36 research outputs found

    Sustained transatlantic coastal observations Report: Strategy for transatlantic sustained measurements in the coastal ocean, based on the strengthened forum for interaction between US IOOS, GOOS regional alliances and EuroGOOS

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    DoA: Task 4.4 Transatlantic cooperation and sustainability This task will enhance the European Forum for Coastal Technologies and establish a formal link between the US Alliance for Coastal Technologies and the European Forum for Coastal Technologies. We will strengthen links with coastal observing initiatives around the Atlantic basin including links between EuroGOOS ROOSes, and the regional operational oceanographic systems in the US and Canada. In doing so, we will create a forum for interaction between US IOOS, GOOS regional alliances, and EuroGOOS. The task will develop a strategy for transatlantic sustained measurements in the coastal ocean, building on developments such as OceanObs, Coastal GOOS and JERICO FP7 project, to deliver data for social and economic benefi

    Toward a European coastal observing network to provide better answers to science and to societal challenges : The JERICO research infrastructure

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    The coastal area is the most productive and dynamic environment of the world ocean, offering significant resources and services for mankind. As exemplified by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, it has a tremendous potential for innovation and growth in blue economy sectors. Due to the inherent complexity of the natural system, the answers to many scientific and societal questions are unknown, and the impacts of the cumulative stresses imposed by anthropogenic pressures (such as pollution) and climate change are difficult to assess and forecast. A major challenge for the scientific community making observations of the coastal marine environment is to integrate observations of Essential Ocean Variables for physical, biogeochemical, and biological processes on appropriate spatial and temporal scales, and in a sustained and scientifically based manner. Coastal observations are important for improving our understanding of the complex biotic and abiotic processes in many fields of research such as ecosystem science, habitat protection, and climate change impacts. They are also important for improving our understanding of the impacts of human activities such as fishing and aquaculture, and underpin risk monitoring and assessment. The observations enable us to better understand ecosystems and the societal consequences of overfishing, disease (particularly shellfish), loss of biodiversity, coastline withdrawal, and ocean acidification, amongst others. The European coastal observing infrastructure JERICO-RI, has gathered and organized key communities embracing new technologies and providing a future strategy, with recommendations on the way forward and on governance. Particularly, the JERICO community acknowledges that the main providers of coastal observations are: (1) research infrastructures, (2) national monitoring programs, and (3) monitoring activities performed by marine industries. The scope of this paper is to present some key elements of our coastal science strategy to build it on long term. It describes how the pan-European JERICO community is building an integrated and innovation-driven coastal research infrastructure for Europe. The RI embraces emerging technologies which will revolutionize the way the ocean is observed. Developments in biotechnology (molecular and optical sensors, omics-based biology) will soon provide direct and online access to chemical and biological variables including in situ quantification of harmful algae and contaminants. Using artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things will soon provide operational platforms and autonomous and remotely operated smart sensors. Embracing key technologies, high quality open access data, modeling and satellite observations, it will support sustainable blue growth, warning and forecasting coastal services and healthy marine ecosystem. JERICO-FP7 is the European 7th framework project named JERICO under Grant Agreement No. 262584. JERICO-NEXT is the European Horizon-2020 project under Grant Agreement No. 654410. JERICO-RI is the European coastal observing research infrastructure established and structured through JERICO-FP7 and JERICO-NEXT, and beyond

    The “JERICO Label”, Version 2

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    This document summarizes the work done on the JERICO-Label in JERICO-NEXT, from the perspective mainly of the development of some of its “technical” aspects. The activity reported on forms part of Work Package 2 (“Harmonization of technologies and methodologies - technical strategy“) of the project – specifically, Task 2.6 (“The JERICO Label Technical Committee”). This task gathered together 16 partners from 11 European countries (Italy, Finland Germany, France, Norway, UK, Greece, Sweden, Spain, Sweden, and the Netherlands), and was co-led by two of them, OGS and HCMR

    Roadmap for the future

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    This document reports on the science strategy required to answer the targeted scientific questions, policy requirements, and societal challenges linked with the observation of the European Coastal Ocean as elaborated within the framework of the WP 1 of the JERICO-NEXT project. The structuration of JERICO-RI science strategy is in line with the scientific strategies put forward by current major international initiatives regarding the observation of the ocean (i.e., GOOS, EOOS and EUROGOOS). The main elements of those general strategies are: (1) technological innovation, (2) the enhancement of integration/coordination, (3) the developments of interactions between observation initiatives acting over different spatiotemporal scales, (4) the optimisation of the benefit of coastal observing for the society, and (5) the major importance of the regional level in structuring ocean observation. These elements constitute the basis of the five pillars of JERICO-RI science strategy.Ce document rend compte de la stratégie scientifique nécessaire pour répondre aux questions scientifiques ciblées, aux exigences politiques et aux défis sociétaux liés à l'observation de l'océan côtier européen élaborés dans le cadre du WP 1 du projet JERICO-NEXT. La structuration de la stratégie scientifique JERICO-RI est en ligne avec les stratégies scientifiques mises en avant par les grandes initiatives internationales actuelles en matière d'observation de l'océan (à savoir GOOS, EOOS et EUROGOOS). Les principaux éléments de ces stratégies générales sont: (1) l'innovation technologique, (2) le renforcement de l'intégration / coordination, (3) le développement des interactions entre les initiatives d'observation agissant à différentes échelles spatio-temporelles, (4) l'optimisation du bénéfice de l'observation du littoral pour la société, et (5) l'importance majeure du niveau régional dans la structuration de l'observation des océans. Ces éléments constituent la base des cinq piliers de la stratégie scientifique JERICO-RI

