1,154 research outputs found

    DES and TDES Performance Evaluation for Non-pipelined and Pipelined Implementations in VHDL Using the Cyclone II FPGA Technology

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    Two ongoing issues that engineers must face in the new era of data analytics are performance and security. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) offer a new solution for optimizing the performance of applications while the Data Encryption Standard (DES) and the Triple Data Encryption Standard (TDES) offer a mean to secure information. In this thesis we present a Non-Pipelined and Pipelined, in Electronic Code Book (EBC) mode, implementations in VHDL of these two commonly utilized cryptography schemes. Using Altera Cyclone II FPGA as our platform, we design and verify the implementations with the EDA tools provided by Altera. We gather cost and throughput information from the synthesis and timing results and compare the cost and performance of our designs to those presented in other literatures. Our designs achieve a throughput of 3.2 Gbps with a 50 MHz clock and our cost triples from DES to TDES

    Formas de identificación en la "Ética" de Spinoza

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    La "Ethica" de Spinoza no contiene solamente una geometría demostrativa, en el trazado de las relaciones y del intercambio afectivo entre sujeto y objeto se incluyen también una lógica y una geometría que apunta al fenómeno de la identificación, no sólo como factor psíquico, sino también lógico y estructural.Spinoza's "Ethics" not only contains demonstrative geometry. The layout of the affective relations and exchange between subject and object, also contains logic and geometry related with the phenomenon of identification, not only as a psychic factor, but also logical and structural

    La Administración de Justicia en la Córdoba del Califato

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    Fiction in Edith Stein's idea of empathy

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    En su primera investigación, Edith Stein se propuso definir la esencia de la Einfühlung (empatía) como experiencia de la conciencia ajena; pretendía así fundamentar que, como había indicado Husserl, ese acto abría la posibilidad de una intersubjetividad trascendental como solución al solipsismo de la conciencia. Stein halló la clave de esa esencia en la idea de originariedad, pero intentó evitar el problema de la empatía estética, sirviéndose de Los ídolos del autoconocimiento de Scheler.In her first research project, Edith Stein set out to define the essence of Einfühlung (empathy) as an experience of another's consciousness. Her objective was to justify the fact that such an act opened up the possibility of a trascendental subjectivity as a solution to the solipsism of consciousness, as Husserl had indicated. Stein found the key to that essence in the idea of originariety, but she tried to avoid the problem of aesthetic empathy by resorting to Scheler's Idols of Self-Knowledge

    El magistrado suplente

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    Los patios como patrimonio cultural de Córdoba

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    Los nuevos delitos societarios en el Código Penal de 1995

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    La Purísima Concepción y Córdoba en la oratoria sagrada del siglo XVIII

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