226 research outputs found

    The isolation and initial characterization of dibucaine-resistant variants of a mouse lymphocytic cell line

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    A series of dibucaine-resistant variants (Dib(\u27R)) of the mouse lymphoid cell line L5178Y were isolated after treatment with the mutagen ethyl methane sulfonate and exposure to a high concentration of the local anesthetic dibucaine (0.045 mM) for 48 hours. The Dib(\u27R) isolates demonstrate exponential growth in the presence of 0.025 mM to 0.030 mM dibucaine, drug concentrations that are toxic to the parent cell line. When cultured in the absence of the drug, the variants display a stable transmission of the dibucaine-resistant phenotype, and the frequency of Dib(\u27R) variants increases as the concentration of inducing mutagen is increased. These latter two findings suggest, but do not prove, that the dibucaine-resistant phenotype occurs because of gene mutation. All Dib(\u27R) isolates were found to be cross resistant to the growth-inhibiting effects of tetracaine, a second local anesthetic. However, in the presence of the local anesthetics procaine and benzocaine, the variants were as growth limited as the parental line.;Chromosome number of cell size is an important consideration when evaluating the toxicity of this drug because normal pseudotetrapoloid cells are more tolerant to the toxic effects of dibucaine than are wild type pseudodiploid cell populations. Hybridization studies indicate that the dibucaine-resistant phenotype of one variant may be genetically recessive, and variant line may be completely dominant when compared with the corresponding pseudotetraploid variant control

    Considerations for Stability of Environmental Samples in Storage for Long-Term Studies

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    It is often advantageous to store collected environmental samples for future retrospective analyses. However, information about sample stability is necessary to determine if there will be analyte loss or gain or degradation under the specified storage conditions and storage period. Failure to evaluate stability could result in inaccurate results and biased exposure assessments. As part of the National Children’s Study pilot, we considered which types of environmental samples could be stored for extended periods of time. We conducted an extensive literature review and considered the conduct of long-term stability studies for environmental samples. We present our findings and experience below as guidance for consideration by the environmental research community

    At risk of being risky: The relationship between "brain age" under emotional states and risk preference.

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    Developmental differences regarding decision making are often reported in the absence of emotional stimuli and without context, failing to explain why some individuals are more likely to have a greater inclination toward risk. The current study (N=212; 10-25y) examined the influence of emotional context on underlying functional brain connectivity over development and its impact on risk preference. Using functional imaging data in a neutral brain-state we first identify the "brain age" of a given individual then validate it with an independent measure of cortical thickness. We then show, on average, that "brain age" across the group during the teen years has the propensity to look younger in emotional contexts. Further, we show this phenotype (i.e. a younger brain age in emotional contexts) relates to a group mean difference in risk perception - a pattern exemplified greatest in young-adults (ages 18-21). The results are suggestive of a specified functional brain phenotype that relates to being at "risk to be risky.

    Feasibility and Informative Value of Environmental Sample Collection in the National Children\u27s Vanguard Study

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    Background: Birth cohort studies provide the opportunity to advance understanding of the impact of environmental factors on childhood health and development through prospective collection of environmental samples. Methods: We evaluated the feasibility and informative value of the environmental sample collection methodology in the initial pilot phase of the National Children\u27s Study, a planned U.S. environmental birth cohort study. Environmental samples were collected from January 2009–September 2010 at up to three home visits: pre-pregnancy (n¼306), pregnancy (n¼807), and 6-months postnatal (n¼117). Collections included air for particulate matter r2.5 mm (PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide, ozone, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and carbonyls; vacuum dust for allergens/endotoxin; water for VOCs, trihalomethanes (THMs), and haloacetic acids (HAAs); and wipe samples for pesticides, semi-volatile organics, and metals. We characterized feasibility using sample collection rates and times and informative value using analyte detection frequencies (DF). Results: Among the 1230 home visits, environmental sample collection rates were high across all sample types (mean¼89%); all samples except the air PM2.5 samples had collection times o30 min. Informative value was low for water VOCs (median DF¼0%) and pesticide floor wipes (median DF¼5%). Informative value was moderate for air samples (median DF¼35%) and high for water THMs and HAAs (median DF¼91% and 75%, respectively). Conclusions: Though collection of environmental samples was feasible, some samples (e.g., wipe pesticides and water VOCs) yielded limited information. These results can be used in conjunction with other study design considerations, such as target population size and hypotheses of interest, to inform the method selection of future environmental health birth cohort studies

    Chemical carcinogenicity revisited 2: Current knowledge of carcinogenesis shows that categorization as a carcinogen or non-carcinogen is not scientifically credible

