65 research outputs found

    Endozoochorus seed dispersal by goats: recovery, germinability and emergence of five Mediterranean shrub species

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    Herbivores can play an important role as seed dispersal vectors, ungulates constituting potential seed dispersal agents of Mediterranean grasses and shrubs. We evaluated the role of domestic goats as seed dispersers of five representative Mediterranean forage shrub species [Cistus albidus L., Phillyrea angustifolia L., Calicotome villosa (Poir.) Link., Rhamnus lycioides L. and Atriplex halimus L.]. Following seed ingestion by goats, total faeces were collected at 24-h intervals for five days. The total number of seeds recovered varied among species, with R. lycioides showing the minimum recovery percentage (1.3%) and C. albidus (35.8%), the maximum. Seed recovery was significantly related to seed hardness and length. In most species, the maximum amount of seeds recovered occurred 48-72 h after ingestion. The passage through the goat gut significantly depressed seed germination in C. albidus, C. villosa and A. halimus; inhibited it in R. lycioides and increased it in P. angustifolia. Seedling emergence was significantly lower in intact dung pellets than in broken-down ones, and both significantly lower than in uneaten seeds (control). The results of this study show that goats can potentially favor or inhibit seed dispersal of browsed Mediterranean shrub species. Therefore, goat grazing could be a potential management tool for expanding target shrub species populations or preventing shrub encroachment in undesired areas

    The Contribution of Traditional Meat Goat Farming Systems to Human Wellbeing and Its Importance for the Sustainability of This Livestock Subsector

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    Traditional meat goat farming systems are characterized by rearing autochthonous breeds and using natural resources through grazing, often within protected natural areas. In a context of reduction of the number of farms, due to the low income derived from the sale of kids, the role of those systems as suppliers of presently non-remunerated ecosystem services becomes more relevant. The objective of this article is to analyze the current situation of those systems, focusing on their connection with human wellbeing, and to formulate proposals that can contribute to guaranteeing their profitability and continuity. A technical-economic and environmental study of a sample of farms and an analysis of the limiting factors affecting the subsector were carried out. As a result, a set of multifactorial problems was identified, with the lack of acknowledgement and remuneration of some services—mainly environmental and cultural—provided by those systems and the low selling price of kids standing as the main threats. The consideration of meat goat farms as “producers of meat of high functional quality and providers of ecosystem services”, which should be properly quantified and remunerated, would contribute to their preservation and guarantee the provision of benefits associated with the activity

    Effect of the Production System in the Fatty Acid Profile of Payoya Goat Kids

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    The importance of organic livestock production is increasing in Spain and especially in Andalucía, but nevertheless still exist reduced number of studies about the quality of these products. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of management system (conventional vs organic) on the fatty acid profile (with special reference on the conjugated linoleic acids, CLA) in the meat of Payoya goat kids. Twenty-four male kids (12 from a farm with conventional system and 12 from a farm with organic system) were used. The farms were located in the Sierra Norte of Cádiz (Andalucía, Southern Spain) and were fed in a grazing-based management, ranging mainly between semi-extensive and semi-intensive systems. Kids in both groups were born from twin births. They were raised with natural milk and slaughtered at same average live weight (8.4±0.31 kg). After 24 hours of chilling, carcasses were splitted along the dorsal midline and Longissimus thoracis muscle was obtained, packed to the emptiness and preserved at -20ºC up to analysis. There were no significant differences in a high number of the studied fatty acids according to production system, except for C14:0, C18:1, C20:0, C21:0, and C22:5n3 (with higher percentage in organic kids, P<0.05) and of C15:1 and C18:0 (higher percentage in conventional kids, P<0.01). In relation to calculated indexes, organic kids have showed highest values in the ∆ 9C18 desaturase activity index and in atherogenicity index (P<0.05). In conclusion, no significant differences were found in the fatty acid composition of meat from kids raising in organic and conventional systems.L’importance de l’élevage biologique est de plus en plus importante en Espagne et surtout en Andalousie, mais il existe un nombre réduit d’études sur la qualité des produits obtenus dans ce système et encore moins réalisées sur des races autochtones de chèvre comme la Payoya. L’objectif de cette étude a été d’évaluer l’effet du système d´élevage (biologique vs traditionnel) sur le profil des acides gras (avec une référence particulière aux acides linoléiques conjugués, CLA) de la viande des chevreaux de race Payoya. Vingt-quatre chevreaux mâles (12 animaux par système d’élevage) ont été utilisés. Les fermes se trouvaient dans la Sierra Norte de Cádiz (Andalousie, sud de l’Espagne) et l’alimentation provenait principalement de pâturages, entre semi-extensifs et semi-intensifs. Tous les chevreaux sont nés de mises bas gémellaires. Ils ont été élevés avec du lait et abattus à poids vif moyen de 8,4 ± 0,31 kg. Après 24 heures de refroidissement, les carcasses ont été découpées le long de la ligne médiane dorsale et le muscle Longissimus thoracis a été prélevé, emballé sous vide et conservé à -20 ºC jusqu’à l’analyse. Il n’y avait pas de différences significatives sur la plupart des acides gras étudiés en fonction du système de production, à l’exception du C14: 0, C18: 1, C20: 0, C21: 0 et C22: 5n3 (avec un pourcentage plus élevé chez les chevreaux biologiques, P <0,05) et du C15: 1 et C18: 0 (pourcentage plus élevé chez les chevreaux du système traditionnel, P<0,01). En ce qui concerne le calcul des différents index, les chevreaux biologiques ont présenté des valeurs plus élevées de l’index d’activité de ∆ 9C18 désaturase et de l’index d’atherogénicité (P<0,05). En conclusion, aucune différence significative n’a été trouvée dans la composition en acides gras de la viande provenant des chevreaux élevés dans les systèmes biologiques et conventionnel

