105 research outputs found

    Les femmes prennent le volant:Diffusion du permis et usage de l’automobile auprès des femmes au cours du xxe siècle

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    Alors même que la diffusion de l’automobile a été investie par la sociologie dès les années 1970, les analyses demeuraient aveugles aux différenciations de genre. Pourtant, à cette date, les femmes sont alors largement à l’écart de cette massification. Or, l’appropriation par les femmes de l’automobile s’avère ambivalente, permettant de s’interroger sur le sens à donner à une possible convergence des pratiques de mobilité entre hommes et femmes. Si l’automobile a souvent été appréhendée comme un vecteur d’émancipation, elle peut s’avérer toutefois être un outil de la prolongation des rôles sexués au sein des ménages. De la même façon que les objets ménagers peuvent se trouver non pas émancipateurs mais intensificateurs du travail domestique, l’automobile devient peut-être le véhicule de l’extension du travail domestique. C’est à cette alternative que nous essaierons de répondre en analysant, à partir des données issues des enquêtes Transports de l’Insee menées de 1980 à 2008, la diffusion du permis de conduire et les logiques des usages de l’automobile chez les femmes.Women take the wheelWhereas the generalization of automobile became a sociological field in the 1970s, analyses remained blind to gender differentiations. However, at that date, women were widely kept aside from this massification. Yet, women’s appropriation of the automobile has been ambivalent, questioning the meaning of converging mobility practices among men and women. If the automobile has often been thought of as a means of emancipation, it can also prolongate gendered roles within the household. Just as household goods can intensify domestic work instead of diminishing it, automobile can turn into a new domestic task. We will try to address that question by analyzing the driver’s licence generalization and the specificities of automobile use among women using data stemming from insee transportation surveys between 1980 and 2008

    Optimiziranje korelacijskih filtara prema faznim prostornim svjetlosnim modulatorima

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    Correlation filters (CFs) are designed for pattern recognition tasks, taking into account the implementation of possibilities of available spatial light modulators (SLMs). Commercially available SLMs have the amplitude and phase responses that cannot be independently controlled. Furthermore, the phase modulation curves of such SLMs generally cannot cover the desired (0, 2π) interval. Therefore, previous filter designs include the SLM contraints as starting point for designing the CFs. Here we start with previously designed and calculated CFs and propose an optimum mapping of such CF values to the values constrained by the modulation properties of arbitrary SLM, in order to achieve a maximum intensity of the output correlation peak. Optimization procedure, achieved by the variation of a phase shift parameter, is discussed theoretically and numerically.Na razvoj korelacijskih filtara utječu potrebe raspoznavanja uzoraka kao i mogućnosti upotrebe dostupnih prostornih svjetlosnih modulatora. Tržišno dostupni prostorni svjetlosni modulatori imaju amplitudne i fazne odzive koji se ne mogu neovisno definirati. Štoviše, njihova fazna značajka najčešće ne obuhvaća željeni interval (0, 2π). Zbog toga su prijašnji pristupi uzimali u obzir ograničenja prostornih svjetlosnih modulatora kao početnu točku u razvoju korelacijskih filtara. Ovdje polazimo od već izračunatih i razvijenih korelacijskih filtara i predlažemo optimalno preslikavanje tih vrijednosti u vrijednosti dozvoljene modulacijskim svojstvima proizvoljnog prostornog svjetlosnog modulatora, sa ciljem dobivanja maksimalnog intenziteta izlaznog korelacijskog signala. Optimiziranje dobiveno varijacijom parametra faznog pomaka obrađuje se teorijski i numerički

    Optimiziranje korelacijskih filtara prema faznim prostornim svjetlosnim modulatorima

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    Correlation filters (CFs) are designed for pattern recognition tasks, taking into account the implementation of possibilities of available spatial light modulators (SLMs). Commercially available SLMs have the amplitude and phase responses that cannot be independently controlled. Furthermore, the phase modulation curves of such SLMs generally cannot cover the desired (0, 2π) interval. Therefore, previous filter designs include the SLM contraints as starting point for designing the CFs. Here we start with previously designed and calculated CFs and propose an optimum mapping of such CF values to the values constrained by the modulation properties of arbitrary SLM, in order to achieve a maximum intensity of the output correlation peak. Optimization procedure, achieved by the variation of a phase shift parameter, is discussed theoretically and numerically.Na razvoj korelacijskih filtara utječu potrebe raspoznavanja uzoraka kao i mogućnosti upotrebe dostupnih prostornih svjetlosnih modulatora. Tržišno dostupni prostorni svjetlosni modulatori imaju amplitudne i fazne odzive koji se ne mogu neovisno definirati. Štoviše, njihova fazna značajka najčešće ne obuhvaća željeni interval (0, 2π). Zbog toga su prijašnji pristupi uzimali u obzir ograničenja prostornih svjetlosnih modulatora kao početnu točku u razvoju korelacijskih filtara. Ovdje polazimo od već izračunatih i razvijenih korelacijskih filtara i predlažemo optimalno preslikavanje tih vrijednosti u vrijednosti dozvoljene modulacijskim svojstvima proizvoljnog prostornog svjetlosnog modulatora, sa ciljem dobivanja maksimalnog intenziteta izlaznog korelacijskog signala. Optimiziranje dobiveno varijacijom parametra faznog pomaka obrađuje se teorijski i numerički

