30 research outputs found

    Seroprevalence of Human Brucellosis in a Rural Area of Western Anatolia, Turkey

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    This study was conducted to determine the seroprevalence of human brucellosis and identify the potential risk factors in a rural area of Western Anatolia, Turkey. A simple random-sampling method was used for identifying 1,052 subjects for the study. Blood samples, collected from all the subjects, were studied following the methods of Rose Bengal slide agglutination and standard tube agglutination tests. One thousand and one samples (95.2%) were seronegative, and 51 (4.8%) were seropositive. There was a statistically significant correlation between seropositivity and age, sex, consuming fresh cheese and cream made from unboiled milk (p values 0.005, 0.019, <0.001, and <0.001 respectively). Seropositivity was not related to educational level (0.270). It is concluded that pasteurization of milk and dairy products and education regarding eating habits must be pursued for eradication of human brucellosis from rural areas. The findings of the study suggest that human brucellosis is still an important public-health problem in the western Anatolia region of Turkey, especially in rural areas

    Preeklamptik kadınlarda gebelik ve postnatal periyotta ortalama platelet volümü ve dipper/non-dipper durumunun araştırılması

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    Objective: Our aim was to determine mean platelet volume (MPV) changes between dipper and nondipper preeclamptic women during pregnancy and postnatal period. Material and Methods: We conducted the study of 17 preeclamptic women with dipper status and 12 with nondipper status, versus 30 normotensive pregnant women. Fifty six women were studied again 6 months after birth to obtain reference data. 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure was measured by oscillometric device. Dipping profile is defined as a nocturnal blood pressure fall of 10 or more than 10% and non-dipping profile is defined as a nocturnal blood pressure fall of less than 10%. HGB, HCT, PLT and MPV levels were measured for all patients. Results: Preeclamptic women with dipper and non-dipper status had a significantly higher MPV values than normotensive pregnant women did (10.4 ± 1.3, 10.1 ± 0.9 and 8.9 ± 1.9 fl, respectively; P=0.003). Furthermore, preeclamptic women with dipper and non-dipper status had a significantly higher MPV values than formerly preeclamptic women did (10.4 ± 1.3 vs. 8.5 ± 1.2, P=0.001 and 10.1 ± 0.9 vs. 8.5 ± 1.1 fl, respectively; P=0.002). But 6 months after birth, MPV values were not statistically different between all 3 groups (8.5 ± 1.1, 8.5 ± 1.1 and 8.9 ± 1.9 fl, respectively; P=0.588). In addition, MPV values were not different between dipper and non-dipper groups. Conclusion: Preeclampsia pathogenesis may help to explain higher MPV values in preeclamptic women. However, since there is no difference between dipper subgroups, no additional information is available by MPV evaluation.Amaç: Amacımız dipper ve non-dipper preeklamptik kadınlar arasında, gebelikte ve postnatal periyotta ortalama platelet volümü (MPV) değişikliklerini saptamaktı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Dipper durumuna sahip 17 preeklamptik kadın ve non-dipper durumuna sahip 12 preeklamptik kadına karşılık 30 normotansif gebe kadınla çalışmayı gerçekleştirdik. Referans bilgisi sağlamak için doğumdan 6 ay sonra 56 kadın ile tekrar çalışıldı. Osilometrik cihazla 24 saat ambulatuar kan basıncı ölçüldü. Dipping profili, noktürnal kan basıncında %10 veya daha fazla düşme olarak tanımlandı ve non-dipping profili, noktürnal kan basıncında %10’dan daha az düşme olarak tanımlandı. Tüm hastalar için HGB, HCT, PLT ve MPV düzeyleri ölçüldü. Bulgular: Dipper ve non-dipper durumuna sahip preeklamptik kadınlar, normotansif gebe kadınlara göre belirgin derecede yüksek MPV değerlerine sahipti (10.4 ± 1.3, 10.1 ± 0.9 ve 8.9 ± 1.9 fl, sırasıyla; P=0.003). Dahası, dipper ve non-dipper durumuna sahip preeklamptik kadınlar, önceden preeklamptik olan kadınlara göre belirgin derecede yüksek MPV değerlerine sahipti (10.4 ± 1.3 vs. 8.5 ± 1.2, P=0.001 ve 10.1 ± 0.9 vs. 8.5 ± 1.1 fl, sırasıyla; P=0.002). Ancak, doğumdan 6 ay sonra, MPV değerleri, 3 grup arasında istatistiksel olarak farklı değildi (8.5 ± 1.1, 8.5 ± 1.1 ve 8.9 ± 1.9 fl, sırasıyla; P=0.588). Ayrıca, MPV değerleri dipper ve non-dipper grupları arasında farklı değildi. Sonuç: Preeklampsi patogenezi preeklamptik kadınlarda yüksek MPV değerlerini açıklamada yardımcı olabilir. Bununla beraber dipper alt grupları arasında farklılık olmadığı için MPV değerlendirmesi yoluyla ek bilgi mümkün değildir

