36 research outputs found

    Incidence and Outcome of Vocal Cord Polyp: An Endoscopic Experience and Perception

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    Background: The larynx is an intricate part of the body which has to perform a very composite function like protection, respiration, phonation. To carry out the function, larynx should be adaptable and flexible. Any structural disorder like vocal cord polyp alter these specialized function and squander the laryngeal pacing, and increasing voice discomfort of the patient like hoarseness, dysphonia, and odynophagia day by day. Phonosurgery is the mainstay of treatment. Methods: It is a cohort retrospective study of 54 cases in the Department of Otolaryngology and Head- Neck Surgery, Comilla Medical College, Bangladesh, from 20 February 2017 to 27 October 2019. Result: Incidence of vocal cord polyp in laryngeal disorder patient was 6.83%, and the laryngeal operative patient was 28.27%. All patients were treated by micro laryngeal surgery with rigid Hopkin’s laryngeal telescope, and setback was 2 (3.70%). Of them, male were 41(75.92%), females were 13(24.08%), below 20 years were 2(3.70%), 20-50years 39(72.23%,) and above 50years 13(24.07%), unilateral was 50(92.59%) and 4(7.41%) were bilateral, smoker was 41(75.92%), nonsmoker 13(24.08%), industrial workers were 21(38.89%), professional voice user was 13(24.07%)

    Convenience and short comings among paediatric cochlear implant candidates

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    Background: Cochlear implants have revolutionized the treatment of severe-to-profound sensorineural hearing loss in children. However, the convenience and shortcomings experienced by pediatric cochlear implant candidates in various settings remain understudied. This study aimed to assess the convenience and shortcomings among pediatric cochlear implant candidates in home, school, and other social settings. Methods: This was a prospective clinical study that was conducted in the Cochlear Implant (CI) Center, Combined Military Hospital (CMH), Dhaka and Chattogram, Bangladesh from July 2015 to December 2022. A total of 200 parents of pediatric cochlear-implanted children were enrolled in this study as the study subjects. A simple random sampling technique was used in sample selection. All data were processed, analyzed, and disseminated by using MS Excel and SPSS version 22.0 program as per necessity. Results: The study analyzed information collected during the study period, focusing on the convenience and shortcomings reported by the parents of cochlear implant recipients. The findings revealed that the highest level of convenience was reported in some other social settings (82.84%), followed by home (75.67%) and school (64.4%). In contrast, shortcomings were reported primarily in the home environment (63.6%), followed by school (34.6%) and other social settings (31.45%). Conclusions: In the majority of cochlear implant children, convenience is observed in some other social settings than home or school. In the majority of cochlear implant children, shortcomings are observed in their homes

    Olfactory dysfunction: a diagnostic symptom of COVID-19

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    Besides the common respiratory symptoms or viral pneumonia, COVID-19 is also presented with different neurological symptoms. Olfactory dysfunction (OD) or impairment of the sense of smell is one of the common neurological symptoms being reported in infection caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The severity varies from anosmia to microsmia or hyposmia. OD could have a potential early screening and diagnostic value besides other neurological and common respiratory symptoms. In our descriptive concise review, we aimed to elicit the manifestation of olfactory dysfunction as an early predictor of SARS-CoV-2 infection. We are also aiming to establish, OD as a quick and reliable assessment tool of COVID-19 risk, among the healthcare workers and contact tracers, which can justify self-quarantine of the person as well as recommendation for testing on a priority basis. We have also focused on, any effect to produce this symptom by the drug used for treatment in COVID-19, and if the old age of the patient showing any extra influence to develop OD in COVID-19

    latrogenic and Idiopathic Vocal Cord Paralysis: A Real Obligation of Endoscopic Appraisal

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    Background: The larynx is an inevitable mouthpiece of the human body which has to execute very associated assignment like protection, respiration, and phonation. To fulfill this mission, the larynx should be accommodated, integrated, and sensible. The vocal cord is the concern of larynx, which served all-purpose. If any occurrence due to iatrogenic, idiopathic, or any other causes shut down the vocal cord mobility, the patient is facing miserable complexity in their life. Methods: It is a cohort retrospective study of 67 cases in the department of otolaryngology and HeadNeck Surgery, Bangladesh, from 01 July 2016 to 31 June 2019

    Determination of Economic Threshold Level (ETL) of Tobacco Mosaic and Leaf Curl Viruses

