905 research outputs found

    Comparison of five different methods to assess the concentration of boar semen

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    Both for research and practical purposes, accurate and repeatable methods are required to assess the concentration of boar semen samples. Since the method which is used may influence the results considerably, the aim of the present study was to compare 5 frequently used techniques to determine boar semen concentration. Fifty ejaculates were collected from 37 different boars at an artificial insemination centre. Subsequently, each ejaculate was analyzed for sperm concentration by means of 2 different types of colorimeters (Colorimeter 1: Model 252, Sherwood Scientific Ltd, Cambridge, UK; Colorimeter 2: Ciba-Corning, Schippers, Bladel, The Netherlands), the Burker counting chamber (golden standard), and the Hamilton Thorne Analyzer (Ceros 42.1) using 2 types of Leja chambers (the 'former' and the 'recently developed'). Each ejaculate was assessed 5 times with each of the 5 methods, and the repeatability, expressed by coefficient of variation (CV), was determined for each method. The different methods were compared using Pearson's correlations and limits of agreement. The colorimeters yielded the lowest CV's (both 3.7%), while the former Leja chamber resulted in the highest CV (12.4%). Moreover, significant (P0.71) were found between the results obtained by the different methods. The limits of agreement plots showed that none of the methods consistently over- or underestimated the sperm concentrations when compared to the Burker chamber, although there was a tendency toward higher over- or underestimation in highly concentrated sperm samples. Based on our results, there were no major differences in the assessment of sperm concentration between the evaluated methods. The choice of method used in a laboratory could therefore be based on factors such as cost, number of samples to be assessed and practical use, without thereby negatively affecting the validity of the results thus obtained

    La fidélisation du client par son intégration symbolique dans le discours des entreprises

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    Cet article apporte un éclairage sur les stratégies de fidélisation des entreprises à partir de l'analyse des consumer magazines qu’on appelle également selon les cas, presse de consommateurs ou magazine de marque. Il s’agit de montrer la place des co-énonciateurs dans le discours de trois titres, en insistant plus spécialement sur la figure du client. Ce dernier apparaît en consommateur expérimenté qui désigne par son témoignage, l’acte d’achat qui le lie à l’entreprise. Il participe à la définition que l’enseigne souhaite donner de son image et renforce de cette manière leur connivence. En intervenant au côté des énoncés journalistiques, il porte le discours commercial de l’enseigne.This article analyses the strategy of fidelisation of consumer magazines. We show the strategy of enonciation through the analysis of three titles : « Le journal de Carrefour », « Vivre champion » and « Pour Vous » by Géant Casino. We study mainly the customers’ testimonies in short articles. These quotations show the relation between buyers and retailers. They are the symbols of the partnership existing between sales outlets and their customers

    Qui parle dans le journal d’entreprise ? Étude de cas

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    L’auteur analyse l’énonciation (locuteurs, énonciateurs) qui caractérise le journal interne d’une grande entreprise, sur une période longue. Elle s’intéresse plus particulièrement à la forme « magazine » utilisée à deux périodes différentes (1943-1967 ; 1985-....). Elle met en valeur la constitution progressive de la professionnalité du responsable de cette communication interne, à travers les formes de mise en espace de la parole des multiples acteurs sociaux de l’entreprise.L’espace offert à une parole directe est fractionné en rubriques diverses ; il est plus l’occasion de juxtapositions que de confrontations. Dans la production propre du journaliste, les catégories de personnels sont nommées, montrées ou citées. Ce processus de différenciation est stable sur la période considérée, seuls les responsables ayant droit à la citation. Enfin, alors que le journaliste se présentait rarement comme « relais » d’information, il finit, dans les années 80 par mettre en scène son travail rédactionnel : une stratégie qui permet de conserver l’illusion de son indépendance.The author analyses the discourse of the house journal of an industrial firm in the years 1943-1967, and 1985 to nowadays. She focuses on the building of the specific professionality of the officer responsible for this inhouse communication, which can be read in terms of demarcating and spacing out the speeches of the various social actors of the firm.The space allocated to live speech is divided into various fractional columns ; so speches are placed side by side rather than confronted. Within the own writing of the journalist, the categories of employees are named, indicated and quoted. This differenciation process is continuous in the investigated years, and the executives have a privilege of quotation. In the eighties, the journalist, who formerly did not often present himself as an information relay, begins to make his own editorial activity visible : such a strategy allows him to preserve the illusive independance by which he deludes himself

    Increasing fitness with FES rowing

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    Functional electrical stimulation assisted rowing (FES-rowing) can be used as a rehabilitation procedure and recreational activity for persons with lower-limbs paralysis1. In FES-rowing typically quadriceps and hamstring muscles are stimulated, which improves the status of the cardiovascular system and increases muscle mass2,3; thereby, the risk from secondary complications associated with the sedentary lifestyle imposed on those who are unable to ambulate is reduced. The aims of the present study were (i) to assess the effectiveness of FES-rowing in young healthy subjects as compared with rowing alone; (ii) to evaluate the feasibility of rowing combined with the coordinated stimulation of 3 muscle groups (quadriceps, hamstrings and triceps surae)

    Pollen Viability in Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) in Cuba.

