40 research outputs found

    Conference conclusions: shaping the future of food safety, together

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    The EFSA 2nd Scientific Conference 'Shaping the Future of Food Safety, Together' gathered an international audience composed of scientists, risk assessors, risk managers, as well as non-governmental organisations and industry representatives. This article summarises the final plenary session where a panel was asked to draw out overall impressions and conclusions for the EFSA to take away for its strategic planning into the future. The main conclusions of the conference are presented under five major themes. With new methodologies, technologies, big data and the increased societal demand for enhanced engagement in the risk assessment process, there is a clear need to maintain levels of expertise from traditional areas and to consider the inclusion of new areas and sources of expertise to perform scientific assessments. Academia, industry, research and regulatory science should work together to achieve this goal. As science progresses at pace, the continued development of assessment methodologies to deal with increasingly complex assessment questions is necessary, as is the need for applied research to underpin the support to policy development that EFSA provides. Greater collaboration is needed to reach agreement on best methods and practices for scientific assessment not just internationally, but also, equally importantly, across legislative areas and scientific disciplines, and in consultation with society at large. The communication of complex science, including important concepts such as uncertainty and risk perception, is not a trivial task, and must be integrated into the scientific process. As such, the relationship between risk assessment and risk management must continue to mature, remaining close, yet independent

    Regulatory bioinformatics for food and drug safety

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    Abstract "Regulatory Bioinformatics" strives to develop and implement a standardized and transparent bioinformatic framework to support the implementation of existing and emerging technologies in regulatory decision-making. It has great potential to improve public health through the development and use of clinically important medical products and tools to manage the safety of the food supply. However, the application of regulatory bioinformatics also poses new challenges and requires new knowledge and skill sets. In the latest Global Coalition on Regulatory Science Research (GCRSR) governed conference, Global Summit on Regulatory Science (GSRS2015), regulatory bioinformatics principles were presented with respect to global trends, initiatives and case studies. The discussion revealed that datasets, analytical tools, skills and expertise are rapidly developing, in many cases via large international collaborative consortia. It also revealed that significant research is still required to realize the potential applications of regulatory bioinformatics. While there is significant excitement in the possibilities offered by precision medicine to enhance treatments of serious and/or complex diseases, there is a clear need for further development of mechanisms to securely store, curate and share data, integrate databases, and standardized quality control and data analysis procedures. A greater understanding of the biological significance of the data is also required to fully exploit vast datasets that are becoming available. The application of bioinformatics in the microbiological risk analysis paradigm is delivering clear benefits both for the investigation of food borne pathogens and for decision making on clinically important treatments. It is recognized that regulatory bioinformatics will have many beneficial applications by ensuring high quality data, validated tools and standardized processes, which will help inform the regulatory science community of the requirements necessary to ensure the safe introduction and effective use of these applications

    Chemical Safety Assessment Using Read-Across: Assessing the Use of Novel Testing Methods to Strengthen the Evidence Base for Decision Making

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    Background: Safety assessment for repeated dose toxicity is one of the largest challenges in the process to replace animal testing. This is also one of the proof of concept ambitions of SEURAT-1, the largest ever European Union research initiative on alternative testing, co-funded by the European Commission and Cosmetics Europe. This review is based on the discussion and outcome of a workshop organized on initiative of the SEURAT-1 consortium joined by a group of international experts with complementary knowledge to further develop traditional read-across and include new approach data. Objectives: The aim of the suggested strategy for chemical read-across is to show how a traditional read-across based on structural similarities between source and target substance can be strengthened with additional evidence from new approach data—for example, information from in vitro molecular screening, “-omics” assays and computational models—to reach regulatory acceptance. Methods: We identified four read-across scenarios that cover typical human health assessment situations. For each such decision context, we suggested several chemical groups as examples to prove when read-across between group members is possible, considering both chemical and biological similarities. Conclusions: We agreed to carry out the complete read-across exercise for at least one chemical category per read-across scenario in the context of SEURAT-1, and the results of this exercise will be completed and presented by the end of the research initiative in December 2015

    emerging technologies for food and drug safety

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    Abstract Emerging technologies are playing a major role in the generation of new approaches to assess the safety of both foods and drugs. However, the integration of emerging technologies in the regulatory decision-making process requires rigorous assessment and consensus amongst international partners and research communities. To that end, the Global Coalition for Regulatory Science Research (GCRSR) in partnership with the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) hosted the seventh Global Summit on Regulatory Science (GSRS17) in Brasilia, Brazil on September 18–20, 2017 to discuss the role of new approaches in regulatory science with a specific emphasis on applications in food and medical product safety. The global regulatory landscape concerning the application of new technologies was assessed in several countries worldwide. Challenges and issues were discussed in the context of developing an international consensus for objective criteria in the development, application and review of emerging technologies. The need for advanced approaches to allow for faster, less expensive and more predictive methodologies was elaborated. In addition, the strengths and weaknesses of each new approach was discussed. And finally, the need for standards and reproducible approaches was reviewed to enhance the application of the emerging technologies to improve food and drug safety. The overarching goal of GSRS17 was to provide a venue where regulators and researchers meet to develop collaborations addressing the most pressing scientific challenges and facilitate the adoption of novel technical innovations to advance the field of regulatory science

    Analysis and reflection on the role of the 90-day oral toxicity study in European chemical risk assessment

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    The 90-day toxicity study is one of the studies used in the safety assessment of food ingredients, medicines or other chemical substances. This paper reviews the current role of the 90-day oral toxicity study in European regulatory dossiers of chemicals by reviewing EU legislation and EU and OECD guidance documents. Regulatory provisions with regard to necessity, objectives and design of such 90-day toxicity studies vary between the different sectors addressed in this review. Most often the 90-day study is expected to be part of the standard test battery used for chemical risk assessment, without necessarily being a legal requirement and its objectives may vary between regulatory domains. Exceptions, when a 90-day study is not required are spelled out in the chemicals legislation and for food contact materials. The sectorial study design requirements of the 90-day toxicity study are very often embedded in the OECD TG 408 protocol. Differences in study objectives are not necessarily reflected in specific study designs. Considering the call for the reduction of using experimental animals for scientific purposes and the fact that a 90-day study may serve different purposes, consistency between the necessity to conduct such a study, its objectives and the study design to achieve these objectives may improve judicious use of laboratory animals. Thus there may be an opportunity to reflect and further optimise the design of in vivo toxicology studies, such as the 90-day study. This should be based on a systematic analysis of past studies and risk assessments