804 research outputs found

    Mince alors!

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    L'Ăąge de ses artĂšres

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    La chapelle Saint-LĂ©onard de Rouelles retrouvĂ©e (1479-1480) : le vƓu d’un seigneur revenu de captivitĂ©

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    Le passĂ© mĂ©diĂ©val de la ville du Havre est mĂ©connu. La redĂ©couverte d’un compte de construction, d’anciens relevĂ©s et d’une statue permettent de mettre en lumiĂšre l’action des seigneurs du lieu, les Malet de Graville, et de retrouver la trace d’un patrimoine disparu, la chapelle Saint-LĂ©onard de Rouelles. À ce chantier, au parti architectural modeste, contribuĂšrent quelques artisans notables, notamment le maĂźtre d’Ɠuvre, Guillaume de Longuesne, ou encore le maçon et tailleur d’images Guillaume le Franc, auteur de la statue de saint LĂ©onard, patron des prisonniers, qui ornait l’édifice. Cette sculpture au dĂ©cor hĂ©raldique Ă©loquent ainsi que la date de construction de la chapelle font d’elle le fruit d’un vƓu de Jean VI Malet de Graville formulĂ© durant sa captivitĂ© anglaise et la marque de sa volontĂ© de reprendre en main des seigneuries ravagĂ©es par la guerre de Cent Ans et dĂ©laissĂ©es pendant son absence.The medieval past of the city of Le Havre is not well known. The rediscovery of a construction account, old drawings and a statue has enabled us to highlight the action of the Malet de Graville lords and to trace a lost heritage, the Saint-LĂ©onard de Rouelles chapel. This modest building was created by some notable craftsmen, including the mason Guillame de Longuesne or the mason and sculptor Guillaume le Franc who made the statue of Saint LĂ©onard, patron saint of prisoners, which adorned the chapel. This sculpture decorated by the heraldic ornaments and the date of construction of the building show that it was probably the consequence of a vow made by Jean VI Malet de Graville during his captivity in England. It is also the sign of his resolve to regain control over his lands torn by the Hundred Year War, and neglected during his absence.Die mittelalterliche Geschichte von Le Havre wird oftmals verkannt. Die Wiederentdeckung von Baurechnungen, alten Aufzeichnungen sowie einer Statue hat es nun erlaubt, die TĂ€tigkeit der lokalen Herrschaft, der Familie Malet de Graville, verstĂ€rkt ins Licht zu rĂŒcken und auf die Spuren eines verschwundenen Denkmals, der Kapelle Saint-LĂ©onard de Rouelles, aufmerksam zu machen. An diesem architektonisch gesehen bescheidenen Bau waren mehrere bedeutende Handwerker beteiligt, insbesondere der Baumeister Guillaume de Longuesne und der Steinmetz und Bildhauer Guillaume le Franc, Schöpfer der den Bau schmĂŒckenden Statue des heiligen Leonhard, des Schutzheiligen der Gefangenen. Aus dem reichhaltigen heraldischen Dekor, der Leonhardsskulptur sowie aus der Zeitpunkt des Baus der Kapelle lĂ€sst sich erschließen, dass ihre Errichtung einem von Jean VI. Malet de Graville in englischer Gefangenschaft geleisteten GelĂŒbde folgt und seinen Willen zur MachtrĂŒckgewinnung in seinen LĂ€ndereien verdeutlicht, die durch den HundertjĂ€hrigen Krieg verwĂŒstetet und wĂ€hrend seiner Abwesenheit verfallen waren

    Jean-Hugues Barthélémy, Simondon

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    AprĂšs un timide regain d’intĂ©rĂȘt depuis sa mort en 1989, l’Ɠuvre de Gilbert Simondon est, depuis une dizaine d’annĂ©es, le lieu d’une vĂ©ritable redĂ©couverte qui ne cesse de prendre de l’ampleur. On en veut pour preuve la publication rĂ©cente de confĂ©rences et de cours, pour beaucoup inĂ©dits. Jean-Hugues BarthĂ©lĂ©my est l’un des instigateurs de cette redĂ©couverte. À l’origine de la crĂ©ation du CIDES, il dirige la publication des Cahiers Simondon. Ayant dĂ©jĂ  consacrĂ© trois ouvrages Ă  Simondon, la ..

    Affectation de composantes basée sur des contraintes énergétiques dans une architecture multiprocesseurs en trois dimensions

