282 research outputs found

    Application-Specific Heterogeneous Network-on-Chip Design

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.As a result of increasing communication demands, application-specific and scalable Network-on-Chips (NoCs) have emerged to connect processing cores and subsystems in Multiprocessor System-on-Chips. A challenge in application-specific NoC design is to find the right balance among different tradeoffs, such as communication latency, power consumption and chip area. We propose a novel approach that generates latency-aware heterogeneous NoC topology. Experimental results show that our approach improves the total communication latency up to 27% with modest power consumption. © 2013 The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The British Computer Society

    Application-specific heterogeneous network-on-chip design

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    As a result of increasing communication demands, application-specific and scalable Network-on-Chips (NoCs) have emerged to connect processing cores and subsystems in Multiprocessor System-on-Chips. A challenge in application-specific NoC design is to find the right balance among different tradeoffs, such as communication latency, power consumption and chip area. We propose a novel approach that generates latency-aware heterogeneous NoC topology. Experimental results show that our approach improves the total communication latency up to 27% with modest power consumption. © 2013 The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The British Computer Society

    Graphene mode-locked Cr:LiSAF laser at 850 nm

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    We report, for the first time to our knowledge, a mode-locked femtosecond Cr:LiSAF laser initiated with a high-quality monolayer graphene saturable absorber (GSA), synthesized by chemical-vapor deposition. The tight-focusing resonator architecture made it possible to operate the Cr:LiSAF laser with only two 135 mW, 660 nm low-cost single-mode diode lasers. At a pump power of 270 mW, the laser produced nearly transform-limited 68 fs pulses with an average power of 11.5 mW at 850 nm. The repetition rate was around 132 MHz, corresponding to a pulse energy and peak power of 86 pJ and 1.26 kW, respectively. Once mode locking was initiated with the GSA, stable, uninterrupted femtosecond pulse generation could be sustained for hours. The saturation fluence and the modulation depth of the GSA were further determined to be 28 μJ/cm2 and 0.62%, respectively. 2015 Optical Society of America

    Generation of sub-20-fs pulses from a graphene mode-locked laser

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    We demonstrate, what is to our knowledge, the shortest pulses directly generated to date from a solid-state laser, mode locked with a graphene saturable absorber (GSA). In the experiments, a low-threshold diode-pumped Cr3+:LiSAF laser was used near 850 nm. At a pump power of 275 mW provided by two pump diodes, the Cr3+:LiSAF laser produced nearly transform-limited, 19-fs pulses with an average output power of 8.5 mW. The repetition rate was around 107 MHz, corresponding to a pulse energy and peak power of 79 pJ and 4.2 kW, respectively. Once mode locking was initiated with the GSA, stable, uninterrupted femtosecond pulse generation could be obtained. In addition, the femtosecond output of the laser could be tuned from 836 nm to 897 nm with pulse durations in the range of 80-190 fs. We further performed detailed mode locking initiation tests across the full cavity stability range of the laser to verify that pulse generation was indeed started by the GSA and not by Kerr lens mode locking. � 2017 Optical Society of America

    Waste to biodiesel: A preliminary assessment for Saudi Arabia

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    This study presents a preliminary assessment of biodiesel production from waste sources available in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) for energy generation and solution for waste disposal issues. A case study was developed under three different scenarios: (S1) KSA population only in 2017, (S2) KSA population and pilgrims in 2017, and (S3) KSA population and pilgrims by 2030 using the fat fraction of the municipal solid waste. It was estimated that S1, S2, and S3 scenarios could produce around 1.08, 1.10 and 1.41 million tons of biodiesel with the energy potential of 43423, 43949 and 56493 TJ respectively. Furthermore, annual savings of US $55.89, 56.56 and 72.71 million can be generated from landfill diversion of food waste and added to the country's economy. However, there are challenges in commercialization of waste to biodiesel facilities in KSA, including waste collection and separation, impurities, reactor design and biodiesel quality

    Potential vegetable sources for biodiesel production:Cashew, coconut and cotton

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    This work presents a study on crude oil and biodiesel obtained from the seeds of the tropical plants Anacardium occidentale L (cashew), Cocos nucifera (coconut palm) and Gossypium hirsutum (upland cotton). The following crude oil and biodiesel physical-chemical properties were determined: acid number, iodine value, copper corrosivity, density and viscosity at different temperatures. Also, the chemical composition of the fatty acid methyl esters was measured using gas chromatography and a comparison was made with biodiesel from other sources reported in the literature. The analysis pointed out that cashew, coconut palm and upland cotton are potential sources for biodiesel production. Among the biodiesel types tested, cashew showed the highest oxidation stability