    Spectrophotometric method for the determination of the pHT of sea water

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    Cet article présente la méthode spectrophotométrique mise en place au laboratoire de métrologie de l’fremer, afin de déterminer le pHT de l’eau de mer grâce à l’indicateur coloré pourpre de m-cresol. Le but est de décrire précisément cette méthode (matériel et mode-opératoire), ses difficultés, ainsi que les paramètres ayant un impact sur le pHT. Les résultats d’une comparaison inter-laboratoires menée par le JAMSTEC (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology) seront présentés, suivis d’une réflexion portant sur cette méthode ainsi que les exigences océanographiques mises en jeu

    NeXOS - Next generation Low-Cost Multifunctional Web Enabled Ocean Sensor Systems Empowering Marine, Maritime and Fisheries Management.

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    This report is Deliverable 8.2 in the NeXOS project. It describes the efforts made in validating the new sensors systems developed in NeXOS, namely three different types of optical sensors, two types of acoustic sensors, sensors for fisheries and the new anti-fouling system. Additionally, data availability and timeliness though the Sensor Web Enablement software/hardware features, developed by NeXOS, was validated. The validations took place on different observation platforms operated by the NeXOS Consortium, under realistic user scenarios, in real sea conditions over a limited time. Validation serves as the final step before the demonstrations in Work Package 9. The systems described herein, were functionally and scientifically validated in the sea, however, not necessarily, where the demonstrations will take place. All systems passed the scientific validation criteria used in the NeXOS project. The results are presented in a template format in order for make overview and reporting easier

    New set of standards for the qualification of instruments towards extreme conditions

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    The present report aims to address the topic of robustness of instruments and equipment to extreme environmental conditions issue. We are interest to define standard test methods suitable to the specific activities of ENVRI RIs. In this sense, attention need to be devoted not only to commercial instruments, but also to technical solutions often adopted to adapt commercial and/or custom instruments to the extreme environmental conditions in which they will be deployed and will operate. In this report, for our scopes, the concept of extreme environment/conditions is always intended in a very broad sense. First two chapters are mainly devoted to provide a brief but exhaustive introduction about the concept of standards and actual landscape of international as well as national organizations, normative panorama and ongoing tendency arising from rapid technological transformation and global economy. We focus on technical standards, from definitions until description of the whole tailoring process needed to be implemented to carry on in a correct way standard test methods for ruggedness. About this process, Chapter 3 is devoted to describe the typical life cycle of instrumentation operated by RIs of different domains. Based on an analysis of technical standards available for robustness (chapter 4), four standards have been identified to provide necessary information and standard procedures for scope of ENVRI RIs. They are MIL-STD-810G, NF-X 10-812, IEC 60068 and IEC 60259 (IP code). These standards, briefly described in Chapter 4, are considering different environmental parameters and induced effects, providing for all of part of them standard test methods. They group test methods into categories, and, when necessary, include guidelines and suggestions on how to fix or control other environmental parameters affecting the results. For the scope of this Report, categories provided by selected standards have been revisited considering usual environmental conditions in which ENVRI RIs operate, determining a comprehensive list of 24 categories (environmental condition in which we are interested) spanning from cold to low pressure/altitude, from icing/freezing rain to immersion/temperature shock, from corrosion to sand and dust. Categories provided by single standards have been, sometimes merged into a broader category, when necessary retaining only some of proposed test methods. New categories and groups of test methods have been created with the scope to be more compact and suitable for ENVRI RIs and serve more than one environmental domain (Chapter 5). In addition to that, we provide recommendations, as well as illustrate an alternative approach for the most classical and expected harsh environment, polar regions (Chapter 7), and we also illustrate (Chapter 6) how resources and facilities for testing robustness and qualify instruments/systems are not only provided by the private sector, but also inside the ENVRI RIs community, sometimes also supported by EU. Finally, in chapter 8, the issue of implementing a dedicated service is addressed through a sustainable approach based on several steps

    Report on opportunities and applications of unmanned observatories for usage across RIs

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    Unmanned vehicles (UVs) are mobile platforms that can be either piloted remotely, either move autonomously using certain degrees of onboard/online intelligence. These kinds of platforms are progressively getting cheaper and accessible and they are penetrating more and more also in the world of scientific research. UVs in fact allow to investigate areas that are hardly accessible (or hazardous) for human researcher, and they are especially relevant for atmospheric, biosphere and marine domains since they allow spatialized sampling in terms of vertical profiles, horizontal transects or a combination of both. Unfortunately, the legislation regulating the usage of these kind of platforms are not moving as fast as their technical development and their spreading in the scientific world. This results in legislation that are often different across different European countries and therefore make transnational research quite difficult: it is often impossible to deploy a platform in a different country without serious legal risks. For UVs research a shared observatory between countries and RIs would be a major boon, allowing to transfer payloads and joint research campaigns between RIs in full compliance with each country own regulations. The aim of this deliverable is threefold: 1. Describe the situation of the usage of UVs in the Atmosphere/Biosphere and Marine domains 2. Describe the main normative constraints acting on the deployment of UVs in the various domains 3. Detail guidelines that can be adopted to create a transnational shared observatory for UVs in researc