53 research outputs found

    La gestion de fortune suisse en pleine mutation

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    Dans un monde en constante évolution, la Suisse arrive à tirer son épingle du jeu. En effet, avec vingt-cinq pour cent d’actifs financiers sous gestion, notre pays est sans conteste un leader en matière de private banking transfrontalier. Cependant, le secteur de la gestion de fortune ne doit pas pour autant se reposer sur ses lauriers. Ce domaine connaît depuis quelques années des mutations dans son modèle d’affaire : • Une réglementation de plus en plus exigeante. • Des besoins de plus en plus pointilleux de la clientèle. • L’essor du numérique qui transforme le domaine. • La recherche d’une nouvelle clientèle. • Une volonté de réduction des coûts. De ce fait, je vais, dans le cadre de ce travail, commencer par retracer l’histoire de la gestion de fortune, convaincu qu’une compréhension idoine de notre passé dans le domaine nous permettra d’envisager l’avenir plus clairement. Par la suite, j’évoquerai le présent et le futur proche de la gestion de fortune en Suisse en lien avec les réglementations mises en place actuellement, la masse sous gestion des banques suisses, l’Asset Management, le contexte macroéconomique que nous traversons, ainsi que le développement durable. La troisième partie sera consacrée au futur proche et lointain, avec la tendance à la numérisation incarnée notamment par les fintechs et les robots-advisors, tendance que le domaine de la gestion de fortune doit nécessairement prendre en compte dans son nouveau modèle d’affaire. Enfin, grâce à mes interviews de gestionnaire de fortune de la place genevoise, mes analyses et mon point de vue, j’indiquerai des axes de succès sur lesquels la gestion de fortune suisse devrait s’implanter, mais également des axes critiques sur lesquels ce domaine devra faire particulièrement attention afin de rester compétitif par rapport aux autres places financière concurrentes

    Responsabilidade civil ambiental : estudo sobre a possibilidade de indenização por dano moral coletivo

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar como o instituto da responsabilidade civil funciona diante de lesões ao meio ambiente, bem como verificar de que forma a doutrina brasileira e a jurisprudência do Superior Tribunal de Justiça enfrentam a questão do dano moral coletivo ambiental. Inicialmente, são apresentados os fundamentos legais da responsabilidade civil ambiental e os princípios de direito ambiental aplicáveis à matéria. Com o intuito de tornar possível uma compreensão plena do estudo, faz-se uma breve explanação acerca do dano ambiental, dos agentes poluidores e da natureza difusa do direito ambiental. Em seguida, parte-se para a caracterização da responsabilidade civil no Código Civil de 2002, momento em que é apresentado o seu conceito, base legal, elementos e espécies, além das especificidades da responsabilidade civil por danos ambientais. Neste momento, o trabalho aponta que a responsabilidade civil ambiental é objetiva, informada pela teoria do risco integral. Também são apresentadas as formas de reparação civil do dano ecológico, estando entre elas a reparação pecuniária a título de dano extrapatrimonial. Complementa-se o estudo, por fim, com a definição de dano moral individual e coletivo, além dos principais argumentos favoráveis e contrários à configuração de dano moral coletivo por danos ambientais. Por meio de breve análise de decisões recentes do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, conclui-se que houve uma mudança de paradigma e, portanto, há uma tendência para se admitir a ocorrência de dano moral ambiental coletivo.The present work aims to analyze how the institute of civil responsibility works in front of injuries to the environment, as well as to verify how Brazilian doctrine and the jurisprudence of the Superior Court of Justice face the issue of collective environmental damage. Initially, the legal grounds of environmental liability and the principles of environmental law applicable to the matter are presented. In order to make possible a full understanding of the study, a brief explanation is given about environmental damage, polluting agents and the diffuse nature of environmental law. Thereafter, the characterization of civil responsibility in the Civil Code of 2002 is presented, as well as its concepts, legal basis, elements and species, in addition to the specificities of civil liability for environmental damages. Then, the essay points out that environmental civil liability is objective, informed by the theory of integral risk. The forms of civil reparation for ecological damage are also presented, including pecuniary compensation as off-balance sheet damages. The study is complemented by the definition of individual and collective moral damage, as well as the main arguments favorable to and contrary to the configuration of collective moral damages for environmental damages. Through a brief analysis of recent decisions of the Superior Court of Justice, it is concluded that there has been a paradigm shift and, therefore, there is a tendency to admit the occurrence of collective environmental moral damage

    Encapsulated Zosteric Acid Embedded in Poly[3-hydroxyalkanoate] Coatings—Protection against Biofouling

