751 research outputs found

    Computing automorphic forms on Shimura curves over fields with arbitrary class number

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    We extend methods of Greenberg and the author to compute in the cohomology of a Shimura curve defined over a totally real field with arbitrary class number. Via the Jacquet-Langlands correspondence, we thereby compute systems of Hecke eigenvalues associated to Hilbert modular forms of arbitrary level over a totally real field of odd degree. We conclude with two examples which illustrate the effectiveness of our algorithms.Comment: 15 pages; final submission to ANTS I

    On the existence of abelian surfaces with everywhere good reduction

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    Let D≀2000D \le 2000 be a positive discriminant such that F=Q(D)F = \mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{D}) has narrow class one, and A/FA/F an abelian surface of GL2{\rm GL}_2-type with everywhere good reduction. Assuming that AA is modular, we show that AA is either an FF-surface or is a base change from Q\mathbf{Q} of an abelian surface BB such that EndQ(B)=Z{\rm End}_{\mathbf{Q}}(B) = \mathbf{Z}, except for D=353,421,1321,1597D = 353, 421, 1321, 1597 and 19971997. In the latter case, we show that there are indeed abelian surfaces with everywhere good reduction over FF for D=353,421D = 353, 421 and 15971597, which are non-isogenous to their Galois conjugates. These are the first known such examples

    An intriguing hyperelliptic Shimura curve quotient of genus 16

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    Let FF be the maximal totally real subfield of Q(ζ32)\mathbf{Q}(\zeta_{32}), the cyclotomic field of 3232nd roots of unity. Let DD be the quaternion algebra over FF ramified exactly at the unique prime above 22 and 7 of the real places of FF. Let O\mathcal{O} be a maximal order in DD, and X0D(1)X_0^D(1) the Shimura curve attached to O\mathcal{O}. Let C=X0D(1)/⟹wD⟩C = X_0^D(1)/\langle w_D \rangle, where wDw_D is the unique Atkin-Lehner involution on X0D(1)X_0^D(1). We show that the curve CC has several striking features. First, it is a hyperelliptic curve of genus 1616, whose hyperelliptic involution is exceptional. Second, there are 3434 Weierstrass points on CC, and exactly half of these points are CM points; they are defined over the Hilbert class field of the unique CM extension E/FE/F of class number 1717 contained in Q(ζ64)\mathbf{Q}(\zeta_{64}), the cyclotomic field of 6464th roots of unity. Third, the normal closure of the field of 22-torsion of the Jacobian of CC is the Harbater field NN, the unique Galois number field N/QN/\mathbf{Q} unramified outside 22 and ∞\infty, with Galois group Gal(N/Q)≃F17=Z/17Z⋊(Z/17Z)×\mathrm{Gal}(N/\mathbf{Q})\simeq F_{17} = \mathbf{Z}/17\mathbf{Z} \rtimes (\mathbf{Z}/17\mathbf{Z})^\times. In fact, the Jacobian Jac(X0D(1))\mathrm{Jac}(X_0^D(1)) has the remarkable property that each of its simple factors has a 22-torsion field whose normal closure is the field NN. Finally, and perhaps the most striking fact about CC is that it is also hyperelliptic over Q\mathbf{Q}

    A three DOF linear ultrasonic motor for transport and micropositionning.

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    International audienceThe paper deals with the study and use of a linear ultrasonic motor at low voltages. Standing waves are generated in a 64 x 38 x 2.5 mm3 vibrator by 20 piezoelectric ceramics and converted into sliding motions by the friction between four legs and the worktop : translations and rotations are achieved. The speed of the motor is studied according to the amplitude and frequency of the driving voltage as well as the mass of the load. Then, a model of the system is retrieved for some set points and validated using a position control. According to its interesting performances for transport and positioning, the motor is used to motorize a moving palet for the transfer of parts in a microassembly workcell

    Contribution du SIG Ă  la PrĂ©vention et Ă  la Gestion des Risques d’inondation dans le District de Bamako au Mali

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    En raison de sa situation gĂ©ographique, la ville de Bamako reste fortement vulnĂ©rable aux risques d’inondations. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude a pour objectif de mettre en exergue un outil opĂ©rationnel et Ă©volutif d’aide Ă  la prise de dĂ©cisions en matiĂšre de prĂ©vention et de gestion des risques d’inondations dans le District de Bamako en RĂ©publique du Mali. Il s’agit d’élaborer Ă  partir du SystĂšme d’Information GĂ©ographique des grilles d’analyse et d’évaluation permettant aux dĂ©cideurs de mieux apprĂ©hender les risques naturels. La mĂ©thodologie adoptĂ©e s’est appuyĂ©e sur une approche par tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection appuyĂ©e par des enquĂȘtes et relevĂ©s de terrain. Les rĂ©sultats de l’étude ont montrĂ© que les nombreux amĂ©nagements rĂ©alisĂ©s Ă  travers la ville grĂące aux politiques publiques urbaines, ont entrainĂ© d’importants changements spatiaux-temporels. Toutefois, des occupations anarchiques rĂšgnent toujours dans la ville de Bamako, notamment sur les berges des cours d’eau qui constituent Ă  priori des zones inondables. Des constructions existent dans les zones Ă  risque oĂč la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© des populations reste forte. Les cartes rĂ©alisĂ©es indiquent les zones Ă  stress et orientent les dĂ©cideurs dans les options d’amĂ©nagement pour une rĂ©duction des risques d’inondation dans les annĂ©es Ă  venir au travers de la planification urbaine et de la participation des populations touchĂ©es dans l’élaboration des stratĂ©gies d’adaptation. Due to its geographical location, the city of Bamako remains highly vulnerable to flood risk. The objective of this study is to highlight an operational and evolving decision support tool for flood risk prevention and management in the Bamako District of the Republic ofMali. This is to develop from the Geographic Information System grids analysis and evaluation for decision-makers to better understand natural risks. The methodology adopted was based on an exploratory approach sustained by field surveys and the analysis of cartographic data. The results of the study showed that the numerous developments carried out throughout the city by urban public policies have led to a great spatial "metamorphosis". However, anarchic occupations are still a reality in the city of Bamako, especially on the banks of rivers are a priori vulnerable areas. Buildings exist in risk areas where people's vulnerability remains high. The maps produced indicate areas of stress and guide decision makers in management options for flood risk reduction in the coming years through urban planning and the participation of affected populations in the development of adaptation strategies
