8,686 research outputs found

    Trabajo colaborativo interdepartamental a través de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación. Nexo bidireccional para las didácticas en educación

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    El presente resumen pretende abordar el nexo tan íntimo existente entre la metodología del trabajo colaborativo interdepartamental y las tecnologías de la información y comunicación. Ambos ámbitos metodológicos forman un tándem que se retroalimentan bidireccionalmente. Estos dos ámbitos, pese a pertenecer a ramas de diferente árbol, comparten multitud de similitudes, tales como: o Estimulan la creatividad, ya que al mismo tiempo se pueden compartir ideas interesantes surgidas teniendo infinidad de herramientas al alcance de todos los miembros. o La comunicación interdepartamental a través de las Tic crea una relación de igualdad entre los componentes de un grupo con un proyecto común. o Este binomio fomenta, a su vez, la multiculturalidad fruto de la elaboración de un proyecto común entre compañeros distantes en espacio, físicamente hablando. Así pues, la barrera de la distancia, gracias a los avances tecnológicos y al buen uso de ellos, se ha desvanecido. o Facilitar y potenciar la comunicación. En mi experiencia de casi tres décadas como docente, he podido observar, tanto en enseñanzas secundarias, bachillerato, así como, en el ámbito universitario, la verdadera satisfacción experimentada por los alumnos desde el momento que se les plantea un nuevo proyecto audiovisual, así como durante el desarrollo del mismo. En los planes de estudio de este país remodelados en la última década se contempla este aspecto, por ello las asignaturas de nuestro campo han pasado a llamarse Educación Plástica y Audiovisual. Las tecnologías van evolucionando de forma vertiginosa, en ocasiones, difícil de seguir. Pero este lenguaje común entre docentes y discentes, y entre ambos con los iguales, es similar al garabato de un niño en la etapa de autoexpresión; un canal de comunicación y de información de infinitas posibilidades. Por consiguiente, tenemos al alcance de nuestras manos el empleo de un lenguaje unificador, de acercamiento y potenciador de la motivación.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Understanding the Institutional Evolution of the European Rural Policy: A Methodological Approach

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    Last decades have seen the development of a new rural policy. Different problems occurring in rural areas have pushed the EU Commission to draft policy instruments aiming to address them. However this rural policy path has not always been explicit neither has followed a continuous trend but rather has seen a series of forward and backward steps. Given the lack of a method to establish the relevance and the level of political acceptance of EU rural policy, a methodology has been developed. This methodology has tried to identify the EU political procedure trend, though this is not a formal sequence, and to establish a classification of different events according to a proposed hierarchy. Several EU documents, decisions, directives and financial resource allocations have been analysed. Within the review performed, each rural policy milestone has been classified following the proposed hierarchical chart. This has enabled the drawing of the different backs and forwards taken by this process. Besides, it has lead to the interpretation of the rural policy instruments current position in relation with other European policy instruments.Rural development, policy analysis, institutional processes, Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Entwicklung von Fluor-19 und Protonen-Magnetresonanztomographie und ihre Anwendung bei Neuroentzündung

