaczowa w Rosji miały fundamentalne znaczenie. Bez uwzględnienia wpływu myśli i czynów tych dwóch mężów stanu nie sposób zrozumieć istoty tektonicznych przesunięć, jakie podczas ostatnich dekad zaistniały w światowej gospodarce

    Jiang Zemin's discourse on intellectuals: the political use of formalised language and the conundrum of stability

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    This article focuses on the specific forms of power that are embodied in the properties and functions of formalised language, as it was used by Jiang Zemin in crucial political documents on the Party’s policy towards intellectuals. This inquiry illuminates various possibilities for the normalisation and inculcation of formalised language in the understudied decade of the 1990s, when the mantra “without stability, nothing can be achieved” became a tautology. The internal constitution of the selected texts is examined with an eye to the dialogic interaction with the production and reception of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping’s political discourses on intellectuals (Mao 1942; Deng 1978). The analysis of language practices and discursive formations in a comparative per-spective sheds light on the respective socio-political and historical contexts. It also reveals the extreme involution-devolution of formalised language in the Jiang Zemin era, when “preserving stability” was reaffirmed as a crucial concern of the Party leadership with the ultimate aim of preserving its monopoly of power

    A Harmonious Family Prospers in Everything: China\u27s One-Child Policy and Dynamics of Parent-Child Relationships in Beijing Families

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    From the author\u27s introduction: In 1978, Deng Xiaoping regained his leadership as the chairman of the Central Advisory Commission of the Chinese Communist Party, making him the most important leader in China. Under Deng\u27s regime, China embarked on an unprecedented journey toward globalization. Economically, Deng and his team of reformers adopted a series of policies in an attempt to integrate China into the global economy. In the domestic economy, Deng\u27s Economic Reform policies proceeded with privatization of public business sectors and expansion of private business sectors. In the outward or international economy, Deng employed and promoted the open-door policy that initiated foreign trade and investment. Deng and his team believed that global economic integration not only would allow China to exploit her unique comparative advantage [abundant labor and a huge domestic market] in the emerging global economy, but the flow of Western technology, capital and management practices would also enable China to advance the ambitious goals of socialist modernization more rapidly (Sharma 2009: 55). Compared with economic reform, political reform in China was relatively slow and it was handled with tremendous caution. However, Deng still managed to transfer Mao\u27s class-struggle political mentality into an economy-based political guideline (Sharma 2009: 73-75). Deng introduced his theory of democracy1 during the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Party Central Committee. Deng\u27s democracy theory targets democracy as the central goal of the Chinese Communist Party, and it emphasizes the institution of democracy, economic democracy and the development of a legal framework (Yu 2008: 254-256). This political reform allows more equal opportunities for free competitions and less authoritarian control over the citizens\u27 social and political life (Sharma 2009: 73-75). In order to further strengthen China\u27s global power and to create a generation of global elites, Deng and his team implemented the One-Child Policy in the 1980s, a state-coerced population control policy designed to reduce China\u27s fertility rate in a relatively short period of time (Fong 2004: 2-3). Beijing, the capital of China, was one of the Chinese cities that have been greatly affected by the One-Child Policy. A majority of Beijing urban youth born after the 1980s were the sole bearers of their families

    Analysis of Deng Xiaoping’s Thought on the Social Governance

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    Deng Xiaoping thought on social governance is an important part of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The paper aims to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promote the modernization in national governance system and governance capacity through the analysis of Deng Xiaoping’s thought on social governance. Deng Xiaoping’s thought on social governance includes: Breaking the shackle of thought on rule of gods and rule of man and establishing the thought on rule of law, which are prerequisite and basis for Deng Xiaoping’s thought on social governance; the key to Deng Xiaoping’s thought on social governance is taking the reform of political system as a point break through and exploring the social governance model with Chinese characteristics; the core of Deng’s thought on social governance is to explore governmental decentralization of authority and forming the multi-subject system in social governance; the value proposition of Deng’s thought on social governance is to explore the development methods on “common prosperity” with social equity

    Information Volume of Mass Function

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    Given a probability distribution, its corresponding information volume is Shannon entropy. However, how to determine the information volume of a given mass function is still an open issue. Based on Deng entropy, the information volume of mass function is presented in this paper. Given a mass function, the corresponding information volume is larger than its uncertainty measured by Deng entropy. In addition, when the cardinal of the frame of discernment is identical, both the total uncertainty case and the BPA distribution of the maximum Deng entropy have the same information volume. Some numerical examples are illustrated to show the efficiency of the proposed information volume of mass function

    China after Deng Xiaoping: the search for a non-democratic development model

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    This chapter examines the search the Communist Party leadership undertook for a non-democratic development model after 1997, and its implications. The political situation in China after Deng was laid down well in advance. Jiang's emergence out of Deng's shadow after the latter's death as the real leader of China, in a sense, marked a return of the Communist Party system to what it was supposed to be after it seized power in 1949. China's post-Deng leaders have sought a twenty-first century development model that differs from Western liberal democracy. While post-Deng governance reforms in China have certainly enhanced the capacity of the Communist Party and the Chinese government to direct economic development and maintain order and stability, it is too early to say how effective and sustainable such changes will be beyond the immediate future. Aside from post-Deng China, the Singaporean government under the People's Action Party (PAP) appears to be the only notable exception to the law of probabilities