1,980 research outputs found

    Analisis Konsistensi Perencanaan Dan Penganggaran Serta Implikasinya Terhadap Capaian Target Kinerja Pada Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kabupaten Merangin

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    . This study aimed to analyze the consistency between planning and budgeting as well as the gains at SKPD. Because planning and budgeting at SKPD greatly contributed to the success of the planning and budgeting in the city. SKPD who becomes the object of study is Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kabupaten Merangin. Assessment of consistency between the programs and activities carried out by using a document Matrik Konsolidasi Perencanaan dan Penganggaran (MKPP) and cause inconsistent by analyzing the results of indepth interviews. The analysis shows that the consistency between planning and budgeting documents at Bappeda Kabupaten Merangin been consistent. The highest consistency is documents RKA and DPA. The cause is not consistent is the Government\u27s strategic policy areas, political interest, fiscal capacity, lack of quality planning officials and the lack of commitment in maintaining the consistency of planning and budgeting. Analysis of performance achievements at Bappeda Kabupaten Merangin showed that in general the achievement of objectives, programs and activities in accordance with the target that has been set

    Potensi Penerimaan Pajak Bumi Dan Bangunan Sektor Perdesaan Dan Perkotaan Di Kabupaten Batang Hari

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    This research aims at looking at levels of growth, contribution, potency and projection of income from Land and Building Tax (PBB) in rural and urban sectors in Batang Hari Distric. The analysis instruments used are : growth, contribution, potency analysis and projection. Analysis result shows that the average of income growth of Land and Building Tax in rural and urban sectors since observation period is 9,67% ; and the contribution of Land and Building Tax in rural and urban sectors to Budget of Local revenue and Expenditure (APBD) is only in the average of 0,89%, meaning that it is still low. Whereas the average targetted is 59,34% of the known potency. This means that the target can be increased. Furthermore, in accordance with estimates projection result for 2014-2020 get increased. This means that the income prospect will continuonsly increase The growth of income will be better if data collection is accurately carried out every year ; human resources of this division is increased; and coordination is continuously improved

    Analisis Produksi Dan Pendapatan Petani Karet Di Kabupaten Bungo

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of rubber farmers, to determine and analyze revenue and profit rubber production in the sample, to determine and analyze the level of income inequality rubber farmers of the people in the sample, and to identify and analyze the factors that affect smallholder rubber production in the sample. Based on these results suggested to the government should work closely with farmers in encouraging the opening of degraded land through various cooperation for optimal land use, because the land proved to have a significant influence on people's rubber production in Bungo

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Penghimpunan Dana Pihak Ketiga Perbankan Syariah Di Indonesia

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    . This study aims to determine the development of third-party funds of Islamic Banking in Indonesia. This study uses time series data Q1 2008 to Q4 2012. The analysis tool used is multiple regression. Based on the survey results revealed that conventional banking interest rate (r), the equivalent rate (ER), Economic Growth (PE) and Growth Outlet (PO) are jointly very significant effect on Islamic Banking Deposits While partially known that conventional banking interest rate (r) significantly affects deposits, equivalent rate (ER) was not statistically significant effect, Economic Growth (PE) no statistically significant effect and Growth Outlet (PO) statistically significant effect on Deposits Islamic Banking

    Dampak Otonomi Fiskal, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, dan Keterbukaan Daerah terhadap Ketimpangan Wilayah di Sumatera

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    The main research to identify the impact of fiscal autonomy,economic growth,openness access into inequality amongprovinces in Sumatera. For analyze the effect of the degree of fiscal autonomy, economic growth, and openness access to the inequality in Sumatera period2009-2013 withRandom Effect Method. The results explain fiscal autonomy are categorized low. Economic growthin Sumatera during the study period was also low. Openness access in Sumatera can be said is still not open to trade. Inequality in the Sumatera still quite high. The effect of fiscal autonomy to inequality is negative and significant. Economic growth to inequality is negative and significant, while the openness access is positive and not significant to inequality. Expected in Sumatera provincial governments to used maximum local revenue. Economic growth must observe and control the level of inequality. There should be a boost to the regions to be more active in trade traffic in Sumatera or National

    Quantum vortices and trajectories in particle diffraction

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    We investigate the phenomenon of the diffraction of charged particles by thin material targets using the method of the de Broglie-Bohm quantum trajectories. The particle wave function can be modeled as a sum of two terms ψ=ψingoing+ψoutgoing\psi=\psi_{ingoing}+\psi_{outgoing}. A thin separator exists between the domains of prevalence of the ingoing and outgoing wavefunction terms. The structure of the quantum-mechanical currents in the neighborhood of the separator implies the formation of an array of \emph{quantum vortices}. The flow structure around each vortex displays a characteristic pattern called `nodal point - X point complex'. The X point gives rise to stable and unstable manifolds. We find the scaling laws characterizing a nodal point-X point complex by a local perturbation theory around the nodal point. We then analyze the dynamical role of vortices in the emergence of the diffraction pattern. In particular, we demonstrate the abrupt deflections, along the direction of the unstable manifold, of the quantum trajectories approaching an X-point along its stable manifold. Theoretical results are compared to numerical simulations of quantum trajectories. We finally calculate the {\it times of flight} of particles following quantum trajectories from the source to detectors placed at various scattering angles θ\theta, and thereby propose an experimental test of the de Broglie - Bohm formalism.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, accepted by IJB

    The impact of work placements on graduate earnings

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    This study investigates whether the completion of an optional ‘sandwich’ work placement enhances graduate starting salaries. We use a variety of multivariate regression techniques to investigate this issue and find that the graduate starting salaries of students who took professional work placements were significantly higher by £1686 ($2105) compared to non-placement students. We make a methodological contribution to the literature by controlling for self-selection bias. That is, our analysis takes into consideration that certain students self-select in to work placements and that they would have had higher starting salaries regardless of whether choosing to take a work placement. Additional insights showed that placements may be detrimental in terms of alleviating class and gender pay inequality but may have helped to reduce ethnic pay inequality. Our results have important implications for graduate employability and its impact on wider society
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