    Comparison of power outputs of wingate tests applied with loads determined from body weight and lean body mass: (Comparison of power outputs of wingate test with different loads)

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    Amaç: Wingate testinde erkeklerde uygulanması önerilen ve vücut ağırlığı ile hesaplanan klasik yüklerle elde edilen güç çıktılarını, yağsız vücut ağırlığından hesaplanan yük ile elde edilen güç çıktılarıyla karşılaştırmaktır. Gereç ve yöntem: Çalışmaya 18-59 yaş arası 60 erkek gönüllü alındı. Katılımcıların vücut yağ yüzdeleri ve yağsız vücut ağırlıkları biyoelektrik empedans analiz yöntemiyle (Bodystat 1500) ölçüldü. Uygulanacak yükler vücut ağırlığının kilogramı başına 75 g (yük-1) ve 95 g (yük-2), yağsız vücut ağırlığı kilogramı başına 95 g (yük-3) olarak hesaplandı. Wingate testi Monark 839 bisiklet ergometre ve 1/12 rezolüsyonlu elektronik pedal sayıcı ile gerçekleştirildi. Toplam 30 saniye süresince her 5 saniye için pedal sayıları kaydedildi. Testler en az bir gün ara ile yapıldı. Farklı yüklerle elde edilen güç çıktıları; Pik Oüç (PG), Ortalama Güç (OG) ve Yorgunluk İndeksi (Yİ) hesaplandı. Sonuçlar “Friedman varyans analizi” ve “Wilcoxon Testi” ile karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Yük ortalamaları, yük-1 için 5.2±0.5 kg, yük-2 için 6.6±0.7 kg, yük-3 için 5.7±0.6 kg bulundu ve aralarındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu (p<0.001). Wingate testinde yük-2 ve yük-3 kullanılarak elde edilen PG ve OG çıktıları, yük-1 ile bulunan PG ve OG çıktılarından yüksekti (pO.OOl). Yük-2 ile elde edilen Yİ, yük-3 kullanılarak elde edilen Yİ’den (p=0.035); yük-3 ile elde edilen Yİ. yük-1 ile elde edilen Yİ’den (p=0.026) yüksek bulundu.Objective: Classically, body vveight has been used for load determination of the Wingate test. The purpose of this study was to compare power outputs of the Wingate test in which loads were determined by two different formulas based on either body vveight or lean body mass. Material and Methods: Sixty males (18-59 years old) volunteered to take part in the study. Body fat percentage and lean body mass were measured by bioelectrical im- pedance analysis (Bodystat 1500). The loads for the Win- gate test were 75 g per body weight (load-1), 95 g per body vveight (load-2) and 95 g per lean body mass (load- 3). The Wingate test was performed on a Monark 839 cy- cle ergometer and pedal revolutions were counted by an electronic counter with resolution of 1/12. Tests were performed at least with one day interval in betvveen. Pedal revolutions were recorded for each 5 second during the 30 second total period. The peak power (PP), the mean power (MP) and the fatigue index (FI) outputs of each Wingate tests were determined. Results were statistically analyzed by “Friedman’s variance analyzes” and “Wilcoxon test”. Results: The mean loads obtained were 5.2±0.5 kg for load-1, 6.6±0.7 kg for load-2, 5.7±0.6 kg for load-3 and signifıcant differences were found betvveen the mean loads for ali three measurements (p<0.001). PP and MP values of the Wingate tests obtained from load-2 and load-3 vvere signifıcantly higher than PP and MP values of the Wingate tests obtained from load-1, respectively (p<0.001). The FI values of load-2 were greater than the one obtained from load-3 (p=0.035). Similarly, the FI values of load-3 was higher than the FI values of load-1 (p=0.026). Conclusion: Our data suggest that load-3 can be used in- stead of load-1 in the Wingate test. Lean body mass can be measured by a cheap and simple method. Size of muscleindependent load determination from body fat percentage for the Wingate test. In addition, further investigations should be carried out to optimize the loads to be determined from lean body mass for highest power outputs for the Wingate test

