20 research outputs found

    Development of an acoustic measurement system of the Modulus of Elasticity in trees, logs and boards

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    The objective of this Bachelor’s Thesis is to develop a portable electronic device capable of quantifying the stiffness of the wood of standing trees, logs and boards using non-destructive testing (NDT) by means of acoustic wave analysis. As an indicator of stiffness, the Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) is used, a standard figure in the industry. This way, wood from forestry can be characterized and classified for different purposes. This Thesis is part of LIFE Wood For Future, a project of the University of Granada (UGR) financed by the European Union’s LIFE programme. LIFE Wood For Future aims to recover the cultivation of poplar (populus sp.) in the Vega de Granada, by proving the quality of its wood through innovative structural bioproducts. Recovering the poplar groves of Granada would have great benefits for the Metropolitan Area: creation of local and sustainable jobs, improvement of biodiversity, and increase in the absorption of carbon dioxide in the long term, helping to reduce the endemic air pollution of Granada. This Final Degree Project has been developed in collaboration with the ADIME research group of the Higher Technical School of Building Engineering (ETSIE) and the aerospace electronics group GranaSat of the UGR. The goal of the developed device, named Tree Inspection Kit (or TIK), is to be an innovative, portable and easy-to-use tool for non-destructive diagnosis and classification of wood by measuring its MOE. TIK is equipped with the necessary electronics to quantify the Time of Flight (ToF) of an acoustic wave that propagates inside a piece of wood. In order to do this, two piezoelectric probes are used, nailed in the wood and separated a given distance longitudinally. The MOE can be derived from the propagation speed of the longitudinal acoustic wave if the density of the is known. For this reason, this device has the possibility of connecting a load cell for weighing logs or boards to estimate their density. It also has an expansion port reserved for future functionality. A methodology based on the Engineering Design Process (EDP) has been followed. The scope of this project embraces all aspects of the development of an electronic product from start to finish: conceptualization, specification of requirements, design, manufacture and verification. A project of this reach requires planning, advanced knowledge of signal analysis, electronics, design and manufacture of Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) and product design, as well as the development of a firmware for the embedded system, based on a RTOS. Prior to the design of the electronics, a Reverse Engineering process of some similar products of the competition is performed; as well as an exhaustive analysis of the signals coming from the piezoelectric sensors that are going to be used, and the frequency response characterization of the piezoelectric probes themselves. This project has as its ultimate goal the demonstration of the multidisciplinary knowledge of engineering, and the capacity of analysis, design and manufacturing by the author; his skill and professionalism in CAD and EDA software required for these tasks, as well as in the documentation of the entire process.El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un dispositivo electrónico portátil capaz de cuantificar la rigidez de la madera de árboles en pie, trozas y tablas usando ensayos no destructivos (Non-Destructive Testing, NDT) por medio del análisis de ondas acústicas. Como indicador de la rigidez se usa el Módulo de Elasticidad (MOE), una figura estándar en la industria. Este TFG forma parte de LIFE Wood For Future, un proyecto de la Universidad de Granada (UGR) financiado por el programa LIFE de la Unión Europea. LIFEWood For Future tiene como objetivo recuperar el cultivo del chopo (populus sp.) en la Vega de Granada demostrando la viabilidad de su madera a través de bioproductos estructurales innovadores. Recuperar las choperas de Granada tendría grandes beneficios para la zona del Área Metropolitana: creación de puestos de trabajo locales y sostenibles, mejora de la biodiversidad, e incremento de la tasa de absorción de dióxido de carbono a largo plazo, contribuyendo a reducir la contaminación endémica del aire en Granada. Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se ha desarrollado con la colaboración del grupo de investigación ADIME de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Edificación (ETSIE) y el grupo de electrónica aeroespacial GranaSat de la UGR. El objetivo del dispositivo, denominado Tree Inspection Kit (TIK), es ser una herramienta innovadora, portátil y fácil de usar para el diagnóstico y clasificación no destructiva de la madera por medio de su MOE. TIK está dotado de la electrónica necesaria para medir el tiempo de tránsito (ToF) de una onda acústica que se propaga en el interior de una pieza de madera. Para ello, se utilizan dos sondas piezoeléctricas clavadas en la madera y separadas longitudinalmente una distancia conocida. De la velocidad de propagación de la onda longitudinal se puede derivar el MOE, previo conocimiento de la densidad del material. Por ello, este dispositivo cuenta con la posibilidad de conectarle una célula de carga y pesar trozas o tablas para estimar su densidad. También tiene un puerto de expansión reservado para funcionalidad futura. Se ha seguido una metodología basada en el Proceso de Diseño de Ingeniería (Engineering Design Process, EDP), abarcando todos los aspectos del desarrollo de un producto electrónico de principio a fin: conceptualización, especificación de requisitos, diseño, fabricación y verificación. Un proyecto de este alcance requiere de planificación, conocimientos avanzados de análisis de señales, de electrónica, de diseño y fabricación de Placas de Circuito Impreso (PCB) y de diseño de producto, así como el desarrollo de un firmware para el sistema empotrado, basado en un RTOS. Previo al diseño de la electrónica, se realiza un proceso de Ingeniería Inversa (Reverse Engineering) de algunos productos similares de la competencia; al igual que un exhaustivo análisis de las señales provenientes de los sensores piezoeléctricos que van a utilizarse y la caracterización en frecuencia de las propias sondas piezoeléctricas. Este proyecto tiene como fin último la demostración de los conocimientos multidisciplinares propios de la ingeniería y la capacidad de análisis, diseño y fabricación por parte del autor; su habilidad y profesionalidad en el software CAD y EDA requerido para estas tareas, así como en la documentación de todo el proceso.Unión Europe