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    The experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is used to study multiple sclerosis (MS) pathology and develop novel technologies to quantify inflammation over time. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) is the state-of-the-art method to assess inflammation in MS patients and its animal model. Fluorine (19F)-MRI is one novel technology to quantify inflammatory immune cells in vivo using 19F-nanoparticles. T1 mapping of contrast-enhancing images is another method that could be implemented to quantify inflammatory lesions. Transient macroscopic changes in the EAE brain confound quantification and necessitate registration methods to spatially align images in longitudinal studies. For 19F-MRI, an additional challenge is the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) due to low number of 19F-labeled immune cells in vivo. Transceive surface radiofrequency (RF) probes and SNR-efficient imaging techniques such as RARE (Rapid Acquisition with Relaxation Enhancement) are combined to increase sensitivity in 19F-MRI. However, the strong spatially-varying RF field (B1 inhomogeneity) of transceive surface RF probes further hampers quantification. Retrospective B1 correction methods typically use signal intensity equations, unavailable for complex acquisition methods like RARE. The main goal of this work is to investigate novel B1 correction and registration methods to enable the study of inflammatory diseases using 1H- and 19F-MRI following GBCA and 19F-nanoparticle administration, respectively. For correcting B1 inhomogeneities in 1H- and 19F-MR transceive surface RF probes, a model-based method was developed using empirical measurements and simulations, and then validated and compared with a sensitivity method and a hybrid of both. For 19F-MRI, a workflow to measure anatomical images in vivo and a method to compute 19F-concentration uncertainty after correction using Monte Carlo simulations were developed. To overcome the challenges of EAE brain macroscopic changes, a pipeline for registering images throughout longitudinal studies was developed. The proposed B1 correction methods demonstrated dramatic improvements in signal quantification and T1 contrast on images of test phantoms and mouse brains, allowing quantitative measurement with transceive surface RF probes. For low-SNR scenarios, the model-based method yielded reliable 19F-quantifications when compared to volume resonators. Uncertainty after correction depended linearly on the SNR (≤10% with SNR≥10.1, ≤25% when SNR≥4.25). The implemented registration approach provided successful image alignment despite substantial morphological changes in the EAE brain over time. Consequently, T1 mapping was shown to objectively quantify gadolinium lesion burden as a measure of inflammatory activity in EAE. The 1H- and 19F-MRI methods proposed here are highly relevant for quantitative MR of neuroinflammatory diseases, enabling future (pre)clinical investigations.Die experimentelle Autoimmun-Enzephalomyelitis (EAE) wird zur Untersuchung Multipler Sklerose (MS) und zur Entwicklung neuer Technologien zur Entzündungsquantifizierung eingesetzt. Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) mit Gadolinium-haltigen Kontrastmitteln (GBCAs) ist die modernste Methode zur Beurteilung von Entzündungen bei MS-Patienten und im Tiermodell. Fluor (19F)-MRT unter Verwendung von 19F-Nanopartikeln ist eine neue Technologie zur Quantifizierung entzündlicher Immunzellen in vivo. T1-Kartierung ist eine MRT-Methode, die zur Quantifizierung entzündlicher Läsionen eingesetzt werden könnte. Temporäremorphologische Veränderungen im EAE-Gehirn erschweren die Quantifizierung und erfordern Registrierungsmethoden, um MRT-Bilder in Längsschnittstudien räumlichabzugleichen. Das niedrige Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis (SNR) ist aufgrund der geringen Anzahl 19F-markierter Immunzellen in vivo eine zusätzliche Herausforderung der 19F-MRT. Um deren Empfindlichkeit zu erhöhen, werden Sende-/Empfangsoberflächen-Hochfrequenzspulen (TX/RX-HF-Spule) und SNR-effiziente MRT-Techniken wie RARE (Rapid Acquisition with Relaxation Enhancement) kombiniert. Jedoch verhindert die starke räumliche Variation des HF-Feldes (B1-Inhomogenität) dieser Spulen die Signalquantifizierung. Retrospektive B1-Korrekturmethoden verwenden in der Regel Signalintensitätsgleichungen, die für komplexe MRT-Techniken wie RARE nicht existieren. Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung neuartiger B1-Korrektur- und Bildregistrierungsmethoden, um in vivo 1H- und 19F-MRT Studien von Entzündungsprozessen zu ermöglichen. Zur Korrektur von B1-Inhomogenitäten wurde eine modellbasierte Methode entwickelt. Diese verwendet empirische Messungen und Simulationen, wurde in Phantomexperimenten validiert und mit Referenzmethoden verglichen. Für 19F-MRT wurden ein Protokoll zur Messung anatomischer Bilder in vivo und eine Methode zur Berechnung der 19F-Konzentrationsunsicherheit nach Korrektur mittels Monte-Carlo-Simulationen entwickelt. Um morphologische Veränderungen im EAE-Gehirn in longitudinalen Studien zu kompensieren, wurde zur Bildregistrierung eine Software-Bibliothek entwickelt. Die B1-Korrekturmethoden zeigten in Testobjekten und Mäusehirnen drastische Verbesserungen der Signal- und T1 Quantifizierung und ermöglichten so quantitative Messungen mit TX/RX-HF-Spulen. Die modellbasierte Methode lieferte für geringe SNRs zuverlässige 19F-Quantifizierungen, deren Genauigkeit mit dem SNR korrelierte. Die implementierte Registrierungsmethode ermöglichte einen erfolgreichen Abgleich von Bildserientrotz erheblicher morphologischer Veränderungen im EAE-Hirn. Folglich wurde gezeigt, dass MRT basierte T1-Kartierung die Gadolinium-Läsionslast als Maß entzündlicher Aktivität bei EAE objektiv quantifizieren kann. Die hier unterscuhten Methoden sind für quantitative 1H- und 19F-MRT neuroinflammatorischer Erkrankungen sehr relevant und ermöglichen künftige (prä)klinische Untersuchungen

