527 research outputs found

    From Organic Wastes and Hydrocarbons Pollutants to Polyhydroxyalkanoates: Bioconversion by Terrestrial and Marine Bacteria

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    The use of fossil-based plastics has become unsustainable because of the polluting production processes, difficulties for waste management sectors, and high environmental impact. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) are bio-based biodegradable polymers derived from renewable resources and synthesized by bacteria as intracellular energy and carbon storage materials under nutrients or oxygen limitation and through the optimization of cultivation conditions with both pure and mixed culture systems. The PHA properties are affected by the same principles of oil-derived polyolefins, with a broad range of compositions, due to the incorporation of different monomers into the polymer matrix. As a consequence, the properties of such materials are represented by a broad range depending on tunable PHA composition. Producing waste-derived PHA is technically feasible with mixed microbial cultures (MMC), since no sterilization is required; this technology may represent a solution for waste treatment and valorization, and it has recently been developed at the pilot scale level with different process configurations where aerobic microorganisms are usually subjected to a dynamic feeding regime for their selection and to a high organic load for the intracellular accumulation of PHA. In this review, we report on studies on terrestrial and marine bacteria PHA-producers. The available knowledge on PHA production from the use of different kinds of organic wastes, and otherwise, petroleum-polluted natural matrices coupling bioremediation treatment has been explored. The advancements in these areas have been significant; they generally concern the terrestrial environment, where pilot and industrial processes are already established. Recently, marine bacteria have also offered interesting perspectives due to their advantageous effects on production practices, which they can relieve several constraints. Studies on the use of hydrocarbons as carbon sources offer evidence for the feasibility of the bioconversion of fossil-derived plastics into bioplastics

    Restablecimiento de una nueva normalidad biomecánica en las graves deformidades de la rodilla

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    En las graves alteraciones morfo-estructurales de la rodilla, con inestabilidad en varusvalgus, las prótesis vinculadas a bisagra simple, tendían a fallar. El presente trabajo se propone evidenciar que, en tales situaciones, la prótesis vinculada a rotación representa la solución más idónea para el restablecimiento de una nueva normalidad. 18 pacientes (13 mujeres y 5 hombres) con edad media de 68 años han sido sometidos a intervención para colocar prótesis de rodilla. Ha sido utilizado el implante Endo-Model® de Waldemar Link®, prótesis vinculada a rotación. El follow-up medio es de 19 meses con controles a 2, 3, 6 y 12 meses y después anuales. Los resultados han sido: óptimo para 17 pacientes y bueno para 1 paciente, en el cual se ha verificado la ruptura post-operatoria del tendón cuadricipital. Nuestra casuística muestra resultados comparables a los de otros autores. No hemos tenido movilizaciones asépticas o sépticas, ni complicaciones médicas intraoperatorias y post-operatorias. Consideramos que, en presencia de la correcta indicación clínica, la utilización de la prótesis vinculada a rotación es preferible a la de deslizamiento porque disminuye el riesgo de una movilización precoz del implante y del desgaste anormal de los componentes protésicos, restableciendo una nueva normalidad biomecánica.Peer Reviewe

    On Safety Enhancement in IIoT Scenarios through Heterogeneous Localization Techniques

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    In the field of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), strictly related to Industry 4.0, one of the main aspects to be carefully considered by the governing board of a manufacturing company is the safety level to be guaranteed to the workers inside production plants. This involves daily human activities, together with production machines to be used during the working hour (and periodically maintained), and mobile industrial vehicles moving around the production plant. To this end, a precise localization of both workers and vehicles is expedient to improve the safety level—avoiding that people move inside forbidden areas or perform dangerous actions—as well as allowing a more accurate control and reporting to national authorities in charge of verifying the compliance to safety regulations (e.g., aggregated data, not shared outside the company, used to fill injuries reports in case of official inspections), in the presence of accidents and anomalous events. In this paper, we present the design of IIoT-related localization mechanisms exploiting heterogeneous communication technologies, in turn analysing how the localization can cope with the adoption of wideband (e.g., Wi-Fi) and narrowband (e.g., Narrowband IoT, NB-IoT) communication protocols and discussing how these communication paradigms may impact existing and modern production plants

    Caracterización geomecánica de los taludes de la Autovía RP N.º 20, Municipio de El Volcán, provincia de San Luis