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    In taro, pollen availability or variability, and the number of clones that produce inflorescences, are not worldwide problems today. However, in Cuba, the appearance of inflorescence is critical, since the high-yielding accessions are not the ones that produce the inflorescences; it rarely or never happens, but when it does, pollen is not viable in most cases. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to evaluate fertility and viability of pollen in taro accessions (Colocasia esculenta). The germplasm accessions of the species, preserved at the Center for Tropical Crops Research (INIVIT) were evaluated during the 2015-2016 period. Staining by aceto-carmine glycerol jelly or pollen viability test was performed to 19 accessions selected for their inflorescences in field conditions.  The result was expressed as the percentage with respect to the total number of pollen grains, using a descriptor of variations of pollen viability to determine if the accessions could be used as male parents in crop breeding programs. Five of the nineteen accessions evaluated were observed to produce viable pollen, which may be used as potential male and female progenitors in the genetic breeding program by species hybridation

    Electron Affinity Calculations for Thioethers

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    Previous work indicated that polyphenyl thioethers possessed chemical properties, related to their electron affinities, which could allow them to function as vapor phase lubricants (VPL). Indeed, preliminary tribological tests revealed that the thioethers could function as vapor phase lubricants but not over a wide temperature and hertzian pressure range. Increasing the electron affinity of the thioethers may improve their VPL properties over this range. Adding a substituent group to the thioether will alter its electron affinity in many cases. Molecular orbital calculations were undertaken to determine the effect of five different substituent groups on the electron affinity of polyphenyl thioethers. It was found that the NO2, F, and I groups increased the thioethers electron affinity by the greatest amount. Future work will involve the addition of these groups to the thioethers followed by tribological testing to assess their VPL properties

    Effect of Threonine and the Bioactive Component of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae on the Productive Performance of the Broiler Cobb 500

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    This study was conducted in Chimborazo province, Riobamba Canton to evaluate the effect of threonine and the bioactive component of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on the productive performance of the broiler Cobb 500. A total of 270 one-day-old broiler chicken of both sexes were included, which corresponded to an experimental unit size of 15 birds. Two growth promoters were used for the treatments -- T1: Threonine (aminoacid) 200 g/Tn; and T2: bioactive oligosaccharides, obtained from the cell wall of selected strains of S. Cerevisiae (probiotic) 750 g/Tn. These were compared to a control group. The data were analyzed through Analysis of Variance (ADEVA). The separation of means was performed using the Tukey statistic at a level of significance of p < 0.05 and p < 0.01. The data were processed using the Infostat software version 2010. The results showed that the best productive yields were with treatment 2; the values for this treatment were: weight at 28 days: 1369.42 g; weight gain at 28 days: 48.90 g; food conversion at 28 days: 1.39 points; carcass weight: 2527.05 g; and yield to the carcass: 83.85%. Through the economic analysis, it was determined that the highest cost-benefit index was 1.30 USD with the application of T2. So according to the results, a better use of the nutrients that are present in the feed is achieved when bioactive components of S. cerevisiae are supplied in the diet of broiler chickens. Keywords: Threonine, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, productive performance, broiler, Cobb 500. RESUMEN Se realizó un experimento en la provincia de Chimborazo, Cantón Riobamba, para evaluar los efectos de treonina y componentes bioactivos de Saccharomyces cerevisiae sobre el comportamiento productivo en aves Cobb 500. Se utilizaron 270 pollitos mixtos Cobb 500 de un día de edad de ambos sexos, con un tamaño de unidad experimental de 15 aves. Para los tratamientos se manejaron dos promotores de crecimiento, T1: Treonina (aminoácido) 200 g/Tn y T2: Oligosacáridos bioactivos, obtenidos a partir de la pared celular de cepas seleccionadas de S. Cerevisiae750 g/Tn; frente a un testigo (T0). Los datos obtenidos fueron sometidos a Análisis de Varianza (ADEVA); la separación de medias se realizó mediante el estadístico Tukey a un nivel de significancia (p < 0,05) y (p < 0,01); los datos se procesaron mediante el software Infostat versión 2010. Los resultados muestran los mejores rendimientos productivos con el Tratamiento 2, para los parámetros: peso a los 28 días 1369,42 g; ganancia de peso a los 28 días 48,90 g; y conversión alimenticia a los 28 días con 1,39 puntos; así como peso a la canal 2527,05 g; y rendimiento a la canal 83,85%. Mediante el análisis económico se determinó que el mayor índice beneficio costo fue de 1,30 USD con la aplicación del T2. Lo que brinda un indicativo que mediante el suministro de componentes bioactivos de S. cerevisiae en la dieta de pollos broiler, se logra un mejor aprovechamiento de los nutrientes que se encuentran presentes en el alimento, lo que se refleja en los parámetros productivos. Palabras clave: treonina, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, comportamiento productivo, broilers, Cobb 500