    Effect of different drying systems for the conservation of olive leaves on their nutritive value for ruminants

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    Leaves obtained from olive trees (Olea europaea L.) were stored under various conditions for periods up to 42 months. Duration of storage had a marked effect on crude protein digestibility of leaves when fed to sheep. Protein appeared to be unavailable to animals fed leaves stored for 24 months or longer. The effect of storage on organic matter digestibility was less dramatic and due largely to the loss of soluble cell contents (r = 0.97). As a result, the proportion of water-insoluble dry matter and lignin present in leaves increased with duration of storage while the proportion of water or acetone-water (60:30 v/v) soluble material decreased. Despite being unavailable in vivo, cellulase digestion released protein from the water-insoluble residues of stored leaves in greater amounts than that released from freshly-dried leaves. It appears likely that protein released from stored leaves was in the form of a complex and remained unavailable to the animal. Hydrolysable and condensed tannins were not detected in fresh or dried leaves and could not have acted as complexing agents. The seco-iridoid glycoside oleuropein was found in fresh tissue (69.9 g kg(-1)) but concentrations decreased on storage in parallel with the observed decrease in crude protein digestibility (r = 0.80). ((C) Elsevier/Inra)

    Using dried orange pulp in the diet of dairy goats: effects on milk yield and composition and blood parameters of dams and growth performance and carcass quality of kids

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    Although dried orange pulp (DOP) may conveniently replace cereals in ruminant diets, few studies have considered similar diet substitution for goats. We hypothesised that DOP could replace cereal-based concentrate in goat diets without detrimental effects on growth performance and carcass quality of suckling kids and milk performance and blood biochemical parameters of dams in early lactation. We also hypothesised that DOP substitution may increase the levels of antioxidants, such as phenolic compounds and vitamin E, in milk and improve its total antioxidant capacity (TAC). Therefore, 44 primiparous Payoya dairy goats were allocated to three experimental groups, each fed a different diet: control (CD, n = 14) based on a commercial concentrate with alfalfa hay as forage; and DOP40 (n = 16) in which 40% and DOP80 (n = 14) in which 80% of the cereal in the concentrate were replaced by DOP. The experiment lasted from the final month of pregnancy to 55 days postpartum. The DOP diets did not affect suckling kids’ carcass quality, but at 28 days, led to improvement in live weight (LW) and average daily gain (ADG) from birth, although no differences were found between DOP40 and DOP80 (for CD, DOP40 and DOP80, LW at 28 days was 8.00, 8.58 and 8.34 kg and ADG was 184, 199 and 195 g/day, respectively). Diet had no significant effect on milk yield (average daily milk yield and total yield at 55 days were 1.66 l/day and 90.6 l, respectively) and commercial and fatty acid composition. Nevertheless, α-tocopherol, total phenolic compound (TPC) and TAC concentration in milk increased with substitution of cereals by DOP (for CD, DOP40 and DOP80, concentration of α-tocopherol was 21.7, 32.8 and 42.3 μg/100 g, TPCs was 63.5, 84.1 and 102 mg gallic acid equivalents/l, and TAC was 6.63, 11.1 and 12.8 μmol Trolox equivalents/ml, respectively). Every plasma biochemistry parameter considered was within reference values for healthy goats; therefore, no pathological effect was detected for these variables due to dietary treatment. However, DOP diets caused a reduction in plasmatic creatine kinase and aspartate aminotransferase, implying reduced oxidative damage to muscles. In conclusion, DOP may be an interesting alternative to cereals in early lactation goat diets for increasing farmers’ income and the healthy antioxidant capacity of milk