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    Experiments were conducted for the determination of economic threshold of Tobacco Mosaic and Leaf Curl viruses of tobacco. Infection of tobacco plants occurred naturally in the field. Mean values of yield were obtained after curing of tobacco leaves which varied significantly with incidence of disease. Yield loss assessment of tobacco caused by Tobacco Mosaic Virus and Tobacco Leaf Curl Virus was considered first. Grade index values of tobacco that influence market value and support price of flue-cured tobacco were also considered. Economic threshold values were determined from economic analysis and regression analysis and those were found to be at 4.5% and 4% disease incidence in NC 95 and K326 for Tobacco mosaic Virus and 4% and 4.5% for Tobacco Leaf Curl Virus respectively

    Saudi international students’ perceptions of their transition to the UK and the impact of social media

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    In their transition to a new country, international students often feel lost, anxious or stressed. Saudi students in the UK in particular may face further challenges due to the cultural, social and religious differences that they experience. There is a lot of evidence that social media play a crucial role in this experience. By interviewing 12 Saudi students from different cities in the UK, the aim of this study is to investigate how they perceive their transition to the UK and how social media is involved. The analysis indicates that Saudi students’ perceptions of transition tend to fall in to one of two markedly different camps. Some students see transition as an opportunity to detach themselves from their home country and to engage with the new society. Those students turn to social media as a tool allowing them to build bridges with the new society. Other students feel less enthusiastic to make a full engagement with the UK society. Those students find social media as a good tool to maintain connections and links with family and friends in their home country

    Training needs assessment of Bangladesh Agricultural Institute teachers

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    The main purpose of this study was to assess the training needs of Bangladesh Agricultural Institute (BAI) teachers. All the teachers of BAI were the target population. Data were collected from 42 randomly selected teachers of BAl. Teachers expressed substantial training needs to improve their professional expertise in teaching, research, administration and extension. Results also indicated that significant differences existed In assessing training needs of the teachers based on their age, service experience, and duration of training received by them


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    The main purpose of this study was to assess farmers' agricultural knowledge in sugarcane cultivation. The specific objectives of the study were to i) describe the selected characteristics of the farmers, ii) determine the extent of farmers agricultural knowledge in sugarcane cultivation, and iii) determine the relationships between the selected characteristics of the farmers and their agricultural knowledge in sugarcane cultivation. Data were collected from a randomly selected 140 farmers through interview schedule. Results indicated that 37 percent of the farmers had low knowledge in sugarcane cultivation as compared to 36 percent with medium knowledge and 27 percent having high knowledge in the same. Findings revealed that age, education, farm size, extension contact, organizational participation and training of farmers had significant relationships with their agricultural knowledge in sugarcane cultivation

    Market structure of poultry hatchery industry in Bangladesh

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    In this paper an attempt has been made to analyze the market structure of poultry hatchery industry in Bangladesh. Both the primary and secondary data were used. The primary data were collected from hatcheries located at different districts of Bangladesh. Out of 130 hatcheries only 36 hatcheries were selected purposively for the study. The hatchery sold larger portion of their day-old chicks through their agents. Sometimes they sold a portion of their products directly to the commercial poultry firm owners. In the case of broiler and layer hatchery industry, the four firms concentration ratios were found very much similar to the type IV industry and nearly similar to type II oligopoly of Bain's classification respectively. The market structure of hatchery industry in Bangladesh was exhibiting oligopolistic with low moderate concentration in the case of broiler and highly concentrated in the case of layer. Atomistic buying condition was prevailing in the hatchery industry. There were about 11 strains for broiler chick and 9 strains for layer chick and prices varied for different strains. Barrier to entry in the form of huge capital requirement was also present in the industry

    Infinity State Zero Model Number

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    ABSTRACT- The concept of number system formation is proposed here addition with several properties directing to appropriate consequence. An analysis on complements of number also given which may introduce us to the concept of negative thing and can explain most of the logic in Mathematics. A master number reside with zero and divide itself and create sub-number which is bounded in an external circle of a fixed position. The numbers may also provide internal circle and circle in circle. At a range of point the circle is fulfilled and consumed by zero where all sub-number converge to the master. New number are formed by combination and again bounded to a circle. The process continues infinitely. Meanwhile the concept is useful in every area of science. Application in distributed system is shown. The system having the special property as every object is described with every object which may give the appropriate description of nature. 1