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    Summary : The natural, non-toxic antifouling compound zosteric acid (ZA, p-coumaric acid sulfate) was encapsulated in polystyrene (PS) microcapsules (30 mg ZA /1 g PS) with an efficiency of 30 % via an in-liquid drying process. Electron micrographs showed microcapsules with smooth surfaces and a mean diameter of 200 μm. The FIB method was used to cross-section a microcapsule in order to visualize the inner capsule structure and to localize ZA via element analysis. Coatings of a biocompatible polyester, poly[3-hydroxyalkanoate-co-3-hydroxyalkenoate] (PHAE), were prepared on microscopic slides. These coatings contained dispersed ZA (PHAE/ZA) or ZA-loaded PS microcapsules (PHAE/PS(ZA)). The release of ZA was monitored via conductivy measurements in water and was 4 μgcm-2d-1 for PHAE/ZA and 0.9 μgcm-2d-1 for PHAE/PS(ZA) coatings. To follow the initial steps of biofilm formation, coated slides were exposed to activated sludge and analyzed for cell adhesion with ESEM. ZA was effective during the burst release time of the PHAE/ZA coating, but no significant differences in biofouling were observed after 48 h. This was attributed to the minimal effective release rate of ZA, which is approximately 10 μgcm-2d-

    O olhar etnomatemático na confecção de uma canoa

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    Orientador: Ademir Donizeti CaldeiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação. Defesa: Curitiba, 2005Inclui bibliografiaÁrea de concentração: Educação, Cultura e TecnologiaResumo: Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo a identificação de um saber/fazer matemático, buscando um entrelaçamento entre a matemática institucional e uma Etnomatemática presente na confecção de uma canoa feita com um tronco de árvore nativa. Partindo do pressuposto de que há diferentes formas de fazer matemática e conhecer a matemática praticada em diversos contextos sócio-culturais, neste trabalho investigo uma comunidade de pescadores que desenvolve seu oficio de canoeiro, no município de Guaraqueçaba, localizado ao norte do litoral do Paraná. Por meio de uma abordagem etnográfica do grupo cultural buscam-se os saberes e fazeres matemáticos inseridos no contexto cultural desse grupo, com objetivo de analisar a relação entre o saber fazer dos canoeiros e alguns conceitos institucionalizados.Abstract: This research has as its main purpose to identify the knowing/doing of mathematics with a view to the relationship of institutionally formal mathematics and ethnomatematics of dugout canoe construction. From the supposition that there exist several ways of doing mathematics of several different socio-cultural environments, in this work I investigate the artimanship of canoe construction in communities of Guaraqueçaba county, along the northern Paraná coast. An ethnographic approach is therefore used to study the doing and knowing mathematics of a cultural context of a specific group, in its knowledge and acting out of particular mathematical activities, with the relationship with formal mathematics

    «An der empfindlichsten Stelle getroffen» : wie Eltern mit einem brandverletzten Kind oder Jugendlichen im stationären Setting seitens der Pflege unterstützt werden können

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    Darstellung des Themas: Eine Brandverletzung eines Kindes oder Jugendlichen hat grosse psychosoziale Auswirkungen auf die Eltern. Deshalb ist es von grosser Wichtigkeit, dass Pflegefachpersonen geeignete pflegerische Interventionen ergreifen können, um die Eltern mit einem brandverletzten Kind oder Jugendlichen während des stationären Aufenthalts möglichst umfassend zu unterstützen. Fragestellung: «Wie können Pflegefachpersonen Eltern eines brandverletzten Kindes oder Jugendlichen im stationären Setting pflegerisch sowie psychosozial unterstützen und inwiefern gibt es Unterschiede zwischen Mutter und Vater bezüglich dieses Unterstützungsbedarfs? » Methode: Es wurde eine systematische Literaturrecherche in den Datenbanken CINHAL, Medline und Pubmed sowie eine unsystematische Literaturrecherche in den Literaturverzeichnissen einzelner Studien und Reviews durchgeführt. Die inkludierte Literatur wurde zusammengefasst, gewürdigt und auf ihre Evidenz geprüft. Ergebnisse: Aus den eingeschlossenen Studien konnten vier Themenbereiche definiert werden, in welchen die Pflegefachpersonen die Eltern unterstützen können: die emotionale und psychische Belastung, der pflegerische Einbezug, das grosse Thema Schmerz und die Information. Zudem wurde ein optimaler Annäherungsansatz beleuchtet, wie Pflegefachpersonen am besten auf solche Eltern zugehen sollten. Schlussfolgerung: Eltern von brandverletzten Kindern oder Jugendlichen sind diversen psychosozialen Auswirkungen ausgesetzt und benötigen daher eine umfassende Betreuung durch die Pflegefachpersonen im stationären Setting. Es sind jedoch weitere Forschungsarbeiten notwendig, um den Unterschied zwischen Mutter und Vater bezüglich dieses Themas zu beleuchten

    Unveiling Candida albicans intestinal carriage in healthy volunteers: the role of micro- and mycobiota, diet, host genetics and immune response