    Imaging of a vibrating object by Sideband Digital Holography

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    We obtain quantitative measurements of the oscillation amplitude of vibrating objects by using sideband digital holography. The frequency sidebands on the light scattered by the object, shifted by n times the vibration frequency, are selectively detected by heterodyne holography, and images of the object are calculated for different orders n. Orders up to n=120 have been observed, allowing the measurement of amplitudes of oscillation that are significantly larger than the optical wavelength. Using the positions of the zeros of intensity for each value of n, we reconstruct the shape of vibration the object.Comment: 6 page

    Interlaboratory comparative tests of index indicators for bentonite clay : master’s thesis

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    U ovome radu opisana je provedba međulaboratorijska ispitivanja te su usporedno prikazani rezultati ispitivanja indeksnih pokazatelja na uzorcima bentonitne gline sukladno zahtjevima norma u akreditiranom laboratoriju tvrtke Geokon-Zagreb d.d. i laboratoriju Rudarsko-geološko-naftnog fakulteta u Zagrebu. Rezultati ispitivanja dobivena u ova dva laboratorija međusobno su uspoređeni te analizirani i uspoređeni s preporučenim vrijednostima glinene komponente za ugradnju u glinene geosintetičke barijere. Ispitivanja su provedena na tri vrste bentonitne gline. Dvije bentonitne gline su bile u formi granula dok je jedna bila u formi praha. Rezultati međulaboratorijskih ispitivanja pokazali su veliku bliskost dobivenih rezultata međulaboratorijske poredbe, dok uspoređujući rezultate s preporučenim vrijednostima glinene komponente za ugradnju u glinene geosintetičke barijere nešto ispod ili na granici danih vrijednosti.Abstract: This paper contains description of the interlaboratory research and the index properties test results of bentonite clay samples gathered in accordance with the requirements of the accredited laboratory of Geokon-Zagreb d.d., and the laboratory of the Faculty of Mining, Geology, and Petroleum Engineering in Zagreb. The results of the research accumulated by the two laboratories mentioned above have been compared, analyzed, and then related to the recommended values for the mineral component of clay geosynthetic barriers. Tests were conducted on three types of bentonite clay. Two types of bentonite clay were in granular form and one was in the powdered form. Test results obtained by two laboratories show a strong closeness between the results of the interlaboratory comparison. However, comparing the results with the recommended values of the clay geosynthetic barriers are somewhat under the limit or at the given value

    Interlaboratory comparative tests of index indicators for bentonite clay : master’s thesis

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    U ovome radu opisana je provedba međulaboratorijska ispitivanja te su usporedno prikazani rezultati ispitivanja indeksnih pokazatelja na uzorcima bentonitne gline sukladno zahtjevima norma u akreditiranom laboratoriju tvrtke Geokon-Zagreb d.d. i laboratoriju Rudarsko-geološko-naftnog fakulteta u Zagrebu. Rezultati ispitivanja dobivena u ova dva laboratorija međusobno su uspoređeni te analizirani i uspoređeni s preporučenim vrijednostima glinene komponente za ugradnju u glinene geosintetičke barijere. Ispitivanja su provedena na tri vrste bentonitne gline. Dvije bentonitne gline su bile u formi granula dok je jedna bila u formi praha. Rezultati međulaboratorijskih ispitivanja pokazali su veliku bliskost dobivenih rezultata međulaboratorijske poredbe, dok uspoređujući rezultate s preporučenim vrijednostima glinene komponente za ugradnju u glinene geosintetičke barijere nešto ispod ili na granici danih vrijednosti.Abstract: This paper contains description of the interlaboratory research and the index properties test results of bentonite clay samples gathered in accordance with the requirements of the accredited laboratory of Geokon-Zagreb d.d., and the laboratory of the Faculty of Mining, Geology, and Petroleum Engineering in Zagreb. The results of the research accumulated by the two laboratories mentioned above have been compared, analyzed, and then related to the recommended values for the mineral component of clay geosynthetic barriers. Tests were conducted on three types of bentonite clay. Two types of bentonite clay were in granular form and one was in the powdered form. Test results obtained by two laboratories show a strong closeness between the results of the interlaboratory comparison. However, comparing the results with the recommended values of the clay geosynthetic barriers are somewhat under the limit or at the given value

