374 research outputs found

    A Dialogic Model for Literature Teaching

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    Based on theory and classroom experience, this paper argues that a unidimensional teaching method is less effective than a dialogic one in which a number of positions are presented, placed in conversation, and explored. Readers are encouraged on this model to explore a multitude of responses rather than look for a single interpretation. This can involve, moreover, an expansion of the content of traditional literature courses towards more popular materials such as popular movies and music

    Training of extrasensory perception in the ganzfeld

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    Business Open Big Data Analytics to Support Innovative Leadership Decision in Canada

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    This paper summarizes how social media and other technologies continue to proliferate; the shifting economic landscape will precipitate more adaptive approaches for managers attempting to understand the multidimensional virtual aspects of communication with the artificial intelligence aspect. Also, we discover the different existing support of big data analytics to make the rational business decision. The methodology is the systematization literature sources within this context and approaches for underlining approach to open big data analytics and support innovative leadership decisions in Canada

    Nouveaux biohorizons et propositions pour le découpage biozonal ammonitique du Barrémien supérieur du Sud-Est de la France

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    International audienceUn nouveau découpage biozonal ammonitique du Barrémien supérieur du Sud-Est de la France est proposé. Il tient compte des renouvellements fauniques, des données séquentielles ainsi que des données historiques. Il est enrichi de quatre biohorizons nouveaux. Le Barrémien supérieur comporte à présent les trois biozones (anciennement six) à Vandenheckei, Sartousiana et Giraudi. La première contient les trois sous-zones à Uhligi, dont le statut est discuté, Sayni et Barremense, ainsi que les deux nouveaux biohorizons à Marchandi et Breistrofferi (sommet de la Sous-Zone à Barremense). La Biozone à Sartousiana admet les sous-zones à Limentinus, Provincialis et Feraudianus. Cette dernière sous-zone perd son statut de biozone par des arguments paléontologiques et stratigraphiques. Six biohorizons sont reconnus dans la Biozone à Sartousiana : Limentinus, Provincialis, Casanovai, Feraudianus, Magnini et Autrani. La Biozone à Giraudi comprend les sous-zones à Giraudi, Sarasini et Waagenoides, ainsi que trois biohorizons : Giraudi, Emerici et Puzosianum

    Perception of material appearance:Aa comparison between painted and rendered images

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    Painters are masters in replicating the visual appearance of materials.While the perception of material appearance is not yet fully understood, painters seem to have acquired an implicit understanding of the key visual cues that we need to accurately perceive material properties. In this study, we directly compare the perception of material properties in paintings and in renderings by collecting professional realistic paintings of rendered materials. From both type of images, we collect human judgments of material properties and compute a variety of image features that are known to reflect material properties. Our study reveals that, despite important visual differences between the two types of depiction, material properties in paintings and renderings are perceived very similarly and are linked to the same image features. This suggests that we use similar visual cues independently of the medium and that the presence of such cues is sufficient to provide a good appearance perception of the materials. Copyright 2021 The Author

    Mehrsprachigkeit, Englisch und Literatur(unterricht)

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    Literatur kann den Erwerb mehrsprachiger Kompetenz bereichern, weil sie persönliche, kreative und reflektierte Zugänge zu Menschen und ihren Sprachen erlaubt. Dabei bietet sich das Englische aufgrund seiner Verbreitung als Brückensprache an, wenn auch seine Macht ein mehrsprachiges Programm ernsthaft behindern kann. Im folgenden Beitrag stellt sich daher eine selbstkritische Anglistik die Frage, wie sie literarisches und mehrsprachiges Lernen möglichst konstruktiv fördern kann. Dieses Vorhaben wird anhand einer bestimmten Schreibtradition veranschaulicht, die auf Walt Whitman zurückgeht und in der mehrsprachigen Literatur ihr Echo gefunden hat. Diese Tradition dient zudem als Ausgangspunkt für kreatives Schreiben im mehrsprachlichen Literaturunterricht