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    La lithographie et la loi de Moore ont permis des avancĂ©es extraordinaires dans la fabrication des circuits intĂ©grĂ©s. De nos jours, plusieurs systĂšmes trĂšs complexes peuvent ĂȘtre embarquĂ©s sur la mĂȘme puce Ă©lectronique. Les contraintes de dĂ©veloppement de ces systĂšmes sont tellement grandes qu’une bonne planification dĂšs le dĂ©but de leur cycle de dĂ©veloppement est incontournable. Ainsi, la planification de la gestion Ă©nergĂ©tique au dĂ©but du cycle de dĂ©veloppement est devenue une phase importante dans la conception de ces systĂšmes. Pendant plusieurs annĂ©es, l’idĂ©e Ă©tait de rĂ©duire la consommation Ă©nergĂ©tique en ajoutant un mĂ©canisme physique une fois le circuit crĂ©Ă©, comme par exemple un dissipateur de chaleur. La stratĂ©gie actuelle est d’intĂ©grer les contraintes Ă©nergĂ©tiques dĂšs les premiĂšres phases de la conception des circuits. Il est donc essentiel de bien connaĂźtre la dissipation d’énergie avant l’intĂ©gration des composantes dans une architecture d’un systĂšme multiprocesseurs de façon Ă  ce que chaque composante puisse fonctionner efficacement dans les limites de ses contraintes thermiques. Lorsqu’une composante fonctionne, elle consomme de l’énergie Ă©lectrique qui est transformĂ©e en dĂ©gagement de chaleur. Le but de ce mĂ©moire est de trouver une affectation efficace des composantes dans une architecture de multiprocesseurs en trois dimensions en tenant compte des limites des facteurs thermiques de ce systĂšme.Lithography and Moore’s law have led to extraordinary advances in integrated circuits manufacturing. Nowadays, many complex systems can be embedded on the same chip. Development constraints of these systems are so significant that a good planning from the beginning of the development stage is essential. Thus, the planning of energy management at the beginning of the development cycle has become important in the design of these systems. For several years, the idea was to reduce energy consumption by adding a cooling system once the circuit is created, a heat sink for example. The current strategy is to integrate energy constraints in the early stages of circuits design. It is therefore important to know the energy dissipation before the integration of the components in the architecture of a multiprocessor system so that each component can work within the limits of its thermal stresses. When a component is running, it consumes electric energy which is converted into heat. The aim of this thesis is to find an efficient assignment of components in a multiprocessor system architecture in three dimensions, taking into account the limits of its thermal factors

    Physical and Mechanical Properties of Thermally Cracked Andesite Under Pressure

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    International audienceThe efects of thermal crack damage on the physical properties and rupture processes of andesite were investigated under triaxial deformation at room temperature. Thermal cracking was induced by slowly heating and cooling samples. The efects of heat treatment temperatures ranging between 500 °C and 1100 °C on the P-wave velocities and on the microstructure were investigated. Then, the mechanical properties of andesite samples treated at 930 °C were investigated under triaxial stress at room temperature using constant strain rate tests and conining pressures ranging between 0 and 30 MPa. Similar triaxial experiments were conducted on non-heat-treated samples. Our results show that: (1) for heat treatments at temperatures below 500 °C, no signiicant changes in the physical properties are observed; (2) for heat treatments in the temperature range of 500-1100 °C, crack density increases; and (3) thermal cracking has no inluence on the onset of dilatancy but increases the strength of the heat-treated samples. This last result is counterintuitive, but seems to be linked with the presence of a small fraction of clay (3%) in the non-heat-treated andesite. Indeed, for heat treatment above 500 °C, some clay melting is observed and contributes to sealing the longest cracks

    Dynamic weakening and amorphization in serpentinite during laboratory earthquakes

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    The mechanical properties of serpentinites are key factors in our understanding of the dynamics of earthquake ruptures in subduction zones, especially intermediate-depth earthquakes. Here, we performed shear rupture experiments on natural antigorite serpentinite, which showed that friction reaches near-zero values during spontaneous dynamic rupture propagation. Rapid coseismic slip (>1 m/s), although it occurs over short distances (<1 mm), induces significant overheating of microscale asperities along the sliding surface, sufficient to produce surface amorphization and likely some melting. Antigorite dehydration occurs in the fault walls, which leaves a partially amorphized material. The water generated potentially contributes to the production of a low-viscosity pressurized melt, explaining the near-zero dynamic friction levels observed in some events. The rapid and dramatic dynamic weakening in serpentinite might be a key process facilitating the propagation of earthquakes at intermediate depths in subduction zones

    Thermo-mechanical simulation of a magnetic pulse welding process with first experimental validations

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    Le cuivre est largement utilisé dans les procédés industriels de chauffage ou de refroidissement notamment en raison de ses propriétés thermiques. Pour des raisons économiques mais aussi d'optimisation de masse, l'industrie cherche à le remplacer partiellement, notamment par de l'aluminium. Le projet européen H2020 Join'Em (http:\\www.join-em.eu\) vise à la réalisation d'assemblages bi-matériaux par la technologie de soudage par impulsion magnétique. Deux cas issus de la base de données expérimentales du projet sont simulés. La méthodologie ainsi que les résultats numériques sont présentés ci-aprÚs avec confrontation éventuelle aux résultats issus de l'expérience

    Temperatures reached by the roof structure of Notre-Dame de Paris in the fire of April 15th 2019 determined by Raman paleothermometry

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    When the Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral burnt, the oak frame was almost completely destroyed. The temperatures reached were determined by an original method of Raman paleothermometry applied to charcoals collected after the fire. The Raman spectra of the charcoals evolve monotonically and irreversibly with the carbonization temperature and can therefore be used as “fossil thermocouples”. A calibration curve was constructed from the carbonization between 500 and 1300 ∘1300~^{\circ }C of unburnt oak pieces from the cathedral. Thus, the maximum charcoal formation temperature during the cathedral fire can be determined. The Raman analysis of charcoals sampled in situ serves to construct the first cartography of the carbonization temperatures. The temperatures reach values above 1200 ∘1200~^{\circ }C in the crossing. These experimental data are the basis for a discussion of the consequences of the fire regarding possible lead dissemination and thermal alterations of limestone