    The influence of initial xylose concentration, agitation, and aeration on ethanol production by Pichia stipitis from rice straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate

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    Rice straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate was used as fermentation medium for ethanol production by Pichia stipitis NRRL Y-7124. Shaking bath experiments were initially performed aiming to establish the best initial xylose concentration to be used in this bioconversion process. In the sequence, assays were carried out under different agitation (100 to 200 rpm) and aeration (V flask/V medium ratio varying from 2.5 to 5.0) conditions, and the influence of these variables on the fermentative parameters values (ethanol yield factor, Y P/S; cell yield factor, Y X/S; and ethanol volumetric productivity, Q P) was investigated through a 22 full-factorial design. Initial xylose concentration of about 50 g/l was the most suitable for the development of this process, since the yeast was able to convert substrate in product with high efficiency. The factorial design assays showed a strong influence of both process variables in all the evaluated responses. The agitation and aeration increase caused a deviation in the yeast metabolism from ethanol to biomass production. The best results (Y P/S = 0.37 g/g and Q P = 0.39 g/l.h) were found when the lowest aeration (2.5 V flask/V medium ratio) and highest agitation (200 rpm) levels were employed. Under this condition, a process efficiency of 72.5% was achieved. These results demonstrated that the establishment of adequate conditions of aeration is of great relevance to improve the ethanol production from xylose by Pichia stipitis, using rice straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate as fermentation medium.The financial support from Fapesp (Brazil) is gratefully acknowledged

    Potential applications of nanotechnology in thermochemical conversion of microalgal biomass

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    The rapid decrease in fossil reserves has significantly increased the demand of renewable and sustainable energy fuel resources. Fluctuating fuel prices and significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emission levels have been key impediments associated with the production and utilization of nonrenewable fossil fuels. This has resulted in escalating interests to develop new and improve inexpensive carbon neutral energy technologies to meet future demands. Various process options to produce a variety of biofuels including biodiesel, bioethanol, biohydrogen, bio-oil, and biogas have been explored as an alternative to fossil fuels. The renewable, biodegradable, and nontoxic nature of biofuels make them appealing as alternative fuels. Biofuels can be produced from various renewable resources. Among these renewable resources, algae appear to be promising in delivering sustainable energy options. Algae have a high carbon dioxide (CO2) capturing efficiency, rapid growth rate, high biomass productivity, and the ability to grow in non-potable water. For algal biomass, the two main conversion pathways used to produce biofuel include biochemical and thermochemical conversions. Algal biofuel production is, however, challenged with process scalability for high conversion rates and high energy demands for biomass harvesting. This affects the viable achievement of industrial-scale bioprocess conversion under optimum economy. Although algal biofuels have the potential to provide a sustainable fuel for future, active research aimed at improving upstream and downstream technologies is critical. New technologies and improved systems focused on photobioreactor design, cultivation optimization, culture dewatering, and biofuel production are required to minimize the drawbacks associated with existing methods. Nanotechnology has the potential to address some of the upstream and downstream challenges associated with the development of algal biofuels. It can be applied to improve system design, cultivation, dewatering, biomass characterization, and biofuel conversion. This chapter discusses thermochemical conversion of microalgal biomass with recent advances in the application of nanotechnology to enhance the development of biofuels from algae. Nanotechnology has proven to improve the performance of existing technologies used in thermochemical treatment and conversion of biomass. The different bioprocess aspects, such as reactor design and operation, analytical techniques, and experimental validation of kinetic studies, to provide insights into the application of nanotechnology for enhanced algal biofuel production are addressed

    Metabolic engineering of Rhizopus oryzae for the production of platform chemicals

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    Rhizopus oryzae is a filamentous fungus belonging to the Zygomycetes. It is among others known for its ability to produce the sustainable platform chemicals l-(+)-lactic acid, fumaric acid, and ethanol. During glycolysis, all fermentable carbon sources are metabolized to pyruvate and subsequently distributed over the pathways leading to the formation of these products. These platform chemicals are produced in high yields on a wide range of carbon sources. The yields are in excess of 85 % of the theoretical yield for l-(+)-lactic acid and ethanol and over 65 % for fumaric acid. The study and optimization of the metabolic pathways involved in the production of these compounds requires well-developed metabolic engineering tools and knowledge of the genetic makeup of this organism. This review focuses on the current metabolic engineering techniques available for R. oryzae and their application on the metabolic pathways of the main fermentation products