    Phenotypes in gambling disorder using sociodemographic and clinical clustering analysis: an unidentified new subtype?

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    Background: gambling disorder (GD) is a heterogeneous disorder which has clinical manifestations that vary according to variables in each individual. Considering the importance of the application of specific therapeutic interventions, it is essential to obtain clinical classifications based on differentiated phenotypes for patients diagnosed with GD. Objectives: to identify gambling profiles in a large clinical sample of n = 2,570 patients seeking treatment for GD. Methods: an agglomerative hierarchical clustering method defining a combination of the Schwarz Bayesian Information Criterion and log-likelihood was used, considering a large set of variables including sociodemographic, gambling, psychopathological, and personality measures as indicators. Results: three-mutually-exclusive groups were obtained. Cluster 1 (n = 908 participants, 35.5%), labeled as "high emotional distress," included the oldest patients with the longest illness duration, the highest GD severity, and the most severe levels of psychopathology. Cluster 2 (n = 1,555, 60.5%), labeled as "mild emotional distress," included patients with the lowest levels of GD severity and the lowest levels of psychopathology. Cluster 3 (n = 107, 4.2%), labeled as "moderate emotional distress," included the youngest patients with the shortest illness duration, the highest level of education and moderate levels of psychopathology. Conclusion: in this study, the general psychopathological state obtained the highest importance for clustering

    Subtyping treatment-seeking gaming disorder patients

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    Background and aims: Gaming Disorder (GD) is characterized by a pattern of persistent and uncontrolled gaming behavior that causes a marked impairment in important areas of functioning. The evolution of the worldwide incidence of this disorder warrants further studies focused on examining the existence of different subtypes within clinical samples, in order to tailor treatment. This study explored the existence of different profiles of patients seeking treatment for GD through a data-driven approach. Methods: The sample included n = 107 patients receiving treatment for GD (92% men and 8% women) ranging between 14 and 60 years old (mean age = 24.1, SD = 10). A two-step clustering analysis approach explored the existence of different underlying GD profiles based on a broad set of indicators, including sociodemographic features, clinical course of the condition (e.g., onset or evolution), psychopathological symptoms, and personality traits. Results: Two GD profiles emerged. The first cluster grouped together patients who presented with a lower psychological impact (n = 72, 66.1%), whereas the second cluster comprised patients with a higher psychological impact (n = 35, 32.7%). Cluster comparisons revealed that those patients presenting the higher impact were older, with a later onset of pathological gaming patterns, and more pronounced psychopathological symptoms and dysfunctional personality profiles. Conclusions: GD severity is influenced by specific demographic, clinical, and psychopathological factors. The identification of two separate profiles provides empirical evidence that contributes to the conceptualization of this disorder, as well as to the development of reliable and valid screening tools and effective intervention plans focused on the precise characteristics of the treatment-seeking patients

    Guía de cribado del cáncer de cuello de útero en España, 2014

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    Justificación de la Guía de cribado del cáncer de cuello de útero en España, 2014 El cáncer de cuello uterino (CCU) es la tercera neoplasia más frecuente en el mundo en las mujeres. El cribado de mujeres sanas mediante citología cervical ha demostrado claramente su eficacia, puesto que su aplicación de forma adecuada y sistemática en determinados países ha conseguido reducir en un 70-80% la incidencia y mortalidad por CCU. Este beneficio se debe a la detección de lesiones premalignas asintomáticas cuyo diagnóstico y tratamiento evita su progresión a carcinoma invasor..

