119 research outputs found

    Consultation (istishārah) in prophet Muhammad’s administration and guidance for solving today’s problems

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    The 21st century began with major crises for the Muslim World. The invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, the Arab Spring and its following events led to the death and immigration of millions of individuals, as well as major demographic shifts within the countries involved. Very few Muslim countries have stability, while most of them are in search of it. There are many internal and external reasons for that lack of stability. One of the internal reasons is the lack of the implementation of laws of consultation which are prioritized by Islam in state administration. This means that only a small clique decides on behalf of the country and the will of the people does not play a role in guiding the administration of the state. This paper analyses the relationship between Islam and consultation, the need for consultation in the postmodern world, the importance the Prophet Muhammadصلى الله عليه وسلم gave to consultation and the ruling of consultation in state administration and offers suggestions concerning one of the main issues faced by the Muslim world by following the Prophetic path

    Alliance of civilizations: the global peace project of the 21st Century

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    The Alliance of Civilizations was established in 2005, at the initiative of the Governments of Spain and Turkey; under the auspices of the United Nations for inter civilizations dialogue to bridge the gap between the West and Muslim world. This article analyzes advantage and disadvantage sides of the success of this initiative

    Understanding the Spirit of Time and Interdisciplinary Perspective in the Interpretation of Ḥadith

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    İslâm âlimleri Hz. Peygamber’den bize ulaşan hadislerin ṣaḥiḥ olup olmadıklarını, onların muhtevasını doğru anlamak ve zamanın değişen şartlarına göre yorumlayabilmek için büyük çaba göstermişlerdir. Hadis ilimleri bu gayretlerin tabiî sonucu olarak doğmuş ve zaman içerisinde gelişmiştir. Bu da hadisleri doğru anlamak için konulmuş disiplin ve kaidelerin geliştirilmeye açık dinamik yapısını işaretler. Biz de bu çalışmada hadislerin amacına daha uygun yorumlanabilmesi için çağdaş hadis yorumcusunun daha önceden yapılmış metin anlama tekniklerine ilaveten yeni donanımlara muhtaç olduğunu göstermeye çalıştık. Bu meyanda hadis yorumcusunun içinde yaşadığı çağın ruhuna, bu çağı yöneten dünya görüşüne vakıf olmasının gerekliliğini ve interdisipliner perspektifin sunabileceği müsbet katkıları inceledik.Throughout history, Muslim scholars have strived to understand the true meaning of the Prophet’s (pbuh) aḥadīth and interpret them according to the changing conditions of the time. Sciences of Ḥadīth emerged specifically to meet two objectives; first, to distinguish authentic aḥadīth from fabricated ones via the chains of report and texts criticism and second, to elaborate it further in order to meet any new conditions or changes introduced into life with the passage of time. Sciences of Ḥadīth and its sub-disciplines are open to further development. The evolving structure of the Sciences of Ḥadīth from its succinct form to its current elaborate structure is clear evident of its dynamic and progressive character. In this study, the researcher focuses on additional critical points in the pursuit of gaining a better understanding of aḥadīth, such as comprehending the spirit of the time and adopting an interdisciplinary perceptive

    The impact of Hadith perception on disputes between ahl al-Sunnah and al-Shriah al-Imamiyyah al-Ithna 'Ashariyyah

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    One of the main reasons for the controversies among legal schools in Islam revolves around the methodology of distinguishing authentic ahadith from those of rejected ones and applying the acceptable ahadith to different cases. This article studies ahadith perception in the light of this methodology to reveal the nature of disputes between ahl al-Sunnah and al-Shariah al- Imamiyyah al-Ithna 'Ashariyyah which is the biggest madhhab (school) among other madhahib apart from the ahl al-Sunnah. The disagreements among the madhhab of the ahl al-Sunnah are confined to al-furu' (applications related to secondary issues), whereas the disputes between the Sunni and the Shi'ah schools are based on both al-usul (principles) and al-furu'. The main ground for this difference is their perception of ahadith. If this fact is overlooked, the differences between the two schools cannot be grasped appropriately

    Constraints and perceived freedom levels ın the leisure of university students

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the leisure constraints and level of perceived freedom of university students according to different variables. 250 university students in total, 174 (69%) of whom are males and 78 (31%) of whom are females selected by random sampling have voluntarily attended the research study. A survey model has been used in the study. The sample of the study consists of students studying at Istanbul University's Faculty of Sports Sciences. In order to identify the leisure obstacles of the participants, the Obstacles of Leisure Scale, which was developed by Alexandris and Carroll (1997) and adopted into Turkish by Karaküçük and Gürbüz (2007); and in order to identify the level of perceived freedom of the participants, the Perceived Freedom in Leisure Scale, which was developed by Witt and Ellis (1985) and adopted into Turkish by Yerlisu Lapa and Ağyar (2011), were used along with a personal information form prepared by the researcher as a data collection tool in the research. Percent (%) and frequency methods have been utilized to identify the distribution of the personal information of the participants and the Shapiro-Wilks normality test has been applied to identify whether data had normal distribution. Mann-Whitney U and Kruskall Wallis tests have been applied to determine the significant differences after it was determined that the data were suitable to non-parametric test conditions. According to the gender variable, no significant difference (except Individual Psychology) has been identified in the sub-dimensions of the obstacles of the leisure scale and perceived freedom in leisure scale (p>0.05). While there is a significant difference in all sub-dimensions of the perceived freedom in leisure scale (p<0.05), no significant difference has been found in the sub-dimensions of the obstacles of the leisure time scale (p>0.05) according to age. In conclusion, it has been determined that while there are no differences between the leisure obstacles according to the gender of the participants, the level of perceived freedom increases as the age increases

