182 research outputs found

    Radar rainfall estimation for the post-event analysis of a Slovenian flash-flood case: application of the Mountain Reference Technique at C-band frequency

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    International audienceThis article is dedicated to radar rainfall estimation for the post-event analysis of a Slovenian flash flood that occurred on 18 September 2007. The utility of the Mountain Reference Technique is demonstrated to quantify rain attenuation effects that affect C-band radar measurements in heavy rain. Maximum path-integrated attenuation between 15 and 20 dB were measured thanks to mountain returns for path-averaged rain rates between 10 and 15 mm h−1 over a 120-km path. The proposed technique allowed estimation of an effective radar calibration correction factor, assuming the reflectivity-attenuation relationship to be known. Screening effects were quantified using a geometrical calculation based on a digitized terrain model of the region. The vertical structure of the reflectivity was modelled with a normalized apparent vertical profile of reflectivity. Implementation of the radar data processing indicated that: (1) attenuation correction using the Hitschfeld Bordan algorithm allowed obtaining satisfactory radar rain estimates (Nash criterion of 0.8 at the event time scale); (2) due to the attenuation equation instability, it is however compulsory to limit the maximum path-integrated attenuation to be corrected to about 10 dB; (3) the results also proved to be sensitive on the parameterization of reflectivity-attenuation-rainrate relationships. The convective nature of the precipitation explains the rather good performance obtained. For more contrasted rainy systems with convective and stratiform regions, the combination of the vertical (VPR) and radial (attenuation, screening) sources of heterogeneity yields a still very challenging problem for radar quantitative precipitation estimation at C-band

    Thermodynamics and magnetic field profiles in low-kappa type-II superconductors

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    Two-dimensional low-kappa type-II superconductors are studied numerically within the Eilenberger equations of superconductivity. Depending on the Ginzburg-Landau parameter \kappa=\lambda/\xi vortex-vortex interaction can be attractive or purely repulsive. The sign of interaction is manifested as a first (second) order phase transition from Meissner to the mixed state. Temperature and field dependence of the magnetic field distribution in low-kappa type-II superconductors with attractive intervortex interaction is calculated. Theoretical results are compared to the experiment.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Multiregional Satellite Precipitation Products Evaluation over Complex Terrain

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    An extensive evaluation of nine global-scale high-resolution satellite-based rainfall (SBR) products is performed using a minimum of 6 years (within the period of 2000-13) of reference rainfall data derived from rain gauge networks in nine mountainous regions across the globe. The SBR products are compared to a recently released global reanalysis dataset from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). The study areas include the eastern Italian Alps, the Swiss Alps, the western Black Sea of Turkey, the French Cévennes, the Peruvian Andes, the Colombian Andes, the Himalayas over Nepal, the Blue Nile in East Africa, Taiwan, and the U.S. Rocky Mountains. Evaluation is performed at annual, monthly, and daily time scales and 0.25° spatial resolution. The SBR datasets are based on the following retrieval algorithms: Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA), the NOAA/Climate Prediction Center morphing technique (CMORPH), Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information Using Artificial Neural Networks (PERSIANN), and Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP). SBR products are categorized into those that include gauge adjustment versus unadjusted. Results show that performance of SBR is highly dependent on the rainfall variability. Many SBR products usually underestimate wet season and overestimate dry season precipitation. The performance of gauge adjustment to the SBR products varies by region and depends greatly on the representativeness of the rain gauge network

    Antiferromagnetic Phases of One-Dimensional Quarter-Filled Organic Conductors

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    The magnetic structure of antiferromagnetically ordered phases of quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors is studied theoretically at absolute zero based on the mean field approximation to the quarter-filled band with on-site and nearest-neighbor Coulomb interaction. The differences in magnetic properties between the antiferromagnetic phase of (TMTTF)2_2X and the spin density wave phase in (TMTSF)2_2X are seen to be due to a varying degrees of roles played by the on-site Coulomb interaction. The nearest-neighbor Coulomb interaction introduces charge disproportionation, which has the same spatial periodicity as the Wigner crystal, accompanied by a modified antiferromagnetic phase. This is in accordance with the results of experiments on (TMTTF)2_2Br and (TMTTF)2_2SCN. Moreover, the antiferromagnetic phase of (DI-DCNQI)2_2Ag is predicted to have a similar antiferromagnetic spin structure.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures, uses jpsj.sty, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 66 No. 5 (1997

    Coexistent State of Charge Density Wave and Spin Density Wave in One-Dimensional Quarter Filled Band Systems under Magnetic Fields

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    We theoretically study how the coexistent state of the charge density wave and the spin density wave in the one-dimensional quarter filled band is enhanced by magnetic fields. We found that when the correlation between electrons is strong the spin density wave state is suppressed under high magnetic fields, whereas the charge density wave state still remains. This will be observed in experiments such as the X-ray measurement.Comment: 7 pages, 15 figure

