38 research outputs found

    2D Fractons from Gauging Exponential Symmetries

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    The scope of quantum field theory is extended by introducing a broader class of discrete gauge theories with fracton behavior in 2+1D. We consider translation invariant systems that carry special charge conservation laws, which we refer to as \text{exponential polynomial symmetries}. Upon gauging these symmetries, the resulting ZN\mathbb{Z}_N gauge theories exhibit fractonic physics, including constrained mobility of quasiparticles and UV dependence of the ground state degeneracy. For appropriate values of theory parameters, we find a family of models whose excitations, albeit being deconfined, can only move in the form of bound states rather than isolated monopoles. For concreteness, we study in detail the low-energy physics and topological sectors of a particular model through a universal protocol, developed for determining the holonomies of a given theory. We find that a single excitation, isolated in a region of characteristic size RR, can only move from its original position through the action of operators with support on O(R)\mathcal{O}(R) sites. Furthermore, we propose a Chern-Simons variant of these gauge theories, yielding non-CSS type stabilizer codes, and propose the exploration of exponentially symmetric subsystem SPTs and fracton codes in 3+1D.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figure

    Isospin Constraints on the Parametric Coupling Model for Nuclear Matter

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    We make use of isospin constraints to study the parametric coupling model and the properties of asymmetric nuclear matter. Besides the usual constraints for nuclear matter - effective nucleon mass and the incompressibility at saturation density - and the neutron star constraints - maximum mass and radius - we have studied the properties related with the symmetry energy. These properties have constrained to a small range the parameters of the model. We have applied our results to study the thermodynamic instabilities in the liquid-gas phase transition as well as the neutron star configurations.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Nulidade e anulabilidade de votos e das eleições: uma releitura principiológica

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Direito.O presente trabalho objetiva estudar os fatos que acarretam a anulação ou nulidade de votos, das seções eleitorais, bem como das eleições, tendo por base os princípios que norteiam o pleito eleitoral. O objetivo basilar da pesquisa reside em trazer à tona o histórico da legislação das eleições brasileiras, demonstrando seu desenvolvimento, para o fim de avaliar se, atualmente, a lei detém meios que possibilitem a renovação do pleito eleitoral quando viciados os princípios da Democracia, Soberania Popular, Isonomia, Lisura e Moralidade Eleitoral. A hipótese é de que sim, o Código Eleitoral, auxiliado pela Lei 9.504/1997 e Lei Complementar 64/1990, com as alterações dadas pela LC 135/2010, dá legitimidade ao Tribunal Eleitoral competente para cancelar as eleições quando viciados os princípios em estudo. O trabalha examina também a possibilidade de o voto natinulo renovar o escrutínio, bem como a vedação de o candidato que ensejou o cancelamento do pleito eleitoral participar das novas eleições. No que diz respeito à atualidade da pesquisa, a problemática em estudo ganhou manifesta atenção depois do advento da LC 135/2010. Na oportunidade, inúmeros foram os casos de pleitos renovados, em decorrência de mais de 50% de votos dados a candidatos “fichas sujas”. Ademais, embora não seja recente, não é raro ver-se a renovação de eleições em decorrência de captação ilícita de sufrágio. Conclui-se que a legislação eleitoral, ao dispor sobre a possibilidade de se renovar as eleições em decorrência de vícios, é reflexo dos princípios da Democracia, Soberania Popular, Isonomia, Lisura e Moralidade Eleitoral, incluindo-se no rol de fatos que ensejam a renovação do escrutínio a contagem de mais de 50% de votos natinulos

    Fractal Subsystem Symmetries, 't Hooft Anomalies, and UV/IR Mixing

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    In this work, we study unconventional anisotropic topologically ordered phases in 3d that manifest type-II fractonic physics along sub-manifolds. While they behave as usual topological order along a preferred spatial direction, their physics along perpendicular planes is dictated by the presence of fractal subsystem symmetries, completely restricting the mobility of anyonic excitations and their bound states. We consider an explicit lattice model realization of such phases and proceed to study their properties under periodic boundary conditions and, later, in the presence of boundaries. We find that for specific lattice sizes, the system possesses line and fractal membrane symmetries that are mutually anomalous, resulting in a non-trivially gapped ground state space. This amounts to the spontaneous breaking of the fractal symmetries, implying a sub-extensive ground state degeneracy. For the remaining system sizes the fractal symmetries are explicitly broken by the periodic boundary conditions, which is intrinsically related to the uniqueness of the ground state. Despite of that, the system is still topologically ordered since locally created quasi-particles have nontrivial mutual statistics and, in the presence of boundaries, it still presents anomalous edge modes. The intricate symmetry interplay dictated by the lattice size is a wild manifestation of ultraviolet/infrared (UV/IR) mixing.Comment: 7+7 pages, 5+5 figure

    A Novel Bias-TSP Algorithm for Maritime Patrol

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    This work aims to develop a search planning strategy to be used by a drone equipped with an inverse synthetic-aperture radar (ISAR) and an electro-optical sensor. After describing the specifics of our maritime scenario, we discuss four methodologies that can be used to find vessels involved in illegal fishing activities as quickly as possible. In addition to the clustering of the vessels, determined by the drone's electro-optical sensor range, we introduce a novel technique to bias a traveling salesman problem (TSP) tour. This bias is based on deliberately increasing distances to vessels that are classified as probable fishing vessels. This increase in distance is meant to prioritize visits to probable fishing vessels. Vessels are classified based on their length. The classification result and the vessel clustering are available before the actual planning of the tour. Simulations of scenarios in which we have a few vessels fishing illegally show that the novel technique, the bias-TSP, combined with a tour orientation based on operational considerations, outperforms the classic TSP: the mean distance traveled to find all the vessels involved in illegal fishing activities is reduced by at least 35-50%. We also show that different drone take-off locations significantly impact the results.</p