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    Abstract Developments in the understanding of the etiology of cancer have undermined the 1970s concept that chemicals are either "carcinogens" or "non-carcinogens". The capacity to induce cancer should not be classified in an inflexible binary manner as present (carcinogen) or absent (non-carcinogen). Chemicals may induce cancer by three categories of mode of action: direct interaction with DNA or DNA replication including DNA repair and epigenetics; receptor-mediated induction of cell division; and non-specific induction of cell division. The long-term rodent bioassay is neither appropriate nor efficient to evaluate carcinogenic potential for humans and to inform risk management decisions. It is of questionable predicitiveness, expensive, time consuming, and uses hundreds of animals. Although it has been embedded in practice for over 50 years, it has only been used to evaluate less than 5% of chemicals that are in use. Furthermore, it is not reproducible because of the probabilisitic nature of the process it is evaluating combined with dose limiting toxicity, dose selection, and study design. The modes of action that lead to the induction of tumors are already considered under other hazardous property categories in classification (Mutagenicity/Genotoxicity and Target Organ Toxicity); a separate category for Carcinogenicity is not required and provides no additional public health protection

    Chemical carcinogenicity revisited 3: Risk assessment of carcinogenic potential based on the current state of knowledge of carcinogenesis in humans

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    Abstract Over 50 years, we have learned a great deal about the biology that underpins cancer but our approach to testing chemicals for carcinogenic potential has not kept up. Only a small number of chemicals has been tested in animal-intensive, time consuming, and expensive long-term bioassays in rodents. We now recommend a transition from the bioassay to a decision-tree matrix that can be applied to a broader range of chemicals, with better predictivity, based on the premise that cancer is the consequence of DNA coding errors that arise either directly from mutagenic events or indirectly from sustained cell proliferation. The first step is in silico and in vitro assessment for mutagenic (DNA reactive) activity. If mutagenic, it is assumed to be carcinogenic unless evidence indicates otherwise. If the chemical does not show mutagenic potential, the next step is assessment of potential human exposure compared to the threshold for toxicological concern (TTC). If potential human exposure exceeds the TTC, then testing is done to look for effects associated with the key characteristics that are precursors to the carcinogenic process, such as increased cell proliferation, immunosuppression, or significant estrogenic activity. Protection of human health is achieved by limiting exposures to below NOEALs for these precursor effects. The decision tree matrix is animal-sparing, cost effective, and in step with our growing knowledge of the process of cancer formation

    Chemical carcinogenicity revisited 1: A unified theory of carcinogenicity based on contemporary knowledge

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    Abstract Developments in the understanding of the etiology of cancer have profound implications for the way the carcinogenicity of chemicals is addressed. This paper proposes a unified theory of carcinogenesis that will illuminate better ways to evaluate and regulate chemicals. In the last four decades, we have come to understand that for a cell and a group of cells to begin the process of unrestrained growth that is defined as cancer, there must be changes in DNA that reprogram the cell from normal to abnormal. Cancer is the consequence of DNA coding errors that arise either directly from mutagenic events or indirectly from cell proliferation especially if sustained. Chemicals that act via direct interaction with DNA can induce cancer because they cause mutations which can be carried forward in dividing cells. Chemicals that act via non-genotoxic mechanisms must be dosed to maintain a proliferative environment so that the steps toward neoplasia have time to occur. Chemicals that induce increased cellular proliferation can be divided into two categories: those which act by a cellular receptor to induce cellular proliferation, and those which act via non-specific mechanisms such as cytotoxicity. This knowledge has implications for testing chemicals for carcinogenic potential and risk management

    Classification schemes for carcinogenicity based on hazard - identification have become outmoded and serve neither science nor society

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    Classification schemes for carcinogenicity based solely on hazard-identification such as the IARC monograph process and the UN system adopted in the EU have become outmoded. They are based on a concept developed in the 1970s that chemicals could be divided into two classes: carcinogens and non-carcinogens. Categorization in this way places into the same category chemicals and agents with widely differing potencies and modes of action. This is how eating processed meat can fall into the same category as sulfur mustard gas. Approaches based on hazard and risk characterization present an integrated and balanced picture of hazard, dose response and exposure and allow informed risk management decisions to be taken. Because a risk-based decision framework fully considers hazard in the context of dose, potency, and exposure the unintended downsides of a hazard only approach are avoided, e.g., health scares, unnecessary economic costs, loss of beneficial products, adoption of strategies with greater health costs, and the diversion of public funds into unnecessary research. An initiative to agree upon a standardized, internationally acceptable methodology for carcinogen assessment is needed now. The approach should incorporate principles and concepts of existing international consensus-based frameworks including the WHO IPCS mode of action framework
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