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    Candida albicans; Colonization resistance; MetagenomicsCandida albicans; Resistència a la colonització; MetagenòmicaCandida albicans; Resistencia a la colonización; MetagenómicaCandida albicans is a commensal yeast present in the gut of most healthy individuals but with highly variable concentrations. However, little is known about the host factors that influence colonization densities. We investigated how microbiota, host lifestyle factors, and genetics could shape C. albicans intestinal carriage in 695 healthy individuals from the Milieu Intérieur cohort. C. albicans intestinal carriage was detected in 82.9% of the subjects using quantitative PCR. Using linear mixed models and multiway-ANOVA, we explored C. albicans intestinal levels with regard to gut microbiota composition and lifestyle factors including diet. By analyzing shotgun metagenomics data and C. albicans qPCR data, we showed that Intestinimonas butyriciproducens was the only gut microbiota species whose relative abundance was negatively correlated with C. albicans concentration. Diet is also linked to C. albicans growth, with eating between meals and a low-sodium diet being associated with higher C. albicans levels. Furthermore, by Genome-Wide Association Study, we identified 26 single nucleotide polymorphisms suggestively associated with C. albicans colonization. In addition, we found that the intestinal levels of C. albicans might influence the host immune response, specifically in response to fungal challenge. We analyzed the transcriptional levels of 546 immune genes and the concentration of 13 cytokines after whole blood stimulation with C. albicans cells and showed positive associations between the extent of C. albicans intestinal levels and NLRP3 expression, as well as secreted IL-2 and CXCL5 concentrations. Taken together, these findings open the way for potential new interventional strategies to curb C. albicans intestinal overgrowth.This work was supported by a grant from Agence Nationale de la Recherche (FunComPath ANR-14-IFEC-0004), the French Government’s Investissement d’Avenir program (Laboratoire d’Excellence Integrative Biology of Emerging Infectious Diseases [ANR10-LABX-62-IBEID], and [ANR-10-LABX-69-01]), the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie action, Innovative Training Network (FunHoMic; Grant No. 812969), and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program (HDM-FUN, Grant No. 847507). AWW and the Rowett Institute (University of Aberdeen) received core funding support from the Scottish Government’s Rural and Environmental Sciences and Analytical Services (RESAS)

    Machine Learning Approach for Candida albicans Fluconazole Resistance Detection Using Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry.

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    Candida albicans causes life-threatening systemic infections in immunosuppressed patients. These infections are commonly treated with fluconazole, an antifungal agent targeting the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway. Current Antifungal Susceptibility Testing (AFST) methods are time-consuming and are often subjective. Moreover, they cannot reliably detect the tolerance phenomenon, a breeding ground for the resistance. An alternative to the classical AFST methods could use Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight (MALDI-TOF) Mass spectrometry (MS). This tool, already used in clinical microbiology for microbial species identification, has already offered promising results to detect antifungal resistance on non-azole tolerant yeasts. Here, we propose a machine-learning approach, adapted to MALDI-TOF MS data, to qualitatively detect fluconazole resistance in the azole tolerant species C. albicans. MALDI-TOF MS spectra were acquired from 33 C. albicans clinical strains isolated from 15 patients. Those strains were exposed for 3 h to 3 fluconazole concentrations (256, 16, 0 μg/mL) and with (5 μg/mL) or without cyclosporin A, an azole tolerance inhibitor, leading to six different experimental conditions. We then optimized a protein extraction protocol allowing the acquisition of high-quality spectra, which were further filtered through two quality controls. The first one consisted of discarding not identified spectra and the second one selected only the most similar spectra among replicates. Quality-controlled spectra were divided into six sets, following the sample preparation's protocols. Each set was then processed through an R based script using pre-defined housekeeping peaks allowing peak spectra positioning. Finally, 32 machine-learning algorithms applied on the six sets of spectra were compared, leading to 192 different pipelines of analysis. We selected the most robust pipeline with the best accuracy. This LDA model applied to the samples prepared in presence of tolerance inhibitor but in absence of fluconazole reached a specificity of 88.89% and a sensitivity of 83.33%, leading to an overall accuracy of 85.71%. Overall, this work demonstrated that combining MALDI-TOF MS and machine-learning could represent an innovative mycology diagnostic tool

    The impact of the Fungus-Host-Microbiota interplay upon Candida albicans infections: current knowledge and new perspectives

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    Candida; Antifungal immunity; MicrobiotaCándida; Inmunidad antimicótica; MicrobiotaCàndida; Immunitat antifúngica; MicrobiotaCandida albicans is a major fungal pathogen of humans. It exists as a commensal in the oral cavity, gut or genital tract of most individuals, constrained by the local microbiota, epithelial barriers and immune defences. Their perturbation can lead to fungal outgrowth and the development of mucosal infections such as oropharyngeal or vulvovaginal candidiasis, and patients with compromised immunity are susceptible to life-threatening systemic infections. The importance of the interplay between fungus, host and microbiota in driving the transition from C. albicans commensalism to pathogenicity is widely appreciated. However, the complexity of these interactions, and the significant impact of fungal, host and microbiota variability upon disease severity and outcome, are less well understood. Therefore, we summarise the features of the fungus that promote infection, and how genetic variation between clinical isolates influences pathogenicity. We discuss antifungal immunity, how this differs between mucosae, and how individual variation influences a person's susceptibility to infection. Also, we describe factors that influence the composition of gut, oral and vaginal microbiotas, and how these affect fungal colonisation and antifungal immunity. We argue that a detailed understanding of these variables, which underlie fungal-host-microbiota interactions, will present opportunities for directed antifungal therapies that benefit vulnerable patients