    Association of Candidate Gene Polymorphisms With Chronic Kidney Disease: Results of a Case-Control Analysis in the Nefrona Cohort

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major risk factor for end-stage renal disease, cardiovascular disease and premature death. Despite classical clinical risk factors for CKD and some genetic risk factors have been identified, the residual risk observed in prediction models is still high. Therefore, new risk factors need to be identified in order to better predict the risk of CKD in the population. Here, we analyzed the genetic association of 79 SNPs of proteins associated with mineral metabolism disturbances with CKD in a cohort that includes 2, 445 CKD cases and 559 controls. Genotyping was performed with matrix assisted laser desorption ionizationtime of flight mass spectrometry. We used logistic regression models considering different genetic inheritance models to assess the association of the SNPs with the prevalence of CKD, adjusting for known risk factors. Eight SNPs (rs1126616, rs35068180, rs2238135, rs1800247, rs385564, rs4236, rs2248359, and rs1564858) were associated with CKD even after adjusting by sex, age and race. A model containing five of these SNPs (rs1126616, rs35068180, rs1800247, rs4236, and rs2248359), diabetes and hypertension showed better performance than models considering only clinical risk factors, significantly increasing the area under the curve of the model without polymorphisms. Furthermore, one of the SNPs (the rs2248359) showed an interaction with hypertension, being the risk genotype affecting only hypertensive patients. We conclude that 5 SNPs related to proteins implicated in mineral metabolism disturbances (Osteopontin, osteocalcin, matrix gla protein, matrix metalloprotease 3 and 24 hydroxylase) are associated to an increased risk of suffering CKD

    Development of an acoustic measourement system of the Modulus of Elasticity in trees, logs and boards

