4 research outputs found

    Subtle hydrophobic interactions between the seventh residue of the zinc finger loop and the first base of an HGATAR sequence determine promoter-specific recognition by the Aspergillus nidulans GATA factor AreA.

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    A change of a universally conserved leucine to valine in the DNA-binding domain of the GATA factor AreA results in inability to activate some AreA-dependent promoters, including that of the uapA gene encoding a specific urate-xanthine permease. Some other AreA-dependent promoters become able to function more efficiently than in the wild-type context. A methionine in the same position results in a less extreme, but opposite effect. Suppressors of the AreA(Val) mutation mapping in the uapA promoter show that the nature of the base in the first position of an HGATAR (where H stands for A, T or C) sequence determines the relative affinity of the promoter for the wild-type and mutant forms of AreA. In vitro binding studies of wild-type and mutant AreA proteins are completely consistent with the phenotypes in vivo. Molecular models of the wild-type and mutant AreA-DNA complexes derived from the atomic coordinates of the GATA-1-AGATAA complex account both for the phenotypes observed in vivo and the binding differences observed in vitro. Our work extends the consensus of physiologically relevant binding sites from WGATAR to HGATAR, and provides a rationale for the almost universal evolutionary conservation of leucine at the seventh position of the Zn finger of GATA factors. This work shows inter alia that the sequence CGATAGagAGATAA, comprising two almost adjacent AreA-binding sites, is sufficient to ensure activation of transcription of the uapA gene

    Glial contribution to cyclodextrin-mediated reversal of cholesterol accumulation in murine NPC1-deficient neurons in vivo

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    Niemann-Pick type C disease is a rare and fatal lysosomal storage disorder presenting severe neurovisceral symptoms. Disease-causing mutations in genes encoding either NPC1 or NPC2 protein provoke accumulation of cholesterol and other lipids in specific structures of the endosomal-lysosomal system and degeneration of specific cells, notably neurons in the central nervous system (CNS). 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (CD) emerged as potential therapeutic approach based on animal studies and clinical data, but the mechanism of action in neurons has remained unclear. To address this topic in vivo, we took advantage of the retina as highly accessible part of the CNS and intravitreal injections as mode of drug administration. Coupling CD to gold nanoparticles allowed us to trace its intracellular location. We report that CD enters the endosomal-lysosomal system of neurons in vivo and enables the release of lipid-laden lamellar inclusions, which are then removed from the extracellular space by specific types of glial cells. Our data suggest that CD induces a concerted action of neurons and glial cells to restore lipid homeostasis in the central nervous system

    A conserved cytochrome P450 evolved in seed plants regulates flower maturation

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    International audienceGlobal inspection of plant genomes identifies genes maintained in low copies across taxa and under strong purifying selection, which are likely to have essential functions. Based on this rationale, we investigated the function of the low-duplicated CYP715 cytochrome P450 gene family that appeared early in seed plants and evolved under strong negative selection. Arabidopsis CYP715A1 showed a restricted tissue-specific expression in the tapetum of flower buds and in the anther filaments upon anthesis. cyp715a1 insertion lines showed a strong defect in petal development, and transient alteration of pollen intine deposition. Comparative expression analysis revealed the downregulated expression of genes involved in pollen development, cell wall biogenesis, hormone homeostasis, and floral sesquiterpene biosynthesis, especially TPS21 and several key genes regulating floral development such as MYB21, MYB24, and MYC2. Accordingly, floral sesquiterpene emission was suppressed in the cyp715a1 mutants. Flower hormone profiling, in addition, indicated a modification of gibberellin homeostasis and a strong disturbance of the turnover of jasmonic acid derivatives. Petal growth was partially restored by the active gibberellin GA3 or the functional analog of jasmonoyl-isoleucine, coronatine. CYP715 appears to function as a key regulator of flower maturation, synchronizing petal expansion and volatile emission. It is thus expected to be an important determinant of flower-insect interaction