5,312 research outputs found

    Partial orderings for hesitant fuzzy sets

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    New partial orderings =o=o, =p=p and =H=H are defined, studied and compared on the set HH of finite subsets of the unit interval with special emphasis on the last one. Since comparing two sets of the same cardinality is a simple issue, the idea for comparing two sets A and B of different cardinalities n and m respectively using =H=H is repeating their elements in order to obtain two series with the same length. If lcm(n,m)lcm(n,m) is the least common multiple of n and m we can repeat every element of A lcm(n,m)/mlcm(n,m)/m times and every element of B lcm(n,m)/nlcm(n,m)/n times to obtain such series and compare them (Definition 2.2). (H,=H)(H,=H) is a bounded partially ordered set but not a lattice. Nevertheless, it will be shown that some interesting subsets of (H,=H)(H,=H) have a lattice structure. Moreover in the set BB of finite bags or multisets (i.e. allowing repetition of objects) of the unit interval a preorder =B=B can be defined in a similar way as =H=H in HH and considering the quotient set View the MathML sourceB¿=B/~ of BB by the equivalence relation ~ defined by A~BA~B when A=BBA=BB and B=BAB=BA, View the MathML source(B¿,=B) is a lattice and (H,=H)(H,=H) can be naturally embedded into it.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Aplicación del método de valoración contingente al parque natural de L'Albufera

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    El trabajo que aquí se presenta pretende, por un lado, realizar un breve repaso de los fundamentos teóricos del método de valoración contingente, sin olvidar los posibles sesgos en los que se puede incurrir y, por otro lado, dada las ventajas que presenta dicho método, se centrará en la aplicación del mismo a un espacio de elevado interés ecológico como es el Parque Natural de L'Albufera tratando de obtener el valor de los servicios recreativos que proporciona a los visitantes (valor de uso) así como el valor de no uso (existencia). Por lo tanto, este trabajo se encuadra dentro de lo que McConnell (1985) denomina economía de las actividades recreativas al aire libre (Economics of outdoor recreation

    What Drives Students' Loyalty-Formation in Social Media Learning Within a Personal Learning Environment Approach? The Moderating Role of Need for Cognition

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    Our study analyzes an educational experience based on the integrated use of social media within a higher education course under a personal learning environment approach and investigates the factors that determine students' loyalty to social media learning. We examined the moderating role of need for cognition (NFC) in students' formation of attitudes, satisfaction, and loyalty toward this learning experience. The results indicate that NFC has an influence on these variables, significantly moderating how loyalty toward social media learning is formed. For high-NFC students, satisfaction with the learning experience is the most important variable to explain loyalty; whereas for low-NFC students, attitudes have a stronger effect. Different strategies are suggested, according to the learners' NFC levels, for increasing the use of social media in personal learning environments. Practical implications for improving the integration of such informal resources into formal education are discussed.Junta de Andalucía – Programa Andaluz de I + D P12 SEJ 259

    Medio ambiente y desarrollo: una revisión conceptual

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    This paper provides a conceptual review of the term “sustainable development”, bearing in mind its current applicability to social matters and public decision-making. Taking the well-known definition of sustainable development coined by the Brundtland Commission over twenty years ago, we consider the consequences of adopting weak and strong sustainability criteria for continued development and the importance of conserving so-called critical natural capital. We also examine the relationship between sustainable development and equity. We then present a concept of development that integrates the three areas of economic, social and environmental sustainability. Finally, we discuss the main forces that currently surround the problem of achieving sustainable development.Sustainable development, weak sustainability, strong sustainability, equity, critical natural capital, discount.

    Improving the Evolutionary Coding for Machine Learning Tasks

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    The most influential factors in the quality of the solutions found by an evolutionary algorithm are a correct coding of the search space and an appropriate evaluation function of the potential solutions. The coding of the search space for the obtaining of decision rules is approached, i.e., the representation of the individuals of the genetic population. Two new methods for encoding discrete and continuous attributes are presented. Our “natural coding” uses one gene per attribute (continuous or discrete) leading to a reduction in the search space. Genetic operators for this approached natural coding are formally described and the reduction of the size of the search space is analysed for several databases from the UCI machine learning repository.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC1143–C03–0

    Analysis of the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Resilience, and Family Functioning in Adolescents’ Sustainable Use of Alcohol and Tobacco

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    The use of alcohol and tobacco is related to several variables, which act as risk or protective factors depending on the circumstances. The objectives of this study were to analyze the relationship between emotional intelligence, resilience, and family functioning in adolescent use of alcohol and tobacco, and to find emotional profiles for their use with regard to self-concept. The sample was made up of 317 high school students aged 13 to 18, who filled out the Brief Emotional Intelligence Inventory, the Resilience Scale for Adolescents, the APGAR Scale, the Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire–Adolescents, and the Five-Factor Self-Concept Questionnaire. The results revealed that emotional intelligence and resilience, specifically stress management and family cohesion, were significant in the group of non-users. Family functioning acts as a predictor for the onset of use of tobacco and alcohol. Positive expectancies about drinking alcohol were found to be a risk factor, and the intrapersonal factor was found to be protective. Both stress management and family cohesion were protective factors against smoking. Furthermore, cluster analysis revealed the emotional profiles for users of both substances based on self-concept. Finally, the importance of the direction of the relationship between the variables studied for intervention in this problem should be mentioned. Responsible use by improving adolescent decision-making is one of the results expected from this type of intervention

    “La reforma de Sa Gerreria”: a neighbourhood transformation analysis.

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    La zona de Sa Gerreria, ubicada al Centre Històric de Palma, sofreix als anys 60 una transformació social, la població tradicional és substituïda per una altra de més marginal. Comença així un procés de desertització comercial, de degradació arquitectònica, ambiental i de les condicions dels habitatges que fa que, en dues dècades, la zona esdevingui del tot vulnerable. La necessitat d'actuar-hi és contemplada per les Administracions ja a finals dels 80, però fins al 95 no s'aprova un Pla Especial de Protecció i Reforma Interior. Amb la Iniciativa Comunitària Urban-El Temple, la rehabilitació rep una gran injecció de capital i l'impuls que necessita. Aquestes actuacions juntament amb d'altres que s'han programat de forma paral·lela i complementària, que busquen atracció de capital, turisme, ennobliment social i plusvàlua immobiliària, han provocat una transformació de la zona a tots els nivells

    Fundación y estatutos de la ilustre Cofradía del Santísimo Cristo de San Salvador

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