    Social Media and Customer Engagement: Customer Relations in a Digital Era

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    Traditional big data analytics do not include the contextual facets that social media narratives and customer engagement do. There is currently a gap in research on how customer relations managers can integrate social media in their existing data analytics to improve business performance. The purpose of this qualitative, exploratory multiple case study was to further understand of how customer relations managers can use social media within the context of already existing data analytics across industries in Canada. Communication theory was the conceptual lens for assessing customer relations management and consumer feedback within an increasingly digital business environment. Purposeful sampling was used to identify 5 customer relations managers and 5 business analysts who engaged in customer relations management as well as 5 consumers who used social media to influence product or service offerings. Data were collected through semistructured interviews with the 15 participants and then analyzed using a scaffolded process involving hand coding and the use of qualitative data analysis software. The analysis resulted in 9 themes encompassing the benefits and constraints of social media as well as customer relations management. Themes included communication, responsiveness-knowing consumer needs, managerial competencies, trust and accountability, branding, IT/analytics, degrees of controlling the narrative, consumer involvement, and governance and strategy. Customer relations managers who embrace the themes identified in this study might improve their confidence, intentionality of practice, followership, and perceived accountability as social media platforms expand the public nature of e-commerce

    Effects of Season of Burning on the Microenvironment of Fescue Prairie in Central Saskatchewan

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    The microenvironmental effects of spring, summer and autumn burns were investigated for a small area of fescue prairie in Saskatchewan over two growing seasons. Maximum fire temperature in all burns exceeded 300°C at a height of 5-10 cm in the canopy. At a depth of 1 cm in the soil, temperature increased to 40°C during the summer burn, but was unaffected by burns at other seasons. Spring-burned grasses recovered to the same height as the unburned control plot by the end of the first summer. Grass height was similar in all plots by the end of the second growing season, but aboveground biomass in all burned plots was about half that of the control. Graminoid leaf area index at the end of the second growing season ranged from 0.65 in the control plot to 0.27 in the autumn burn. Surface albedos dropped to about 0.03 immediately after burning and took about 3 months to return to the pre-burn values near 0.20. By mid-June of the second year, albedos were similar in all plots. Soil temperatures at 50 cm depth in the burned plots were higher than in the control during the first summer and lower during the winter. The greatest winter snowpack (73 mm water equivalent) accumulated in the control, compared to 48, 35 and 25 mm in the spring, summer and autumn burned plots, respectively. In the first growing season the greatest demand for water occurred in the spring plot followed by the summer, control and autumn plots. In the second season water demand did not differ significantly among plots, reflecting the similarities in plant cover. The microenvironmental effects of a single burning episode in fescue prairie disappear rather quickly, so that there is little long-term impact on the vegetation

    A Construção de objetos de discurso pela teoria da argumentação na língua (Construction of discourse objetcs according to the theory of argumentation within language)

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    ABSTRACTThe purpose of this article is to describe and explain how discourse objects are built from the perspective of the Theory of Argumentation within Language, in its version of the Theory of Semantic Blocks. We argue that discourse objects are built from the discourse itself, without setting up previously to the discursive chain. We justify our theoretical approach due to the Theory of Argumentation within Language consider that the meaning is constructed through language entities put into relation. To get the results, we analyze the construction of two characters from a chronicle through the arguments attributed to them.KEYWORDS: Discourse objects. Theory of Argumentation within Language. Meaning.A proposta deste artigo é descrever e explicar de que maneira objetos de discurso são construídos segundo a perspectiva da Teoria da Argumentação na Língua, em sua versão da Teoria dos Blocos Semânticos. Defendemos que os objetos de discurso são elaborados a partir do próprio discurso, sem que se constituam previamente à cadeia discursiva. Justificamos nossa abordagem teórica devido a Teoria da Argumentação na Língua considerar que o sentido se constrói a partir das entidades linguísticas postas em relação. Para chegarmos aos resultados, analisamos a construção de duas personagens de uma crônica por meio das argumentações a elas atribuídas.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Objetos de discurso. Teoria da Argumentação na Língua. Sentido. ABSTRACTThe purpose of this article is to describe and explain how discourse objects are built from the perspective of the Theory of Argumentation within Language, in its version of the Theory of Semantic Blocks. We argue that discourse objects are built from the discourse itself, without setting up previously to the discursive chain. We justify our theoretical approach due to the Theory of Argumentation within Language consider that the meaning is constructed through language entities put into relation. To get the results, we analyze the construction of two characters from a chronicle through the arguments attributed to them.KEYWORDS: Discourse objects. Theory of Argumentation within Language. Meaning