    Magnetization plateau in a two-dimensional multiple-spin exchange model

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    We study a multiple-spin exchange model on a triangular lattice, which is a possible model for low-density solid 3He films. Due to strong competitions between ferromagnetic three-spin exchange and antiferromagnetic four-spin one, the ground states are highly degenerate in the classical limit. At least 2^{L/2}-fold degeneracy exists on the L*L triangular lattice except for the SO(3) symmetry. In the magnetization process, we found a plateau at m/m_{sat}=1/2, in which the ground state is "uuud state" (a collinear state with four sublattices). The 1/2-plateau appears due to the strong four-spin exchange interaction. This plateau survives against both quantum and thermal fluctuations. Under a magnetic field which realizes the "uuud" ordered state, a phase transition occurs at a finite temperature. We predict that low-density solid 3He thin films may show the 1/2-plateau in the magnetization process. Experimental observation of the plateau will verify strength of the four-spin exchange. It is also discussed that this magnetization plateau can be understood as an insulating-conducting transition in a particle picture.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX, 12 figures, added a reference and corrected typos, to be published in Phys.Rev.B (01 APR 99

    A Two-dimensional Superconductor in a Tilted Magnetic Field - new states with finite Cooper-pair momentum

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    Varying the angle Theta between applied field and the conducting planes of a layered superconductor in a small interval close to the plane-parallel field direction, a large number of superconducting states with unusual properties may be produced. For these states, the pair breaking effect of the magnetic field affects both the orbital and the spin degree of freedom. This leads to pair wave functions with finite momentum, which are labeled by Landau quantum numbers 0<n<\infty. The stable order parameter structure and magnetic field distribution for these states is found by minimizing the quasiclassical free energy near H_{c2} including nonlinear terms. One finds states with coexisting line-like and point-like order parameter zeros and states with coexisting vortices and antivortices. The magnetic response may be diamagnetic or paramagnetic depending on the position within the unit cell. The structure of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) states at Theta=0 is reconsidered. The transition n->\infty of the paramagnetic vortex states to the FFLO-limit is analyzed and the physical reason for the occupation of higher Landau levels is pointed out.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figure

    Possible Triplet Electron Pairing and an Anisotropic Spin Susceptibility in Organic Superconductors (TMTSF)_2 X

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    We argue that (TMTSF)_2 PF_6 compound under pressure is likely a triplet superconductor with a vector order parameter d(k) \equiv (d_a(k) \neq 0, d_c(k) = ?, d_{b'}(k) = 0); |d_a(k)| > |d_c(k)|. It corresponds to an anisotropic spin susceptibility at T=0: \chi_{b'} = \chi_0, \chi_a \ll \chi_0, where \chi_0 is its value in a metallic phase. [The spin quantization axis, z, is parallel to a so-called b'-axis]. We show that the suggested order parameter explains why the upper critical field along the b'-axis exceeds all paramagnetic limiting fields, including that for a nonuniform superconducting state, whereas the upper critical field along the a-axis (a \perp b') is limited by the Pauli paramagnetic effects [I. J. Lee, M. J. Naughton, G. M. Danner and P. M. Chaikin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 3555 (1997)]. The triplet order parameter is in agreement with the recent Knight shift measurements by I. J. Lee et al. as well as with the early results on a destruction of superconductivity by nonmagnetic impurities and on the absence of the Hebel-Slichter peak in the NMR relaxation rate.Comment: 4 pages, 1 eps figur

    DĂ©mences : oĂč sont les corps de Lewy ?

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    La dĂ©mence Ă  corps de Lewy (DCL) est la deuxiĂšme cause de dĂ©mence dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rative du sujet ĂągĂ©, dans les grandes sĂ©ries autopsiques. Dans la rĂ©alitĂ© quotidienne des centres mĂ©moire pourtant, la DCL reprĂ©sente une faible proportion des diagnostics cliniques, avec une forte disparitĂ© entre les centres. Plusieurs raisons peuvent rendre compte de la faible sensibilitĂ© du diagnostic de DCL : l’imprĂ©cision et la subjectivitĂ© des critĂšres diagnostiques existants ; la place insuffisante donnĂ©e Ă  certains signes non-moteurs (troubles du comportement en sommeil paradoxal, dysautonomie) ; enfin et surtout l’association quasi constante de la pathologie de Lewy Ă  une pathologie de type Alzheimer, qui domine rapidement le phĂ©notype clinique. À l’heure de l’essor des thĂ©rapies ciblĂ©es contre les agrĂ©gats protĂ©iques, de nouvelles Ă©chelles cliniques permettant d’apprĂ©hender la coexistence de la pathologie de Lewy dans la maladie d’Alzheimer sont plus que jamais nĂ©cessaires

    The Composition of the SĂŁo BrĂĄs Copper Hoard in Relation to the Bell Beaker Metallurgy in the South-western Iberian Peninsula

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    A large ceramic vessel was discovered at SĂŁo BrĂĄs (southern Portugal) containing a metallic hoard from the Chalcolithic/Early Bronze Age period. These weapons and tools were characterized by microanalytical techniques as being composed of copper with varying arsenic contents (2.2± 1.6 wt%) and minor amounts of lead, bismuth and iron. The collection shows a clear association between daggers and copper with a higher arsenic content, which can be explained by the high status of these silvery alloys. Finally, the compositional distribution of the hoard was compared with the metallurgy of the Bell Beaker and non–Bell Beaker communities inhabiting the south-western Iberian Peninsula.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