    Rendimiento de terneros alimentados con silo de maíz o láctico con un promotor de la fermentación ruminal

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    Se efectuó el engorde de 120 bovinos (296 &plusmn; 6,9 kg) machos cruzados de Cebú durante 120 días divididos en tres tratamientos. Tratamiento 1: 40 animales alimentados con ensilaje normal de maíz (EN). Tratamiento 2: n= 40 animales alimentados con ensilaje inoculado con probiótico láctico enriquecido en N no proteico (NNP) (EP). Tratamiento 3 (EPS): 40 bovinos alimentados con EP más un suplemento nitrogenado de lento consumo (SNLC). Se emplearon tres toros canulados para estudiar la cinética ruminal y la digestibilidad in vivo. La concentración de NH3 en el fluido ruminal fue significativamente menor en EN (15 mg/100 ml) que en EP y EPS (18 y 22 mg/100 ml, respectivamente). La degradabilidad in situ de la FND fue 28% en EN, 38% para EP y 48% en EPS (p<0,05). El coeficiente de digestibilidad aparente de la MS fue significativamente menor en EN (57%) comparado con 68% en EP y 70% en EPS. El consumo voluntario fue menor (p<0,05) en EN (90 g/kg0,75/d) comparado con 120 y 140 g/kg0,75/d para EP y EPS respectivamente. Se observó un aumento en la ingestión de N de 72 g/d (EN) a 218 g/d (EP) y 277 g/d en EPS, aunque no se observan diferencias en la eficiencia de utilización entre los tratamientos EP y EPS. La digestibilidad aparente del N aumentó de un 73% para EN a un 76% para EP y EPS. Las cuentas de lactobacilos fueron de 1,6 millones/ml en EN, 10,5 en EP, a 12,5 millones/ml en el EPS. La excreción de derivados púricos aumentó en las dos dietas con el probiótico (p<0,05). Las ganancias diarias de peso fueron diferentes (p<0,05) para las 3 dietas (0,874 kg/d para EN, 1,172 para EP y 1,250 para EPS). La oferta de ensilaje de maíz enriquecido con probióticos con o sin suplemento nitrogenado de lento consumo incrementó la ganancia de peso en bovinos en engorde mejorando el proceso de fermentación ruminal e incrementando la producción de proteína microbiana

    Effectiveness of machine learning algorithms as a tool to meat traceability system. A case study to classify Spanish Mediterranean lamb carcasses

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    Establishing the traceability of meat products has been a major focus of food science in recent decades. In this context, recent advances in food nutritional biomarker identification and improvements in statistical technology have allowed for more accurate identification and classification of food products. Moreover, artificial intelligence has now provided a new opportunity for optimizing existing methods to identify animal products. This study presents a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of different machine learning algorithms based on raw data from analyses of organoleptic, sensory and nutritional meat traits to differentiate categories of commercial lamb from an indigenous Spanish breed (Mallorquina breed) obtained from the following production systems: suckling lambs; light lambs from grazing; and light lambs from grazing supplemented with grain. Six machine learning algorithms were evaluated: Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Decision Tree, K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN), Naive Bayes, Multinomial Logistic Regression, and Support Vector Machine (SVM). For each algorithm, we tested three datasets, namely organoleptic traits and sensorial traits (CIELAB colour, water holding capacity, Warner-Bratzler shear force, volatile compounds and trained tasters), and nutritional traits (proximate composition and fatty acid profile). We also tested a combination of all three datasets. All the data were combined into a dataset with 144 variables resulting from the meat characterization, which included 11,232 event records. The ANN algorithm stood out for its high score with each of the three datasets used. In fact, we obtained an overall accuracy of 0.88, 0.83, and 0.88 for the organoleptic-sensory, nutritional, and combined datasets, respectively. The effectiveness of using the SVM algorithm to assign categories of lambs according to its production system performed better with nutritional traits and the full characterization, with performances equal to those obtained with ANN. The KNN algorithm showed the worst performance, with overall accuracies of 0.54 or lower for each of the datasets used. The results of this study demonstrate that machine learning is a useful tool for classifying commercial lamb carcasses. In fact, the ANN and SVM algorithms could be proposed as tools for differentiating categories of lamb production based on the organoleptic, sensory and nutritional characteristics of Mediterranean light lambs' meat. However, in order to improve the traceability methods of lamb meat production systems as a guarantee for consumers and to improve the learning processes used by these algorithms, more studies along these lines with other lamb breeds are required.This research has been financed by the Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research and Training (IRFAP) of the Government of the Balearic Islands (PRJ201502671-0781), the Spanish National Institute of Agricultural and Food Research and Technology and the European Social Fund (FPI2014-00013). Particular gratefulness to PhD Oliva Polvillo Polo (CITIUS, University of Seville’s Centre for Research) for contributing her knowledge in chromatography analysisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Curvas de crecimiento y de consumo de alimento durante la fase de transición de los lechones ibérico x duroc en explotaciones semiextensivas de la Sierra Norte de Cádiz