    U(1)U(1) symmetry-enriched toric code

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    We propose and study a generalization of Kitaev's Z2\mathbb Z_2 toric code on a square lattice with an additional global U(1)U(1) symmetry. Using Quantum Monte Carlo simulation, we find strong evidence for a topologically ordered ground state manifold with indications of UV/IR mixing, i.e., the topological degeneracy of the ground state depends on the microscopic details of the lattice. Specifically, the ground state degeneracy depends on the lattice tilt relative to the directions of the torus cycles. In particular, we observe that while the usual compactification along the vertical/horizontal lines of the square lattice shows a two-fold ground state degeneracy, compactifying the lattice at 4545^\circ leads to a three-fold degeneracy. In addition to its unusual topological properties, this system also exhibits Hilbert space fragmentation. Finally, we propose a candidate experimental realization of the model in an array of superconducting quantum wires

    Tumor sincrônico colorretal e renal: uma rara incidência

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    Introduction: Colorectal cancer is a common malignant disease of the gastrointestinal tract. The number of cases has increased due to the use of new techniques and technology for early diagnosis of the disease. Kidney cell carcinoma accounts for between 2% and 3% of cases of cancers. Clear cell carcinoma is the most frequent histological subtype in the population and may be related to nonpolypoid hereditary syndromes. Synchrony tumor between these two types of cancers is of very rare occurrence and of multifactorial but indefinite etiopathogenesis. Objective: This article aims to discuss the occurence of concomitant colorectal and renal carcinomas which is a very rare condition in the world population. Methodology: The data related to the case report were obtained from the patient's medical records at Hospital Regional do Gama-DF (HRG-DF) between November 2016 and May 2017, this period of screening until the moment post-rectosigmoidectomy. For a review and discussion of the article, such as databases Lilacs, Scielo, Medline, BVS and PubMed, in addition to consulting periodicals. Conclusion: The main treatment is a surgical resection of the affected region with margins free of neoplasias. The prognosis of the disease, in general, depends on the degree of stage in a physical situation, the cell type, the fluid of differentiation of the tumor, and surgical extension.Introdução: O câncer colorretal é a doença maligna mais comum do trato gastrointestinal. O número de casos tem aumentado devido ao uso de novas técnicas e tecnologia para diagnóstico precoce da doença. Já o carcinoma de células renais representa entre 2% e 3% dos casos de cânceres. O carcinoma de células claras é o subtipo histológico mais frequente na população e pode estar relacionado a síndromes hereditárias não polipoides. O tumor sincrônico entre esses dois tipos de cânceres é de ocorrência bastante rara e de etiopatogenia multifatorial, mas ainda indefinida. Objetivo: Este artigo é um relato de caso e tem o intuito de discutir e relatar a sincronia entre um câncer colorretal e um carcinoma renal cujo caso apresenta rara incidência na população mundial. Metodologia: Os dados obtidos referentes ao relato de caso foram colhidos do prontuário da paciente no Hospital Regional do Gama-DF (HRG-DF) entre os meses de novembro de 2016 e maio de 2017, período este, de rastreio até o momento pós- retossigmoidectomia. Para a revisão e discussão deste artigo foram utilizadas as bases de dados Lilacs, Scielo, Medline, BVS e PubMed, além de consulta a periódicos. Conclusão: O principal tratamento é a ressecção cirúrgica da região acometida com as margens livres de neoplasias. O prognóstico da doença, em geral, depende do grau de estádio no qual se encontra a doença, o tipo celular, o nível de diferenciação do tumor e a extensão cirúrgica

    A simplified approach to the Quantum Monte Carlo method: from the solution of integrals to the electronic distribution problem

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    The paper presents an introductory and general discussion on the quantum Monte Carlo methods, some fundamental algorithms, concepts and applicability. In order to introduce the quantum Monte Carlo method, preliminary concepts associated with Monte Carlo techniques are discussed.433444Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Uma abordagem simplificada do método Monte Carlo Quântico: da solução de integrais ao problema da distribuição eletrônica

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    The paper presents an introductory and general discussion on the quantum Monte Carlo methods, some fundamental algorithms, concepts and applicability. In order to introduce the quantum Monte Carlo method, preliminary concepts associated with Monte Carlo techniques are discussed

    The use of radiofrequency for hepatocellular carcinoma ablation : an update review and perspectives

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    The World Health Organization classifies liver cancer among the five types of cancer with highest death rates in the world. Among the current methods available for the treatment of liver cancer, there is the resection of hepatic tissue and the radiofrequency ablation of the tumor. Even though resection presents the best results, only 10% to 15% of the affected patients may eligible for this procedure. On the other hand, the radiofrequency ablation encompasses a larger scope of patients and provides a non-invasive method when compared to resection. There is research with sufficient evidence to allow the transposition of this concept to new technological paradigms, which would yield a more effective ablation process, i.e.: generating enough volumetric necrosis for complete regression of the tumor, leading to a high survival rate of patients. These technological paradigms encompass aspects of operability, innovation and of theoretical framework. In terms of operability, there is the use of better imaging sources to aid the healthcare professional in the positioning of electrodes; in terms of innovation, there are new technologies such as the use of optical fiber microsensors and metallic magnetic nanoparticles to increase the efficiency of the process; in terms of theoretical framework, there is the development of more precise mathematical models that would expand the possibilities of application and increase its effectiveness. These new challenges are new possibilities that may reshape the concept and the use of radiofrequency ablation as it is currently known