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    En este trabajo se analizan las condiciones geomecánicas de los taludes de precorte desarrollados en las márgenes de la autovía de la ruta Prov. Nº 20, desde las inmediaciones del embalse Cruz de Piedra (Juana Koslay) hasta la localidad de El Volcán, en el extremo sur de la sierra de San Luis. El macizo rocoso se encuentra afectado principalmente por un sistema de fallas extensionales con dirección predominante NO-SE y alto ángulo de inclinación al NE, que dieron origen a la depresión tectónica de Las Chacras-Cruz de Piedra en la zona de estudio. La disposición de la traza vial respecto a la estructura principal, generan problemas de inestabilidad en los taludes a partir de roturas planar y en cuña, provocando deslizamientos traslacionales y caída de bloques a la calzada vial. En los taludes más inestables, se realizó el análisis de estabilidad a partir de las condiciones geomecánicas del macizo y geométricas del corte. Los resultados obtenidos indican que los taludes con mayor amenaza de inestabilidad, presentan índice RMR con calidad “muy mala” (clase V) a “media” (clase III), índice SMR con calidad “mala” (clase IV) a “normal” (clase III), e índice GSI “BI/B-M”. En el análisis de estabilidad presentan FS “bajo” (0,3 a 0,8)

    Assessment of total annual effective doses to representative person, for authorised and accidental releases from the Nuclear Medicine Department at Cattinara Hospital (Trieste, Italy)

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    Purpose: Clinical procedures in a Nuclear Medicine Department produce radioactive liquid and solid waste. Regarding waste release into the environment from an authorised hospital, it is mandatory to verify the compliance with European Directive 2013/59/EURATOM, adopted by the Italian Government via the Legislative Decree 101/2020.Methods: Different activity release pathways into the environment from Trieste Nuclear Medicine Department have been analysed: liquid waste from patients' excreta discharged by sewage treatment system into the sea, and atmospheric releases following solid waste incineration. Reference models, provided by NCRP and IAEA guidelines, have been implemented to assess the impact of the discharged radioactivity for coastal waters and atmospheric transport conditions. Finally, an accidental fire event occurring in Radiopharmacy Laboratories has been simulated by HotSpot software.Results: Advanced screening models give an effective dose to population of 5.3 . 10-3 mu Sv/y and 1.4 . 10-4 mu Sv/y for introduction by sewage system into coastal waters and atmospheric releases by the incinerator, respectively. Workers involved in the maintenance of the sewage treatment plant receive a total annual effective dose of 3.8 mu Sv/y, while for incinerator staff the total annual exposure is 5.9 . 10-8 mu Sv/y. For the accidental fire event the maximum total effective dose to an individual results 3.8 . 10-8 Sv with mild wind, and 4.1 . 10-7 Sv with strong wind.Conclusions: The total annual effective doses estimated to representative person, due to both Nuclear Medicine authorised clinical practices and in case of an accidental fire event, are in compliance with regulatory stipula-tions provided by Directives

    The role of noise on the steady state distributions of phytoplankton populations

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    The spatio-temporal behaviour of total chlorophyll concentration is investigated in the middle of the Tyrrhenian Sea by using a stochastic approach. The study is based on a reaction-diffusion-taxis model, which is used to analyse the dynamics of five phytoplankton groups, responsible for about 80% of the total chlorophyll a inside the euphotic zone of the water column. The analysis is performed by considering: (i) the intraspecific competition of the phytoplanktonic groups for limiting factors, i.e. light intensity and nutrient concentration, (ii) the seasonal changes of environmental variables, and (iii) the random fluctuations of the components of the velocity field and temperature. Specifically, we investigate the effects of external perturbations, both deterministic and random, on the dynamics of phytoplankton populations, by inserting a term of multiplicative noise into the differential equation of the nutrient dynamics. The theoretical results of the phytoplankton abundances obtained by the stochastic model are converted in chlorophyll a concentrations, and compared with the experimental findings. The statistical checks, based on the chi-square test, show that the vertical distributions of total chlorophyll concentration are in a good agreement with the experimental data. Finally, we observe that the high intensity of environmental noise strongly modifies the steady spatial distributions of two phytoplankton groups usually localized in deeper layers, causing algal blooms in surface water

    Complications and mortality of Cushing’s disease: report on data collected over a 20-year period at a referral centre