    University students’ opinions of the meaning of leisure and their perceived freedom in leisure

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    The aim of this study is to examine the perceptions of university students towards leisure and perceived freedom in leisure on the basis of different variables. To this end, a total of 250 university students in total, 174 (69%) of whom are males and 78 (31%) of whom are females selected by random sampling have voluntarily attended the research study. The sample of the study consists of students studying at Istanbul University's Faculty of Sports Sciences. The data collection instruments of the study include the personal information form developed by the researcher, as well as the Leisure Meanings Inventory which was developed by Esteve et al. (1999) and adapted into Turkish by Gürbüz et al. (2007) and aims to determine the leisure perceptions of the participants. The Perceived Freedom in Leisure Scale, which was developed by Witt and Ellis (1985) and adapted into Turkish by Yerlisu, Lapa and Ağyar (2011) was used to determine the participants’ perceived freedom levels in leisure. Additionally, frequency methods have been utilized to identify the distribution of the personal information of the participants and the Shapiro-Wilks normality test has been applied to identify whether data had normal distribution. Mann-Whitney U and Kruskall Wallis tests have been applied to determine the significant differences after it was determined that the data were suitable to non-parametric test conditions. According to the gender variable, no significant difference has been identified in the sub-dimension of the perceived freedom in leisure scale (p>0.05). In the active-passive participation and goal orientation sub-dimensions in the leisure meanings inventory, the female participants were found to score more than male participants. Based on the age variable, there were no significant differences found in any sub dimension of the perceived freedom scale (p<0.05) or in the leisure meanings inventory (p>0.05). In conclusion, the perceived leisure levels of the female participants were higher than the male while it was also seen that as age increases, the perceived freedom levels in leisure increases as well

    Kur’an ve Sünnet’te Bereket Kavramı: Modern Diskurda İdrakına Doğru

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    One of the concepts Islam considers important for human prosperity is the concept of barakah (Divine blessing). It is the increase in quality and quantity of God’s blessing via unseen ways to human life. The word barakah also means to make the felicity constant and permanent, which also means abundance and the continuity of that. However, with modernity barakah has become an alienated concept in the life of modern man. This research explores and discusses the reasons behind the lack of divine blessing in human life in modern times and the profane worldview behind it by highlighting its importance and application through both Qur’ānic and Sunnah texts.İslâm’ın insan hayatının refahı ve huzuru için önemsediği önemli kavramlardan birisi de bereket kavramıdır. Bereket ise, Allah’ın insanın yaptıklarını keyfiyet ve kemiyet olarak görmediği yollardan artırmasıdır. Aynı zamanda sadetin devamlı ve kalıcı olmasını da ifade eder. Ancak moderniteyle beraber insanın yabancılaştığı bir kavramdır. Bu araştırma, profan modern hayatta bereketin azalmasının sebeplerini incelemekte ve İslâm’ın iki ana referans kaynağı olan Kur’an ve Sünnet’e göre bereketin anlamlarını, ehemmiyetini ele almakta, Hz. Peygamber’in hayatında bereket arayışını göstererek modern diskurda neye tekabül ettiğini incelemektedir

    Düalist zındıklar ve hadis

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    Zındık kavramı İslâm öncesinde Mezepotamya’da kullanılan dinî içerikli bir kavramdı. Maniehizm ve Mecûsîliğin kıyasıya mücadele ettiği bir dönemde Mecûsî din adamları tarafından Mahineistler için kullanılmıştır. Ancak kavramın anlamı tarih sürecinde yaşadığı serüvenlere paralel olarak genişlemiştir. Kavrama yeni anlamlar yüklense de değişmeyen bir anlamı da hep olmuştur. Bu anlam da müesses dinlerin merkezî kriterlerine karşı sarsıcı düalist önermeler teklif eden kişiler, hareketler ve bunların bu içerikteki faaliyetleridir. Bu yüzden zındıklık kavramı ona aşina halkların zihninde hep kirli ve tehlikeli bir anlam dünyasını ve faaliyet alanını ifade etmiştir..

    Hadis tasnifinin altın çağında: Halku’l-Kur’an meselesi ve hadis kaynaklarına etkisi

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    Müslüman tarihi siyasî, askerî, iktisadî, kültürel ve ilmî başarıları bünyesinde barındırdığı kadar inşa edilen medeniyet havzalarında teolojik ihtilafları, siyasî çekişmeleri, iktisadî iniş ve çıkışları da ihtiva eden zengin bir tecrübeye sahiptir. Bu bağlamda Müslümanların tarihini etkileyen siyasî ve dinî içerikli önemli tecrübelerden birisi de “halku’l-Kur’ân” meselesidir. VII. Abbâsî halifesi Me’mûn’un 218/833 tarihinde resmi olarak başlattığı ve X. Abbâsî halifesi Mütevekkil’in 234/848 yılında resmi olarak son verdiği Mihne siyasetinin özünde bu mesele vardır..