    A brief look to the experimental animal studies by assessing the published manuscripts in two randomly selected journals which have been indexed in national institutes of health and science citation index within last five years

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    Amaç: Bilimsel çalışmalarda son 20 yılda meydana gelen artış deneysel çalışmalardaki artışı da beraberinde getirmiştir. Ancak hayvanların deneylerde kullanımı belli yasal çerçevelerde mümkün olmaktadır. Bilimsel yayınlarda bu çerçevenin gereklerine uyulup uyulmadığını de- ğerlendirmek için iki saygın indeksten rastlantısal şekilde birer dergi seçilip son 5 yıl içinde yayınladıkları deneysel hayvan çalışmaları değerlendirildi. Gereç ve yöntem: Science Citation Index (SCI) ve National Institutes of Health (NIH)’de indexli birer cerrahi dergisi rastlantısal olarak seçilerek son 5 yılda yayınlanmış deneysel hayvan çalışmaları geriye dönük olarak tarandı. Bu yayınlarda gereç ve yöntem olarak deneysel çalışmalarda hayvanların kullanımı ile ilgili yapılması ve belirtilmesi gereken şartlara ne kadar uyulduğu değerlendirildi. Tüm yazılarda belirtilmiş olan şartlar değerlendirme dışı bırakıldı. Bulgular: SCI’daki dergide ilgili dönemde yayınlanmış 47 yayının tamamı tüm kriterleri karşılarken NIH’daki dergide ilgili dönemde yayınlanmış 33 yayından sadece 4 tanesi (%12.12) tüm kriterleri karşılamaktaydı. Sonuç: Deney hayvanları bakım ve kullanım kurallarını bilmek ve uygulamak hem çalışmamızın verimini, hem güvenilirliğini arttırmakla kalmayıp zaman ve parar kaybını da önler.Background: the laboratory animal studies got velocity with the increased rate of scientific studies within last 20 years. But it has been limited by guides and the law. Aim of this study is to assess the obeying of these laws and guides. Methods: We randomly gathered two surgery journals which were indexed in National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Science Citation Index (SCI). We reviewed the experimental animal studies which have been published at these journals within last 5 years for obeying guide for the care and use of laboratory animals. Results: While all of the 47 manuscripts which have been published within last 5 years at the journal which have been indexed at SCI involving all the criteria, only 4 (12.12%) of the 33 manuscripts which have been published within 5 years at the journal which have been indexed at NIH involve all of them. Conclusion: Obeying to the “Guide for the Care Use of Laboratory Animals”, not only increases efficiency of our studies but also make us save money and time

    Comparison of power outputs of wingate tests applied with loads determined from body weight and lean body mass: (Comparison of power outputs of wingate test with different loads)