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    Context: Cushing’s disease (CD) is rare condition burdened by several systemic complications correlated to higher mortality rates. The primary goal of clinicians is to achieve remission, but it is unclear if treatment can also increase life expectancy. Aim: To assess the prevalence of cortisol-related complications and mortality in a large cohort of CD patients attending a single referral centre. Materials and methods: The clinical charts of CD patients attending a referral hospital between 2001 and 2021 were reviewed. Results: 126 CD patients (median age at diagnosis 39 years) were included. At the last examination, 78/126 (61.9%) of the patients were in remission regardless of previous treatment strategies. Patients in remission showed a significant improvement in all the cardiovascular (CV) comorbidities (p < 0.05). The CV events were more frequent in older patients (p = 0.003), smokers and persistent CD groups (p < 0.05). Most of the thromboembolic (TE) and infective events occurred during active stages of the disease. The CV events were the most frequent cause of death. The standardized mortality ratio (SMR) resulted increased in persistent cases at the last follow-up (SMR 4.99, 95%CI [2.15; 9.83], p < 0.001) whilst it was not higher in those in remission (SMR 1.66, 95%CI [0.34; 4.85], p = 0.543) regardless of the timing or number of treatments carried out. A younger age at diagnosis (p = 0.005), a microadenoma (p = 0.002), and remission status at the last follow-up (p = 0.027) all increased survival. Furthermore, an elevated number of comorbidities, in particular arterial hypertension, increased mortality rates. Conclusions: Patients with active CD presented a poor survival outcome. Remission restored the patients’ life expectancy regardless of the timing or the types of treatments used to achieve it. Persistent CD-related comorbidities remained major risk factors

    Stochastic models for phytoplankton dynamics in Mediterranean Sea

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    In this paper, we review some results obtained from three one-dimensional stochastic models, which were used to analyze picophytoplankton dynamics in two sites of the Mediterranean Sea. Firstly, we present a stochastic advection\u2013reaction\u2013diffusion model to describe the vertical spatial distribution of picoeukaryotes in a site of the Sicily Channel. The second model, which is an extended version of the first one, is used to obtain the vertical stationary profiles of two groups of picophytoplankton, i.e. Pelagophytes and Prochlorococcus, in the same marine site as in the previous case. Here, we include intraspecific competition of picophytoplanktonic groups for limiting factors, i.e. light intensity and nutrient concentration. Finally, we analyze the spatio-temporal behaviour of five picophytoplankton populations in a site of the Tyrrhenian Sea by using a reaction\u2013diffusion\u2013taxis model. The study is performed, taking into account the seasonal changes of environmental variables, obtained starting from experimental findings. The multiplicative noise source, present in all three models, mimics the random fluctuations of temperature and velocity field. The vertical profiles of chlorophyll concentration obtained from the stochastic models show a good agreement with experimental data sampled in the two marine sites considered. The results could be useful to devise a new class of models based on a stochastic approach and able to predict future changes in biomass primary production

    Modeling of Sensory Characteristics Based on the Growth of Food Spoilage Bacteria

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    During last years theoretical works shed new light and proposed new hypothesis on the mechanisms which regulate the time behaviour of biological populations in different natural systems. Despite of this, a relevant physical and biological issue such as the role of environmental variables in ecological systems is still an open question. Filling this gap of knowledge is a crucial task for a deeper comprehension of the dynamics of biological populations in real ecosystems. The aim of this work is to study how dynamics of food spoilage bacteria influences the sensory characteristics of fresh fish specimens. This topic is worth of investigation in view of a better understanding of the role played by the bacterial growth on the organoleptic properties, and becomes crucial in the context of quality evaluation and risk assessment of food products. We therefore analyze and reproduce the time behaviour, in fresh fish specimens, of sensory characteristics starting from the growth curves of two spoilage bacterial communities. The theoretical study, initially based on a deterministic model, is performed by using the temperature profiles obtained during the experimental analysis. As a first step, a model of predictive microbiology is used to reproduce the experimental behaviour of the two bacterial populations. Afterwards, the theoretical bacterial growths are converted, through suitable differential equations, into "sensory" scores, based on the Quality Index Method (QIM), a scoring system for freshness and quality sensory estimation of fishery products. As a third step, the theoretical curves of QIM scores are compared with the experimental data obtained by sensory analysis. Finally, the differential equations for QIM scores are modified by adding terms of multiplicative white noise, which mimics the effects of uncertainty and variability in sensory analysis. A better agreement between experimental and theoretical QIM scores is observed, in some cases, in the presence of suitable values of noise intensity respect to the deterministic analysis