17,195 research outputs found

    Optimal conclusive teleportation of quantum states

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    Quantum teleportation of qudits is revisited. In particular, we analyze the case where the quantum channel corresponds to a non-maximally entangled state and show that the success of the protocol is directly related to the problem of distinguishing non-orthogonal quantum states. The teleportation channel can be seen as a coherent superposition of two channels, one of them being a maximally entangled state thus, leading to perfect teleportation and the other, corresponding to a non-maximally entangled state living in a subspace of the d-dimensional Hilbert space. The second channel leads to a teleported state with reduced fidelity. We calculate the average fidelity of the process and show its optimality.Comment: 8 pages, revtex, no figure

    Constructing the concept of 'culture' in a Mexican university language department: the struggles of a small group of English teachers and students

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    This thesis is an investigation of how a group of foreign and local English language teachers and students at the Language Department of the University of Guanajuato, Mexico construct ‘culture’. Through an ethnographic approach, with the use of interviews and classroom observations as the means for gathering data, the stories of eight teachers and twenty four students were explored, in order to unravel their constructions of ‘culture’. Given the abstract nature of the concept ‘culture’, critical incidents from my personal and professional experience were used to spark the participants into sharing their stories. It was through the telling of these stories that the thoughts, ideas and feelings of the participants regarding the Self and the Other were revealed. The construction of ‘culture’ was found to be a complex process in which teachers and students struggle in negotiating diverse sources of knowledge—from the personal (parents and upbringing), to professional and/or public discourses. The processes of relativization, recognition and transformation, as understood in the cosmopolitan tradition, were adopted to explore individuals’ capabilities in constructing ‘culture’. When constructing people and ‘cultures’, individuals are seen to traverse personal and professional trajectories, making the ability to relativize worldviews a challenge. Thus, the cosmopolitan imagination, which foresees Self and societal transformation, is seen to aid the individual in effecting the relativization of worldviews, so that recognition from the perspective of the Other and transformation are made possible. Constructing ‘culture’ was found to be a non-linear process, sometimes smooth and sometimes a struggle. Indeed, this thesis proposes that there are many intersecting factors in the construction of ‘culture’: the concepts which are invoked, the processes involved, and the abilities utilized when deliberating over ‘culture’. The individual is seen to draw upon all of these resources according to the specific contextual factors of the intercultural event

    A New Gauge Mediation Theory

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    We propose a class of models with gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking, inspired by simple brane constructions, where R-symmetry is very weakly broken. The gauge sector has an extended N=2 supersymmetry and the two electroweak Higgses form an N=2 hypermultiplet, while quarks and leptons remain in N=1 chiral multiplets. Supersymmetry is broken via the D-term expectation value of a secluded U(1) and it is transmitted to the Standard Model via gauge interactions of messengers in N=2 hypermultiplets: gauginos thus receive Dirac masses. The model has several distinct experimental signatures with respect to ordinary models of gauge or gravity mediation realizations of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). First, it predicts extra states as a third chargino that can be observed at collider experiments. Second, the absence of a D-flat direction in the Higgs sector implies a lightest Higgs behaving exactly as the Standard Model one and thus a reduction of the `little' fine-tuning in the low tan(beta) region. This breaking of supersymmetry can be easily implemented in string theory modelsComment: 23 pages, 3 figures, uses axodraw.sty. v2: a mistake in the radiative generation of the scalar masses is corrected. The main conclusions are unchange

    Systematic Analysis of Majorization in Quantum Algorithms

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    Motivated by the need to uncover some underlying mathematical structure of optimal quantum computation, we carry out a systematic analysis of a wide variety of quantum algorithms from the majorization theory point of view. We conclude that step-by-step majorization is found in the known instances of fast and efficient algorithms, namely in the quantum Fourier transform, in Grover's algorithm, in the hidden affine function problem, in searching by quantum adiabatic evolution and in deterministic quantum walks in continuous time solving a classically hard problem. On the other hand, the optimal quantum algorithm for parity determination, which does not provide any computational speed-up, does not show step-by-step majorization. Lack of both speed-up and step-by-step majorization is also a feature of the adiabatic quantum algorithm solving the 2-SAT ``ring of agrees'' problem. Furthermore, the quantum algorithm for the hidden affine function problem does not make use of any entanglement while it does obey majorization. All the above results give support to a step-by-step Majorization Principle necessary for optimal quantum computation.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, final versio

    Antisymmetric multi-partite quantum states and their applications

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    Entanglement is a powerful resource for processing quantum information. In this context pure, maximally entangled states have received considerable attention. In the case of bipartite qubit-systems the four orthonormal Bell-states are of this type. One of these Bell states, the singlet Bell-state, has the additional property of being antisymmetric with respect to particle exchange. In this contribution we discuss possible generalizations of this antisymmetric Bell-state to cases with more than two particles and with single-particle Hilbert spaces involving more than two dimensions. We review basic properties of these totally antisymmetric states. Among possible applications of this class of states we analyze a new quantum key sharing protocol and methods for comparing quantum states

    Diverging Entanglement Length in Gapped Quantum Spin Systems

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    We prove the existence of gapped quantum Hamiltonians whose ground states exhibit an infinite entanglement length, as opposed to their finite correlation length. Using the concept of entanglement swapping, the localizable entanglement is calculated exactly for valence bond and finitely correlated states, and the existence of the so--called string-order parameter is discussed. We also report on evidence that the ground state of an antiferromagnetic chain can be used as a perfect quantum channel if local measurements on the individual spins can be implemented.Comment: 4 page

    Low-coverage heteroepitaxial growth with interfacial mixing

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    We investigate the influence of intermixing on heteroepitaxial growth dynamics, using a two-dimensional point island model, expected to be a good approximation in the early stages of epitaxy. In this model, which we explore both analytically and numerically, every deposited B atom diffuses on the surface with diffusion constant DBD_{\rm B}, and can exchange with any A atom of the substrate at constant rate. There is no exchange back, and emerging atoms diffuse on the surface with diffusion constant DAD_{\rm A}. When any two diffusing atoms meet, they nucleate a point island. The islands neither diffuse nor break, and grow by capturing other diffusing atoms. The model leads to an island density governed by the diffusion of one of the species at low temperature, and by the diffusion of the other at high temperature. We show that these limit behaviors, as well as intermediate ones, all belong to the same universality class, described by a scaling law. We also show that the island-size distribution is self-similarly described by a dynamic scaling law in the limits where only one diffusion constant is relevant to the dynamics, and that this law is affected when both DAD_{\rm A} and DBD_{\rm B} play a role.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure
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