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    Amaç: Wingate testinde erkeklerde uygulanması önerilen ve vücut ağırlığı ile hesaplanan klasik yüklerle elde edilen güç çıktılarını, yağsız vücut ağırlığından hesaplanan yük ile elde edilen güç çıktılarıyla karşılaştırmaktır. Gereç ve yöntem: Çalışmaya 18-59 yaş arası 60 erkek gönüllü alındı. Katılımcıların vücut yağ yüzdeleri ve yağsız vücut ağırlıkları biyoelektrik empedans analiz yöntemiyle (Bodystat 1500) ölçüldü. Uygulanacak yükler vücut ağırlığının kilogramı başına 75 g (yük-1) ve 95 g (yük-2), yağsız vücut ağırlığı kilogramı başına 95 g (yük-3) olarak hesaplandı. Wingate testi Monark 839 bisiklet ergometre ve 1/12 rezolüsyonlu elektronik pedal sayıcı ile gerçekleştirildi. Toplam 30 saniye süresince her 5 saniye için pedal sayıları kaydedildi. Testler en az bir gün ara ile yapıldı. Farklı yüklerle elde edilen güç çıktıları; Pik Oüç (PG), Ortalama Güç (OG) ve Yorgunluk İndeksi (Yİ) hesaplandı. Sonuçlar “Friedman varyans analizi” ve “Wilcoxon Testi” ile karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Yük ortalamaları, yük-1 için 5.2±0.5 kg, yük-2 için 6.6±0.7 kg, yük-3 için 5.7±0.6 kg bulundu ve aralarındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu (p<0.001). Wingate testinde yük-2 ve yük-3 kullanılarak elde edilen PG ve OG çıktıları, yük-1 ile bulunan PG ve OG çıktılarından yüksekti (pO.OOl). Yük-2 ile elde edilen Yİ, yük-3 kullanılarak elde edilen Yİ’den (p=0.035); yük-3 ile elde edilen Yİ. yük-1 ile elde edilen Yİ’den (p=0.026) yüksek bulundu.Objective: Classically, body vveight has been used for load determination of the Wingate test. The purpose of this study was to compare power outputs of the Wingate test in which loads were determined by two different formulas based on either body vveight or lean body mass. Material and Methods: Sixty males (18-59 years old) volunteered to take part in the study. Body fat percentage and lean body mass were measured by bioelectrical im- pedance analysis (Bodystat 1500). The loads for the Win- gate test were 75 g per body weight (load-1), 95 g per body vveight (load-2) and 95 g per lean body mass (load- 3). The Wingate test was performed on a Monark 839 cy- cle ergometer and pedal revolutions were counted by an electronic counter with resolution of 1/12. Tests were performed at least with one day interval in betvveen. Pedal revolutions were recorded for each 5 second during the 30 second total period. The peak power (PP), the mean power (MP) and the fatigue index (FI) outputs of each Wingate tests were determined. Results were statistically analyzed by “Friedman’s variance analyzes” and “Wilcoxon test”. Results: The mean loads obtained were 5.2±0.5 kg for load-1, 6.6±0.7 kg for load-2, 5.7±0.6 kg for load-3 and signifıcant differences were found betvveen the mean loads for ali three measurements (p<0.001). PP and MP values of the Wingate tests obtained from load-2 and load-3 vvere signifıcantly higher than PP and MP values of the Wingate tests obtained from load-1, respectively (p<0.001). The FI values of load-2 were greater than the one obtained from load-3 (p=0.035). Similarly, the FI values of load-3 was higher than the FI values of load-1 (p=0.026). Conclusion: Our data suggest that load-3 can be used in- stead of load-1 in the Wingate test. Lean body mass can be measured by a cheap and simple method. Size of muscleindependent load determination from body fat percentage for the Wingate test. In addition, further investigations should be carried out to optimize the loads to be determined from lean body mass for highest power outputs for the Wingate test