    Ciencia y tecnología, balance de su desarrollo civil desde América Latina

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    Gian Carlo Delgado Ramos "Ciencia y tecnología, balance de su desarrollo civil desde América Latina", in: Visioni LatinoAmericane, 11 (2014), pp. 81-101Riconoscendo il ruolo della scienza e della tecnologia nello sviluppo delle forze produttive, l'autore presenta una rassegna dello stato attuale della competenza intercapitalista tecnoscientifica dando conto dell'emergenza di nuovi attori e della dipendenza dell'America Latina e dei Caraibi. Sottolinea la necessità di articolare un piano di un'innovazione alternativo con un progetto di Nazione di e per la gente, che a sua volta obbliga a definire cosa si intenda per sviluppo e a identificare i modi per realizzarlo, gli attori e le alleanze strategiche, le sfide, le tensioni e le contraddizioni. Reconociendo el rol de la ciencia y de la tecnologia en el desarrollo de las fuerzas productivas, el autor presenta una revisión del estado actual de la competencia intercapitalista tecnocientifica dando cuenta de la emergencia de nuevos actores asi como del caràcter dependiente de América Latina y el Caribe. Concluye advirtiendo la necesidad de articular cualquier plan alternativo de innovación a un proyecto de Nación de y para la gente, lo que a su vez obliga definir lo que se asume por desarrollo y a identificar las vias para hacerlo, los actores y alianzas clave, los retos, tensiones y contradicciones. Recognizing the role played by science and technology in productive forces development, the author offers an up-to-date review of the state of inter-capitalist techno-scientific competence, including the emergence of new actors and a review of the dependent nature of Latin America and the Caribbean. He underlines the need to link any innovative alternative plan to the construction of a national project by and for the people, which in turn forces the debate regarding our understanding of development and the ways to actually achieve it, the actors and key alliances needed, and the challenges, tensions and contradictions in play

    Investigation of the application of Statistical Process Control into Low Volume Manufacturing

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    Statistical process control (SPC) into Low Volume Manufacturing environment face a challenge applying SPC techniques. SPC is commonly used for quality control and improvement in the manufacturing sector. In the early 1920s, Dr Walter Shewhart developed the control chart employed to monitor a process over time, where the first data is collected and then plotted on a graph. Moreover, a control chart is composed of a Central Line (CL), the Upper Control Limit (UCL) and the Lower Control Limit (LCL). Parameters and control limits are calculated to analyze the control chart, requiring twenty to twenty-five subgroups of data, with three to five values per subgroup, or at least sixty measurements. However, collect this amount of data is difficult in certain production processes, where the lot size could even be one and it could take weeks or months to accumulate enough data to estimate the process parameters. Statistical process control is a challenge in some scenarios such as startup production, different or individual parts in the same production line, or production of customized products. In these cases, there is not enough amount of data to compute the parameters to monitor the process. Therefore, special techniques and statistical methods are required. Some authors developed self-starting control charts and alternative methods for short-run production, e.g. Q charts, Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) and Cumulative sum (CUSUM). This thesis studies the performance of these SPC tools, implementing a Low Volume Statistical Process Control (LV-SPC) model through an Excel spreadsheet, analyzing the production process data from companies that are performing low volume manufacturing. This work provides an interpretation and explanation about statistical process control into low volume manufacturing, analyzing the application of different SPC methods developed for short production runs based on data collected from different companies. Data collected was processed to individual measurements from the process deviation rather than the mean values. Converting the data to individual values the SPC methods for low volume manufacturing are viable to use. Also, performance, effectiveness, and how it can be further implemented were discussed