    Quantum holography with single-photon states

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    The retrieval of the phase with single-photon states is a fundamental and technical challenging endeavor. Here we report the first experimental realization of hologram recordings with heralded single-photon illumination and continuous observation of photon statistics. Thereby, we demonstrate the basic principle of holography with single-photon states which cannot be described with the classical wave theory. Under conditions with illumination more than 200 times weaker than the noise of the detector, a hologram (interferogram) recorded with a heralded single-photon source revealed an object not visible with non-heralded illumination and slightly higher intensity. The dramatic improvement in retrieval of amplitude and phase information achieved with the heralded single-photon source can be explained by the strong suppression of noise due to the nonclassical temporal correlation between twin photons and the small coincidence time window. The method could be useful for recording and retrieving of amplitude and phase information in the presence of strong noise, for covert imaging, and for imaging of photosensitive biological and material samples.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Digital Holographic Interferometry - A New Method for Measuring Polymerization Shrinkage of Composite Materials

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    Polimerizacija kompozitnih materijala smatra se iznimno važnim čimbenikom dugotrajnosti kompozitnog ispuna. Kakvoća polimerizacije utječe na fizičko-mehanička svojstva, stabilnost boje, volumetrijske promjene restoracije te na biokompatibilnost samoga materijala. Neizbježna posljedica stvrdnjavanja kompozitnih materijala jest polimerizacijsko skupljanje. Iznos polimerizacijskoga skupljanja do sada se je mjerio s viπe različitih postupaka. Digitalna holografska interferometrija, opisana u ovome radu, jedini je postupak koji omogućuje da se izravno prati polimerizacijsko skupljanje u svakoj sekundi osvjetljavanja kompozitnog materijala. Vrijednosti polimerizacijskoga skupljanja dobivene ovim postupkom u okviru su veličina polimerizacijskoga skupljanja izmjerenih drugim postupcima.Polymerization of composite filling is considered to be an important factor in achieving longevity of the restorative treatment. Quality of the polymerization influences physico-mechanical characteristics, color stability, volumetric changes of restoration and biocompatibility of the material itself. Polymerization shrinkage is an unavoidable consequence of setting of the composite material. So far, it has been measured by several different methods. Digital holographic interferometry, a method described in this study, is the only procedure that enables direct monitoring of the polymerization shrinkage for every second of polymerization of the composite material. Values of the polymerization shrinkage obtained by this method correspond with the values obtained by other methods

    Mjerenje temperaturne raspodjele u osno-simetričnom izvoru koji nije optički tanak

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    We elaborated two spectroscopic methods for the temperature distribution in axially symmetric source. One method uses the self-reversed spectral line; this method is based on a comparison of the measured absolute maximum (peak) intensity with that calculated as a function of axial temperature. Another method which uses a spectral line without self-reversal, was based on the Kirchhoff\u27s law and exploits two-path absorption technique and Abel transformation. For both methods, knowledge of atomic broadening constants and transition probabilities is not crucial.Razvili smo spektroskopsku metodu za mjerenje temperaturne raspodjele u osno-simetričnom izvoru. Jedan postupak koristi reverziranu spektralnu liniju; uspoređuje se mjereni apsolutni intenzitet vrhova spektralne linije s izračunatim intenzitetom u ovisnosti o temperaturi. Drugi postupak koristi spektralnu liniju bez reverzije, a temelji se na Kirchhoffovom zakonu, mjerenju apsorpcije tehnikom dvostrukog prolaza i upotrebom Abelove transformacije. Točni podaci o konstantama širenja i vjerojatnostima prijelaza nisu nužni

    Primjena korelatora s preklopljenim fourierovim transformatima i panelima s tekućim kristalima za raspoznavanje klinastog pisma

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    An optoelectronic joint transform correlator system for recognizing cuneiform inscription signs is described. Real-time correlation experiments are carried out with the help of liquid crystal television (LCTV) type of addressable spatial light modulators. The in-class and out-of-class sensitivities as well as the effects of preprocessing of input signals taken from an original clay tablet are discussed.Opisana je primjena optoelektroničkog korelatora s preklopljenim Fourierovim transformatima na problem raspoznavanja znakova klinastog pisma. Provedeni su korelacijski eksperimenti u realnom vremenu uz pomoć adresabilnih prostornih modulatora svjetlosti s tekućim kristalima. Raspravljane su korelacijske osjetljivosti objekata unutar i izvan definirane klase te utjecaj prethodne obrade ulaznih signala uzetih s originalne glinene pločice