    Cartilage repair strategies in the knee: A survey of Turkish surgeons

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    Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the trends in cartilage repair strategies among Turkish orthopedic surgeons for isolated focal (osteo)chondral lesions of the knee joint. Materials and methods: A web-based survey of 21 questions consisting of surgical indications, techniques and time to return to sports was developed to investigate the preferences of members of the TOTBID and the TUSYAD. Results: A total of 147 surgeons answered the questionnaire.70% of the respondents were TUSYAD members. 82% of respondents had at least five years experience in arthroscopy. Half of the surgeons indicated that patient age of 50 was the upper limit for cartilage repair. Irrespective of activity level, microfracture (60–67%) was the most frequently used technique for lesions smaller 2.5 cm2. In lesions larger than 4 cm2, MACI was the most commonly advocated procedure (67%). In patients with high activity levels, mosaicplasty was the first choice (69%) for lesions between 2.5 and 4 cm2 in size, followed by MACI (27%). Conclusion: Patient age, activity level, BMI and lesion size were important determinants for the choice of treatment of isolated chondral lesions in the knee. These results reflect the choices of experienced knee surgeons in the country. Although not widely performed in Turkey and has limited reimbursement by the health care system, the first choice for defects over 4 cm2 was second generation ACI. Third party payers & health reimbursement authorities should take into account that large defects require methods which are relatively expensive and need high technology. Cross-sectional survey, Level II. Keywords: Cartilage, Survey, Turkey, Cartilage repair, Knee, Osteochondral lesion, Web-based-survey, Microfracture, Mosaicplasty, Autologous chondrocyte implantatio

    Seroprevalence of Human Brucellosis in a Rural Area of Western Anatolia, Turkey

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    This study was conducted to determine the seroprevalence of human brucellosis and identify the potential risk factors in a rural area of Western Anatolia, Turkey. A simple random-sampling method was used for identifying 1,052 subjects for the study. Blood samples, collected from all the subjects, were studied following the methods of Rose Bengal slide agglutination and standard tube agglutination tests. One thousand and one samples (95.2%) were seronegative, and 51 (4.8%) were seropositive. There was a statistically significant correlation between seropositivity and age, sex, consuming fresh cheese and cream made from unboiled milk (p values 0.005, 0.019, <0.001, and <0.001 respectively). Seropositivity was not related to educational level (0.270). It is concluded that pasteurization of milk and dairy products and education regarding eating habits must be pursued for eradication of human brucellosis from rural areas. The findings of the study suggest that human brucellosis is still an important public-health problem in the western Anatolia region of Turkey, especially in rural areas

    Smoking Status of Teachers and their Attitudes About Smoking Restriction

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    In our country smoking was restricted in public institutions and public transportation vehicles with a legislation. This restriction also includes the school premises but there are no studies about compliance to this legislation in schools. In this study we aimed to evaluate the smoking status and attitudes against smoking restriction of primary and high school teachers in Afyon. Three hundred and sixty five teachers, 17 deputy manager and 7 manager of 11 randomly selected schools in 3 educational regions in Afyon were interviewed and a questionnaire was filled. Mean age of the participants were 37.7 +/- 8.1 (22-57), 56.9% were male and 43.1% were female. Smoking prevalance was 32.5%. Smoker teachers significantly less frequently prefer working in a smoke-free school and less frequently consider that smoking teachers encourage students. They demand smoking to be free in school premises significantly more than nonsmokers. Presence of an isolated smoking room and a no smoking sign was significantly more frequently reported by smokers than nonsmokers. Compliance to smoking restriction in school was considered to be higher by smoker teachers. Nonsmoker teachers more frequently demanded a punishment for smoking in school premises. As a conclusion, most of the teachers knew that smoking is restricted in school premises but the compliance to this restriction is not satisfactory. This data shows that teachers who should be model people for the students are not aware enough about smoking and its hazardous effects