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    En 1997 en el término municipal de Olvera (Cádiz) se cebaron 4.400 cerdos, aproximadamente la cuarta parte de los lechones producidos en dicho término. Ello indica que la actividad básica. en las explotaciones porcinas de la zona es la producción de lechones y no el cebo. Según Sanchez Vargas (1998, comunicación personal) en este término municipal existen 50 explotaciones porcinas extensivas, de las que una realiza el ciclo completo, cuatro son cebaderos y las 44 restantes son únicamente productoras de lechones. En el presente estudio realizado en la Sierra Norte de Cádiz, se ha planteado el cálculo de la función de producción de los lechones en la fase de transición, desde el destete, que tiene lugar normalmente a los 40 días de edad, hasta los 23 kg de peso vivo. Los principales objetivos han sido obtener por un lado ajustes de regresión entre el peso y la edad de los lechones y por otra parte el peso y el consumo de alimento por los mismos. Asimismo a partir de las ecuaciones de regresión se ha obtenido el índice de conversió

    Effect of the food distribution system on the fattening of Iberian pig crossed with Duroc

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    Debido a la intensificación de los sistemas de producción en porcino Ibérico se observa un aumento en la implantación de la alimentación líquida, pero hay pocos trabajos que muestren sus ventajas en esta raza. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar técnica y económicamente el modo de distribución del pienso durante el engorde de cerdos cruzados Ibérico con Duroc. Se utilizaron 156 cerdos y se ensayaron tres dietas: 1) alimento estándar en harina distribuido en seco ad libitum (PSAL); PSAL pero racionado en seco (PSR); PSAL racionado y en forma líquida o sopa (SO). Las dietas fueron suministradas en tres fases del crecimiento: de 35 a 50 kg de peso de 50 a 100 kg y de 100 kg hasta el sacrificio. Aunque al principio del crecimiento no hubo diferencias significativas posteriormente se observaron diferencias siendo mayores los pesos de los cerdos alimentados con PSAL y más bajos los que recibieron PSR. Los índices de conversión fueron más bajos para SO (4.22) comparado con PSR (4.37) y PSAL (4.72) para para todo el período de crecimiento. La dieta más cara fue PSAL y la más económica la SO. Con la dieta PSAL los cerdos alcanzaron el peso comercial de cebo (130 kg) tres semanas antes que con la dieta SO, pero con ésta se consiguió un menor coeficiente de variación del peso durante el periodo de cebo.Due to the intensifying of the breeding systems of the Iberian pig, an increase was observed in the implementation of feeding liquids, although there are few investigations that show their advantage on this breed. The aim of this investigation was to analyze, in technical and economical terms, the form of distribution of the fodder during the fattening of crossbred Iberian pigs with Durocs. One hundred and 156 pigs were used and three diets were tested: 1) standard feed in the form of flour, distributed in dry form ad libitum (PSAL); PSAL but dry rationed (PSR); PSAL rationed and as a liquid or soup (SO). The diets were supplied in three growth stages: from 35 to 50 kg of live weight, from 50 to 100 kg and from 100 kg until sacrifice. Although at the beginning of growth there were no significant differences, these appeared afterwards, and the weights of the pigs fed with PSAL were greater, while those fed with PSR were lowest. The conversion indexes were lower for SO (4.22) compared to PSR (4.37) and PSAL (4.72) for the entire period of growth. The most expensive diet was PSAL and the cheapest was SO. With the PSAL diet, pigs reached the commercial fattening weight (130 kg) three weeks earlier than with the SO diet, although with the latter, a lower weight variation coefficient was reached during the fattening period