62 research outputs found

    Gender specific age-related changes in bone density, muscle strength and functional performance in the elderly: a-10 year prospective population-based study

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    Background:&nbsp;Age-related losses in bone mineral density (BMD), muscle strength, balance, and gait have been linked to&nbsp;an increased risk of falls, fractures and disability, but few prospective studies have compared the timing, rate and pattern&nbsp;of changes in each of these measures in middle-aged and older men and women. This is important so that targeted&nbsp;strategies can be developed to optimise specific musculoskeletal and functional performance measures in older adults.&nbsp;Thus, the aim of this 10-year prospective study was to: 1) characterize and compare age- and gender-specific changes in&nbsp;BMD, grip strength, balance and gait in adults aged 50 years and over, and 2) compare the relative rates of changes&nbsp;between each of these musculoskeletal and functional parameters with ageing.Methods: Men (n = 152) and women (n = 206) aged 50, 60, 70 and 80 years recruited for a population-based study had&nbsp;forearm BMD, grip strength, balance and gait velocity re-assessed after 10-years.Results: The annual loss in BMD was 0.5-0.7% greater in women compared to men aged 60 years and older&nbsp;(p &lt; 0.05- &lt; 0.001), but there were no gender differences in the rate of loss in grip strength, balance or gait. From the age&nbsp;of 50 years there was a consistent pattern of loss in grip strength, while the greatest deterioration in balance and gait&nbsp;occurred from 60 and 70 years onwards, respectively. Comparison of the changes between the different measures&nbsp;revealed that the annual loss in grip strength in men and women aged &lt;70 years was 1-3% greater than the decline in&nbsp;BMD, balance and gait velocity.Conclusion: There were no gender differences in the timing (age) and rate (magnitude) of decline in grip strength,&nbsp;balance or gait in Swedish adults aged 50 years and older, but forearm BMD decreased at a greater rate in women than&nbsp;in men. Furthermore, there was heterogeneity in the rate of loss between the different musculoskeletal and function&nbsp;parameters, especially prior to the age of 70 years, with grip strength deteriorating at a greater rate than BMD,&nbsp;balance and gait.</div

    Adults with autism overestimate the volatility of the sensory environment.

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    Insistence on sameness and intolerance of change are among the diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but little research has addressed how people with ASD represent and respond to environmental change. Here, behavioral and pupillometric measurements indicated that adults with ASD are less surprised than neurotypical adults when their expectations are violated, and decreased surprise is predictive of greater symptom severity. A hierarchical Bayesian model of learning suggested that in ASD, a tendency to overlearn about volatility in the face of environmental change drives a corresponding reduction in learning about probabilistically aberrant events, thus putatively rendering these events less surprising. Participant-specific modeled estimates of surprise about environmental conditions were linked to pupil size in the ASD group, thus suggesting heightened noradrenergic responsivity in line with compromised neural gain. This study offers insights into the behavioral, algorithmic and physiological mechanisms underlying responses to environmental volatility in ASD

    Childhood and maternal effects on physical health related quality of life five decades later: the british 1946 birth cohort.

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    Limited research has been done on the relationships between childhood factors and adult physical health related quality of life, with the underlying pathways not fully elucidated. Data from 2292 participants of the British 1946 birth cohort were used to examine the relationship of childhood characteristics and family environment with principal component summary (PCS) scores and the physical functioning (PF) subscale of the SF-36 at age 60–64 years. Impaired physical functioning was defined as the lowest quartile scores in the PF subscale. Childhood factors (father in manual social class versus non-manual (b = 22.34; 95%CI: 23.39, 21.28) and poor maternal health versus good/excellent maternal health (b = 26.18; 28.78, 23.57)) were associated with lower PCS scores at 60–64 years. Adult health behaviours (increasing BMI, lifelong smoking, and lower physical activity) at 53 years were identified as strong risk factors for lower PCS scores. After adjusting for these factors and education level (N = 1463), only poor maternal health remained unattenuated (b = 25.07; 27.62, 22.51). Similarly poor maternal health doubled the risk of reporting impaired PF (Odds ratio = 2.45; 95%CI: 1.39, 4.30); serious illness in childhood (OR = 1.44; 1.01, 2.06) and lower educational level attained were also risk factors for impaired PF (N = 1526). While findings suggest the influence of father’s social class on physical health related quality of life are mediated by modifiable adult social factors and health behaviours; health professionals should also be mindful of the inter-generational risk posed by poor maternal health on the physical health related quality of life of her offspring almost five decades later

    Pharmacological Fingerprints of Contextual Uncertainty

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    Successful interaction with the environment requires flexible updating of our beliefs about the world. By estimating the likelihood of future events, it is possible to prepare appropriate actions in advance and execute fast, accurate motor responses. According to theoretical proposals, agents track the variability arising from changing environments by computing various forms of uncertainty. Several neuromodulators have been linked to uncertainty signalling, but comprehensive empirical characterisation of their relative contributions to perceptual belief updating, and to the selection of motor responses, is lacking. Here we assess the roles of noradrenaline, acetylcholine, and dopamine within a single, unified computational framework of uncertainty. Using pharmacological interventions in a sample of 128 healthy human volunteers and a hierarchical Bayesian learning model, we characterise the influences of noradrenergic, cholinergic, and dopaminergic receptor antagonism on individual computations of uncertainty during a probabilistic serial reaction time task. We propose that noradrenaline influences learning of uncertain events arising from unexpected changes in the environment. In contrast, acetylcholine balances attribution of uncertainty to chance fluctuations within an environmental context, defined by a stable set of probabilistic associations, or to gross environmental violations following a contextual switch. Dopamine supports the use of uncertainty representations to engender fast, adaptive responses. \ua9 2016 Marshall et al

    Neural Network Development in Late Adolescents during Observation of Risk-Taking Action

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    Emotional maturity and social awareness are important for adolescents, particularly college students beginning to face the challenges and risks of the adult world. However, there has been relatively little research into personality maturation and psychological development during late adolescence and the neural changes underlying this development. We investigated the correlation between psychological properties (neuroticism, extraversion, anxiety, and depression) and age among late adolescents (nβ€Š=β€Š25, from 18 years and 1 month to 22 years and 8 months). The results revealed that late adolescents became less neurotic, less anxious, less depressive and more extraverted as they aged. Participants then observed video clips depicting hand movements with and without a risk of harm (risk-taking or safe actions) during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The results revealed that risk-taking actions elicited significantly stronger activation in the bilateral inferior parietal lobule, temporal visual regions (superior/middle temporal areas), and parieto-occipital visual areas (cuneus, middle occipital gyri, precuneus). We found positive correlations of age and extraversion with neural activation in the insula, middle temporal gyrus, lingual gyrus, and precuneus. We also found a negative correlation of age and anxiety with activation in the angular gyrus, precentral gyrus, and red nucleus/substantia nigra. Moreover, we found that insula activation mediated the relationship between age and extraversion. Overall, our results indicate that late adolescents become less anxious and more extraverted with age, a process involving functional neural changes in brain networks related to social cognition and emotional processing. The possible neural mechanisms of psychological and social maturation during late adolescence are discussed

    From drugs to deprivation: a Bayesian framework for understanding models of psychosis

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