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    The objective of this Bachelor’s Thesis is to develop a portable electronic device capable of quantifying the stiffness of the wood of standing trees, logs and boards using non-destructive testing (NDT) by means of acoustic wave analysis. As an indicator of stiffness, the Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) is used, a standard figure in the industry. This way, wood from forestry can be characterized and classified for different purposes. This Thesis is part of LIFE Wood For Future, a project of the University of Granada (UGR) financed by the European Union’s LIFE programme. LIFE Wood For Future aims to recover the cultivation of poplar (populus sp.) in the Vega de Granada, by proving the quality of its wood through innovative structural bioproducts. Recovering the poplar groves of Granada would have great benefits for the Metropolitan Area: creation of local and sustainable jobs, improvement of biodiversity, and increase in the absorption of carbon dioxide in the long term, helping to reduce the endemic air pollution of Granada. This Final Degree Project has been developed in collaboration with the ADIME research group of the Higher Technical School of Building Engineering (ETSIE) and the aerospace electronics group GranaSat of the UGR. The goal of the developed device, named Tree Inspection Kit (or TIK), is to be an innovative, portable and easy-to-use tool for non-destructive diagnosis and classification of wood by measuring its MOE. TIK is equipped with the necessary electronics to quantify the Time of Flight (ToF) of an acoustic wave that propagates inside a piece of wood. In order to do this, two piezoelectric probes are used, nailed in the wood and separated a given distance longitudinally. The MOE can be derived from the propagation speed of the longitudinal acoustic wave if the density of the is known. For this reason, this device has the possibility of connecting a load cell for weighing logs or boards to estimate their density. It also has an expansion port reserved for future functionality. A methodology based on the Engineering Design Process (EDP) has been followed. The scope of this project embraces all aspects of the development of an electronic product from start to finish: conceptualization, specification of requirements, design, manufacture and verification. A project of this reach requires planning, advanced knowledge of signal analysis, electronics, design and manufacture of Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) and product design, as well as the development of a firmware for the embedded system, based on a RTOS. Prior to the design of the electronics, a Reverse Engineering process of some similar products of the competition is performed; as well as an exhaustive analysis of the signals coming from the piezoelectric sensors that are going to be used, and the frequency response characterization of the piezoelectric probes themselves. This project has as its ultimate goal the demonstration of the multidisciplinary knowledge of engineering, and the capacity of analysis, design and manufacturing by the author; his skill and professionalism in CAD and EDA software required for these tasks, as well as in the documentation of the entire process.El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un dispositivo electrónico portátil capaz de cuantificar la rigidez de la madera de árboles en pie, trozas y tablas usando ensayos no destructivos (Non-Destructive Testing, NDT) por medio del análisis de ondas acústicas. Como indicador de la rigidez se usa el Módulo de Elasticidad (MOE), una figura estándar en la industria. Este TFG forma parte de LIFE Wood For Future, un proyecto de la Universidad de Granada (UGR) financiado por el programa LIFE de la Unión Europea. LIFEWood For Future tiene como objetivo recuperar el cultivo del chopo (populus sp.) en la Vega de Granada demostrando la viabilidad de su madera a través de bioproductos estructurales innovadores. Recuperar las choperas de Granada tendría grandes beneficios para la zona del Área Metropolitana: creación de puestos de trabajo locales y sostenibles, mejora de la biodiversidad, e incremento de la tasa de absorción de dióxido de carbono a largo plazo, contribuyendo a reducir la contaminación endémica del aire en Granada. Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se ha desarrollado con la colaboración del grupo de investigación ADIME de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Edificación (ETSIE) y el grupo de electrónica aeroespacial GranaSat de la UGR. El objetivo del dispositivo, denominado Tree Inspection Kit (TIK), es ser una herramienta innovadora, portátil y fácil de usar para el diagnóstico y clasificación no destructiva de la madera por medio de su MOE. TIK está dotado de la electrónica necesaria para medir el tiempo de tránsito (ToF) de una onda acústica que se propaga en el interior de una pieza de madera. Para ello, se utilizan dos sondas piezoeléctricas clavadas en la madera y separadas longitudinalmente una distancia conocida. De la velocidad de propagación de la onda longitudinal se puede derivar el MOE, previo conocimiento de la densidad del material. Por ello, este dispositivo cuenta con la posibilidad de conectarle una célula de carga y pesar trozas o tablas para estimar su densidad. También tiene un puerto de expansión reservado para funcionalidad futura. Se ha seguido una metodología basada en el Proceso de Diseño de Ingeniería (Engineering Design Process, EDP), abarcando todos los aspectos del desarrollo de un producto electrónico de principio a fin: conceptualización, especificación de requisitos, diseño, fabricación y verificación. Un proyecto de este alcance requiere de planificación, conocimientos avanzados de análisis de señales, de electrónica, de diseño y fabricación de Placas de Circuito Impreso (PCB) y de diseño de producto, así como el desarrollo de un firmware para el sistema empotrado, basado en un RTOS. Previo al diseño de la electrónica, se realiza un proceso de Ingeniería Inversa (Reverse Engineering) de algunos productos similares de la competencia; al igual que un exhaustivo análisis de las señales provenientes de los sensores piezoeléctricos que van a utilizarse y la caracterización en frecuencia de las propias sondas piezoeléctricas. Este proyecto tiene como fin último la demostración de los conocimientos multidisciplinares propios de la ingeniería y la capacidad de análisis, diseño y fabricación por parte del autor; su habilidad y profesionalidad en el software CAD y EDA requerido para estas tareas, así como en la documentación de todo el proceso

    Data set of interactomes and metabolic pathways of proteins differentially expressed in brains with Alzheimer׳s disease

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    Alzheimer׳s disease is one of the main causes of dementia in the elderly and its frequency is on the rise worldwide. It is considered the result of complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors, being many of them unknown. Therefore, there is a dire necessity for the identification of novel molecular players for the understanding of this disease. In this data article we determined the protein expression profiles of whole protein extracts from cortex regions of brains from patients with Alzheimer׳s disease in comparison to a normal brain. We identified 721 iTRAQ-labeled polypeptides with more than 95% in confidence. We analyzed all proteins that changed in their expression level and located them in the KEGG metabolic pathways, as well as in the mitochondrial complexes of the electron transport chain and ATP synthase. In addition, we analyzed the over- and sub-expressed polypeptides through IPA software, specifically Core I and Biomarkers I modules. Data in this article is related to the research article “Identification of proteins that are differentially expressed in brains with Alzheimer’s disease using iTRAQ labeling and tandem mass spectrometry” (Minjarez et al., 2016) [1]