    Effets de différents paramètres de récupération lors d'exercices de renforcement musculaire

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    L optimisation de la performance oblige l athlète à répéter des séances d entraînement à haute intensité de travail avec peu de récupération, ce qui génère une fatigue neuromusculaire qui peut être préjudiciable. Ainsi, dans le but de limiter ce phénomène et d améliorer l efficacité des séances d entraînement, le choix d une récupération adéquate s impose.La récupération active est la méthode la plus connue et la plus efficace relatée dans la littérature. En effet, de nombreuses études démontrent son effet bénéfique sur la fatigue provoquée lors d exercices globaux (types course ou pédalage). Cette modalité de récupération correspond à un exercice musculaire léger permettant une augmentation du flux sanguin périphérique et une élimination plus rapide des métabolites. A l heure actuelle, peu d études se sont intéressées à la récupération active appliquée de manière locale pour des exercices de renforcement de groupes musculaires spécifiques.L objectif de ce travail était donc d étudier la méthode la plus efficace, en termes de modalité et de moment d application, pour récupérer la force maximale de l athlète lors d un exercice de renforcement musculaire. De plus, afin d assurer une application de cette récupération active, spécifiquement sur les groupes musculaires souhaités, nous avons utilisé l électromyostimulation (EMS).Nos différents résultats suggèrent qu il n est pas nécessaire d appliquer une modalité particulière pour la récupération des exercices de renforcement musculaire réalisés à intensité maximale. En effet, la récupération active par EMS appliquée au cours d une séance (entre les séries) ou après une séance ne montre pas de différence avec une récupération passive. De plus, l application proximale ou distale de l EMS n a pas d influence sur la cinétique de récupération. L approche neuromusculaire de la fatigue, montre cependant, qu il s avère nécessaire d analyser l origine des perturbations engendrées par l exercice, afin de choisir la modalité de récupération la mieux adaptéeThe high frequency of resistance training sessions induces heavy strain and fatigue phenomenon, which could be prejudicial for subsequent performance. In this context, it appears necessary to apply proper recovery strategies in order to improve the athlete s ability to regain an adequate working state for subsequent training.Active recovery is widely described in the literature as the most efficient method for this purpose. It consists in low-intensity exercises, which could improve metabolites washout by increasing peripheral blood flow. To our knowledge, active recovery is usually applied globally, with exercises involving the whole body (light pedalling or running) but little is known regarding a local application after analytical exercises such as strengthening exercise. The aim of our research was therefore to determine the most effective method to recover from resistance training session in terms of maximal strength performance. Among the active recovery modes, electromyostimulation (EMS) is of particular interest since it can be applied on specific muscles groups. Our results showed that active recovery using EMS applied during a session (between the sets) or after a session, did not demonstrate any difference as compared with passive recovery. Also, we demonstrated that EMS was not more efficient when applied distally. However, we highlighted that the investigation of neuromuscular parameters is necessary to better understand the origin of the fatigue induced by a specific exercise in order to apply the most appropriated recovery modeDIJON-BU Doc.électronique (212319901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Sistema experto para la gestión de incidencias de TI en la empresa Lucky S.A.C.

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    La presente tesis contiene el análisis, diseño e implementación de un sistema experto para la gestión de incidencias de TI en la empresa Lucky S.A.C. El tipo de investigación que se utilizó fue la aplicada, con un diseño Experimental – Pre experimental, dado que se buscó solucionar el problema a través del desarrollo de un sistema. El objetivo general de la tesis fue determinar la influencia de un sistema experto para la gestión de incidencias de TI en la empresa Lucky S.A.C., cabe mencionar, que se utilizó la metodología MAS–CommonKads, que se acomodó a las necesidades y fases del proyecto. Se utilizaron como lenguaje de programación: Python, JavaScript, lenguaje de marcado HTML, lenguaje de hojas de estilo CSS, con parte del framework Bootstrap en su versión 4 y el gestor de base de datos SQL Server. Los indicadores ratio de resolución de incidencias y ratio de incidencias reabiertas fueron medidos en base a una muestra de 20 días laborables durante el mes de agosto del 2019 para el pre-test, y durante los meses de abril y mayo del 2021 para el post-test. Además, se realizó la prueba de normalidad a través del método de Shapiro-Wilk, ya que la muestra ha sido menor a 50, utilizando también la prueba de rangos de Wilcoxon para determinar la aceptación o rechazo de las hipótesis, debido a que los resultados obtenidos tuvieron una distribución no normal. Los resultados determinaron que el sistema experto incrementó el ratio de resolución de incidencias, puesto que en el pre-test se obtuvo un valor de 0,73 (73%) y en el post-test se logró alcanzar un 0,92 (92%). De la misma manera, el sistema experto disminuyó el ratio de incidencias reabiertas, ya que en el pretest se obtuvo un valor de 0,67 (67%) y en el post-test se logró alcanzar un 0,09 (9%). Por consiguiente, se concluyó que el sistema experto influyó de manera positiva en la gestión de incidencias de TI en la empresa Lucky S.A.C