279 research outputs found

    Translations in the exponential Orlicz space with Gaussian weight

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    We study the continuity of space translations on non-parametric exponential families based on the exponential Orlicz space with Gaussian reference density.Comment: Submitted to GSI 2017, Pari

    Projections, Pseudo-Stopping Times and the Immersion Property

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    Given two filtrations F⊂G\mathbb F \subset \mathbb G, we study under which conditions the F\mathbb F-optional projection and the F\mathbb F-dual optional projection coincide for the class of G\mathbb G-optional processes with integrable variation. It turns out that this property is equivalent to the immersion property for F\mathbb F and G\mathbb G, that is every F\mathbb F-local martingale is a G\mathbb G-local martingale, which, equivalently, may be characterised using the class of F\mathbb F-pseudo-stopping times. We also show that every G\mathbb G-stopping time can be decomposed into the minimum of two barrier hitting times

    Random Time Forward Starting Options

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    We introduce a natural generalization of the forward-starting options, first discussed by M. Rubinstein. The main feature of the contract presented here is that the strike-determination time is not fixed ex-ante, but allowed to be random, usually related to the occurrence of some event, either of financial nature or not. We will call these options {\bf Random Time Forward Starting (RTFS)}. We show that, under an appropriate "martingale preserving" hypothesis, we can exhibit arbitrage free prices, which can be explicitly computed in many classical market models, at least under independence between the random time and the assets' prices. Practical implementations of the pricing methodologies are also provided. Finally a credit value adjustment formula for these OTC options is computed for the unilateral counterparty credit risk.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    On weak convergence of locally periodic functions

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    We prove a generalization of the fact that periodic functions converge weakly to the mean value as the oscillation increases. Some convergence questions connected to locally periodic nonlinear boundary value problems are also considered.Comment: arxiv version is already officia

    Observability and nonlinear filtering

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    This paper develops a connection between the asymptotic stability of nonlinear filters and a notion of observability. We consider a general class of hidden Markov models in continuous time with compact signal state space, and call such a model observable if no two initial measures of the signal process give rise to the same law of the observation process. We demonstrate that observability implies stability of the filter, i.e., the filtered estimates become insensitive to the initial measure at large times. For the special case where the signal is a finite-state Markov process and the observations are of the white noise type, a complete (necessary and sufficient) characterization of filter stability is obtained in terms of a slightly weaker detectability condition. In addition to observability, the role of controllability in filter stability is explored. Finally, the results are partially extended to non-compact signal state spaces

    G-Brownian Motion as Rough Paths and Differential Equations Driven by G-Brownian Motion

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    The present paper is devoted to the study of sample paths of G-Brownian motion and stochastic differential equations (SDEs) driven by G-Brownian motion from the view of rough path theory. As the starting point, we show that quasi-surely, sample paths of G-Brownian motion can be enhanced to the second level in a canonical way so that they become geometric rough paths of roughness 2 < p < 3. This result enables us to introduce the notion of rough differential equations (RDEs) driven by G-Brownian motion in the pathwise sense under the general framework of rough paths. Next we establish the fundamental relation between SDEs and RDEs driven by G-Brownian motion. As an application, we introduce the notion of SDEs on a differentiable manifold driven by GBrownian motion and construct solutions from the RDE point of view by using pathwise localization technique. This is the starting point of introducing G-Brownian motion on a Riemannian manifold, based on the idea of Eells-Elworthy-Malliavin. The last part of this paper is devoted to such construction for a wide and interesting class of G-functions whose invariant group is the orthogonal group. We also develop the Euler-Maruyama approximation for SDEs driven by G-Brownian motion of independent interest

    Drift dependence of optimal trade execution strategies under transient price impact

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    We give a complete solution to the problem of minimizing the expected liquidity costs in presence of a general drift when the underlying market impact model has linear transient price impact with exponential resilience. It turns out that this problem is well-posed only if the drift is absolutely continuous. Optimal strategies often do not exist, and when they do, they depend strongly on the derivative of the drift. Our approach uses elements from singular stochastic control, even though the problem is essentially non-Markovian due to the transience of price impact and the lack in Markovian structure of the underlying price process. As a corollary, we give a complete solution to the minimization of a certain cost-risk criterion in our setting

    Calculus and heat flow in metric measure spaces and applications to spaces with Ricci bounds from below

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    This paper is devoted to a deeper understanding of the heat flow and to the refinement of calculus tools on metric measure spaces (X,d,m). Our main results are: - A general study of the relations between the Hopf-Lax semigroup and Hamilton-Jacobi equation in metric spaces (X,d). - The equivalence of the heat flow in L^2(X,m) generated by a suitable Dirichlet energy and the Wasserstein gradient flow of the relative entropy functional in the space of probability measures P(X). - The proof of density in energy of Lipschitz functions in the Sobolev space W^{1,2}(X,d,m). - A fine and very general analysis of the differentiability properties of a large class of Kantorovich potentials, in connection with the optimal transport problem. Our results apply in particular to spaces satisfying Ricci curvature bounds in the sense of Lott & Villani [30] and Sturm [39,40], and require neither the doubling property nor the validity of the local Poincar\'e inequality.Comment: Minor typos corrected and many small improvements added. Lemma 2.4, Lemma 2.10, Prop. 5.7, Rem. 5.8, Thm. 6.3 added. Rem. 4.7, Prop. 4.8, Prop. 4.15 and Thm 4.16 augmented/reenforced. Proof of Thm. 4.16 and Lemma 9.6 simplified. Thm. 8.6 corrected. A simpler axiomatization of weak gradients, still equivalent to all other ones, has been propose
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