    Contributions (possible) of lacanian psychoanalysis to the non-essentialist feminist theorization

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    With the aim of contributing to the theory of feminist emancipation policy, the work supports five confluences of Jacques Lacan's psychoanalyst's approaches to non-essentialist feminisms. For this, a review is carried out that systematizes the Lacanian developments in four theoretical waves, the same ones that are located in the critical tradition to the approaches on women proposed by Sigmund Freud, tradition exerted from feminism and from psychoanalysis. On this basis, and without ignoring the different discursive and political nature of Lacanian psychoanalysis and feminism, five contributions are proposed that constitute both starting points for a theorization to come: the relations between subject and emancipation, the objection to identity essentialisms, criticism of the gender-gender distinction, the relationships between woman-body-motherhood; and, finally, the possibilities of retaking and developing irrevocable Freudian approaches about the unconscious, the drive (Trieb) and the civilization and its discontents

    Drought Management Planning Policy: From Europe to Spain

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    Climate change is anticipated to exacerbate the frequency, the intensity, and the duration of droughts, especially in Mediterranean countries. This might lead to more serious water scarcity episodes and fierce competition among water users. Are we really prepared to deal efficiently with droughts and water scarcity events? This paper sheds light on this question by reviewing the evolution of European drought management planning policy, recently developed scientific and technical advances, technical guidance documents, and an extensive number of journal papers. More specifically, Spain presents an ideal context to assess how drought risk has been historically addressed because this country has periodically suffered the impacts of intense droughts and water scarcity episodes, and has developed a long track record in water legislation, hydrological planning, and drought risk management strategies. The most recent Drought Management Plans (DMPs) were approved in December 2018. These include an innovative common diagnosis system that distinguishes droughts and water scarcity situations in terms of indicators, triggers, phases, and actions. We can conclude that DMP should be a live and active document able to integrate updated knowledge. The DMP needs also to set out a clear strategy in terms of water use priorities, drought monitoring systems, and measures in each river basin in order to avoid generalist approaches and possible misinterpretation of the DMP that could lead to increase existing and future conflicts

    South Los Angeles Park Observation Research

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    The health impact of elevated gang activity on the residents of South Los Angeles has been a pressing concern with limited research. Thus, this study aimed to understand the potential health repercussions within this context, specifically by examining how different patrolling systems influence community members\u27 physical activity in public parks. To increase security, the city of Los Angeles implemented police patrol programs in multiple high-risk parks. Concurrently, the Advocates for Urban Peace & Unity (APUU), a local community organization, introduced a novel approach of community-led park patrolling. Essentially, respected community members volunteer to patrol and maintain safety and order in the parks. Our study compared activity levels of community members within parks patrolled by police versus parks patrolled by community members. During the summer of 2023, we observed 17 parks in South Los Angeles – 8 patrolled by APUU community members and 9 patrolled by police. We collected and recorded data during each observation, then transferred and analyzed data by SPSS software. Preliminary findings suggest an anticipated higher physical activity rate in community-patrolled parks. The underlying hypothesis is that individuals will feel more comfortable and safe when surrounded by their own community members, and hence, encouraged to engage in physical exercise within these environments
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